69 research outputs found

    Dinoflagel·lades potencialment nocives al NO de la Mediterrània amb especial atenció al gènere Alexandrium = Potencially harmful dinoflagellates in the NW Mediterranean coast, with a focus on the Alexandrium genus

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    [cat] Les dinoflagel·lades són un dels grups majoritaris del fitoplàncton marí. Algunes espècies d’aquest grup produeixen proliferacions que causen diversos efectes no desitjats tant en l’ecosistema marí com a l’espècie humana. Un d’aquests efectes és la intoxicació de persones per toxines produïdes per les dinoflagel·lades que són acumulades per organismes filtradors i transmeses als seus consumidors. En les últimes dècades s’ha observat un augment del registre d’aquestes proliferacions algals nocives (PANs) a nivell mundial, fet que s’ha relacionat entre d’altres coses amb factors antropogènics i que en raó dels riscos per la salut humana va dur a molts països a establir plans de vigilància de PANs per garantir la seguretat alimentaria en zones d’aqüicultura. Les series temporals són eines imprescindibles per poder conèixer i entendre la dinàmica de les espècies i de les variables que modulen les seves proliferacions. Hi ha però una gran mancança de sèries temporals llargues i fiables a nivell d’espècie. Tanmateix, existeix un buit de coneixement sobre les dinoflagel·lades nocives en certs ecosistemes costaners que fins fa poc no s’han inclòs dins dels plans de vigilància. L’ objectiu principal d’aquesta tesi és l’estudi de les dinoflagel·lades potencialment nocives al NO de la Mediterrània i amb especial atenció a les espècies del gènere Alexandrium (que inclou espècies productores de toxicitat PSP), pel que fa a la seva identificació, taxonomia, abundància, característiques de les espècies i de les seves proliferacions, condicions ambientals associades, patrons de distribució espai-temporals, recurrències, tendències i risc associat en aigües costaneres. L’anàlisi rutinari amb la tècnica de calcofluor de mostres fitoplanctòniques recol·lectades en diferents ambients costers de la costa catalana entre el 2000 i 2012 (Capítols 1 i 3) ens va permetre identificar 11 espècies d’Alexandrium i determinar els seus patrons espai-temporals. Es van evidenciar tendències oposades de les dues espècies productores de PSP, i ens va permetre assenyalar la construcció de ports com el factor determinant de l’increment de les proliferacions de PSP a la costa catalana. L’estudi de la dinàmica poblacional de les espècies recurrents en diferents localitats va destacar la importància dels factors locals en les proliferacions d’ A. minutum (Capítol 1) i A. pacificum (Capítol 2). Els factors ambientals conjuntament estudiats (nutrients inorgànics dissolts i temperatura) no semblen modular la dinàmica d’aquestes espècies. A més, l’estudi de les dinoflagel·lades a platges ha permès determinar les espècies de dinoflagel·lades que produeixen més proliferacions, la seva distribució, les platges més afectades per PANs i els mesos en que es donen la gran majoria de proliferacions (Capítol 3). Un estudi morfològic amb diferents tipus de microscòpia i anàlisis moleculars va permetre la descripció d’un nou gènere de dinoflagel·lada atecada i la seva espècie tipus Barrufeta bravensis formadora de proliferacions d’elevada biomassa a platges (Capítol 4). S’ha determinat també en aquesta espècie i en Alexandrium andersonii (Capítol 5) l’absència de toxicitat PSP. A més, experiments de creixement van determinar que les taxes de creixent d’A. andersonii no eren significativament diferents ni entre les soques ni en les diferents temperatures estudiades. L’estudi de les dinoflagel·lades nocives a diferents nivells, ha aportat informació útil per avaluar els possibles riscos deguts a PANs a la costa catalana.[spa] Los dinoflagelados son uno de los grupos mayoritarios del fitoplancton marino. Algunas de sus especies producen proliferaciones que pueden causar efectos no deseados tanto en el ecosistema marino como en la especie humana. Uno de estos efectos es la intoxicación de personas por toxinas producidas por los dinoflagelados que son acumuladas por organismos filtradores y transferidas a sus consumidores. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el estudio de los dinoflagelados potencialmente nocivos en el NO del Mediterráneo con especial atención al género Alexandrium (que incluye especies productoras de toxinas PSP), en cuanto a su identificación, taxonomía, abundancia, características de las especies y de sus proliferaciones, condiciones ambientales asociadas, patrones de distribución espaciotemporal, recurrencias, tendencias y riesgo asociado en aguas costeras. El análisis rutinario con la técnica de calcofluor de muestras fitoplanctónicas de diferentes ambientes costeros recolectadas entre el 2000 y el 2012 nos permitió identificar 11 especies de Alexandrium y determinar sus patrones espaciotemporales. Se evidenciaron tendencias opuestas de las dos especies productoras de PSP, y nos permitió señalar la construcción de puertos como el factor determinante del incremento de las proliferaciones de PSP en la costa catalana. El estudio de la dinámica poblacional de las especies recurrentes en diferentes localidades destacó la importancia de los factores locales en las proliferaciones A. minutum y A. pacificum. Los factores ambientales conjuntamente estudiados (nutrientes inorgánicos disueltos y temperatura) no parecen modular la dinámica de estas especies. Además, el estudio de los dinoflagelados en playas permitió determinar las especies de dinoflagelados que producen más proliferaciones, su distribución, las playas más afectadas por PANs y los meses en que se dan la mayoría de proliferaciones. Un estudio morfológico con diferentes tipos de microscopia y análisis moleculares permitió la descripción de un nuevo género de dinoflagelado atecado y su especie tipo Barrufeta bravensis formadora de proliferaciones de elevada biomasa. Se determinó también en esta especie y en A. andersonii la ausencia de toxicidad PSP. El estudio de los dinoflagelados nocivos a diferentes niveles aporta información útil para evaluar los posibles riesgos debidos a PANs en la costa catalana

