3,715 research outputs found

    Parsing coordinations

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    The present paper is concerned with statistical parsing of constituent structures in German. The paper presents four experiments that aim at improving parsing performance of coordinate structure: 1) reranking the n-best parses of a PCFG parser, 2) enriching the input to a PCFG parser by gold scopes for any conjunct, 3) reranking the parser output for all possible scopes for conjuncts that are permissible with regard to clause structure. Experiment 4 reranks a combination of parses from experiments 1 and 3. The experiments presented show that n- best parsing combined with reranking improves results by a large margin. Providing the parser with different scope possibilities and reranking the resulting parses results in an increase in F-score from 69.76 for the baseline to 74.69. While the F-score is similar to the one of the first experiment (n-best parsing and reranking), the first experiment results in higher recall (75.48% vs. 73.69%) and the third one in higher precision (75.43% vs. 73.26%). Combining the two methods results in the best result with an F-score of 76.69

    How to compare treebanks

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    Recent years have seen an increasing interest in developing standards for linguistic annotation, with a focus on the interoperability of the resources. This effort, however, requires a profound knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of linguistic annotation schemes in order to avoid importing the flaws and weaknesses of existing encoding schemes into the new standards. This paper addresses the question how to compare syntactically annotated corpora and gain insights into the usefulness of specific design decisions. We present an exhaustive evaluation of two German treebanks with crucially different encoding schemes. We evaluate three different parsers trained on the two treebanks and compare results using EVALB, the Leaf-Ancestor metric, and a dependency-based evaluation. Furthermore, we present TePaCoC, a new testsuite for the evaluation of parsers on complex German grammatical constructions. The testsuite provides a well thought-out error classification, which enables us to compare parser output for parsers trained on treebanks with different encoding schemes and provides interesting insights into the impact of treebank annotation schemes on specific constructions like PP attachment or non-constituent coordination

    Determination of the optimal age to vaccinate against dengue using a tetravalent dengue vaccine in Brazil

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    Dengue is endemic in most of the subtropics and tropics with half of the world's population at risk of acquiring an infection. For decades only mosquito control could aid with disease prevention. However, in December 2015 the first dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia, became available.;In this thesis a single-serotype transmission model considering the effect of vaccination is derived. Three different assumptions regarding the biting rate are made. Initially, a constant biting rate is assumed to determine the optimal vaccination age for Brazil. For a more accurate description of the dynamics, mosquito biting rate data is used later on to determine an age-dependent rate.;Lastly, instead of determining the force of infection from the biting rate, agedependent serological data is used to estimate both of these functions. The description of the human population dynamics is also improved upon by using a step-death function rather than a constant death rate.;In order to reduce the burden of dengue, the optimal vaccination age is defined to minimise the lifetime expected risk of hospitalisation or lethality. For both risk functions several theories and uncertainties surrounding the disease outcome and the effect of vaccination are studied. The impact of antibody dependent enhancement and permanent cross-immunity on the vaccination age is determined. Additionally, a vaccine-induced increase is incorporated for the risk of hospitalisation. All possible serotype combinations are considered.;The results of this work demonstrate that the optimal vaccination age depends on how the biting rate and force of infection are defined. A variety of different optimal ages for immunisation are found. These vary with the assumptions relating to serotype cross-reactions and depend particularly on whether a vaccine-induced risk is considered. Consequently, a better understanding of the disease and the effect of the vaccine is paramount for finding an accurate optimal age for dengue immunisation.Dengue is endemic in most of the subtropics and tropics with half of the world's population at risk of acquiring an infection. For decades only mosquito control could aid with disease prevention. However, in December 2015 the first dengue vaccine, Dengvaxia, became available.;In this thesis a single-serotype transmission model considering the effect of vaccination is derived. Three different assumptions regarding the biting rate are made. Initially, a constant biting rate is assumed to determine the optimal vaccination age for Brazil. For a more accurate description of the dynamics, mosquito biting rate data is used later on to determine an age-dependent rate.;Lastly, instead of determining the force of infection from the biting rate, agedependent serological data is used to estimate both of these functions. The description of the human population dynamics is also improved upon by using a step-death function rather than a constant death rate.;In order to reduce the burden of dengue, the optimal vaccination age is defined to minimise the lifetime expected risk of hospitalisation or lethality. For both risk functions several theories and uncertainties surrounding the disease outcome and the effect of vaccination are studied. The impact of antibody dependent enhancement and permanent cross-immunity on the vaccination age is determined. Additionally, a vaccine-induced increase is incorporated for the risk of hospitalisation. All possible serotype combinations are considered.;The results of this work demonstrate that the optimal vaccination age depends on how the biting rate and force of infection are defined. A variety of different optimal ages for immunisation are found. These vary with the assumptions relating to serotype cross-reactions and depend particularly on whether a vaccine-induced risk is considered. Consequently, a better understanding of the disease and the effect of the vaccine is paramount for finding an accurate optimal age for dengue immunisation

