57 research outputs found


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    Introduction: Data from Indonesian Health Ministry stated that there was an increase in the prevalence of breast tumors in 2015 – 2017 by 1.8 per 100 to 21.3 per 100,000 women aged 30-50 years. The most common types of benign breast lesions found in women worldwide are fibrocystic changes of breast and fibroadenoma. Aim: This research aims to analyze the factors of age, age at menarche, parity, use of hormonal drugs, and family history with the incidence of benign breast lesions in RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Methods: This research method is observational analytic with a case-control approach, consisting of a case group and a control group of 41 respondents in each group. The statistical test of the study used the Chi-Square Test, Independent t-test, Mann Whitney, and Odds Ratio (OR). Results: The results of statistical tests obtained age factor p(sig)=0.002, hormonal use p(sig) 0.000, family history p(sig) 0.016, age at menarche p(sig) 0,282, and parity p(sig) 0.568. Conclusion: Conclusion there is a relationship between age, use of hormonal drugs, and family history and there is no relationship between age at menarche and parity with the incidence of benign breast lesions in RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Family history has an Odds Ratio (OR) of 4.796. Keywords: Breast Lesions, Reproductive Healt

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Sirsak terhadap Ekspresi CD8 pada Populasi Limfosit Tumor Payudara Tikus Sparaque Dawley

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    Perubahan klinis pada payudara sebagian besar bersifat jinak, hanya 3 – 6% yang merupakan keganasan payudara. Namun demikian, kanker payudara menjadi perhatian utama mengingat angka kejadian yang terus menerus meningkat serta morbiditas dan mortalitas yang tinggi. Pengobatan kanker hingga saat ini masih menjadi tantangan. Hal ini membuka peluang penelitian terapi kanker terutama dari bahan herbal. Daun sirsak telah banyak digunakan masyarakat secara tradisional untuk pengobatan tumor. Di samping itu berbagai studi juga telah menunjukkan efek sitotoksik tanaman ini terhadap berbagi cell line kanker. Namun demikian belum ada penelitian yang menganalisis efek ekstrak daun sirsak terhadap populasi limfosit di lingkungan mikro tumor terutama yang berfungsi pada respon imun anti tumor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui infiltrasi sel limfosit T CD8 pada jaringan tumor yang payudara tikus Sparaque Dawley yang diberikan ekstrak etanol daun sirsak. Ekspresi CD8 dianalisis melalui pewarnaan imunohistokimia. Ekspresi CD8 positif ditandai dengan warna coklat pada sitoplasma sel limfosit, selanjutnya ekspresi CD8 dari setiap sampel dihitung pada 3 lapang pandang dengan high-power field, kemudian ditentukan nilai rata-ratanya. Pewarnaan HE menunjukkan variasi infiltrasi limfosit pada nodul payudara tikus SD. Rata-rata ekspresi CD8 kelompok kontrol menunjukkan hasil lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok perlakuan. Namun demikian, hasil uji komparasi menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna  (p > 0,05) antara ekspresi CD8 kelompok kontrol dengan perlakuan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak daun sirsak tidak menyebabkan perbedaan bermakna ekspresi CD8 pada populasi limfosit yang menginfiltrasi tumor payudara tikus SD. 

    The Cytotoxic Activity of Annona muricata Linn Leaves Ethanolic Extract (AMEE) on T47D Breast Cancer Cell Line

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women throughout the world, with new cases and deaths which continue to increase. Soursop leaves (Annona muricata L) have been used extensively in traditional medicine, including cancer. Acetogenin, alkaloids, and phenols contained in soursop leaves are known to have anti-cancer effects. Among them, acetogenin has the most dominant role and reported to have a cytotoxic effect on various cancer cell lines. This study aims to determine the cytotoxic activity of soursop leaf ethanol extract on T47D breast cancer cell line. Measurement of cytotoxic activity was carried out by the MTT method, and the viability percentage of T47D cells was calculated based on the absorbance values in the treatment, cell control, and media control groups of each replicate. The correlation between extract concentration and viability percentage of the T47D cell line was outlined in the regression equation to obtain the IC50 value. IC50 values of 109.91 ± 3.04 with R values 0.975 and R2 0.9508 obtained. R values close to 1 indicated a strong correlation between extract concentration and the percentage of living T47D cells. Meanwhile, the amount of R2 suggested that the level of AMEE had a 95.08% influence on the rate of cell viability, and the other 4.92% influenced by factors other than the AMEE dose. These results indicated that the ethanol extract of soursop leaves has a cytotoxic effect and has the potential to inhibit T47D cell proliferation in vitro

    Pemeriksaan Imunofluoresen Direk pada Henoch Schonlein Purpura

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    Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP) is an acute immunoglobulin A (IgA)–mediated vasculitis involving the small vessels. This disease cause systemic involvement of many organ especially the skin, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the kidneys. The etiology of HSP is not clear. Precipitating factors include drugs, chemicals, viruses and bacteria. Pathogenesis of HSP involve Ig A–mediated immune complex that are circulated in blood vessel and deposited in many organs. The presence of IgA-mediated immune complex deposits will activate the complement system, causing inflammation in the form of vasculitis that damage the small blood vessels in many organs. Hsp is a self-limiting disease that require supportive therapy. The problem that arises is how to distinguish HSP with other vasculitis diseases. A skin biopsy in patients with hsp will reveal leukocytoclastic vasculitis in small vessel. That kind of vasculitis are also found in urticarial vasculitis, hypersensitivity vasculitis and vasculitis due to cryoglobulinemia. Direct Immunofluorescence test from skin biopsy tissue will help to make the diagnosis of HSP. The presence of IgA deposits in small blood vessels wall can distinguish HSP from other vasculitis