    Relationship between vegetative cells and cyst production during Alexandrium minutum bloom in Arenys de Mar harbour (NW Mediterranean)

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    A recurrent Alexandrium minutum bloom in the Arenys de Mar harbour (Catalan coast, North Western Mediterranean) was monitored in order to establish the relationship between vegetative cells and cyst production. The bloom lasted from January 21 to February 24, 2002 and reached cell concentrations of up to 47 x106 cell L-1. Two aspects related to the resting cysts deposition were studied: (i) production of resting cysts during the bloom period (by means of sediment traps) and (ii) distribution of resting cysts in the sediment after the bloom (May 2002). Cyst formation in Arenys clearly started in a period with high vegetative cell densities in the water column. Once production was initiated encystment fluxes remained constant for two weeks, and covering the periods of maintenance and decline of the bloom. High cyst fluxes (up to 6000 cysts cm-2 day-1) were quantified as a result of the high vegetative cell concentration. Moreover, encystment occurring in less than 1% of the total population indicates that most of the cells are not involved in resting cysts formation. A comparison of the resting cyst flux values obtained from the sediment traps and the resting cyst concentrations in surface sediment (628–3270 cysts cm-3) three months later, revealed that the number of cysts in the sediment decreased during that time. The studies of excystment showed a high germination percentage (91%) and germling viability (100%). These data, together with the resting cyst distribution in the sediment, are important in assessing the role of resting cysts in the bloom dynamics of A. minutum in confined waters.Postprin

    Small-scale turbulence can reduce parasite infectivity to dinoflagellates

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    mall-scale turbulence and parasite infection are 2 important factors that govern the dynamics and fate of phytoplankton populations. We experimentally investigated the influence of turbulent mixing on the infectivity of the parasite Parvilucifera sinerae to dinoflagellates. Natural phytoplankton communities were collected during 3 stages of a bloom event in Arenys de Mar Har- bour (NW Mediterranean). The 15 to 60 μm size fraction was used as the inoculum and distributed into spherical flasks. Half of the recipients were exposed to turbulence while the rest were kept still. In the experiments, the dinoflagellate assemblage was mainly composed of Prorocentrum micans, Scrippsiella trochoidea and Alexandrium minutum. We observed a collapse of A. minutum and S. tro- choidea populations in the unshaken flasks, which coincided with an increase in parasite infectivity. After a short exposure to turbulence, the development of the dinoflagellate populations slowed down and stabilised as expected. In the shaken treatments, the infectivity was lower and the decay in the host cells numbers was delayed compared to the still treatments. The degree of interference of the turbulence with infectivity varied among the experiments, due to differences in cell abundances and possibly their physiological state. Results from a numerical model suggest that turbulence could lead to a 25 to 30% decrease in the maximum infection rate, which could be due to host population disper- sion and/or reduced host–parasite contact times. Turbulence may thus be effective in delaying the initial infection, but not in preventing it.Postprin

