123 research outputs found

    In-Dominating Number and Out-Dominating Number of Unidirectional Perfect Binary Trees

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    A diverging unidirectional perfect binary tree is a unidirectional perfect binary tree in which every internal node has exactly outdegree two and indegree 1 and all the leaf nodes are at the same level. A converging unidirectional perfect binary tree is a unidirectional perfect binary tree in which every internal node has exactly indegree two and outdegree 1 and all the leaf nodes are at the same level. In this paper, we study the out-domination number and in-domination number of the unidirectional perfect binary trees

    2-Domination Polynomial of Tensor Product of Paths

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    We have calculated the 2-domination number of the tensor product of P2 and Pn. We have derived the distance-2 domination polynomials of tensor product of P2 and Pn

    Stress-Adaptation and Stress-Induced Changes in Campylobacter Jejuni

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    The foodborne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is one of the leading causes of human gastroenteritis. This bacterium is not a robust organism compared with many other foodborne pathogens and requires special conditions in the laboratory for its growth. In nature, however, this organism is able to survive in very diverse and hostile environments and produce disease in humans. The different mechanisms by which C. jejuni survives stressful conditions in the environment remain unclear. Adhesion and invasion are thought to be important factors for the colonization of C. jejuni in the intestinal tracts of hosts. Previous research in our laboratory showed that C. jejuni has the ability to induce an adaptive tolerance response to stresses like acid and aerobic conditions. The objectives of this research were to determine the influence of acid-adaptation on the virulence and antibiotic profiles of Campylobacter jejuni. In experiment 1, the effect of acid-adaptation on virulence was studied by determining the adhesion and invasion of human intestinal cells by different strains of Campylobacter jejuni. Different human and poultry isolates of C. jejuni were exposed to an acid stress (pH 5.5) and further subjected to different secondary stresses such as an acid pH of 4.5, starvation, and salt (3%). After exposure to the secondary stress, the adhesion and invasion abilities of the isolates were evaluated in vitro using an INT 407 cell line. Acid-adapted C. jejunishowed an increase in adhesion and invasion when exposed to the secondary stresses of acid, starvation and salt. The degree of adhesion and invasion varied with strains of C. jejuni, the time of adaptation to acid, as well as exposure time to the second stress. These data indicate that some stresses may increase the virulence of C. jejuni. In experiment 2, the effect of acid adaptation on the antibiotic sensitivity of different strains of C. jejuni were studied. The antibiotic profiles of C. jejuni after stress-adaptation were compared with antibiotic profiles of non-stressed C. jejuni using the Kirby Bauer agar disc diffusion assay. The antibiotic profiles of C. jejuni were found to change when the acid-adapted bacteria were subjected to further stresses such as a lethal acidic pH of 4.5, aerobic atmosphere and starvation. In the majority of the cases antibiotic-resistant C. jejuni strains were found to become sensitive to antibiotics after stress-adaptation, but in a few cases C. jejuni showed increased resistance. These results indicate that increasing various stresses in C. jejuni may, in some cases, reduce antibiotic resistance

    Egocentric Activity Recognition Using HOG, HOF and MBH Features

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    recognizing egocentric actions is a challenging task that has to be addressed in recent years. The recognition of first person activities helps in assisting elderly people, disabled patients and so on. Here, life logging activity videos are taken as input. There are 2 categories, first one is the top level and second one is second level. In this research work, the recognition is done using the features like Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), Histogram of optical Flow (HOF) and Motion Boundary Histogram (MBH). The extracted features are given as input to the classifiers like Support Vector Machine (SVM) and k Nearest Neighbor (kNN). The performance results showed that SVM gave better results than kNN classifier for both categories

    Bacterial pollution indicators associated in the tissues of an estuarine fish Mugil cephalus from Ashtamudi lake, a Ramsar site of Kerala, India

