246 research outputs found

    The anomalous current multiplet in 6D minimal supersymmetry

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    For supersymmetric gauge theories with eight supercharges in four, five and six dimensions, a conserved current belongs to the linear multiplet. In the case of six-dimensional N=(1,0)\cal N=(1,0) Poincar\'e supersymmetry, we present a consistent deformation of the linear multiplet which describes chiral anomalies. This is achieved by developing a superform formulation for the deformed linear multiplet. In the abelian case, we compute a nonlocal effective action generating the gauge anomaly.Comment: 27 pages; V2: published versio

    Chiral anomalies in six dimensions from harmonic superspace

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    We develop a superfield approach to compute chiral anomalies in general N=(1,0){\cal N}=(1,0) supersymmetric gauge theories in six dimensions. Within the harmonic-superspace formulation for these gauge theories, the anomalous contributions to the effective action only come from matter and ghost hypermultiplets. By studying the short-distance behaviour of the propagator for the hypermultiplet coupled to a background vector multiplet, we compute the covariant and consistent chiral anomalies. We also provide a superform formulation for the non-abelian anomalous current multiplet in general N=(1,0){\cal N}=(1,0) supersymmetric gauge theories.Comment: 33 page

    Superconformal field theory in three dimensions: Correlation functions of conserved currents

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    For N-extended superconformal field theories in three spacetime dimensions (3D), with N=1,2,3, we compute the two- and three-point correlation functions of the supercurrent and the flavour current multiplets. We demonstrate that supersymmetry imposes additional restrictions on the correlators of conserved currents as compared with the non-supersymmetric case studied by Osborn and Petkou in hep-th/9307010. It is shown that the three-point function of the supercurrent is determined by a single functional form consistent with the conservation equation and all the symmetry properties. Similarly, the three-point function of the flavour current multiplets is also determined by a single functional form in the N=1 and N=3 cases. The specific feature of the N=2 case is that two independent structures are allowed for the three-point function of flavour current multiplets, but only one of them contributes to the three-point function of the conserved currents contained in these multiplets. Since the supergravity and super-Yang-Mills Ward identities are expected to relate the coefficients of the two- and three-point functions under consideration, the results obtained for 3D superconformal field theory are analogous to those in 2D conformal field theory. In addition, we present a new supertwistor construction for compactified Minkowski superspace. It is suitable for developing superconformal field theory on 3D spacetimes other than Minkowski space, such as S^1 x S^2 and its universal covering space R x S^2.Comment: 81 pages; v2: reference added, typos correcte

    Implications of N=4 superconformal symmetry in three spacetime dimensions

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    We study implications of N=4 superconformal symmetry in three dimensions, thus extending our earlier results in arXiv:1503.04961 devoted to the N=1,2,3 cases. We show that the three-point function of the supercurrent in N=4 superconformal field theories contains two linearly independent forms. However, only one of these structures contributes to the three-point function of the energy-momentum tensor and the other one is present in those N=4 superconformal theories which are not invariant under the mirror map. We point out that general N=4 superconformal field theories admit two inequivalent flavour current multiplets and show that the three-point function of each of them is determined by one tensor structure. As an example, we compute the two- and three-point functions of the conserved currents in N=4 superconformal models of free hypermultiplets. We also derive the universal relations between the coefficients appearing in the two- and three-point correlators of the supercurrent and flavour current multiplets in all superconformal theories with N=1,2,3,4 supersymmetry. Our derivation is based on the use of Ward identities in conjunction with superspace reduction techniques.Comment: 75 page

    Bi-harmonic superspace for N=4 d=4 super Yang-Mills

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    We develop N=4 d=4 bi-harmonic superspace and use it to derive a novel form for the low-energy effective action in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. We solve the N=4 supergauge constraints in this superspace in terms of analytic superfields. Using these superfields, we construct a simple functional that respects N=4 supersymmetry and scale invariance. In components, it reproduces all on-shell terms in the four-derivative part of the N=4 SYM effective action; in particular, the F^4/X^4 and Wess-Zumino terms. The latter comes out in a novel SO(3) x SO(3)-invariant form.Comment: 1+19 pages; minor corrections, references adde

    Elastic properties of mono- and polycrystalline hexagonal AlB2-like diborides of s, p and d metals from first-principles calculations

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    We have performed accurate ab initio total energy calculations using the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method with the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) for the exchange-correlation potential to systematically investigate elastic properties of 18 stable, meta-stable and hypothetical hexagonal (AlB2-like) metal diborides MB2, where M = Na, Be, Mg, Ca, Al, Sc, Y, Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Ag and Au. For monocrystalline MB2 the optimized lattice parameters, independent elastic constants (Cij), bulk modules (B), shear modules (G) are obtained and analyzed in comparison with the available theoretical and experimental data. For the first time numerical estimates of a set of elastic parameters of the polycrystalline MB2 ceramics (in the framework of the Voigt-Reuss-Hill approximation), namely bulk and shear modules, compressibility, Young's modules, Poisson's ratio, Lame's coefficients are performed.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure
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