    Rote Liste und Artenverzeichnis der Köcherfliegen Baden-Württembergs

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    Die vorliegende Rote Liste sowie das Artenverzeichnis der Köcherfliegen (Trichoptera) Baden-Württembergs basieren im Wesentlichen auf den Ergebnissen einer seit 1993 im Auftrag der Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg durchgeführten landesweiten Erfassung der Köcherfliegenfauna sowie einer umfangreichen Literaturrecherche. Die Einstufung in die Gefährdungskategorien der Roten Liste ist damit das Resultat einer Bewertung der Bestandssituation der in Baden-Württemberg vorkommenden Köcherfliegenarten

    Das Online-Tutorial der USB Köln

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    Darstellung der Konzeptionierung und Fertigstellung eines Online-Tutorials auf Grundlage von ILIAS (Integriertes Lern-, Informations- und Arbeitskooperationssystem), das an der Univrsität zu Köln entwickelt wurde. Das Online-Tutorial bietet dem Nutzer Materialien zum Aufbau von Informtionskompetenz an, die ihm helfen sollen, sich bestimmte Themen selbst zu erarbeiten. Gedacht nicht als Ersatz sondern als Ergänzung des Schulungsangebots der USB Köln soll es alle Benutzer der Bibliothek ansprechen, insbesondere aber die Studierenden. Die Module wurden durch Tests und weitere interaktive Module ergänzt, und es ist gewünscht auch die Institutsbibliotheken in dieses Projekt einzubeziehen

    Efficacy of a therapist‐guided smartphone‐based intervention to support recovery from bulimia nervosa: Study protocol of a randomized controlled multi‐centre trial

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    Objective Although inpatient treatment is highly effective for patients with bulimia nervosa (BN), some patients show a resurgence of symptoms and relapse after discharge. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a guided smartphone-based aftercare intervention following inpatient treatment to support recovery. Method 172 female patients with BN (DSM-5: 307.51) will be randomized to receive a 16-week smartphone-based aftercare intervention (German version of ‘Recovery Record’) with therapist feedback as an add-on element to treatment as usual (TAU) or TAU alone. Assessments will take place at baseline (discharge, T0), during the intervention (after 4 weeks, T1), post-intervention (after 16 weeks, T2) and at 6-month follow-up (T3). Primary outcome will be remission at T2. Moderator and mediator analyses will investigate for whom the aftercare intervention suits best and how it works. Conclusions This is the first randomized controlled trial to examine a guided smartphone-based aftercare intervention following inpatient treatment of patients with BN. We expect that this innovative aftercare intervention is highly accepted by the patients and that it has the potential to support recovery after inpatient treatment and thereby could contribute to improving aftercare for patients with BN

    O papel da escola na construção da agroecologia no Assentamento Contestado

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    Orientadora : Profª Ma. Fabiana Thomé da CruzMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação, Curso de Especialização em Coordenação PedagógicaInclui referênciasResumo : Este artigo traz presente as tensões, contradições e desafios bem como, algumas conquistas da construção de uma comunidade que se preocupa com seus sujeitos e seus direitos. Com foco na escola, sendo este um espaço de formação que a partir de uma concepção de educação progressista/ libertadora quer que essa realidade seja a base dos conhecimentos e do desenvolvimento humano. Discute o vinculo entre a prática pedagógica e a realidade vivenciada no Assentamento Contestado na construção da Agroecologia. Uma discussão que se dá em vários espaços e momentos que permeiam os dezessete anos do Assentamento Contestado – Lapa, na luta pela Educação do Campo e a Agroecologia. O trabalho é realizado como uma pesquisa-ação, já que a pesquisadora se insere neste contexto, sendo educadora e participante ativa de todo este processo

    Die Darstellung Karl Martells in Geschichtsschulbüchern: ein synchroner und diachroner Vergleich internationaler Geschichtsschulbücher

