337 research outputs found

    Life cycle assessment and energy balance of a novel polyhydroxyalkanoates production process with mixed microbial cultures fed on pyrolytic products of wastewater treatment sludge

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    A "cradle-to-grave" life cycle assessment is performed to identify the environmental issues of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) produced through a hybrid thermochemical-biological process using anaerobically digested sewage sludge (ADSS) as feedstock. The assessment includes a measure of the energy performance of the process. The system boundary includes: (i) Sludge pyrolysis followed by volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production; (ii) PHAs-enriched biomass production using a mixed microbial culture (MMC); (iii) PHAs extraction with dimethyl carbonate; and iv) PHAs end-of-life. Three scenarios differing in the use of the syngas produced by both pyrolysis and biochar gasification, and two more scenarios differing only in the external energy sources were evaluated. Results show a trade-off between environmental impacts at global scale, such as climate change and resources depletion, and those having an effect at the local/regional scale, such as acidification, eutrophication, and toxicity. Process configurations based only on the sludge-to-PHAs route require an external energy supply, which determines the highest impacts with respect to climate change, resources depletion, and water depletion. On the contrary, process configurations also integrating the sludge-to-energy route for self-sustainment imply more onsite sludge processing and combustion; this results in the highest values of eutrophication, ecotoxicity, and human toxicity. There is not a categorical winner among the investigated configurations; however, the use of a selected mix of external renewable sources while using sludge to produce PHAs only seems the best compromise. The results are comparable to those of both other PHAs production processes found in the literature and various fossil-based and bio-based polymers, in terms of both non-biogenic GHG emissions and energy demand. Further process advancements and technology improvement in high impact stages are required to make this PHAs production process a competitive candidate for the production of biopolymers on a wide scale

    Light-induced reversible modification of the work function of a new perfluorinated biphenyl azobenzene chemisorbed on Au (111)

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    This work was financially supported by EC through the Marie-Curie ITN SUPERIOR (PITN-GA-2009-238177) and IEF MULTITUDES (PIEF-GA-2012-326666), the ERC project SUPRAFUNCTION (GA-257305), the Agence Nationale de la Recherche through the LabEx project Chemistry of Complex Systems (ANR-10-LABX-0026_CSC), and the International Center for Frontier Research in Chemistry (icFRC). The work in Mons is further supported by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme (P7/05) initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office, and by the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS). J.C. is an FNRS research director. The synthesis team in Switzerland acknowledges financial support by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and the Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI)

    Theory of mechanical unfolding of homopolymer globule: all-or-none transition in force-clamp mode vs phase coexistence in position-clamp mode

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    Equilibrium mechanical unfolding of a globule formed by long flexible homopolymer chain collapsed in a poor solvent and subjected to an extensional force f (force-clamp mode) or extensional deformation D (position-clamp mode) is studied theoretically. Our analysis, like all previous analysis of this problem, shows that the globule behaves essentially differently in two modes of extension. In the force-clamp mode, mechanical unfolding of the globule with increasing applied force occurs without intramolecular microphase segregation, and at certain threshold value of the pulling force the globule unfolds as a whole ("all-or-none" transition). The value of the threshold force and the corresponding jump in the distance between the chain ends increase with a deterioration of the solvent quality and/or with an increase in the degree of polymerization. In the position-clamp mode, the globule unfolding occurs via intramolecular microphase coexistence of globular and extended microphases followed by an abrupt unraveling transition. Reaction force in the microphase segregation regime demonstrates an "anomalous" decrease with increasing extension. Comparison of deformation curves in force and position-clamp modes demonstrates that at weak and strong extensions the curves for two modes coincide, differences are observed in the intermediate extension range. Another unfolding scenario is typical for short globules: in both modes of extension they unfold continuously, without jumps or intramolecular microphase coexistence, by passing a sequence of uniformly elongated configurations.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Variation in resonant Auger yields into the 1G4•nl states of Kr across the L3 threshold

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    Resonant Auger transitions into 1G4•nl states following Kr 2p3/2 electron excitation have been measured using monochromatized undulator radiation and a hemispherical electron energy analyzer. A clear identification of electron peaks was made for the 1G4•5s, 1G4•4d, 1G4•5d and so forth when the photon energy approached to the ionization threshold. The formation of the 1G4•4d state was found over a relatively wide energy range across the threshold, because of the short lifetime of the 2p hole and of shake effects in electron emission processes. The angular dependence of these decays showed little effect on the polarization direction of the incident photon, which suggests that little anisotropy is related to that of the normal Auger transition into the 1G4 state

    Reduced Graphene Oxide Electrolyte-Gated Transistor Immunosensor with Highly Selective Multiparametric Detection of Anti-Drug Antibodies

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    The advent of immunotherapies with biological drugs has revolutionized the treatment of cancers and auto-immune diseases. However, in some patients, the production of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) hampers the drug efficacy. The concentration of ADAs is typically in the range of 1-10 pm; hence their immunodetection is challenging. ADAs toward Infliximab (IFX), a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and other auto-immune diseases, are focussed. An ambipolar electrolyte-gated transistor (EGT) immunosensor is reported based on a reduced graphene oxide (rGO) channel and IFX bound to the gate electrode as the specific probe. The rGO-EGTs are easy to fabricate and exhibit low voltage operations (& LE; 0.3 V), a robust response within 15 min, and ultra-high sensitivity (10 am limit of detection). A multiparametric analysis of the whole rGO-EGT transfer curves based on the type-I generalized extreme value distribution is proposed. It is demonstrated that it allows to selectively quantify ADAs also in the co-presence of its antagonist tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), the natural circulating target of IFX

    Optically switchable transistors comprising a hybrid photochromic molecule/n-type organic active layer

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    Organic semiconductors can be easily combined with other molecular building blocks in order to fabricate multifunctional devices, in which each component conveys a specific (opto)electronic function. We have fabricated photoswitchable hybrid thin-film transistors based on an active bi-component material, consisting of an n-type fullerene derivative and a photochromic diarylethene that possesses light-tunable energy levels. The devices can be gated in two independent ways by either using an electrical stimulus via the application of a voltage to the gate electrode or an optical stimulus causing interconversion of the diarylethene molecules between their two isomers. Fine control over the device output current is achieved by engineering the diarylethenes' LUMO that can act as an intra-gap state controlled by a distinct wavelength in the UV or in the visible range. Importantly, the devices based on a mixed diarylethene/fullerene active layer preserve the high mobility of the pristine semiconductor

    Fast-Response Photonic Device Based on Organic-Crystal Heterojunctions Assembled into a Vertical-Yet-Open Asymmetric Architecture

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    Crystalline dioctyl-3,4,9,10-perylenedicarboximide nanowires and 6,13-bis(triisopropylsilylethynyl) pentacene microplates are integrated into a vertical-yet-open asymmetrical heterojunction for the realization of a high-performance organic photovoltaic detector, which shows fast photoresponse, ultrahigh signal-to-noise ratio, and high sensitivity to weak light
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