43 research outputs found

    Social mothers in the villages: women schoolteachers during the National Catholicism period in Spain

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    My objective is to point out how two generations of schoolteachers, those educated before and after the Civil War, understood the development of two cultural models which they implemented in public schools in rural villages in Spain during National Catholicism. Using their own words, I aim to recreate their lives and their relationship with the cultural structure. I understand that their generation and the beginning of their professional lives are key to understanding to what extent social changes and educational models shaped their identities. I intend to capture their gender identities to investigate the key aspects of their regenerative function as social mothers in small villages. There are few memoirs written by women teachers. I have selected two diaries of different generations. My hypotheses are: 1) when they begin to teach, it is important to understand how they address the evolution of cultural models; 2) the way they have understood the historic phases of National Catholicism in rural villages shapes their psychological profiles; 3) the adaptation to the culture of villages affects social and gender identities. Qualitative methodology has been used to understand the social construction of the identities of schoolteachers by means of the analysis of written texts and to contextualize the meaning of social change in their own discourse. I have reached the following conclusions: 1) teachers are key to understanding the evolution of cultural models; 2) knowing what they want to remember or silence allows capturing how they have accepted or rejected the ideological models of National Catholicism; 3) the meaning they give to the experience indicates how they socialized subsequent generations.Mi objetivo es señalar cómo asumen la evolución de modelos culturales dos espacios histórico-generacionales de maestras formadas antes y después de la Guerra Civil que ejercen durante el nacional-catolicismo en escuelas públicas de aldeas rurales. Quiero situar el artículo en un marco que permita comprender formación de identidades desde la perspectiva del cambio social y la asimilación a los modelos culturales. Entiendo que para esas maestras los inicios en su profesión son claves para comprender en qué medida cambios sociales y modelos educativos moldean identidades por sesgo generacional. Me propongo captar identidades de género para indagar su función regeneracionista como madres sociales de la aldea. He seleccionado para ello dos diarios de maestras representativas en dos periodos históricos. La metodología cualitativa ha sido utilizada para comprender la construcción social de las identidades de la maestra a través del análisis del texto escrito y poder así contextualizar el significado del cambio social con el análisis de su propio discurso, el texto escrito. Mis hipótesis son: 1) el momento en que empiezan a ejercer es importante para comprender cómo asumen la evolución de los modelos culturales; 2) la forma en que han asimilado las fases históricas del nacional-catolicismo en aldeas rurales moldea sus estructuras psicológicas; 3) la adaptación a la cultura de las aldeas va produciendo identidades sociales y de género. He llegado a las siguientes conclusiones: 1) la maestra es una pieza clave para comprender la evolución de los modelos culturales; 2) conocer lo que quieren recordar o silenciar permite captar el modo en que han asumido o rechazado los modelos ideológicos del nacional-catolicismo; 3) el sentido que dan a lo vivido va señalando significantes que permiten comprender el modo en que han socializado a las siguientes generaciones

    Evolution of methodological models and its relation with educational policy in Spain

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    Con base en investigación realizada sobre los marcos institucionales del proceso de cambio social de transición democrática en España y los contextos motivacionales de la participación de las maestras en el actual proceso educativo, este artículo tiene por objetivo esbozar, desde la perspectiva de la sociología, un recorrido histórico del sistema educativo en España desde el comienzo de la escuela pública para comprender la evolución de los modelos culturales, ideológicos, metodológicos y curriculares y su relación con los cambios en las política educativa. Está centrado en señalar que, más allá de las cuestiones económicas que implican recortes en educación, se esconde un modelo ideológico interesado o no por dotar a la población de un mayor o menor nivel cultural. La intención es destapar la relación entre cultura, educación y metodología empleada en función de las demandas políticas y comprender el tipo de normas ideadas para producir valores y obtener conductas acordes con los intereses políticos en cada uno de los contextos históricos que se suceden en la evolución de la escuela pública en España. Fue posible percibir que en España no ha habido ni un solo momento en la historia de la escuela pública en el cual los políticos, y en muchas ocasiones la propia Iglesia, no hayan sido los encargados de diseñar los contenidos, currículos y metodologías que dan forma a las políticas educativasBased on an investigation about the institutional aspects of the process of social change associated with the democratic transition in Spain, and of the motivational contexts of the participation of teachers in the current educational process, the present article seeks to outline, from the point of view of sociology, the historical path of the educational system in Spain since the beginnings of public school, in order to understand the evolution of the cultural, ideological, methodological and curriculum models, as well as its relation to the changes in educational policies. The work focuses on pointing out that, behind economic issues that imply cuts in education, lies hidden an ideological model interested or not in endowing the population with a higher or lower cultural level. Our intention here is to unveil the relation between culture, education and methodology employed as a function of the political demands, and to understand the kind of norms put in place to produce values and to obtain conducts adequate to the political interests in each one of the historical contexts that have succeeded each other in the evolution of public school in Spain. It was possible to discern that in Spain there has never been a single moment in the history of public school in which the politicians, and in many occasions the Church itself, were not in charge of designing the contents, curricula and methodology that gave shape to the educational policie

