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    One of the most notable outcomes of the late 196 Os international movement for participatory democracy has been the increased demand for expanded worker rights in decision making, both on the shopfloor and in the economy as a whole. Whether workplace reforms have meant co-optation or increased worker control has been hotly debated; equally controversial has been the question of the survival of workplace reforms in light of the growing economic crisisfacing all western industrialized nations. This paper explores the emergence and developments in industrial and economic democracy from an international perspective, focusing primarily on Western Europe and the United States. Similarities and dissimilarities between alternative forms of worker participation are discussed, and conclusions are drawn which view these new institutional arrangements for participation within the context of the wider issue ofrepresentation in society

    Abkehr vom Frieden? Eine medien- und politolinguistische Untersuchung von Facebook-Einträgen der Organisation Pegida

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    Celem artykułu jest wskazanie cech charakterystycznych języka stowarzyszenia Pegida (w obrębie postów na Facebooku) oraz w jaki sposób język może zostać wykorzystany, aby w mediach społecznościowych lub za ich pośrednictwem uzyskać akceptację. Analizie poddany zostanie aspekt wykorzystania przez stowarzyszenie języka jako narzędzie w pozyskiwaniu zwolenników i czy Pegida rzeczywiście używa języka jako środka krytyki złych stanów rzecz i przeciwników politycznych. W tym celu przeprowadzona zostanie analiza pragmalingwistyczna postów na Facebooku Pegidy, w ramach której zbadane zostaną działania takie jak REKLAMOWAĆ i KRYTYKOWAĆ oraz ich wzajemna relacja. Tło teoretyczne stanowią rozważania i metody zarówno z obszaru badań nad językiem reklamy, jak i politolingwistyki, które wraz z perspektywą pragmalingwistyczna zostaną omówione na wstępie.This article aims to show what characterizes Pegida’s language usage (within Facebook entries) and how language is used to achieve approval on or over the social network. It will investigate the extent to which the association uses language as an instrument to recruit supporters and whether Pegida actually uses language as a means of criticizing grievances and opponents. For this purpose, a pragmatic-orientated analysis of Pegida’s Facebook entries will be carried out, in which the linguistic implementation of the text action patterns ADVERTISING and CRITICIZING as well as their relationship to each other will be determined. The theoretical background is formed by findings and methods from both advertising research and political linguistics, which are explained in a first step together with the pragmatic perspective.Die Publikation wurde aus Mitteln des Instituts für Germanistik der Universität Łódź und des Vereins akademischer Lehrer zur Förderung der Kultur europäischer Sprachen finanziert

    Fiktive Feindbilder und verschleierte Gewalt. Sprachwissenschaftliche Analysen zum Interview mit einem Islamisten

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    Przedmiotem rozważań artykułu jest wywiad dwójki dziennikarzy z Erhanem A., „wyznawcą“ IS, który ukazał się w Süddeutsche Zeitung (nr 40, 2014, 13–19). Celem publikacji jest wyizolowanie islamistycznych wzorców myślowych poprzez analizę specyfiki doboru słownictwa. Czynnik powtarzalności („wzorce językowe“) w przytaczanych przykładach jest przy tym decydujący dla doboru kryteriów analizy. Pod uwagę zostały także wzięte aspekty wynikające ze struktury wywiadu. Analiza koncentruje się na werbalizowaniu nazw kolektywnych oraz zawoalowanej przemocy. Wyizolowana (semantyczna) nieostrość w wyrażeniach powstaje między innymi poprzez zastosowanie konstrukcji strony biernej, jak również zaimka nieokreślonego. W szerszym ujęciu niniejszy artykuł stanowi językoznawcze badanie poświęcone użyciu w islamie języka niemieckiego, w węższym zaś – języka niemieckiego przez zwolenników tak zwanego Państwa Islamskiego (IS).This article examines an interview of two journalists with Erhan A., a confessor of the IS, which appeared in the magazine of the Süddeutsche Zeitung (No. 40, 2014, 13–19). The aim is to bring out Islamist thought patterns through conspicuous features in the choice of words. The moment of repetition (“language patterns”) in the examples is decisive for the selection of the analysis categories. Special features which result from the interview structure are taken into account. The focus of the analysis is on the verbalization of collective names and veiled violence. The identified (semantic) vagueness results from passive constructions and, for example, from indefinite pronouns. In a superior sense, it is a linguistic work on the German language used in Islam or in the narrower sense on the use of the German language in statements by advocates of the so-called Islamic State (IS).Die Publikation wurde aus Mitteln des Instituts für Germanistik der Universität Łódź und des Vereins akademischer Lehrer zur Förderung der Kultur europäischer Sprachen finanziert

