730 research outputs found

    Designing Solidarity Cryptocurrencies: Dialogic Tension Between Community-Centered and Techno-Centered Design Frames

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    While cryptocurrencies are related to profit-driven actors, communitarian movements have decades of experience with social-driven currencies, such as community currencies. This research investigates the meshing of these two disparate worlds that results in the design of a solidarity cryptocurrency, a phenomenon that connects the blockchain infrastructure of cryptocurrency to scaling the social perspective of community currencies. However, making the connection between these two technologies brings a new question to IS design: how can different frames from multiple social actors be integrated into designing a solidarity cryptocurrency infrastructure? We drew upon the design ethnography methodology and actively participated in designing a solidarity cryptocurrency to answer that question. Based on concepts from infrastructuring, a multi-relational and socio-technical approach to infrastructure designing, we propose that designing a solidarity cryptocurrency lies on a dialogic tension between techno-centered and community-centered frames, representing the relational process that emerges when connecting two disparate technologie

    Piso do Magistério, Hora-Atividade e Responsabilidade Fiscal: uma análise sobre contradições e possibilidades

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    Federal Law no. 11.738/2008 materialized the guarantee of a minimum level for the remuneration of public basic education teachers and the understanding that teaching work is not limited to time in the classroom. Despite the period since its validity and the successive decisions of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) on its constitutionality, the law is still not complied with in all public education systems. Governors and mayors complain that the floor and one-third of activity-hours increase the expenditure on Executive Branch personnel and are incompatible with the rules established by the Fiscal Responsibility Law (LRF). This article analyzes the context of valuing teaching as an educational policy and proposes the use of a methodology to investigate to what extent the predictions of the floor law unbalance personnel expenses in Curitiba, Florianópolis and Porto Alegre.La Ley Federal n° 11.738/2008 materializó la garantía de un nivel mínimo para la remuneración de los docentes de la educación básica pública y el entendimiento de que la labor docente no se limita al tiempo en el aula. A pesar del período transcurrido desde su vigencia y las sucesivas decisiones del Tribunal Supremo Federal (STF) sobre su constitucionalidad, la ley aún no se cumple en todos los sistemas educativos públicos. Gobernadores y alcaldes se quejan de que un piso y un tercio de hora de actividad aumentan el gasto con el personal del Poder Ejecutivo y son incompatibles con las reglas establecidas por la Ley de Responsabilidad Fiscal (LRF). Este artículo analiza el contexto de la valoración de la docencia como política educativa y propone el uso de una metodología para investigar en qué medida las disposiciones de la ley de piso desequilibran los gastos con el personal en Curitiba, Florianópolis y Porto Alegre.A Lei Federal nº 11.738/2008 materializou a garantia de um patamar mínimo para a remuneração dos professores da educação básica pública e o entendimento de que o trabalho docente não se resume apenas ao tempo dentro da sala. Apesar do período decorrido desde a sua vigência e das sucessivas decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) sobre a sua constitucionalidade, a lei ainda não é cumprida em todas as redes públicas de ensino. Governadores e prefeitos reclamam que o piso e um terço de hora-atividade elevam a despesa com pessoal do Poder Executivo e são incompatíveis com as regras estabelecidas pela Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF). Este artigo analisa o contexto da valorização do magistério enquanto política educacional e propõe o uso de uma metodologia para investigar em que medida as previsões da lei do piso desequilibram a despesa com pessoal em Curitiba, Florianópolis e Porto Alegre.

    Reasons for technology-based companies contemplated by the first company program to seek ISO 9001:2008 certification

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    The search for implementation of Quality Management Systems aims to continuously improve their results. Thus, for the services and/or products offered to convey trust and credibility, they must be designed within appropriate norms and standards. In this sense, this study seeks to assess the reasons that induce incubated technology-based companies to seek adequacy of their quality management system to the NBR ISO 9001:2008 standard. Through an exploratory survey in twenty-six incubated technology-based companies, a twelve-question questionnaire proposed by Bhuiyan and Alam (2005) was applied. After analyzing the data, it is concluded that the reasons for adequacy of QMS to the NBR ISO 9001:2008 standard are: competitive advantage over competitors; consultant´s approach for implementation; improvement in product quality; and government funding for ISO 9001 certification.  It is found that the consultant´s approach stands out as a strong reason for seeking the adequacy of QMS to the NBR ISO 9001 standard

    A importância da extensão rural na formação das organizações rurais : um estudo de caso

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    Orientador :Monografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de ..., Curso de Especialização em ...Inclui referênciasResumo

