32 research outputs found

    Petrology, petrogenesis and tectonic setting of plutonic rocks in the North Mountain area, west-central Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia

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    The Marble Mountain area of west-central Cape Breton Island is underlain mainly by granitoid rocks of the Marble Mountain, Big Brook, and West Bay plutons, migmatitic gneisses of the Lime Hill gneissic complex, and low-grade metasedimentaiy rocks of the Malagawatch Formation. The Late Precambrian Marble Mountain and Big Brook plutons are composed of homblende-biotite tonalite to granodioritc. These plutons underwent similar but separate evolutionary histories involving fractionation of plagioclase and hornblende ± biotitc. They display penological similarities to Cordilleran I-type suites, as exemplified by the Peninsular Ranges Batholith, and are interpreted to have formed by partial melting of a mainly basaltic source, and to represent the root zone of a primitive volcanic arc at a convergent plate margin. In contrast, the West Bay Pluton consists of megacrystic monzogranite and associated, probably co-genetic, granitic porphyritic dykes. The pluton is a felsic granite with I-type mineralogy but displays evolutionary trends distinct from typical felsic I-, S-, and A-type granites. The tectonic setting is interpreted to be post-orogenic, and the magma may have formed by a high degree of partial melting of a mainly crust al source. The age of the West Bay Pluton is uncertain, but may be Early Ordovician, based on penological similarity to other granitic plutons in the Bras d'Or terrane which have yielded U-Pb (zircon) ages of ca. 495 Ma. RÉSUMÉ La région du mont Marble du centre-ouest de l'ile-du-Cap-Breton comprend principalement des roches granitiques des plutons du mont Marble, du ruisseau Big et de la baie Ouest, des gneiss migmatitiques du complcxc gneissique de la colline Hill et des roches métasédimentaires de faible grade de la Formation de Mallagawatch. Les plutons du mont Marble et du ruisseau Big, du précambrien tardif sont composés de tonalite a hornblende et biotitc et de granodiorite. Ces plutons ont connu des évolutions distinctes mais similaires impliquant la cristallisation fractionnée du plagioclase et de la hornblende ± biotitc. Ils montrent des similarités pétrologiques avec les suites de type I de la Cordillière, com me par exemple le batholite de Puninsular Ranges, et sont interprété comme ayant été formés par la fusion partielle d'une source principalement basaltique, et représentant le soubassement d'un arc volcanique primitif à une bordure de plaques convergentes. En contraste, le pluton de la baie Ouest consiste en monzogranite à mégacristaux et en dykes de granite porphyrique associés et probablement cogéneliques. Le pluton est un granite felsique avec une minéralogie de type I mais qui montre des tendances évolutives distinctes des granites felsiques des types I, S et A. L'environnement tectonique est interpret commc étant post-orogénique, et le magma pourrait s'être formé par un taux élevé de fusion partielle d'une source principalement crustale. L'âge du pluton de la baie Ouest est incertain, mais pourrait être Ordovicien précoce, d'après les similarités pétrologiques avec d'autres plutons granitiques dans le terrain de Bras d'Or, lesquels ont fourni des âges U-Pb (zircons) d'environ 495 Ma. [Traduit par la rédaction

    Análisis de la calidad de servicios y la satisfacción del cliente del Banco de Crédito del Perú en el distrito de Surquillo

