87 research outputs found

    Users’ Perception of Online Privacy and Security in Croatia – A Survey

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    This paper aims to obtain insight into users’ perception of security of their personal information on the Internet by conducting an opinion survey. A significant increase in Internet usage in the last 5 years in Croatia was not accompanied by the corresponding level of increase in digital competencies (Croatia is still below the European Union’s average). This research aims to answer the question of how much the average user in Croatia knows about the issues of user security and privacy on the Internet and mainly on social networks, with a somewhat greater focus on the younger population. The main contributions of this paper are: a) a survey on the security of personal data on the Internet (mainly social networks), b) processed data and data visualization, c) insight into what Internet users in Croatia know about Internet security and how they perceive their online privacy and d) insight into the willingness of users to further inform themselves on data protection

    The impact of tourist personality on destination brand and tourist behavior on example of the sites of the cultural route

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    Личност дестинације као и њена веза са личношћу туристе још увек је релативно неистражена област којом се бавио мали број аутора. Такође, у литератури се не  проналазе радови који повезују личност туристе и његову перцепцију  имиџа дестинације. Слично је и са утицајем личности туристе на понашање и одабир понуде активности на дестинацији. Ово је прво истраживање које проучава везу између личности туристе мерене моделом Великих пет и избора односно занимљивости активности на дестинацији. Важан теоријски допринос ове тезе је и у креирању нове скале личности дестинације, која је у потпуности   прилагођена туристичкој дестинацији као производу, и садржи ајтеме који се односе искључиво на личност, у овом случају приписану туристичкој дестинацији.  Нова скала базирана је на 5 основних димензија оригиналног модела личности бренда (Искреност, Узбудљивост, Компетентност,   Софистицираности и Сировост), али су ставке сваке димензије сада прилагођене специфичности туристичке дестинације као производа.  У  тези је истражено такође и  како одабир активности на дестинацији, као и занимљивост активности повратно утичу на перцепцију личности бренда и имиџа туристичке дестинације. Такође, један од циљева био је и утврдити да ли се перцепција имиџа и личности дестинације од стране туриста разликује од перцепције туристичких стејкхолдра. Истраживање је спроведено на 502 посетиоца различитих локалитета културне руте „Пут римских царева“. У истраживању су тестирана 3 структурална модела  -структурални модел одабира активности (модел 1), структурални модел занимљивости потенцијалних (модел 2) и структурални модел занимљивости постојећих активности (модел 3). Такође, тестиран је један мерни модел (нове скале BPS). Сви модели су на крају показали прихватљиве индикаторе фита (CFI, NNFI>0.9 и RMSEA, SRMR0.9 i RMSEA, SRMR0.9 и RMSEA, SRMR<0.08). The research has shown that there is an impact of tourist personality and its sociodemografic features on image and destination perosnality percepction. In addition, It is confirmed that sociodemografic features affect a choice of tourist activities on destination. On contrary, tourist preference of activities is affected by both tourist personality and sociodemografic features. Destination personality does not affect tourist choice of activities, and tourist choice of activites does not affect tourust perception of destination personality. However, the way we pereceive tourist destionation can affect our preference of activities, and vice verca. The study have shown that destination image affects choice of activities on destination, which choice of activities doesn’t affect tourist image perception. On contrary, there is a mutual influence between preference of tourist activities and image perception. The study has   also shown that image affects destination personality, as well as that tourist stakeholders have more positive perception of image and brend personality than tourist. The results obtained through this thesis could provide marketers and other employees in tourism with detailed information about what affects image and destination personality perception. This could positively influence the positioning of this cultural route and obtaining of the competetive position on tourism market

    The impact of tourist personality on destination brand and tourist behavior on example of the sites of the cultural route