    Cross-Validation of Predictive Equation for Cardiorespiratory Fitness by Modified Shuttle Walk Test in Adults with Schizophrenia: A Secondary Analysis of the CORTEX-SP Study

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    Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) can be direct or estimated from different field tests. The Modified Shuttle Walk Test (MSWT) is suitable for all levels of function, allowing a peak response to be elicited. Therefore, we aimed (1) to validate the equation presented in the original study by Singh et al. for evaluating the relationship between MSWT with peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) in adults with schizophrenia (SZ), (2) to develop a new equation for the MSWT to predict VO2peak, and (3) to validate the new equation. Participants (N = 144, 41.3 ± 10.2 years old) with SZ performed a direct measurement of VO2peak through a cardiopulmonary exercise test and the MSWT. A new equation incorporating resting heart rate, body mass index, and distance from MSWT (R2 = 0.617; adjusted R2 = 0.60; p < 0.001) performs better than the Singh et al. equation (R2 = 0.57; adjusted R2 = 0.57; p < 0.001) to estimate VO2peak for the studied population. The posteriori cross-validation method confirmed the model’s stability (R2 = 0.617 vs. 0.626). The findings of the current study support the validity of the new regression equation incorporating resting heart rate, body mass index, and distance from MSWT to predict VO2peak for assessment of CRF in people with SZ.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness “Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (PI16/01022) and the Department of Education and Science of the Basque Government (Team A) (IT946-16). MTE was supported by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with a predoctoral grant. AS was supported by a Fellowship from the Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno. This study is registered at 11 April 2018 in www.clinicaltrials.gov (NCT03509597)

    Resultados del programa de seguimiento de fitoplancton tóxico y biotoxinas en las zonas de producción de bivalvos de Cataluña: años 2003-2006 y primer trimestre del 2007

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    [ESP] En el período que va desde Enero del 2003 hasta finales de Marzo del 2007 se han producido un total de 28 cierres administrativos de zonas de producción de bivalvos. De estos, 27 han sido por toxicidad diarreica (DSP) o presencia de ácido okadaico (OA) y sólo 1 por toxicidad paralizante (PSP). No ha habido ninguna detección de toxicidad amnésica (ASP) en bivalvos. La mayor parte de los cierres, 20, se han producido en las bahías del delta del Ebro. Las posibles especies de microalgas implicadas han sido Dinophysis sacculus, D. caudata, Protoceratium reticulatum y Alexandrium minutum. En relación a los casos de ictiotoxicidad, únicamente se registró un episodio en el año 2003 debido a una proliferación de Karlodinium spp que ocurrió a finales de la primavera.Agradecemos la colaboración al laboratorio de Anfaco y al Laboratorio del Departamento de Salud Pública de Tarragona por los análisis y bioensayos de toxinas. También agradecemos a todo el equipo técnico del IRTA por su apoyo

    The impact of creativity on functional outcome in schizophrenia: a mediational model

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    Functional impairment remains one of the most challenging issues for treatment in schizophrenia. However, previous studies have mainly focused on the negative impact of symptoms excluding variables that could positively impact functional outcome, such as creativity, which is considered an adaptive capacity for real-life problem-solving. This study analyzed the predictive role of creativity on functional outcome in 96 patients with schizophrenia through a mediational model, including sociodemographic, clinical, neurocognitive, and social cognitive variables. Path analysis revealed that creativity significantly mediated the relationship between neurocognition and functional outcome, and that creativity mediated between negative symptoms and functional outcome. Additionally, neurocognition was directly associated with functional outcome and social functioning was associated with creativity. The involvement of creativity in functional outcome could have relevant implications for the development of new interventions. These findings open up a new field of research on additional personal resources as possible factors of functional outcome in schizophrenia and other diseases

