515 research outputs found

    Studies on the aetiology of kiwifruit decline: interaction between soil-borne pathogens and waterlogging

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    Aims: In 2012, Italian kiwifruit orchards were hit by a serious root disease of unknown aetiology (kiwifruit decline, KD) that still causes extensive damage to the sector. While waterlogging was soon observed to be associated with its outbreak, the putative role of soil microbiota remains unknown. This work investigates the role of these two factors in the onset of the disease. Methods: Historical rainfall data were analysed to identify changes that might explain KD outbreak and mimic the flooding conditions required to reproduce the disease in a controlled environment. A greenhouse experiment was thus designed, and vines were grown in either unsterilized (U) or sterilized (S) soil collected from KD-affected orchards, and subjected (F) or not (N) to artificial flooding. Treatments were compared in terms of mortality rate, growth, and tissue modifications. Results: KD symptoms were only displayed by FU-treated vines, with an incidence of 90%. Ultrastructural observations detected tyloses and fibrils in the xylem vessels of all plants, irrespective of the treatment. Phytopythium vexans and Phytopythium chamaehyphon, isolated from roots of FU plants, emerged as the associated microorganisms. Conclusions: We succeeded in reproducing KD under controlled conditions and confirmed its association with both waterlogging and soil-borne microorganism(s)

    A rapid screening of ancestry for genetic association studies in an admixed population from Pernambuco, Brazil

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    Genetic association studies determine how genes influence traits. However, non-detected population substructure may bias the analysis, resulting in spurious results. One method to detect substructure is to genotype ancestry informative markers (AIMs) besides the candidate variants, quantifying how much ancestral populations contribute to the samples' genetic background. The present study aimed to use a minimum quantity of markers, while retaining full potential to estimate ancestries. We tested the feasibility of a subset of the 12 most informative markers from a previously established study to estimate influence from three ancestral populations: European, African and Amerindian. The results showed that in a sample with a diverse ethnicity (N = 822) derived from 1000 Genomes database, the 12 AIMs had the same capacity to estimate ancestries when compared to the original set of 128 AIMs, since estimates from the two panels were closely correlated. Thus, these 12 SNPs were used to estimate ancestry in a new sample (N = 192) from an admixed population in Recife, Northeast Brazil. The ancestry estimates from Recife subjects were in accordance with previous studies, showing that Northeastern Brazilian populations show great influence from European ancestry (59.7%), followed by African (23.0%) and Amerindian (17.3%) ancestries. Ethnicity self-classification according to skin-color was confirmed to be a poor indicator of population substructure in Brazilians, since ancestry estimates overlapped between classifications. Thus, our streamlined panel of 12 markers may substitute panels with more markers, while retaining the capacity to control for population substructure and admixture, thereby reducing sample processing time

    Fibrosis Evaluation by Transient Elastography in Patients With Long-Term Sustained HCV Clearance

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    BACKGROUND: Reversibility of advanced fibrosis after HCV-clearance is an important goal of therapy. OBJECTIVES: Measuring liver stiffness (LS) by transient elastography (TE) might be helpful in this setting. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We evaluated 104 patients with biopsy-proven chronic hepatitis C (CHC) and sustained virological response (SVR) after Peg-Interferon (IFN) plus ribavirin since at least 18 months. HCV-eradication was confirmed searching for serum HCV-RNA (TMA® sensitivity > 5-10 IU/ml). Data from literature reported the best LS cut-off values for different stages of liver fibrosis were 7.1 kPa for Metavir stage 2 (F2), 9.5 kPa for F3 and 12.5 for cirrhosis (F4). RESULTS: TE was not reliable in four SVR obese patients. Metavir-stage of biopsy was F0-1 in 28, F2 in 47, F3 in 17 and F4 in eight patients. The median interval elapsed since achieving SVR was 36 months (range: 18-77, SD¬¬:18). Stratifying patients according to the histological stage assessed before treatment, a clear-cut gradient of LS values was observed from F0-1: median: 3.8 kPa (range: 3.5-4.9) to F2: 4.6 kPa (3.8-6.0), F3: 6.2 kPa (4.8-8.6) and F4: 8.4 kPa (6.2-9.2) (P = 0.001). Overall, 86 patients had lower values of LS than the expected LS values according to Metavir-stage. At multivariate logistic analysis γ-GT and histological steatosis were independently associated with persistence of higher values of LS. CONCLUSION: Long term responders to IFN-based therapies have lower LS values than those who are untreated and still viraemic. High levels of γ-GT and liver steatosis, all markers of insulin resistance, may hamper reduction of liver stiffness after HCV-clearance

