457 research outputs found

    Enhancing FP-Growth Performance Using Multi-threading based on Comparative Study

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    The time required for generating frequent patterns plays an important role in mining association rules, especially when there exist a large number of patterns and/or long patterns. Association rule mining has been focused as a major challenge within the field of data mining in research for over a decade. Although tremendous progress has been made, algorithms still need improvements since databases are growing larger and larger. In this research we present a performance comparison between two frequent pattern extraction algorithms implemented in Java, they are the Recursive Elimination (RElim) and FP-Growth, these algorithms are used in finding frequent itemsets in the transaction database. We found that FP-growth outperformed RElim in term of execution time. In this context, multithreading is used to enhance the time efficiency of FP-growth algorithm. The results showed that multithreaded FP-growth is more efficient compared to single threaded FP-growth

    Mineral cloud and hydrocarbon haze particles in the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter JWST target WASP-43b

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    Context: Having a short orbital period and being tidally locked makes WASP-43b an ideal candidate for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) phase curve measurements. Phase curve observations of an entire orbit will enable the mapping of the atmospheric structure across the planet, with different wavelengths of observation allowing different atmospheric depths to be seen. Aims: We provide insight into the details of the clouds that may form on WASP-43b and their impact on the remaining gas phase, in order to prepare the forthcoming interpretation of the JWST and follow-up data. Methods: We follow a hierarchical modelling strategy. We utilise 3D GCM results as input for a kinetic, non-equilibrium model for mineral cloud particles and for a kinetic model to study a photochemically-driven hydrocarbon haze component. Results: Mineral condensation seeds form throughout the atmosphere of WASP-43b. This is in stark contrast to the ultra-hot Jupiters, such as WASP-18b and HAT-P-7b. The dayside is not cloud free but it is loaded with few yet large mineral cloud particles in addition to hydrocarbon haze particles of a comparable abundance. Photochemically driven hydrocarbon haze appears on the dayside, but it does not contribute to the cloud formation on the nightside. The geometrical cloud extension differs across the globe due to the changing thermodynamic conditions. Day and night differ by 6000 km in pressure scale height. As reported for other planets, the C/O is not constant throughout the atmosphere and varies between 0.74 and 0.3. The mean molecular weight is approximately constant in a H2- dominated WASP-43b atmosphere because of the moderate day/night-temperature differences compared to the super-hot Jupiters. Conclusions: WASP-43b is expected to be fully covered in clouds which are not homogeneously distributed throughout the atmosphere. The dayside and the terminator clouds are a combination of mineral particles of locally varying size and composition as well as of hydrocarbon hazes. The optical depth of hydrocarbon hazes is considerably lower than that of mineral cloud particles such that a wavelength-dependent radius measurement of WASP-43b would be determined by the mineral cloud particles but not by hazes

    Inhibiting the inflammasome with MCC950 counteracts muscle pyroptosis and improves Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Background: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common inherited human myopathy. Typically, the secondary process involving severe inflammation and necrosis exacerbate disease progression. Previously, we reported that the NLRP3 inflammasome complex plays a crucial role in this disorder. Moreover, pyroptosis, a form of programmed necrotic cell death, is triggered by NLRP3 via gasdermin D (GSDMD). So far, pyroptosis has never been described either in healthy muscle or in dystrophic muscle. The aim of this study was to unravel the role of NLRP3 inflammasome in DMD and explore a potentially promising treatment with MCC950 that selectively inhibits NLRP3. Methods: Four‐week‐old mdx mice (n=6 per group) were orally treated for 2 months with MCC950 (mdx‐T), a highly potent, specific, small-molecule inhibitor of NLRP3, and compared with untreated (mdx) and wild-type (WT) mice. In vivo functional tests were carried out to measure the global force and endurance of mice. Ex vivo biochemical and molecular analyses were performed to evaluate the pathophysiology of the skeletal muscle. Finally, in vitro tests were conducted on primary cultures of DMD human myotubes. Results: After MCC950 treatment, mdx mice exhibited a significant reduction of inflammation, macrophage infiltration and oxidative stress (-20 to -65%, P<0.05 vs untreated mdx). Mdx‐T mice displayed considerably less myonecrosis (-54%, P<0.05 vs mdx) and fibrosis (-75%, P<0.01 vs mdx). Moreover, a more mature myofibre phenotype, characterized by larger-sized fibres and higher expression of mature myosin heavy chains 1 and 7 was observed. Mdx-T also exhibited enhanced force and resistance to fatigue (+20 to 60%, P<0.05 or less). These beneficial effects resulted from MCC950 inhibition of both active caspase-1 (-46%, P=0.075) and cleaved gasdermin D (N-GSDMD) (-42% in medium-sized-fibres, P<0.001). Finally, the anti-inflammatory action and the anti-pyroptotic effect of MCC950 were also recapitulated in DMD human myotubes. Conclusion: Specific inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome can significantly attenuate the dystrophic phenotype. A novel finding of this study is the overactivation of GSDMD, which is hampered by MCC950. This ultimately leads to less inflammation and pyroptosis and to a better muscle maturation and function. Targeting NLRP3 might lead to an effective therapeutic approach for a better management of DMD.Fund for Scientific Research de Bélgica (FNRS)-PDR/T.0026.2