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    Личност дестинације као и њена веза са личношћу туристе још увек је релативно неистражена област којом се бавио мали број аутора. Такође, у литератури се не  проналазе радови који повезују личност туристе и његову перцепцију  имиџа дестинације. Слично је и са утицајем личности туристе на понашање и одабир понуде активности на дестинацији. Ово је прво истраживање које проучава везу између личности туристе мерене моделом Великих пет и избора односно занимљивости активности на дестинацији. Важан теоријски допринос ове тезе је и у креирању нове скале личности дестинације, која је у потпуности   прилагођена туристичкој дестинацији као производу, и садржи ајтеме који се односе искључиво на личност, у овом случају приписану туристичкој дестинацији.  Нова скала базирана је на 5 основних димензија оригиналног модела личности бренда (Искреност, Узбудљивост, Компетентност,   Софистицираности и Сировост), али су ставке сваке димензије сада прилагођене специфичности туристичке дестинације као производа.  У  тези је истражено такође и  како одабир активности на дестинацији, као и занимљивост активности повратно утичу на перцепцију личности бренда и имиџа туристичке дестинације. Такође, један од циљева био је и утврдити да ли се перцепција имиџа и личности дестинације од стране туриста разликује од перцепције туристичких стејкхолдра. Истраживање је спроведено на 502 посетиоца различитих локалитета културне руте „Пут римских царева“. У истраживању су тестирана 3 структурална модела  -структурални модел одабира активности (модел 1), структурални модел занимљивости потенцијалних (модел 2) и структурални модел занимљивости постојећих активности (модел 3). Такође, тестиран је један мерни модел (нове скале BPS). Сви модели су на крају показали прихватљиве индикаторе фита (CFI, NNFI>0.9 и RMSEA, SRMR0.9 i RMSEA, SRMR0.9 и RMSEA, SRMR<0.08). The research has shown that there is an impact of tourist personality and its sociodemografic features on image and destination perosnality percepction. In addition, It is confirmed that sociodemografic features affect a choice of tourist activities on destination. On contrary, tourist preference of activities is affected by both tourist personality and sociodemografic features. Destination personality does not affect tourist choice of activities, and tourist choice of activites does not affect tourust perception of destination personality. However, the way we pereceive tourist destionation can affect our preference of activities, and vice verca. The study have shown that destination image affects choice of activities on destination, which choice of activities doesn’t affect tourist image perception. On contrary, there is a mutual influence between preference of tourist activities and image perception. The study has   also shown that image affects destination personality, as well as that tourist stakeholders have more positive perception of image and brend personality than tourist. The results obtained through this thesis could provide marketers and other employees in tourism with detailed information about what affects image and destination personality perception. This could positively influence the positioning of this cultural route and obtaining of the competetive position on tourism market

    Designing a game in Blender

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    Blender je besplatan 3D program u kojemu se mogu izraditi 3D igre. U ovom radu objašnjeni su potrebni koraci za izgradnju igre u tom programu te dijelovi programa koji su potrebni za izgradnju kao što je vizualno programiranje, modeliranje te programiranje pomoću koda. Objašnjeno je i kako igre utječu na bolje razmišljanje djece i kako im pomažu u daljnjem napredovanju njihovih sposobnosti. Također su opisane tri igre kao primjeri 3D igara za djecu koje ih uče raspoznavanju različitih objekata, snalaženja u prostoru te grade natjecateljski duh među skupinom djece

    Absolute Time Series GNSS Point Positioning-Data Cleaning and Noise Characterization

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    Time series data of GNSS point positioning are considerably used for the purpose of geophysical research. The velocity estimates and their uncertainties derive from time series data of GNSS point positioning affected by seasonal signals and the stochastic noise, contained in the series. Data cleaning of GNSS time series is a prerequisite for the noise characterization and analysing. In this article one point positioning of time series was analysed in four different periods during the five year interval. The noise characteristics were estimated for all periods. By applying Lomb-Scargle algorithm the comparable results were also provided. Lomb-Scargle algorithm used to estimate the spectral strength density of unequal sampled data is a typical tool for this kind of analysis. Spectral indices have been estimated before cleaning data and after removing linear, annual and semi-annual signals and outliers. The spectral indices estimated from time series data of GNSS point positioning were located in the area of fractional Gaussian noises, and stationary stochastic process was described for the whole research time period