    Neurocognitive, social cognitive, and clinical predictors of creativity in schizophrenia

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    Background: Creativity is considered an essential human accomplishment and a key component for daily life problem solving. It has been suggested that impairment in working memory, cognitive flexibility, and theory of mind could lead to lower creativity in schizophrenia. Additionally, other neurocognitive and social cognitive domains, as well as clinical symptoms could play a role in this relationship. However, the extent to which each of these domains influences creativity in schizophrenia remains unknown. Therefore, the aim of this study was to simultaneously investigate the specific contribution of neurocognitive, social cognitive, and clinical variables to creativity in schizophrenia. Methods: One hundred and one patients with schizophrenia were assessed in terms of sociodemographic, clinical, neurocognitive, social cognitive, and creativity variables. Results: After controlling for sociodemographic variables, regression analyses showed that higher social perception (beta = 0.286, p = .004) and processing speed (beta = 0.219, p = .023) predicted creativity total score. Higher social perception (beta = 0.298, p = .002) and processing speed (beta = 0.277, p = .004) explained figural creativity. Finally, lower negative symptoms (beta =-0.302, p = .002) and higher social perception (beta = 0.210, p = .029) predicted verbal creativity. Conclusions: Results suggest that neurocognitive, social cognitive, as well as clinical symptoms influence creativity of patients with schizophrenia. Moreover, these findings point out the prominent role of social cognition in creativity in schizophrenia.This study has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PI16/01022) and the Department of Education and Science of the Basque Government (Team A) (IT946-16). AS was supported by a Fellowship from the Fundacion Tatiana Perez de Guzman el Bueno. The funding agencies had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Similarities between summer nearshore and inner-shelf plankton communities in the Mediterranean Sea

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    55 Conference Estuarine Coastal Sciences Association (ECSA 55), Unbounded boundaries and shifting baselines: Estuaries and coastal seas in a rapidly changing world, 6-9 September 2015, LondonIn what degree nearshore plankton communities constitute an independent and distinct assemblage from shelf assemblages is a challenging question. Obvious physical and chemical differences exist among both systems but, also, important exchange and interdependencies are depicted by physical forcing. Clues to answer this question can be inferred by analyzing the degree of similarity between both systems and their respective biological communities. We analyze similarities between samples collected in nearshore and shelf waters in Palma Bay during a sampling period extending from April to September 2014. Strong differences between plankton structure at both sites are interpreted on the basis of physical and chemical variations at each site and on the degree of exchange induced by coastal currents and thermocline erosionPeer Reviewe

    Brain White Matter Correlates of Creativity in Schizophrenia: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study

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    The relationship between creativity and psychopathology has been a controversial research topic for decades. Specifically, it has been shown that people with schizophrenia have an impairment in creative performance. However, little is known about the brain correlates underlying this impairment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze whole brain white matter (WM) correlates of several creativity dimensions in people with schizophrenia. Fifty-five patients with schizophrenia underwent diffusion-weighted imaging on a 3T magnetic resonance imaging machine as well as a clinical and a creativity assessment, including verbal and figural creativity measures. Tract-based spatial statistic, implemented in FMRIB Software Library (FSL), was used to assess whole brain WM correlates with different creativity dimensions, controlling for sex, age, premorbid IQ, and medication. Mean fractional anisotropy (FA) in frontal, temporal, subcortical, brain stem, and interhemispheric regions correlated positively with figural originality. The most significant clusters included the right corticospinal tract (cerebral peduncle part) and the right body of the corpus callosum. Verbal creativity did not show any significant correlation. As a whole, these findings suggest that widespread WM integrity is involved in creative performance of patients with schizophrenia. Many of these areas have also been related to creativity in healthy people. In addition, some of these regions have shown to be particularly impaired in schizophrenia, suggesting that these WM alterations could be underlying the worse creative performance found in this pathology.This study has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PI16/01022) and the Department of Education and Science of the Basque Government (Team A) (IT946-16). AS was supported by a fellowship from the Fundacion Tatiana Perez de Guzman el Bueno. AG-G was supported by a fellowship from the Education, Language, Politics and Culture Department of the Basque Government (PRE_2015_1_0444). The funding agencies had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript