45 research outputs found

    The influence of rearing conditions and season of birth to calves welfare in the first month of life

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    Dobrobit teladi predstavlja jedno od najznaĉajnijih polja istraţivanja u oblasti dobrobiti domaćih ţivotinja. Zbog izuzetne osetljivosti, posebno u prvom mesecu ţivota, telad zahteva posebnu paţnju i negu. Najveći uticaj na dobrobit teladi, posebno u periodu posle roĊenja, imaju uslovi gajenja, obezbeĊeni od strane ĉoveka (ishrana, smeštaj, razliĉiti odgajivaĉki postupci i dr.), kao i mikroklimatski faktori - ĉiji je uticaj stalno prisutan, promenljivog je karaktera i u zavisnosti je od sezone roĊenja teladi. U procesu proizvodnje postoje brojni faktori rizika koji mogu nepovoljno da utiĉu na dobrobit teladi, a koji se mogu razvrstati u tri grupe: faktore rizika vezane za ishranu, za uslove drţanja i za organizaciju procesa proizvodnje. Ocena kvaliteta dobrobiti teladi vrši se na osnovu procene odreĊenih merljivih pokazatelja, odnosno indikatora. U zavisnosti od toga da li se odnose na same ţivotinje ili na tehnologiju gajenja, indikatori dobrobiti mogu se podeliti na direktne ili indirektne. Direktni se odnose na zdravstveno, fiziološko, emocionalno i bihejvioralno stanje teladi (telesna masa, kondicija, pojava bolesti, povrede, abnormalno ponašanje, bol, strah, stres i frustracije), dok su indirektni vezani za ţivotnu sredinu (indikatori resursa, uslovi smeštaja i mikroklimatski faktori), tehnologiju odgoja (uslovi ishrane i napajanja) i menadţment (postupci odgajivaĉa). Cilj ovog rada odnosi se na sagledavanje indikatora dobrobiti teladi u našim uslovima gajenja, identifikaciju najznaĉajnijih faktora rizika u prvom mesecu ţivota i otkrivanju najznaĉajnijih problema vezanih za dobrobit teladi. Istraţivanje se temeljilo na utvrĊivanju kvaliteta dobrobiti teladi, sagledavanju najznaĉajnijih faktora rizika po dobrobit teladi i analizi uslova gajenja na osnovu indikatora dobrobiti i faktora rizika. Istraţivanje uticaja uslova gajenja i sezone roĊenja na faktore rizika i indikatore dobrobiti teladi u prvih 30 dana ţivota, sprovedeno je na dve farme sa intenzivnim naĉinom proizvodnje mleka, farma A i farma B. Istraţivanje je trajalo godinu dana, a ceo period je bio podeljen na dvanaest meseci, odnosno na 4 kalendarske sezone (jesen, zima, proleće, leto)...The welfare of calves is one of the most important aspects in the field of research of farm animal welfare. Due to the extreme susceptibility, especially in the first month of life, calves require special attention and care. The biggest impact on the calves welfare, especially in the period after birth, have the rearing conditions provided by man (food, housing, different breeding methods, etc.), and microclimate factors - whose influence is always present and has variable quality and it is related to the calving season. In the production process there are many risk factors that may adversely affect the welfare of calves, which can be classified into three groups: the risk factors related to nutrition, housing conditions and the production process organization. Calves welfare quality assessment has been conducted on the basis of rating specific measurable indicators. Depending on whether it is related to the animals itself or to the production technology, indicators of welfare can be divided into direct and indirect. Direct indicators are related to medical, psychological, emotional and behavioral status of calves (body weight, body condition, the occurrence of illness, injury, abnormal behavior, pain, fear, stress and frustration), while indirect indicators are related to the environment (indicators of resources, housing conditions and microclimate factors), calves breeding technology (feeding conditions and water supply) and management (breeding procedures). The aim of this research relates to review the indicators of calves welfare in rearing conditions in our country, identifying the most important risk factors in the first month of life and determination of the most important issues related to the calves welfare. The research is based on determining the quality of the calves' welfare, reviewing the most significant risk factors for the calves welfare and analysis of rearing conditions on the basis of welfare indicators and risk factors. Investigation of the impact of rearing conditions and season of birth on the risk factors and indicators of calves' welfare in the first 30 days of calves life was conducted on two farms with intensive method of milk production, farm A and farm B..


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    The objective of this paper was to compare heifers reproductive traits and characteristics of their calves after artificial insemination performed by conventional (non-sexed) and sexed sperm on 6 commercial farms in Serbia. Conception rate was 55% and 44% for conventional and sexed semen, an average gestation length being 274.6 and 274.9 days, respectively. Average body mass at birth was 37.47 and 36.75 kg for non-sexed and sexed semen, respectively. The rate of stillbirths and twinning was 6.19 and 3.78% for conventional and 7.54 and 1.13% for sexed semen, respectively. The use of conventional semen exerted no statistically significant (P>0.05) effect on female: male calves relationship (51.96 : 48.04) while artificial insemination by sexed semen highly significantly (P<0.01) changed calf sex-ratio (85.10 : 14.90). First-calf heifers originating from sires whose sperm was obtained in conventional way produced 7880 kg milk with 269 kg milk fat and 242 kg protein in standard lactation, while first-calf heifers originating from sires whose sperm was sex-sorted produced 8184 kg milk with 251 kg milk fat and 242.3 kg protein. Type of insemination (conventional and sexed semen) did not significantly affect the studied milk yield traits (P>0.05)