    Evolución de los modelos metodológicos y su relación con la política educativa en España

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    Based on an investigation about the institutional aspects of the process of social change associated with the democratic transition in Spain, and of the motivational contexts of the participation of teachers in the current educational process, the present article seeks to outline, from the point of view of sociology, the historical path of the educational system in Spain since the beginnings of public school, in order to understand the evolution of the cultural, ideological, methodological and curriculum models, as well as its relation to the changes in educational policies. The work focuses on pointing out that, behind economic issues that imply cuts in education, lies hidden an ideological model interested or not in endowing the population with a higher or lower cultural level. Our intention here is to unveil the relation between culture, education and methodology employed as a function of the political demands, and to understand the kind of norms put in place to produce values and to obtain conducts adequate to the political interests in each one of the historical contexts that have succeeded each other in the evolution of public school in Spain. It was possible to discern that in Spain there has never been a single moment in the history of public school in which the politicians, and in many occasions the Church itself, were not in charge of designing the contents, curricula and methodology that gave shape to the educational policies.Con base en investigación realizada sobre los marcos institucionales del proceso de cambio social de transición democrática en España y los contextos motivacionales de la participación de las maestras en el actual proceso educativo, este artículo tiene por objetivo esbozar, desde la perspectiva de la sociología, un recorrido histórico del sistema educativo en España desde el comienzo de la escuela pública para comprender la evolución de los modelos culturales, ideológicos, metodológicos y curriculares y su relación con los cambios en las política educativa. Está centrado en señalar que, más allá de las cuestiones económicas que implican recortes en educación, se esconde un modelo ideológico interesado o no por dotar a la población de un mayor o menor nivel cultural. La intención es destapar la relación entre cultura, educación y metodología empleada en función de las demandas políticas y comprender el tipo de normas ideadas para producir valores y obtener conductas acordes con los intereses políticos en cada uno de los contextos históricos que se suceden en la evolución de la escuela pública en España. Fue posible percibir que en España no ha habido ni un solo momento en la historia de la escuela pública en el cual los políticos, y en muchas ocasiones la propia Iglesia, no hayan sido los encargados de diseñar los contenidos, currículos y metodologías que dan forma a las políticas educativas

    Contrast between professional identities of spanish women teaching (1950-1975)

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    Mi objetivo es recorrer el proceso de cambio social hacia la democracia en España con la ayuda de los testimonios de las maestras. Ellas, que han jugado un papel decisivo en la formación de nuestra personalidad, costumbres y preferencias, son, sin duda, figuras sociales imprescindibles para completar el rompecabezas de uno de los acontecimientos más significativos del siglo XX: el advenimiento hacia la democracia. Trataré de profundizar en la mentalidad de dos generaciones de maestras con el fin de desvelar las claves de su identidad profesional a través del análisis de los significados, sentidos e identidades sociales que asumen en torno a su profesión. Me interesa señalar cómo han asimilado y transmitido los valores sociales de la transición. Conozcamos las claves de su formación ideológica; las imágenes, tipologías y formas de autoconciencia profesional en el actual proceso de democratización; los condicionamientos, génesis y posibilidades de transformación de sus imágenes sociales, así como sus formas de conciencia y principios de identidad profesional. Propósito que exige un recorrido histórico y social para llegar a desentrañar los entresijos del actual fenómeno de feminización docente y situar así a las y los lectores en el contexto preciso.My objective is to run one´s eyes over the social change progress through the democracy in Spain by analizing the testimonies of women teachers at that time. They have played a very important role in the building of our personality. Habits and preferences. They are, without doubt, essential figures in one of the most important events of the XX century: the arrival of the democracy. I will try to study in depth both women teaching mentalities in order to reveal the keys of their professional identities through the analysis of the meanings, feelings and social identities that they assume in their profession. I would like to emphasize in the way they have assimilated and transferred the social values of the transition. We should investigate the ideological training, images, types and ways of professional auto conscience in the actual process of democratization; the conditioning factors and possibilities of changing the social images as well as their conscience feelings and professional identities principles. This demands a social and history travel to analyse in depth the ins and outs of the actual phenomenon of the feminization teaching

    Social mothers in the villages: women schoolteachers during the National Catholicism period in Spain