    Survey on Attitudes to High-rise Buildings in Zagreb

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    U članku se istražuju stajališta stanara prema stanovanju na višim katovima stambenih višekatnica, a dobiveni su putem ankete provedene među stanovnicima viših katova zgrada u Zagrebu. Daje se kratki pregled vremenskoga konteksta u kojem su nastale takve zgrade. Navode se pozitivni i negativni aspekti takvog oblika stanovanja u odnosu na dobne skupine, tip obitelji i mogućnost odabira stana na višim katovima.This paper gives an analysis of the occupants\u27 attitudes to residential high-rise buildings. The analysis is based on a survey conducted among the occupants of high-rise buildings in Zagreb. A brief review of the time when these buildings were built is also given as well as positive and negative aspects of living in such buildings in relation to age group, family type and the opportunity to choose an apartment on upper floors

    Povijesna sadašnjost i krhkost prirode viđeni kroz boravak u prirodi i afektivne percepcije planina

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    Life insecurity and precariousness caused by neoliberal capitalist activities as well as the consequences that are felt worldwide as global crises (environmental, economic, migrant, health crisis) have a great impact on people and their sense of living a viable life, a “life that is worth of living.” These circumstances create new forms of life – a life without the promise of stability and without a sense of security. However, with the feeling of insecurity, the promotion of anti-stress activities grows, such as outdoor activities (hiking, walking in nature, running, visiting nature parks, etc.). In this text, inspired by affect theories (Berlant, Ahmed) we analyze different perceptions of nature landscapes (mountains, nature parks in Croatia). We ask: how “nature” is experienced in a social atmosphere marked by different crises and which possibilities emerge from different imaginaries about nature


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    The principal aim of the paper was to examine what kind of experience international exchange students, as future professionals in tourism industry, gained during their study at the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism in Phuket, Thailand. Thus, the paper deals with how often they encountered the unethical issues in the tourism industry, and how these issues affect their perception of the image of Thailand as a tourist destination. The paper also explores how formal education in Tourism ethics affects the perception of Thailand tourism unethical practices, and as such, it is one of the first studies in this field. In addition, the paper intends to show if there is a relationship between formal education in Ethics in tourism and the respondents’ experience and perception of unethical issues. The results show that these unethical issues have the significant and very strong influence on tourism perception of Thailand with a special emphasis on exploitation of women and children in sex tourism. Also, the study indicates that respondents who have a formal education in Ethics were more aware and had a clearer picture of the negative effect of these unethical issues on the image of Thailand as a destination

    Vitamin B Complex Treatment Attenuates Local Inflammation after Peripheral Nerve Injury.

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    Peripheral nerve injury (PNI) leads to a series of cellular and molecular events necessary for axon regeneration and reinnervation of target tissues, among which inflammation is crucial for the orchestration of all these processes. Macrophage activation underlies the pathogenesis of PNI and is characterized by morphological/phenotype transformation from proinflammatory (M1) to an anti-inflammatory (M2) type with different functions in the inflammatory and reparative process. The aim of this study was to evaluate influence of the vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12) complex on the process of neuroinflammation that is in part regulated by l-type CaV1.2 calcium channels. A controlled transection of the motor branch of the femoral peripheral nerve was used as an experimental model. Animals were sacrificed after 1, 3, 7, and 14 injections of vitamin B complex. Isolated nerves were used for immunofluorescence analysis. Treatment with vitamin B complex decreased expression of proinflammatory and increased expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines, thus contributing to the resolution of neuroinflammation. In parallel, B vitamins decreased the number of M1 macrophages that expressed the CaV1.2 channel, and increased the number of M2 macrophages that expressed this channel, suggesting their role in M1/M2 transition after PNI. In conclusion, B vitamins had the potential for treatment of neuroinflammation and neuroregeneration and thereby might be an effective therapy for PNI in humans