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    El estudio a continuación, implica en determinar la calidad que prestan los bancos en cuanto al servicio brindado, por ende, como influye en la satisfacción de los usuarios en un banco. El análisis del mismo busca aportar en seguir mejorando sus procesos, con la finalidad de fidelizar más a los clientes, sirviendo de estrategia para la captación de otros, siendo el puente el mismo usuario. Para medir dicha calidad, se necesita evaluar ciertos componentes, dando el punto de inicio en la mejora eficaz del personal que atiende al usuario. Por ello, no menos importante, para empoderar esta calidad se aplicará diversas estrategias de gestión en la mejora perceptual de los clientes, en esto se mimetiza la técnica de la encuesta mediante un instrumento de cuestionario con la finalidad de evaluar cuan alta es la satisfacción al momento de cada operación. La metodología que se emplea es aplicada, de diseño cuantitativa – descriptiva y a su vez correlacional para analizar, cómo estas variables influyen una en la otra, puesto que se encuentran las técnicas adecuadas para la mejora de los procesos operativos. Al ser de corte no experimental, puesto que aplica, a tomar una muestra de 100 personas entre gerentes, subgerentes y empleados. El instrumento a utilizar serán cuestionarios para los clientes y entrevistas para los trabajadores del Banco, siendo la técnica de estudio, encuesta y entrevista. El muestreo utilizado es aleatorio simple y se considera para el estudio diversos conceptos y definiciones que aportan al entendimiento de estas variables cabe indicar que los autores que se mencionan a continuación realizaron diversos estudios en la satisfacción, la capacidad de respuesta, entre otros conceptos (Juran, Deltom y Helmunt).The study that follows involves determining the quality of the service provided by banks, thus influencing the satisfaction of users in a bank. The analysis of the same seeks to contribute to continue improving their processes, with the aim of increasing customer loyalty, serving as a strategy for attracting others, being the bridge the same user. In order to measure this quality, it is necessary to evaluate certain components, giving the starting point in the effective improvement of the personnel that attends the user. Therefore, no less important, to empower this quality will apply various management strategies in the perceptual improvement of customers, this mimics the survey technique through a questionnaire instrument in order to assess how high is the satisfaction at the time of each operation. The methodology that is used is applied, of quantitative design - descriptive and at the same time correlational to analyse, how these variables influence one in the other, since the suitable techniques are found for the improvement of the operative processes. As it is of a non-experimental nature, since it applies to taking a sample of 100 people among managers, deputy managers and employees. The instrument to be used will be questionnaires for clients and interviews for Bank employees, being the technique of study, survey and interview. The sampling used is simple random and various concepts and definitions are considered for the study that contribute to the understanding of these variables. It should be noted that the following authors conducted various studies on satisfaction, response capacity, among other concepts (Juran, Deltom and Helmunt).Campus Lima Centr

    Differences in Salivary Flow Level, Xerostomia, and Flavor Alteration in Mexican HIV Patients Who Did or Did Not Receive Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Objective and subjective alterations related to salivary flow have been reported in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and these alterations are associated with the introduction of antiretroviral therapy. The aim of the current study was to discern whether these alterations are disease induced or secondary to drug therapy. Objective. The objective was to determine the relationships between low salivary flow, xerostomia, and flavor alterations in HIV patients who did or did not receive antiretroviral therapy. Materials and Methods. In this cross-sectional study, HIV patients were divided into two groups based on whether they had received antiretroviral therapy. Those patients with a previous diagnosis of any salivary gland disease were excluded. A survey was used to assess subjective variables, and colorimetry and salivary flow rates were measured using the Schirmer global test. Results. A total of 293 patients were included. The therapy group showed a significantly lower average salivary flow than did the group without therapy, and we observed that the flow rate tended to decrease after one year of therapy.The results were not conclusive, despite significant differences in xerostomia and flavor alteration between the groups. Conclusion. The study results suggest that antiretroviral therapy can cause cumulative damage that affects the amount of salivary flow

    Diet and cancer: an epidemiological view

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    Recent data have shown that the prevalence of cancer in the world has significantly risen in the last century. Cancer epidemiologists believe that it is related to the industrialization and urbanization that occurred during this period. In fact, the cancer incidence and mortality observed in developed countries are higher than in non-developed countries. Moreover, some specific sites of cancer such as colon-rectum, prostate and female mama are more pronounced in developed countries, whereas others as stomach, esophagus and cervix are prevalent in non-developed countries. Different patterns of cancer are also observed among migrants when they migrate to a new country or region. Based on epidemiological data, the association between cancer and diet was analyzed, as well as the changes in some food intake patterns and how they can prevent some types of cancer in the future.Epidemiologistas que estudam câncer têm observado que a sua prevalência no mundo tem aumentado de maneira significativa no último século. Acredita-se que este resultado está relacionado, entre outros aspectos, com a industrialização e a urbanização ocorridas neste período. De fato, a morbi-mortalidade associada ao câncer observada em países desenvolvidos é maior do que em países em desenvolvimento. Além disso, algumas formas específicas de câncer, como o de cólon e reto, próstata e mama feminina, são mais freqüentes em países desenvolvidos, enquanto outras, como de estômago, esôfago e colo de útero têm maior incidência nos países em desenvolvimento. Padrões distintos de câncer também são observados entre indivíduos que emigram para um novo país ou região. Com base em estudos epidemiológicos, analisou-se a relação entre câncer e nutrição, e algumas modificações na alimentação que podem prevenir alguns tipos de cânceres.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de PediatriaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PediatriaUniversidade Santo Amaro Disciplina Saúde PúblicaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PediatriaUNIFESP, Depto. de PediatriaSciEL

    Health Demands Characteristics and Quality of Life in the Elderly Monitored in the Primary Care

