135 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Emission in Quantum Walks of a Kicked Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We analytically investigate the recently proposed and implemented discrete-time quantum walk based on a kicked Bose-Einstein condensate. We extend previous work on the effective dynamics by taking into account spontaneous emission due to the kicking light. Spontaneous emission affects both the internal and external degrees of freedom, arising from the entanglement between them during the walk dynamics. The result is a measurable degrading of the experimental walk signal that we characterise.Comment: comments and suggestions welcom

    Induced Delocalization by Correlation and Interaction in the one-dimensional Anderson Model

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    We consider long-range correlated disorder and mutual interacting particles according to a dipole-dipole coupling as modifications to the one-dimensional Anderson model. Technically we rely on the (numerical) exact diagonalization of the system's Hamilitonian. From the perspective of different localization measures we confirm and extend the picture of the emergence of delocalized states with increasing correlations. Beside these studies a definition for multi-particle localization is proposed. In the case of two interacting bosons we observe a sensitivity of localization with respect to the range of the particle-particle interaction and insensitivity to the coupling's sign, which should stimulate new theoretical approaches and experimental investigations with e.g. dipolar cold quantum gases. This revised manuscript is much more explicit compared to the initial version of the paper. Major extensions have been applied to Sects. II and III where we updated and added figures and we more extensively compared our results to the literature. Furthermore, Sect. III additionally contains a phenomenological line of reasoning that bridges from delocalization by correlation to delocalization by interaction on the basis of the multi-particle Hamilton matrix

    Quantum walk of a Bose-Einstein condensate in the Brillouin zone

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    We propose a realistic scheme to implement discrete-time quantum walks in the Brillouin zone (i.e., in quasimomentum space) with a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Relying on a static optical lattice to suppress tunneling in real space, the condensate is displaced in quasimomentum space in discrete steps conditioned upon the internal state of the atoms, while short pulses periodically couple the internal states. We show that tunable twisted boundary conditions can be implemented in a fully natural way by exploiting the periodicity of the Brillouin zone. The proposed setup does not suffer from off-resonant scattering of photons and could allow a robust implementation of quantum walks with several tens of steps at least. In addition, onsite atom-atom interactions can be used to simulate interactions with infinitely long range in the Brillouin zone.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; in the new version, added a discussion about decoherence in the appendi

    Tunneling of ultracold atoms in time-independent potentials

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    We present theoretical as well as experimental results on resonantly enhanced quantum tunneling of Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices both in the linear case of single particle dynamics and in the presence of atom-atom interactions. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of condensates in optical lattices for the dynamical control of tunneling and for simulating Hamiltonians originally used for describing solid state phenomena.Comment: slightly amended version published as ch. 11 of a book edited by S. Keshavamurthy and P. Schlagheck with the title "Dynamical Tunneling: Theory and Experiment

    Signatures of Anderson localization in the ionization rates of periodically driven Rydberg states

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    We provide a statistical characterization of the ionization yield of one-dimensional, periodically driven Rydberg states of atomic hydrogen, in the spirit of Anderson localization theory. We find excellent agreement with predictions for the conductance across an Anderson localized, quasi one-dimensional, disordered wire, in the semiclassical limit of highly excited atomic initial states. For the moderate atomic excitations typically encountered in state of the art laboratory experiments, finite-size effects induce significant deviations from the solid-state picture. However, large scale fluctuations of the atomic conductance prevail and are robust when averaged over a finite interval of driving field amplitudes, as inevitably done in the experiment.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Mean-field transport of a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    The expansion of an initially confined Bose-Einstein condensate into either free space or a tilted optical lattice is investigated in a mean-field approach. The effect of the interactions is to enhance or suppress the transport depending on the sign and strength of the interactions. These effects are discusses in detail in view of recent experiments probing non-equilibrium transport of ultracold quantum gases

    Kuramoto synchronization of quantum tunneling polarons for describing the structure in cuprate superconductors

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    A major open topic in cuprates is the interplay between the lattice and electronic dynamics and the importance of their coupling to the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity (HTSC). As evidenced by extended xray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) experiments, anharmonic structural effects are correlated with the charge dynamics and the transition to a superconducting phase in different HTSC compounds. Here we describe how structural anharmonic effects can be coupled to electronic and lattice dynamics in cuprate systems by performing the exact diagonalization of a prototype anharmonic many-body Hamiltonian on a relevant 6-atom cluster and show that the EXAFS results can be understood as a Kuramoto synchronization transition between coupled internal quantum tunneling of polarons associated with the two-site distribution of the copper-apical oxygen (Cu-Oap) pair in the dynamic structure. The transition is driven by the anharmonicity of the lattice vibrations and promotes the pumping of charge, initially stored at the apical oxygen reservoirs, into the copper-oxide plane. Simultaneously, a finite projection of the internal quantum tunneling polaron extends to the copper-planar oxygen (Cu-Opl) pair. All these findings allow an interpretation based on an effective quantum-mechanical triple well potential associated with the oxygen sites of the 6-atom cluster, which accurately represents the phase synchronization of apical oxygens and lattice-assisted charge transfer to the CuO2 plane

    Many Body Quantum Chaos

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    This editorial remembers Shmuel Fishman, one of the founding fathers of the research field "quantum chaos", and puts into context his contributions to the scientific community with respect to the twelve papers that form the special issue

    Dynamical enhancement of spatial entanglement in massive particles

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    We discuss dynamical enhancement of entanglement in a driven Bose-Hubbard model and find an enhancement of two orders of magnitude which is robust against fluctuations in experimental parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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