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    Mi objetivo es señalar cómo asumen la evolución de modelos culturales dos espacios histórico-generacionales de maestras formadas antes y después de la Guerra Civil que ejercen durante el nacional-catolicismo en escuelas públicas de aldeas rurales. Quiero situar el artículo en un marco que permita comprender formación de identidades desde la perspectiva del cambio social y la asimilación a los modelos culturales. Entiendo que para esas maestras los inicios en su profesión son claves para comprender en qué medida cambios sociales y modelos educativos moldean identidades por sesgo generacional. Me propongo captar identidades de género para indagar su función regeneracionista como madres sociales de la aldea. He seleccionado para ello dos diarios de maestras representativas en dos periodos históricos. La metodología cualitativa ha sido utilizada para comprender la construcción social de las identidades de la maestra a través del análisis del texto escrito y poder así contextualizar el significado del cambio social con el análisis de su propio discurso, el texto escrito. Mis hipótesis son: 1) el momento en que empiezan a ejercer es importante para comprender cómo asumen la evolución de los modelos culturales; 2) la forma en que han asimilado las fases históricas del nacional-catolicismo en aldeas rurales moldea sus estructuras psicológicas; 3) la adaptación a la cultura de las aldeas va produciendo identidades sociales y de género. He llegado a las siguientes conclusiones: 1) la maestra es una pieza clave para comprender la evolución de los modelos culturales; 2) conocer lo que quieren recordar o silenciar permite captar el modo en que han asumido o rechazado los modelos ideológicos del nacional-catolicismo; 3) el sentido que dan a lo vivido va señalando significantes que permiten comprender el modo en que han socializado a las siguientes generaciones.My objective is to point out how two generations of schoolteachers, those educated before and after the Civil War, understood the development of two cultural models which they implemented in public schools in rural villages in Spain during National Catholicism. Using their own words, I aim to recreate their lives and their relationship with the cultural structure. I understand that their generation and the beginning of their professional lives are key to understanding to what extent social changes and educational models shaped their identities. I intend to capture their gender identities to investigate the key aspects of their regenerative function as social mothers in small villages. There are few memoirs written by women teachers. I have selected two diaries of different generations. My hypotheses are: 1) when they begin to teach, it is important to understand how they address the evolution of cultural models; 2) the way they have understood the historic phases of National Catholicism in rural villages shapes their psychological profiles; 3) the adaptation to the culture of villages affects social and gender identities. Qualitative methodology has been used to understand the social construction of the identities of schoolteachers by means of the analysis of written texts and to contextualize the meaning of social change in their own discourse. I have reached the following conclusions: 1) teachers are key to understanding the evolution of cultural models; 2) knowing what they want to remember or silence allows capturing how they have accepted or rejected the ideological models of National Catholicism; 3) the meaning they give to the experience indicates how they socialized subsequent generations

    Función docente ideal/real en las representaciones sociales del profesorado

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    This research analyses the social representations of teachers and their role to know if there are justifying discourses and their structure. With a qualitative methodology, discourse analysis and group discussion techniques. Results show three representations about their ideal role as teachers against the ones which relate to the actual ones materialized in the practice. A typology of teachers from instrumental orthodoxy to the vital openness of students. In conclusion, it is necessary to consider that internalized diversity in teachers, both in the design and implementation of educational policiesEste artículo forma parte de la investigación realizada en el proyecto I+D+i Contexto socioeconómico y orientación educativa y profesional del profesorado de secundaria, aprobado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España), con referencia CSO2013-47168-R, bajo la dirección de la investigadora principal, Sonsoles San Román-Gag

    Levels of consciousness of teachers in their guidance function: a typology framed in fuzzy logic

