145 research outputs found

    Entanglement scaling at first order phase transitions

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    First order quantum phase transitions (1QPTs) are signaled, in the thermodynamic limit, by discontinuous changes in the ground state properties. These discontinuities affect expectation values of observables, including spatial correlations. When a 1QPT is crossed in the vicinity of a second order one (2QPT), due to the correlation length divergence of the latter, the corresponding ground state is modified and it becomes increasingly difficult to determine the order of the transition when the size of the system is finite. Here we show that, in such situations, it is possible to apply finite size scaling to entanglement measures, as it has recently been done for the order parameters and the energy gap, in order to recover the correct thermodynamic limit. Such a finite size scaling can unambigously discriminate between first and second order phase transitions in the vicinity of multricritical points even when the singularities displayed by entanglement measures lead to controversial results

    Double barrier potentials for matter-wave gap solitons

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    We investigate collisions of solitons of the gap type, supported by a lattice potential in repulsive Bose-Einstein condensates, with an effective double-barrier potential that resembles a Fabry-Perot cavity. We identify conditions under which the trapping of the entire incident soliton in the cavity is possible. Collisions of the incident soliton with an earlier trapped one are considered too. In the latter case, many outcomes of the collisions are identified, including merging, release of the trapped soliton with or without being replaced by the incoming one, and trapping of both solitons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Manipulating mesoscopic multipartite entanglement with atom-light interfaces

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    Entanglement between two macroscopic atomic ensembles induced by measurement on an ancillary light system has proven to be a powerful method for engineering quantum memories and quantum state transfer. Here we investigate the feasibility of such methods for generation, manipulation and detection of genuine multipartite entanglement between mesoscopic atomic ensembles. Our results extend in a non trivial way the EPR entanglement between two macroscopic gas samples reported experimentally in [B. Julsgaard, A. Kozhekin, and E. Polzik, Nature {\bf 413}, 400 (2001)]. We find that under realistic conditions, a second orthogonal light pulse interacting with the atomic samples, can modify and even reverse the entangling action of the first one leaving the samples in a separable state.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Efficiency in Quantum Key Distribution Protocols with Entangled Gaussian States

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    Quantum key distribution (QKD) refers to specific quantum strategies which permit the secure distribution of a secret key between two parties that wish to communicate secretly. Quantum cryptography has proven unconditionally secure in ideal scenarios and has been successfully implemented using quantum states with finite (discrete) as well as infinite (continuous) degrees of freedom. Here, we analyze the efficiency of QKD protocols that use as a resource entangled gaussian states and gaussian operations only. In this framework, it has already been shown that QKD is possible (M. Navascu\'es et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 010502 (2005)) but the issue of its efficiency has not been considered. We propose a figure of merit (the efficiency EE) to quantify the number of classical correlated bits that can be used to distill a key from a sample of NN entangled states. We relate the efficiency of the protocol to the entanglement and purity of the states shared between the parties.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, OSID style, published versio

    Multipartite Continuous Variable Solution for the Byzantine Agreement Problem

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    We demonstrate that the Byzantine Agreement (detectable broadcast) is also solvable in the continuous-variable scenario with multipartite entangled Gaussian states and Gaussian operations (homodyne detection). Within this scheme we find that Byzantine Agreement requires a minimum amount of entanglement in the multipartite states used in order to achieve a solution. We discuss realistic implementations of the protocol, which consider the possibility of having inefficient homodyne detectors, not perfectly correlated outcomes, and noise in the preparation of the resource states. The proposed protocol is proven to be robust and efficiently applicable under such non-ideal conditions.Comment: This paper supersedes and extends arXiv:quant-ph/0507249, title changed to match the published version, 11 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Spin-driven spatial symmetry breaking of spinor condensates in a double-well

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    The properties of an F=1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a double-well potential are discussed using both a mean-field two-mode approach and a simplified two-site Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We focus in the region of phase space in which spin effects lead to a symmetry breaking of the system, favoring the spatial localization of the condensate in one well. To model this transition we derive, using perturbation theory, an effective Hamiltonian that describes N/2 spin singlets confined in a double-well potential.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Coherence Properties of Guided-Atom Interferometers

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    We present a detailed investigation of the coherence properties of beam splitters and Mach-Zehnder interferometers for guided atoms. It is demonstrated that such a setup permits coherent wave packet splitting and leads to the appearance of interference fringes. We study single-mode and thermal input states and show that even for thermal input states interference fringes can be clearly observed, thus demonstrating the multimode operation and the robustness of the interferometer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Transport and Entanglement Generation in the Bose-Hubbard Model

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    We study entanglement generation via particle transport across a one-dimensional system described by the Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We analyze how the competition between interactions and tunneling affects transport properties and the creation of entanglement in the occupation number basis. Alternatively, we propose to use spatially delocalized quantum bits, where a quantum bit is defined by the presence of a particle either in a site or in the adjacent one. Our results can serve as a guidance for future experiments to characterize entanglement of ultracold gases in one-dimensional optical lattices.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    On the volume of the set of mixed entangled states

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    A natural measure in the space of density matrices describing N-dimensional quantum systems is proposed. We study the probability P that a quantum state chosen randomly with respect to the natural measure is not entangled (is separable). We find analytical lower and upper bounds for this quantity. Numerical calculations give P = 0.632 for N=4 and P=0.384 for N=6, and indicate that P decreases exponentially with N. Analysis of a conditional measure of separability under the condition of fixed purity shows a clear dualism between purity and separability: entanglement is typical for pure states, while separability is connected with quantum mixtures. In particular, states of sufficiently low purity are necessarily separable.Comment: 10 pages in LaTex - RevTex + 4 figures in eps. submitted to Phys. Rev.