    FYB polymorphisms in Brazilian patients with type I diabetes mellitus and autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type III

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    The aim of this study was to perform an association study between seven Fyn-binding protein gene (FYB)-tag single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and type I diabetes mellitus (T1DM), as well as with disease age of onset. We also assessed the role of FYB SNPs in the insurgence of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type III (APSIII), characterized by the simultaneous presence of autoimmune thyroid disease and celiac disease, in patients with T1DM from a Northeastern Brazilian population. One hundred and seventy-seven patients with T1DM and 190 healthy individuals were genotyped for seven tag SNPs, covering most of the FYB locus, using real-time polymerase chain reaction amplification. There was no significant difference in the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies among patients and healthy individuals. Moreover, none of the tag SNPs were associated either to T1DM age of onset or to the insurgence of APSIII. However, since the FYB protein is a key component in T cell response, its gene variants might play a role in protein function, which might be testable in a population with different genetic backgrounds or by using functional assays

    The Mesoarchaean Akia terrane, West Greenland, revisited : new insights based on spatial integration of geophysics, field observation, geochemistry and geochronology

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    NJG thanks Australian Research Council grant FL160100168 for financial support.The northern part of the North Atlantic Craton (NAC) in southern West Greenland comprises a large tract of exposed Meso-Neoarchaean continental crust, divided into the ca 3300–2900 Ma Akia and ca 2900–2500 Ma Tuno terranes. We combine aeromagnetic, stream sediment geochemical, new litho-chemical and zircon geochronological data with previously published data to re-evaluate the crustal architecture and evolution of the Akia terrane and its boundary towards the Tuno terrane. The previously recognised, but overlooked, Alanngua complex, situated between the Akia and Tuno terranes is bounded by aeromagnetic lineaments interpreted as Neoarchaean shear zones and has a distinct spectrum of Neoarchaean magmatic and metamorphic zircon ages that are rare in the Akia terrane. The Alanngua complex comprises components derived from both the Akia and Tuno terranes and is interpreted as a tectonic melange created during the Neoarchaean assembly of the NAC. Within the Akia terrane, the chemistry of orthogneiss samples indicate that a large percentage is too mafic to classify as TTG s.s., implying that not only partial melting of mafic crust, but also some yet unaddressed mantle involvement is necessary in their formation. Previous models for the generation of the ca. 3015–2990 Ma quartz-dioritic Finnefjeld and Taserssuaq complexes conflict with their geochemical variation. The complexes are spatially associated with strong aeromagnetic responses that are interpreted to reflect a large gabbro-diorite intrusion, and we propose that the protoliths of the Finnefjeld and Taserssuaq complexes are genetically linked to such intrusion. Formed at same time are carbonatite, high-Mg gabbro and tonalite-trondhjemite, and we propose that this wide spectrum of rocks could have formed by lithospheric and crustal melting in response to asthenospheric upwelling possibly in an extensional setting. Periods of extensive magmatism in the Akia terrane were previously recognised at ca. 3220-3180 Ma and 3070-2970 Ma. We now subdivide the latter period into three episodes: juvenile basaltic-andesitic volcanism at 3070–3050 Ma; tonalitic and dioritic plutonism at 3050–3020 Ma, and gabbroic-dioritic plus tonalitic-trondhjemitic plutonism at 3020–2985 Ma. This last episode was immediately followed by crustal reworking during collision at 2980–2950 Ma.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Determinismo genético e molecular do metabolismo de diterpenos em Coffea spp.