    First Record of leucism in Tropidurus hispidus (Spix, 1825) (Squamata: Tropiduridae) in north Brazil, Eastern Amazon

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    In vertebrates leucism does not occur frequently in nature but has been recorded in amphibians and reptiles. Herein we report the first record of leucism in Tropidurus hispidus from north Brazil, Eastern Amazon. During fieldwork in an amphibian and reptile assessment, we photographed on a rocky surface and leaf litter an individual T. hispidus with leucism.En los vertebrados el leucismo no ocurre con frecuencia en la naturaleza, pero se ha registrado en anfibios y reptiles. Aquí informamos el primer registro de leucismo en Tropidurus hispidus del norte de Brasil, Amazonas Oriental. Durante el trabajo de campo en una evaluación de anfibios y reptiles, fotografiamos sobre una superficie rocosa y hojarasca un individuo de T. hispidus con leucismo

    Desempenho do pomeleiro "marsh seedles" enxertado em trifoliata inoculado com viróides no Brasil

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    Alguns viróides reduzem o crescimento dos citros e podem ser usados para o controle do tamanho das plantas objetivando a instalação de pomares adensados que podem ter maior produtividade que os pomares com espaçamentos convencionais. Para estudar o efeito da inoculação de viróides no desenvolvimento vegetativo, produção e qualidade dos frutos de pomeleiro 'Marsh Seedless' (Citrus paradisi Macf.) enxertado em trifoliata [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.], foi instalado um experimento em Janeiro de 1991, em Bebedouro, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos e duas plantas por parcela: viróides dos citros (CEVd + CVd-II + CVd-III) e (CVd-II + CVd-III) e testemunhas: enxertia de duas borbulhas sadias (testemunha) e sem enxertia (testemunha absoluta). A inoculação foi feita no campo, seis meses após o plantio, por enxertia de borbulhas. Ambos isolados reduziram o crescimento das árvores (diâmetro do tronco, altura da planta diâmetro e volume da copa). As árvores não inoculadas produziram mais que as inoculadas nas onze colheitas realizadas, mas as produtividades foram similares. A qualidade dos frutos foi afetada pela inoculação de viróides, mas não de maneira restritiva. O uso de isolados ananicantes severos não deve ser recomendado para plantios de alta densidade de pomelo enxertado em trifoliata.Some viroids reduce citrus tree growth and may be used for tree size control aiming the establishment of orchards with close tree spacing that may provide higher productivity than conventional ones. To study the effects of citrus viroids inoculation on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of 'Marsh Seedless' grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) grafted on trifoliate orange [Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.], an experiment was set up in January 1991, in Bebedouro, São Paulo State, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four treatments with two plants per plot: viroid isolates Citrus Exocortis Viroid (CEVd) + Hop stunt viroid (HSVd - CVd-II, a non cachexia variant) + Citrus III viroid (CVd-III) and Hop stunt viroid (HSVd - CVd-II, a non cachexia variant) + Citrus III viroid (CVd-III) and controls: two healthy buds (control), and no grafting (absolute control). Inoculation was done in the field, six months after planting by bud grafting. Both isolates reduced tree growth (trunk diameter, plant height, canopy diameter and volume). Trees not inoculated yielded better (average of eleven harvests) than inoculated ones but the productivity was the same after 150 months. Fruit quality was affected by viroids inoculation but not in a restrictive way. The use of such severe dwarfing isolates for high density plantings of grapefruit on trifoliate orange rootstock is not recommended

    Localização ótima de aparelhos de corte normalmente abertos e normalmente fechados em redes de distribuição