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    Fishes are continuously exposed to the microorganisms present in water and in the sediment. The present study was attempted to screen the pollution indicator bacteria in the tissues of an estuarine fish Mugil cephalus from Kureepuzha Backwater, a part of Ashtamudi Lake. Total heterotrophic bacteria, total coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli and fecal streptococci were enumerated from the fish tissues using standard microbiological procedures. Comparison of bacterial count in the skin, gill and gut of Mugil cephalus revealed that highest count of indicator microbes were found in the skin followed by the gill and gut of fish from all sites except site 4. Fishes from site 4, they show bacteria predominantly in the gut. Two way Anova showed a significant difference in microbial count between sites and between tissues except Total heterotrophic bacteria and fecal streptococci between sites. Results of physico chemical parameters also supports that the anthropogenic activities accumulated in the study area, causing the disruption of hydrological quality of Lake and thus increases the load of detrimental microorganisms. Hence it is recommended that good processing of fish such as washing, scraping scales, removal of gills and gut contents and proper cooking help to reduce microbial pathogen in fish body and make it safe for consumption

    Pseudoarthrosis of unilateral cervical rib and 1st rib exostosis-presenting with supraclavicular mass and thoracic outlet syndrome

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    Cervical rib is defined as the presence of supernumerary rib at the 7th cervical vertebrae possibly associated with mutations in Hox genes. Cervical rib may have a free end or may be fused with the first rib by bone bridge or fibrous band. However, the incidence of pseudoarthrosis of cervical rib with exostosis from the first rib is reported rarely in literature. This report documents a unilateral pseudoarthrosis of cervical rib with 1st rib exostosis presenting as a supra clavicular mass with thoracic outlet syndrome.

    Osteopoikilosis - associated with dwarfism and presenting as painful joint effusion

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    Osteopoikilosis is usually asymptomatic with only 15-20% patient having pain or joint effusion. Sclerotic dysplasia has multiple differential diagnosis including benign and malignant etiology. Characteristic features of symmetric, round to oval sclerotic lesions in multiple joints with axial skeleton sparing, no cortical erosion, normal clinical and blood investigations help differentiate osteopikilosis from critical malignant sclerotic pathology.


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    Objective: The major objective of the study is to evaluate the antidepressant activity of ethanolic extract of Dipteracanthus prostratus Nees using rats. The study also aims to assess the effect of the extract on behavioural pattern of treated rats. Methods: The antidepressant activity of the ethanolic extract of Dipteracanthus prostratus was evaluated using Forced swim test (FST). The effect of the extract on the behavioral pattern was assesssed by an Open field test. The oral doses of 500 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg of the extract were fixed after conducting acute toxicity studies. Imipramine (30 mg/kg) was used as the standard. Results: It was observed from the study that the ethanolic extract of Dipteracanthus prostratus at higher concentration showed significantly (p<0.01) reduction in immobility in forced swim test model of depression after repeated administration for 14 d. The results were comparable to the standard drug Imipramine. However, the extract did not any significant activity after acute administration. Neither the ethanolic extract of Dipteracanthus prostratus nor the standard drug imipramine produced any overt behavioural change or motor dysfunction in the open field test. Conclusion: The present study demands a further detailed investigation on the antidepressant and other possible CNS activities of Dipteracanthus prostrates

    Modified Firefly Optimization with Deep Learning based Multimodal Biometric Verification Model

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    Biometric security has become a main concern in the data security field. Over the years, initiatives in the biometrics field had an increasing growth rate. The multimodal biometric method with greater recognition and precision rate for smart cities remains to be a challenge. By comparison, made with the single biometric recognition, we considered the multimodal biometric recognition related to finger vein and fingerprint since it has high security, accurate recognition, and convenient sample collection. This article presents a Modified Firefly Optimization with Deep Learning based Multimodal Biometric Verification (MFFODL-MBV) model. The presented MFFODL-MBV technique performs biometric verification using multiple biometrics such as fingerprint, DNA, and microarray. In the presented MFFODL-MBV technique, EfficientNet model is employed for feature extraction. For biometric recognition, MFFO algorithm with long short-term memory (LSTM) model is applied with MFFO algorithm as hyperparameter optimizer. To ensure the improved outcomes of the MFFODL-MBV approach, a widespread experimental analysis was performed. The wide-ranging experimental analysis reported improvements in the MFFODL-MBV technique over other models
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