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    Cafestol e caveol são os dois principais diterpenos presentes nos frutos de café. Esses compostos específicos do cafeeiro têm se mostrado importantes na saúde humana, induzindo alterações no colesterol e ações anti-cancerígenas. Apesar da sua importância, há pouca informação sobre os princípios genéticos e moleculares de seu metabolismo. Análises fenotípicas através de HPLC, com cafés de diferentes espécies (vários genótipos por espécie), indicam uma variabilidade importante para cafestol, caveol e 16OMC. As análises in silico dos EST de Coffea permitiram identificar cDNAs parciais correspondente a um gene de CPS, dois de KO e um de KS. Análises de expressão desses genes por RTq-PCR quantitativa, em tecidos separados durante o desenvolvimento dos frutos, estão em andamento. Resultados preliminares indicam que os quatro genes alvos apresentam expressão diferencial durante o desenvolvimento dos tecidos do fruto. Os resultados de expressão serão discutidos considerando o interesse na identificação dos genes potencialmente envolvidos na regulação da concentração de cafestol e caveol

    A Novel FibroScan Examination Dedicated to Spleen Stiffness Measurement.

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    Esophageal varices (EVs) are among the most severe complications of cirrhosis, with a prevalence of 50% to 60% among cirrhotic patients. International guidelines therefore recommend that cirrhotic patients should be screened for the presence of EVs. The main objective of this study was to introduce a new spleen-dedicated FibroScan (Echosens, Paris, France) examination and to assess its performance in detecting large EVs (grade 2 and 3). This novel examination has been validated in simulation and phantom studies and has been used in a population of patients with chronic liver disease. The study described here suggests that the novel spleen-dedicated FibroScan examination performs better than the standard FibroScan for the detection of large EVs (area under the curve = 0.70 for the standard examination and 0.79 [p <0.01] for the spleen examination), but further clinical studies are needed to investigate the role of spleen stiffness in the management of cirrhotic patients

    Humans Lack iGb3 Due to the Absence of Functional iGb3-Synthase: Implications for NKT Cell Development and Transplantation

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    The glycosphingolipid isoglobotrihexosylceramide, or isogloboside 3 (iGb3), is believed to be critical for natural killer T (NKT) cell development and self-recognition in mice and humans. Furthermore, iGb3 may represent an important obstacle in xenotransplantation, in which this lipid represents the only other form of the major xenoepitope Galα(1,3)Gal. The role of iGb3 in NKT cell development is controversial, particularly with one study that suggested that NKT cell development is normal in mice that were rendered deficient for the enzyme iGb3 synthase (iGb3S). We demonstrate that spliced iGb3S mRNA was not detected after extensive analysis of human tissues, and furthermore, the iGb3S gene contains several mutations that render this product nonfunctional. We directly tested the potential functional activity of human iGb3S by expressing chimeric molecules containing the catalytic domain of human iGb3S. These hybrid molecules were unable to synthesize iGb3, due to at least one amino acid substitution. We also demonstrate that purified normal human anti-Gal immunoglobulin G can bind iGb3 lipid and mediate complement lysis of transfected human cells expressing iGb3. Collectively, our data suggest that iGb3S is not expressed in humans, and even if it were expressed, this enzyme would be inactive. Consequently, iGb3 is unlikely to represent a primary natural ligand for NKT cells in humans. Furthermore, the absence of iGb3 in humans implies that it is another source of foreign Galα(1,3)Gal xenoantigen, with obvious significance in the field of xenotransplantation

    Promiscuous Gene Expression in the Thymus: The Root of Central Tolerance

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    The thymus is a complex organ with an epithelium formed by two main cell types, the cortical thymic epithelial (cTECs) and medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs), referred to as stroma. Immature thymocytes arising from the bone marrow, macrophages and dendritic cells also populate the thymus. Thymocytes evolve to mature T cells featuring cell differentiation antigens (CDs), which characterize the phenotypically distinct stages, defined as double-negative (DN), double positive (DP) and single positive (SP), based on expression of the coreceptors CD4 and CD8. The thymus is therefore implicated in T cell differentiation and during development into T cells thymocytes are in close association with the stroma. Recent evidence showed that mTECs express a diverse set of genes coding for parenchymal organ specific proteins. This phenomenon has been termed promiscuous gene expression (PGE) and has led to the reconsideration of the role of the thymus in central T cell tolerance to self-antigens, which prevents autoimmunity. The evidence of PGE is causing a reanalysis in the scope of central tolerance understanding. We summarize the evidence of PGE in the thymus, focusing particularly the use of cDNA microarray technology for the broad characterization of gene expression and demarcation of PGE emergence during thymus ontogeny