    Use of Bee Honey as Alternative Medicine in Protein Energy Deficiency

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    The protein energy deficiency cause intestinal villus atrophy and epithel mucous damage. The effect of bee honey on histostructure of intestine was studied in the experimental mice as model of proteinenergy deficiency. The use bee honey in protein-energy deficiency shown to improve intestinal villus atrophy and epithel damage. In conclusion that bee honey can use as alternative medicine in protein energydeficienc

    Effectiveness of Black Honey as an Antiinflammatory Substance in Rat’s Wound Infected by Staphylococcus aureus

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    Background: Black honey contains higher flavonoids, phenols, and minerals, which serves as antiinflammatory agents and promote faster wound healing. Purpose: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of black honey on macrophage cells and blood vessels in rats’ wounds infected with Staphylococcus aureus. Methods: This was an experimental study with a post-test only control group design. This study involved 24 rats divided into 4 groups. The treatment was carried out for 5 days. The rats in the K1 group were wounded (cut) and given aquadest. The rats in the K2 group were wounded (cut), infected with Staphylococcus aureus, and given aquadest. The rats in the P1 group were wounded (cut), infected with Staphylococcus aureus, and treated with 2ml of black honey topically. The rats in the P2 group were wounded (cut), infected with Staphylococcus aureus, and treated with2ml of black honey orally. Observations were made histopathologicaly using hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining by calculating the number of macrophage and blood vessels, and further using One-Way ANOVA. Result: The number of macrophages and blood vessels between groups was significantly different. The K2 group had the highest mean number of macrophage cells and blood vessels, and the K1 group was the least. The mean number of macrophage cells in the P1 group was more than the K1 group and less than the K2 and P2 groups, both significantly. Conclusion: Black honey was effective in reducing inflammation in wounds infected by Staphylococcus aureus

    Correlation of c-erbb2 Expression in Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Tumor Size (T-Stage) (Dyah Fauziah et al.) 290 CORRELATION OF C-ERBB2 EXPRESSION IN UNDIFFERENTIATED NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA AND TUMOR SIZE (T-STAGE), REGIONAL LYMPHNODES

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    No significant correlation was found between c-erbB2 expression and tumor size (T-stage). c-erbB2 expression in various N-stages were as follows: N0 (80%), N1 (33,3%), N2 (50%), N3 (42,9%). No significant correlation was found between c-erbB2 expression and N-stage. Of 6 cases with poorly radiation response, 83.3% was c-erbB2 positive.However, no significant correlation was found between c-erbB2 expression and tumor radiation response. This study found no correlation of c-erbB2 expression with tumor size (T-stage), regional lymph nodes status (N-stage), and radiation response in undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma. This showed that c-erbB2 is not a prognostic factor for nasopharyngeal undifferentiated carcinoma. Further investigation is necessary to determine the other prognostic factor for undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma

    Melanocyte Function and Count of Leukotrichia in Vitiligo Using S100 Immunohistochemistry and Microphtalmia Associated Transcription Factor (MITF)

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    Background: Melanocyte of the hair follicle is one of the major sources of repigmentation in vitiligo. Leukotrichia is complete depigmentation with significant bleaching hair. Leukotrichia in nonsegmental vitiligo may contribute to the lack of response to medical treatment. Leukotrichia is often associated with absent of melanocyte, showing poor prognosis for vitiligo treatment. Purpose: To evaluate melanocyte count and function of leukotrichia’s melanocyte in vitiligo and comparing with other feature. Method: Melanocyte count in each feature of lesional skin in 18 segmental vitiligo patients were evaluated based on vitiligo extent tensity index (VETI). Melanocyte count has been evaluated using immunohistochemistry S100 and microphtalmia associated transcription factor (MITF). Results: Eighteen patients were nonsegmental vitiligo, and five of them had leukotrichia. Two of five leukotrichia patients did not express MITF nor melanocyte. There were no differences of melanocyte and MITF expression between patient with or without leukotrichia. Conclusion: Leukotrichia is a poor indicator for treatment response in vitiligo, but this research showed that leucotrichia may not contribute to the lack of response upon medical treatment

    Intravascular Lymphoma, Jenis Limfoma Yang Jarang Dijumpai Dengan Prognosis Buruk

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    Intravascular lymphoma is a rare type of lymphoma with some fundamental differences compared to other types of non–Hodgkin lymphoma in general. Its clinical manifestations vary greatly and depend on the affected organs. There is no pathognomonic signs of intravascular lymphoma, either in clinical, laboratory or radiological findings. This case is challenging to detect and often misdiagnosed because it does not show symptoms that are commonly found in other types of lymphoma, such as mass or nodules formation. The treatment is relatively similar to other lymphoma in general, but the prognosis is worse because it was mostly diagnosed in the advanced stage. These specific conditions become the main reason to separate this case as a special entity of lymphoma
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