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    En este artículo se presenta un trabajo sobre lo que hemos denominado niveles de conciencia del profesorado que no está especializado en funciones de orientación educativa y profesional siguiendo la noción de la denominada lógica difusa. Este análisis se enmarca en una investigación sobre orientación del profesorado de secundaria para el contexto español, realizada en diez comunidades autónomas durante dos años, que tiene por objetivo conocer las distintas representaciones del profesorado, considerando la identificación de modelos de orientación como un fenómeno en el que intervienen diferentes elementos de carácter social. Para ello, analizamos el material discursivo obtenido a través de grupos de discusión en los que participó profesorado de educación secundaria con el objetivo de analizar sus niveles de conciencia sobre sus funciones de orientación. Como resultado presentamos una triple tipología de niveles de conciencia del profesorado en su tarea de orientar a los estudiantes en la configuración de sus trayectorias educativas y profesionales de futuro. Distinguimos entre nivel de conciencia de involucramiento pasivo, nivel de conciencia de involucramiento activo y nivel de conciencia intervencionista. Los tres niveles diferenciados en esta tipología que presentamos nos ayudan a comprender mejor la manera de abordar la orientación educativa y profesional por parte del profesorado.This article presents a work on what we have called levels of consciousness of teachers who are not specialized in educational and professional guidance functions following the notion of the so called fuzzy logic. This analysis is part of a research on secondary school teachers for the context, carried out in ten autonomous communities for two years, which seeks to get to know the different representations of teachers, considering that the identification of guidance models resulting from different elements of social nature. To do this, we analyzed the discursive material obtained through discussion groups in which teachers of secondary education participated in order to analyze their levels of consciousness about their guidance functions. As a result, we present a triple typology of teachers’ consciousness levels in their function of guiding students in the configuration of their forthcoming educational and professional paths. We distinguish between the level of consciousness of passive involvement, level of consciousness of active involvement and level of interventionist consciousness. The three levels differentiated in this typology we present in this article help us better understand how to approach the educational and professional guidance on the part of teachers

    Four chamber right ventricular longitudinal strain versus right free wall longitudinal strain. Prognostic value in patients with left heart disease

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    Background: There is no consensus on which right ventricle (RV) strain parameter should be used in the clinical practice: four chamber RV longitudinal strain (4CH RV-LS) or free wall longitudinal strain (FWLS). The aim of this study was to analyze which RV strain parameter better predicts prognosis in patients with left heart disease. Methods: One hundred and three outpatients with several degrees of functional tricuspid regurgitation severity secondary to left heart disease were prospectively included. 4CH RV-LS and FWLS were assessed using speckle tracking. Left ventricular (LV) systolic function was determined using LV ejection fraction and RV systolic function using tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE). Patients were followed up for 23.1 ± 12.4 months for an endpoint of cardiac hospitalization due to heart failure. Results: The cutoff value related to RV dysfunction (TAPSE < 17 mm) was lower, in absolute value, for 4CH RV-LS (4CH RV-LS = –17.3%; FWLS = –19.5%). There were 33 adverse events during the follow-up. Patients with 4CH RV-LS > –17.3% (log rank [LR] = 22.033; p < 0.001); FWLS > –19.5% (LR = 12.2; p < 0.001), TAPSE < 17 mm (LR = 17.4; p < 0.001) and LV systolic dysfunction (LR = 13.3; p < 0.001) had lower event-free survival (Kaplan Meier). In Cox multivariate analysis, 4CH RV-LS > –17.3% (hazard ratio [HR] = 3.593; p < 0.002), TAPSE < 17 (HR = 2.093; p < 0.055) and LV systolic dysfunction (HR = 2.087; p < 0,054) had prognostic value, whereas FWLS did not reach significance. Conclusions: Although both 4CH RV-LS and FWLS have prognostic value, 4CH RV-LS is a better predictor of episodes of heart failure in patients with left heart disease, providing additional information to that obtained by TAPSE.

    Risk Factors for COVID-19 in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A National, ENEIDA-Based Case–Control Study (COVID-19-EII)

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    (1) Scant information is available concerning the characteristics that may favour the acquisition of COVID-19 in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess these differences between infected and noninfected patients with IBD. (2) This nationwide case-control study evaluated patients with inflammatory bowel disease with COVID-19 (cases) and without COVID-19 (controls) during the period March-July 2020 included in the ENEIDA of GETECCU. (3) A total of 496 cases and 964 controls from 73 Spanish centres were included. No differences were found in the basal characteristics between cases and controls. Cases had higher comorbidity Charlson scores (24% vs. 19%; p = 0.02) and occupational risk (28% vs. 10.5%; p < 0.0001) more frequently than did controls. Lockdown was the only protective measure against COVID-19 (50% vs. 70%; p < 0.0001). No differences were found in the use of systemic steroids, immunosuppressants or biologics between cases and controls. Cases were more often treated with 5-aminosalicylates (42% vs. 34%; p = 0.003). Having a moderate Charlson score (OR: 2.7; 95%CI: 1.3-5.9), occupational risk (OR: 2.9; 95%CI: 1.8-4.4) and the use of 5-aminosalicylates (OR: 1.7; 95%CI: 1.2-2.5) were factors for COVID-19. The strict lockdown was the only protective factor (OR: 0.1; 95%CI: 0.09-0.2). (4) Comorbidities and occupational exposure are the most relevant factors for COVID-19 in patients with IBD. The risk of COVID-19 seems not to be increased by immunosuppressants or biologics, with a potential effect of 5-aminosalicylates, which should be investigated further and interpreted with caution