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    Background: To characterize the demands of health and quality of elderly peoplemonitored in the primary care of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil. Methods and Findings: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional study of a quantitative approach with elderly patients monitored by the primary care. The sample was given for convenience, obtaining 120 participants. The research was conducted through an interview with theapplication of the following questionnaires: Mini Mental State Examination, Socio-demographic Data and Pain Characteristics, Short-Form-36, Mini Nutritional Assessment, the primary activities of daily living, the instrumental activities of daily living, Prism 7 and the Geriatric Depression Scale. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS statistical program, in which descriptive and association tests were used.The main demands were related to functionality, followed by nutritional and geriatric depression. The quality of life presented worse results in the domain of general health status and better scores in the emotional and mental health aspects. Regarding the dimensions, the physical health obtained aworse score. Conclusion: Based on the characterization of the health demands found, it is suggested to perform other studies with the same population, enabling to plan and implementing a multidimensional intervention and improving the quality of life of the elderly people. Keywords: Elderly; Quality of Life; Aging; Elderly Health; Nursing

    Entre consumos suntuários e comuns: a posse de objetos exóticos entre alguns habitantes do Porto (séculos XVI – XVII)

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    O estudo da documentação referente aos doadores da Misericórdia do Porto entre os séculos XVI e XVII, através dos objetos exóticos patentes nos respectivos testamentos e inven- tários – estes últimos provenientes de uma área que se estende de Macau ao Brasil –, permite discernir uma panóplia de objetos que mudaram a cultura material dos portuenses em contato com os territórios da expansão portuguesa. Um levantamento sistemático permitiu já rastrear, até o ano de 1699, 257 doadores, dos quais se apresentarão aqui apenas alguns, referentes a benfeitores que, não obstante possuírem bens móveis nesse âmbito, não são dados como tendo estado nos territórios de expansão transoceânica. Argumentar-se-á que essa circulação de objetos não foi exclusiva das elites nobiliárquicas, nem dos grandes centros urbanos, pelo que a sua difusão atingiu maiores proporções do que aquelas que a historiografia tem admitido até agora. A cidade em observação neste estudo – o Porto dos séculos XVI e XVII – estava longe de ser das maiores da Europa nesse período, quer em dimensão territorial, quer em efetivos populacionais, embora se situasse numa região de demografia pujante, que canalizou os seus excedentes desde cedo para a emigração interna e externa – o Entre Douro e Minho. Como teremos ocasião de verificar, fidalgos e nobres possuíam bens exóticos, mas estes encontravam-se também entre mercadores e até artesãos mais desafogados. Por outro lado, nem todos os objetos provenientes dos espaços da expansão transoceânica devem ser conotados com bens de luxo.The study of the sources referring to the donors of the Misericórdia of the city of Porto during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries has revealed the presence of numerous exotic objects in their last wills and inventories. A survey has traced 257 donors until 1699, some of them having died in an area that extends from Macao to Brazil. Only a small number of cases shall be presented here, pertaining to benefactors who, in spite of owning objects of transoceanic origin, seem to have remained in mainland Portugal. It shall be argued that the circulation of objects has not been exclusive either to the elites of the nobility or to the large urban centres, their diffusion having been on a larger scale than what has been admitted until now. The city under scrutiny in this study – Porto during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries – was not one of the bigger cities in this period, either in what respects to size or population, although it was located in an area of flourishing demography, that channelled its surplus population early on to internal and external emigration. Fidalgos and noblemen owned exotic goods, but these were to be found among merchants and even well-to-do artisans. On the other hand, not all objects originating from the areas of transoceanic expansion should be considered as luxury goods.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil

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    The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others

    Differences in Salivary Flow Level, Xerostomia, and Flavor Alteration in Mexican HIV Patients Who Did or Did Not Receive Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Introduction. Objective and subjective alterations related to salivary flow have been reported in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and these alterations are associated with the introduction of antiretroviral therapy. The aim of the current study was to discern whether these alterations are disease induced or secondary to drug therapy. Objective. The objective was to determine the relationships between low salivary flow, xerostomia, and flavor alterations in HIV patients who did or did not receive antiretroviral therapy. Materials and Methods. In this cross-sectional study, HIV patients were divided into two groups based on whether they had received antiretroviral therapy. Those patients with a previous diagnosis of any salivary gland disease were excluded. A survey was used to assess subjective variables, and colorimetry and salivary flow rates were measured using the Schirmer global test. Results. A total of 293 patients were included. The therapy group showed a significantly lower average salivary flow than did the group without therapy, and we observed that the flow rate tended to decrease after one year of therapy. The results were not conclusive, despite significant differences in xerostomia and flavor alteration between the groups. Conclusion. The study results suggest that antiretroviral therapy can cause cumulative damage that affects the amount of salivary flow