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    De um sistema elétrico de energia é esperado o fornecimento de energia elétrica da forma mais económica possível assegurando, simultaneamente, um elevado grau de continuidade e qualidade de serviço. É extremamente importante a garantia e segurança no fornecimento da energia elétrica, que se tornou um dos serviços mais básicos e essenciais nos dias de hoje. Nesse sentido, o sistema de distribuição é que assume o papel da entrega da energia elétrica produzida aos consumidores finais. Deste modo, a análise dos sistemas elétricos, nomeadamente dos sistemas de distribuição, bem como os estudos realizados para o seu planeamento, assume, devido a complexidade das atuais redes de distribuição, uma importância crucial. Este trabalho, portanto, tem como objeto de estudo uma rede de distribuição real, e soluciona o problema da localização ótima de aparelhos de corte (APC) normalmente abertos (NA) e normalmente fechados (NF) para essa rede baseando-se em duas metodologias desenvolvidas e aplicadas com a ferramenta de otimização Tomlab. A primeira consiste em um modelo de programação quadrática inteira mista (PQIM) desenvolvido e aplicado à localização ótima dos APC NA, e a segunda consiste em um modelo de programação linear inteira mista (PLIM) desenvolvido e aplicado à localização ótima dos APC NF. A solução do problema da localização ótima de APC NA, encontra a posição e a quantidade ótima de APC NA que devem ser instalados na rede de testes de forma a minimizar a energia de perdas e a potência não entregue (PNE) da rede, reduzindo consequentemente, seus respetivos custos e determinando a configuração radial ideal da de rede. A solução do problema da localização ótima dos APC NF, encontra a posição e a quantidade ótima de APC NF que devem ser instalados na rede de teste minimizando o custo esperado de interrupção (CEI) e os custos de investimentos em APC NF, maximizando a continuidade no serviço da distribuição de energia elétrica e aumentando a fiabilidade da rede de distribuição. Note-se que ambas as soluções encontradas são ótimos globais e foram testadas e validadas em uma rede de distribuição com dados reais, comprovando a viabilidade e o valor do presente estudo.An electric power system is expected to provide electricity as economically as possible while ensuring a high degree of continuity and quality of service. It is extremely important to provide electric energy with security and guarantee, since delivering electricity became an essential service nowadays. Electric power distribution systems has the purpose to delivery electricity to the final customers of the whole electric supply chain, thus due to the complexity of actual distribution systems, its analysis and planning has a major importance. This thesis aims to solve the problem for the optimal location of normally open and normally closed switches on a real distribution network. The optimization approaches are developed in Tomlab software. The method for the optimal location of normally open switches is formulated as a mixed integer quadratic program and mixed integer linear program is utilized to model the problem for the optimal location of normally closed switches. The goal of the proposed normally open switch placement problem is to find the optimal radial topology that minimizes the power losses and the unsupplied power. The objective of the normally closed switch placement problem is to find the optimal number and location of normally closed switches in order to minimize the expected outage cost to customers in conjunction with normally closed switch capital investment, installation, and annual operation and maintenance costs improving the level of reliability and service quality of distribution network. Note that both solutions are global solutions and were successfully tested and validated in a distribution network with real data, proving the viability and the value of the present study

    Método para avaliação do desempenho do processo de desenvolvimento de produtos

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produçã

    Reasons, benefits and difficulties associated with ISO 9001 certification for sugar and ethanol companies

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    Purpose: With increasing business competitiveness, companies have sought to adapt their processes and / or products to worldwide established quality standards in order to achieve a greater share of consumers having as favorable aspect the quality assurance of the products and/or services provided. It was observed that companies of different sizes have different challenges regarding the certification however, the degree of difficulty is the same for all of them. The objective of this paper is to verify the reasons for the implementation of ISO 9001, the obstacles encountered during the implementation, the benefits arising from the use of the quality management system and the degree of difficulty to implement this standard. Design/methodology/approach: This work was developed based on a survey involving companies certified with ISO 9001:2008 from the productive sector of sugar, ethanol and derivatives of sugarcane, located in all Brazilian states. Findings: It was observed that companies of different sizes have different challenges regarding the certification however the degree of difficulty is the same for all of them. Originality/value: Thus, we believe that expected results represent a very important contribution to examining the reasons, benefits and difficulties of the ISO 9001 to both, the companies and certification bodies, and to researchers

    Reasons and benefits associated with ISO 9001 - Certification for sugar and ethanol companies

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    With increasing business competitiveness, companies have sought to adapt their processes and / or products to worldwide established quality standards in order to achieve a greater share of consumers having as favorable aspect the quality assurance of the products and/or services provided. It was observed that companies of different sizes have different challenges regarding the certification however, the degree of difficulty is the same for all of them. The objective of this paper is to verify the reasons for the implementation of ISO 9001, the obstacles encountered during the implementation, the benefits arising from the use of the quality management system and the degree of difficulty to implement this standard. This work was developed based on a survey involving companies certified with ISO 9001:2008 from the productive sector of sugar, ethanol and derivatives of sugarcane, located in all Brazilian states. It was observed that companies of different sizes have different challenges regarding the certification however the degree of difficulty is the same for all of them. Thus, we believe that expected results represent a very important contribution to examining the reasons, benefits and difficulties of the ISO 9001 to both, the companies and certification bodies, and to researchers.CAPES Foundation, (Process PE024/2008), the FAPEMIG Foundation (Processes: T EC-PPM-00520/13 and TEC-PPM-000 58-13) and the CNPq (Processes: 2 49160/2013-7, 310660/ 2012-2, 401082/2 014-8 and 478509/2012-