    Medicion de la generacion de valor de una empresa regional, utilizando el modelo EVA

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    102 p.El propósito de los directivos de hoy es crear riqueza, agregar valor a la organización para que todos los interesados en ellas puedan crecer: los accionistas, los trabajadores y la sociedad en general. Surge de esta manera la necesidad de implementar en las empresas sistemas tendientes a medir la generación de valor. Economic Value Added ( EVA)'es un modelo que cumple con dicho propósito. Se define como "el importe que queda una vez que se han deducido de los ingresos operacionales, la totalidad de los gastos operacionales, los impuestos y el costo de oportunidad del capital". La presente memoria pretende medir la generación de valor por Unidad Estratégica de Negocio de una Empresa Regional que no hace oferta publica de sus acciones, mediante la aplicación del modelo EVA

    Heterogeneity in the Association between Acculturation and Adiposity among Immigrants to the United States.

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    U.S. birth and longer length of U.S. residence among immigrants have been associated with a higher risk of obesity. However, few studies have examined this pattern longitudinally or examined heterogeneity in this relationship. Doing so may inform how social processes that relate to different immigrant integration patterns impact obesity. Using prospective data from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA) and repeated, cross-sections from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), this dissertation examined: 1) differences in rates of waist circumference (WC) increase among U.S. and foreign-born Hispanic and Chinese adults (MESA); 2) the role of the neighborhood environment in moderating the relationship between nativity/length of U.S. residence and WC among Hispanic and Chinese adults (MESA); and 3) variation over time in the relationship between nativity/length of U.S. residence and body mass index (BMI) and WC among Mexican-American adults (NHANES). Results demonstrated that longer exposure to the U.S. context does not have the same implications for weight gain for all immigrants. In MESA, Hispanic and Chinese immigrants did not have a greater rate of increase in WC over time relative to the U.S.-born; however, foreign-born Mexican Hispanics experienced an accelerated rise in WC compared to both U.S.-born Mexican Hispanics and foreign-born non-Mexican Hispanics. Hispanic immigrants living in neighborhoods with greater healthy food availability had a lower mean WC than immigrants in neighborhoods with poor healthy food availability. Among Chinese, more recent immigrants living in more walkable neighborhoods increased in WC more slowly than recent immigrants in less walkable areas. Among Mexican-Americans in NHANES, there was a graded relationship between longer length of U.S. residence and higher BMI and WC, and this relationship did not change substantially between 1988-1994 and 2005-2008. However, there were important variations in this patterning by gender and by socioeconomic status. The share of immigrants in the U.S. population continues to grow. A more nuanced understanding of the impact of the U.S context on the health of this vulnerable group will inform public health interventions, and address troubling health disparities.Ph.D.Epidemiological ScienceUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89621/1/ssalb_1.pd

    Gene regulatory networks elucidating huanglongbing disease mechanisms.

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    Next-generation sequencing was exploited to gain deeper insight into the response to infection by Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus (CaLas), especially the immune disregulation and metabolic dysfunction caused by source-sink disruption. Previous fruit transcriptome data were compared with additional RNA-Seq data in three tissues: immature fruit, and young and mature leaves. Four categories of orchard trees were studied: symptomatic, asymptomatic, apparently healthy, and healthy. Principal component analysis found distinct expression patterns between immature and mature fruits and leaf samples for all four categories of trees. A predicted protein - protein interaction network identified HLB-regulated genes for sugar transporters playing key roles in the overall plant responses. Gene set and pathway enrichment analyses highlight the role of sucrose and starch metabolism in disease symptom development in all tissues. HLB-regulated genes (glucose-phosphate-transporter, invertase, starch-related genes) would likely determine the source-sink relationship disruption. In infected leaves, transcriptomic changes were observed for light reactions genes (downregulation), sucrose metabolism (upregulation), and starch biosynthesis (upregulation). In parallel, symptomatic fruits over-expressed genes involved in photosynthesis, sucrose and raffinose metabolism, and downregulated starch biosynthesis. We visualized gene networks between tissues inducing a source-sink shift. CaLas alters the hormone crosstalk, resulting in weak and ineffective tissue-specific plant immune responses necessary for bacterial clearance. Accordingly, expression of WRKYs (including WRKY70) was higher in fruits than in leaves. Systemic acquired responses were inadequately activated in young leaves, generally considered the sites where most new infections occur