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    Das Schulbuch ist schon seit mehreren Jahrhunderten nicht nur Begleiter im Schulalltag, sondern gibt auch darüber Aufschluss, was zu bestimmten Zeiten in bestimmten Gebieten als lehrens- und lernenswert gesehen wurde. Deshalb lassen besonders Geschichtsschulbücher Rückschlüsse bezüglich der Mentalität einer bestimmten Zeitepoche zu. Dies soll hier am Beispiel Karl Martells nach Klärung des jeweils vorherrschenden Forschungsstandes gezeigt werden, dessen Ansehen sich nach seinem Sieg gegen die Araber 732 zwischen Tours und Poitiers im Laufe der Geschichte wandelte. Zunächst und konzentriert werden Exemplare aus Deutschland in seinen verschiedenen historisch-geographischen Ausformungen betrachtet, wobei die untersuchten Zeitabschnitte sich von der Zeit des deutschen Kaiserreichs über die Zwischenkriegszeit, die Zeit des Nationalsozialismus und des Zweiten Weltkrieges, der Zeit des Kalten Krieges und seinem Ende bis heute erstrecken. Zum Vergleich werden auf Grund historischer Berührungspunkte französische und spanische Geschichtsschulbücher herangezogen. Die Auswahl wird durch britische Exemplare ergänzt, das wegen seiner Außenansicht auf europäische Geschichte interessant ist. Die hier angestrebte Schulbuchforschung ist deswegen nicht nur historisch orientiert und ideologiekritisch, sondern auch als internationale anzusehen. Außerdem erfolgt neben dem inhaltlichen Vergleich eine didaktische Analyse bezüglich Layout und Darstellungsweise. So kann außerdem ein Einblick in diesbezügliche Vorstellungen der unterschiedlichen Zeitabschnitte gewonnen werden, wozu auch das Vorwort eines Schulbuches hilfreiche Hinweise liefert. Abschließend lässt sich nach sorgfältiger produktorientiert-analytischer Untersuchung der ausgewählten Exemplare feststellen, dass man weder im Längs- noch im Querschnitt von einer international einheitlichen Darstellung Karl Martells in Geschichtsschulbüchern sprechen kann. Der Hausmeier ist zwar insgesamt betrachtet in deutschen Exemplaren von größtem Interesse, tendenziell verliert der Karolinger allerdings im Laufe der Geschichte auch dort an Ansehen beziehungsweise Bedeutung. Er wird vom Retter des Frankenlandes oder gar des Abendlandes zu Beginn des Untersuchungszeitraumes zum Vorbild für das deutsche Vaterland im Nationalsozialismus, bis er schließlich vom Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges während der Zeit des Kalten Krieges und danach bis heute immer mehr an Bedeutung verliert und scheinbar zur Randnotiz wird oder ganz aus den Geschichtsschulbüchern verschwindet

    The optimal age of vaccination against dengue with an age-dependent biting rate with application to Brazil

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    In this paper we introduce a single-serotype transmission model, including an age-dependent mosquito biting rate, to nd the optimal vaccination age against dengue in Brazil with Dengvaxia. The optimal vaccination age and minimal lifetime expected risk of hospitalisation are found by adapting a method due to Hethcote [1]. Any number and combination of the four dengue serotypes DENv1-4 is considered. Successful vaccination against a serotype corresponds to a silent infection. The effects of antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) and permanent cross-immunity after two heterologous infections are studied. ADE is assumed to imply risk-free primary infections, while permanent cross-immunity implies risk-free tertiary and quaternary infections. Data from trials of Dengvaxia indicate vaccine efficacy to be age- and serostatus-dependent, and vaccination of seronegative individuals to induce an increased risk of hospitalisation. Some of the scenarios are therefore reconsidered taking these findings into account. The optimal vaccination age is compared to that achievable under the current age-restriction of the vaccine. If vaccination is not considered to induce risk optimal vaccination ages are very low. The assumption of ADE generally leads to a higher optimal vaccination age in this case. For a single stereotype vaccination is not recommended in the case of ADE. Permanent cross-immunity results in a slightly lower optimal vaccination age. If vaccination induces a risk the optimal vaccination ages are much higher, particularly for permanent cross-immunity. ADE has no effect on the optimal vaccination age when permanent cross-immunity is considered, otherwise it leads to a slight increase in optimal vaccination age