    Co-designing a housing and livelihood toolkit with low-income older people for future housing in Klong Toey, Bangkok, Thailand

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    The purpose of this article is to examine the co-design process of a research project which was implemented to support an initiative led by low-income older people in Klong Toey, Bangkok. The primary objective was to co-produce a design toolkit that can guide the development of live–work housing for low-income older people in Klong Toey. A three-day co-design workshop was held with local stakeholders to develop design alternatives for the prevailing live–work activities identified as a part of the field study. Within the framework of co-design methodology, the researchers engaged with the users as facilitators and translators to produce design options that informed the toolkit. The toolkit was developed under the overarching AgeingHood project, inspired by the unique housing and livelihood needs of the older people of Klong Toey, who often run small businesses from their own homes. It was conceived out of the understanding that ageing, housing and livelihood are interrelated aspects of the lives of low-income older people in this area of Bangkok. In addition to the toolkit, the project also led to impacts such as supporting residents’ live–work needs assessment and positive engagement and collaborative working with various local stakeholders

    Phospholipase A2-activating protein is associated with a novel form of leukoencephalopathy

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    Leukoencephalopathies are a group of white matter disorders related to abnormal formation, maintenance, and turnover of myelin in the central nervous system. These disorders of the brain are categorized according to neuroradiological and pathophysiological criteria. Herein, we have identified a unique form of leukoencephalopathy in seven patients presenting at ages 2 to 4 months with progressive microcephaly, spastic quadriparesis, and global developmental delay. Clinical, metabolic, and imaging characterization of seven patients followed by homozygosity mapping and linkage analysis were performed. Next generation sequencing, bioinformatics, and segregation analyses followed, to determine a loss of function sequence variation in the phospholipase A2-activating protein encoding gene (PLAA). Expression and functional studies of the encoded protein were performed and included measurement of prostaglandin E2 and cytosolic phospholipase A2 activity in membrane fractions of fibroblasts derived from patients and healthy controls. Plaa-null mice were generated and prostaglandin E2 levels were measured in different tissues. The novel phenotype of our patients segregated with a homozygous loss-of-function sequence variant, causing the substitution of leucine at position 752 to phenylalanine, in PLAA, which causes disruption of the protein's ability to induce prostaglandin E2 and cytosolic phospholipase A2 synthesis in patients' fibroblasts. Plaa-null mice were perinatal lethal with reduced brain levels of prostaglandin E2 The non-functional phospholipase A2-activating protein and the associated neurological phenotype, reported herein for the first time, join other complex phospholipid defects that cause leukoencephalopathies in humans, emphasizing the importance of this axis in white matter development and maintenance

    Effect of different protein sources on satiation and short-term satiety when consumed as a starter

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Because the source of protein may play a role in its satiating effect, we investigated the effect of different proteins on satiation and short-term satiety.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two randomized single-blind cross-over studies were completed. In the first study, we investigated the effect of a preload containing 20 g of casein, whey, pea protein, egg albumin or maltodextrin vs. water control on food intake 30 min later in 32 male volunteers (25 ± 4 yrs, BMI 24 ± 0.4 kg/m<sup>2</sup>). Subjective appetite was assessed using visual analogue scales at 10 min intervals after the preload. Capillary blood glucose was measured every 30 min during 2 hrs before and after the ad libitum meal. In the second study, we compared the effect of 20 g of casein, pea protein or whey vs. water control on satiation in 32 male volunteers (25 ± 0.6 yrs, BMI 24 ± 0.5 kg/m<sup>2</sup>). The preload was consumed as a starter during an ad libitum meal and food intake was measured. The preloads in both studies were in the form of a beverage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the first study, food intake was significantly lower only after casein and pea protein compared to water control (P = 0.02; 0.04 respectively). Caloric compensation was 110, 103, 62, 56 and 51% after casein, pea protein, whey, albumin and maltodextrin, respectively. Feelings of satiety were significantly higher after casein and pea protein compared to other preloads (P < 0.05). Blood glucose response to the meal was significantly lower when whey protein was consumed as a preload compared to other groups (P < 0.001). In the second study, results showed no difference between preloads on ad libitum intake. Total intake was significantly higher after caloric preloads compared to water control (P < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Casein and pea protein showed a stronger effect on food intake compared to whey when consumed as a preload. However, consuming the protein preload as a starter of a meal decreased its impact on food intake as opposed to consuming it 30 min before the meal.</p

