1 research outputs found

    Effect of a brief cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy program remote for patients with depressive symptoms

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    La depresi贸n es un trastorno por un estado de tristeza la mayor parte del d铆a, casi todo el d铆a y est谩 acompa帽ada de una sintomatolog铆a f铆sica, psicol贸gica y cognitiva, que repercute en la actividad cotidiana de quien la padece. La terapia cognitivo conductual es un tratamiento psicol贸gico que ha mostrado ser eficaz en pacientes que manifiestan depresi贸n. El objetivo del presente estudio fue implementar la aplicaci贸n de un programa de psicoterapia cognitivo conductual breve en pacientes con depresi贸n.  Se trabaj贸 con 96 pacientes con depresi贸n, se les aplic贸 el programa de psicoterapia cognitivo conductual breve, mostrando diferencias significativas en la disminuci贸n de la sintomatolog铆a depresiva antes y despu茅s del tratamiento. Los resultados sugieren la importancia de aplicar la psicoterapia cognitivo conductual en pacientes con depresi贸n, por la eficacia que ha mostrado el tratamiento.  Depression is an emotional disorder that causes a feeling of constant sadness and a loss of interest in doing different activities. It is accompanied by physical, psychological and cognitive symptoms, which have an impact on the daily activity of those who suffer from it. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psychological treatment that has been shown to be effective in patients who manifest depression. The objective of the present study was to implement the application of a brief cognitive behavioral psychotherapy program in patients with depression. We worked with 96 patients diagnosed with depression. The brief behavioral cognitive psychotherapy program was applied to them, showing significant differences in the reduction of depressive symptoms before and after treatment. The results suggest the importance of applying cognitive behavioral psychotherapy in patients with depression, due to the efficacy that the treatment has shown