    Homologous and heterologous desensitization of guanylyl cyclase-B signaling in GH3 somatolactotropes

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    The guanylyl cyclases, GC-A and GC-B, are selective receptors for atrial and C-type natriuretic peptides (ANP and CNP, respectively). In the anterior pituitary, CNP and GC-B are major regulators of cGMP production in gonadotropes and yet mouse models of disrupted CNP and GC-B indicate a potential role in growth hormone secretion. In the current study, we investigate the molecular and pharmacological properties of the CNP/GC-B system in somatotrope lineage cells. Primary rat pituitary and GH3 somatolactotropes expressed functional GC-A and GC-B receptors that had similar EC50 properties in terms of cGMP production. Interestingly, GC-B signaling underwent rapid homologous desensitization in a protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A)-dependent manner. Chronic exposure to either CNP or ANP caused a significant down-regulation of both GC-A- and GC-B-dependent cGMP accumulation in a ligand-specific manner. However, this down-regulation was not accompanied by alterations in the sub-cellular localization of these receptors. Heterologous desensitization of GC-B signaling occurred in GH3 cells following exposure to either sphingosine-1-phosphate or thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH). This heterologous desensitization was protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent, as pre-treatment with GF109203X prevented the effect of TRH on CNP/GC-B signaling. Collectively, these data indicate common and distinct properties of particulate guanylyl cyclase receptors in somatotropes and reveal that independent mechanisms of homologous and heterologous desensitization occur involving either PP2A or PKC. Guanylyl cyclase receptors thus represent potential novel therapeutic targets for treating growth-hormone-associated disorders

    Coral spawning in the Gulf of Oman and relationship to latitudinal variation in spawning season in the northwest Indian Ocean

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    Despite a wealth of information on sexual reproduction in scleractinian corals, there are regional gaps in reproductive records. In the Gulf of the Oman in the Arabian Sea, reproductive timing was assessed in four common species of broadcast spawning corals using field surveys of gamete maturity and aquarium observations of spawning activity. The appearance of mature gametes within the same month for Acropora downingi, A. hemprichii, Cyphastrea microphthalma and Platygyra daedalea (≥ 75% of colonies, n = 848) indicated a synchronous and multi-specific spawning season. Based on gamete disappearance and direct observations, spawning predominantly occurred during April in 2013 (75- 100% of colonies) and May in 2014 (77-94% of colonies). The difference in spawning months between survey years was most likely explained by sea temperature and the timing of lunar cycles during late-stage gametogenesis. These reproductive records are consistent with a latitudinal gradient in peak broadcast spawning activity at reefs in the northwestern Indian Ocean which occurs early in the year at low latitudes (January to March) and progressively later in the year at mid (March to May) and high (June to September) latitudes

    Safety and efficacy of digoxin:systematic review and meta-analysis of observational and controlled trial data

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    OBJECTIVE: To clarify the impact of digoxin on death and clinical outcomes across all observational and randomised controlled trials, accounting for study designs and methods.DATA SOURCES AND STUDY SELECTION: Comprehensive literature search of Medline, Embase, the Cochrane Library, reference lists, and ongoing studies according to a prospectively registered design (PROSPERO: CRD42014010783), including all studies published from 1960 to July 2014 that examined treatment with digoxin compared with control (placebo or no treatment).DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS: Unadjusted and adjusted data pooled according to study design, analysis method, and risk of bias.MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary outcome (all cause mortality) and secondary outcomes (including admission to hospital) were meta-analysed with random effects modelling.RESULTS: 52 studies were systematically reviewed, comprising 621 845 patients. Digoxin users were 2.4 years older than control (weighted difference 95% confidence interval 1.3 to 3.6), with lower ejection fraction (33% v 42%), more diabetes, and greater use of diuretics and anti-arrhythmic drugs. Meta-analysis included 75 study analyses, with a combined total of 4 006 210 patient years of follow-up. Compared with control, the pooled risk ratio for death with digoxin was 1.76 in unadjusted analyses (1.57 to 1.97), 1.61 in adjusted analyses (1.31 to 1.97), 1.18 in propensity matched studies (1.09 to 1.26), and 0.99 in randomised controlled trials (0.93 to 1.05). Meta-regression confirmed that baseline differences between treatment groups had a significant impact on mortality associated with digoxin, including markers of heart failure severity such as use of diuretics (P=0.004). Studies with better methods and lower risk of bias were more likely to report a neutral association of digoxin with mortality (P&lt;0.001). Across all study types, digoxin led to a small but significant reduction in all cause hospital admission (risk ratio 0.92, 0.89 to 0.95; P&lt;0.001; n=29 525).CONCLUSIONS: Digoxin is associated with a neutral effect on mortality in randomised trials and a lower rate of admissions to hospital across all study types. Regardless of statistical analysis, prescription biases limit the value of observational data.</p