    Influence of rearing conditions and birth season on calf welfare in the first month of life

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of farm conditions and season of birth on body mass, respiratory system diseases and diarrhea occurrence, and mortality during the first month of calves' life. The study was conducted on two tie-stall-system farms with intensive milk production and similar nutrition of dairy cows, but with differences in rearing conditions of calves in the first week of life. The calves were tied on lying area with straw as bedding material (farm A) or free in individual boxes with straw bedding (farm B). In the first consumption, they take 1-2 L of colostrum produced by their mother or by another cow (farm A), or 2.5-3 L of colostrum produced by their mother or by another cow or frozen colostrum (farm B). According to the results, average body mass of calves was significantly higher on farm B than of those on farm A at all ages (on birth, at 8 days, and 30 days). Mortality rate and diarrhea occurrence in calves were higher on farm B, while respiratory system diseases incidence was higher on farm A. All observed welfare indicators were very significantly (P lt 0.01) influenced by farm conditions and birth season

    Najčešći zdravstveni poremećaji i dobrobit muznih krava i teladi

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    Three farms of dairy cows (A, B and C) were observed for health disorders of dairy cows and suckling calves. Farm A is farm with tied system of rearing, with 1100 cows, while farms B and C have 400 and 600 cows kept loose with outdoor pens, respectively. Data regarding welfare criteria of dairy cows (health, feeding, housing and behaviour) were collected and analysed through Protocol of Welfare Quality (2009). Health disorders of dairy cows and suckling calves were collected and statistically analysed by chi-square test (X2 test). Welfare of all of three dairy farms were assessed as acceptable, meaning that provided welfare conditions meet the minimum requirements of animals. Principle of provision of good health was rated as acceptable (≥20 points) on farm A, while on farms with loose system (B and C) overall health rated as excellent (≥80 points). Occurrence rate of reproductive, locomotor, skin and claws disorders and digestive and systemic disorders of dairy cows and calves up to 4 months old were very different between three farms (A, B, C) with X2-values of 2901.71, 252.02, 204.08, 1152.31 and 184.23 respectively; α lt 0.01). According presented data, it is obvious that the majority health problems were observed in tied system of rearing, on farm A, such as reproductive disorders and mastitis, as well as injuries and bad body score and lame cows. The most serious health problems of the calves were diarrhea and bronchopneumonia of different etiology.Tri farme muznih krava (A, B i C) su analizirane u pogledu zdravstvenih poremećaja i dobrobiti krava i teladi. Na farmi A je zastupljen vezani sistem držanja sa 1100 krava, dok se na farmama B i C sa 400 odnosno 600 grla, krave drže slobodno. Podaci o dobrobiti mlečnih krava (zdravlje, ishrana, smeštaj i ponašanje) su prikupljeni i analizirani primenom protokola za ocenu kvaliteta dobrobiti (Anon, 2009). Poremećaji zdravlja krava u laktaciji i teladi su prikupljeni i statistički analizirani hi-kvadrat testom (X2 test). Dobrobit na sve tri mlečnih farmi je ocenjena kao prihvatljiva jer zadovoljava minimalne zahteve životinja. Princip obezbeđenja dobrog zdravlja je ocenjen kao prihvatljiv (≥20 bodova) na farmi A, dok je na farmama sa slobodnim sistemom (B i C) ocenjen kao odlično (≥80 poena). Pojava reproduktivnih, lokomotornih, digestivnih i sistemskih poremećaja mlečnih krava i teladi do 4 meseca starosti se veoma razlikovala između tri farme različite veličine i sistema uzgoja, sa x2-vrednostima 2901,71, 252.02, 204.08 , 1152,31 i 184,23, redom (α lt 0,01). Prema iznetim podacima, češća pojava zdravstvenih problema je uočena u vezanom sistemu uzgoja, na farmi A, u pogledu reproduktivnih poremećaja, mastitisa, povreda, loše telesne kondicije i hromosti krava, kao i proliva i bronhopneumonija teladi različite etiologije

    Frequency of behavioural disorders of calves in the first month of life

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    The manifestation of various forms of behavioural disorder in calves up to 30 days old was monitored on two farms for a year during four seasons in one year. On both farms calves were separated from mothers immediately after birth. On the farm A calves were tied in the first week of life, while at the farm B they were kept in individual boxes. The following forms of behavioural disorder have been reported: apathy, twisting of the tongue, licking of the substrate and intersucking, while the appearance of aggression between calves has not been recorded. Apathy was recorded in 16.28% of calves at farm A, most commonly in the age of 0-7 and 15 days, and in 84 calves (14.69%) at farm B, most often in the period immediately after birth. The occurrence of tongue twisting was recorded in 0.50% calves at farm A (2 at the age of 22 days and 1 at the age of 30), while no cases were reported at farm B. Calves were more susceptible to the licking of substrates (walls, fences, truncheons and other equipment) on both farms, since this phenomenon was observed in 8.89% of calves at farm A and 8.39% of calves at farm B at different ages; most often at the age of 30 days at Farm A, and at the age of 22 days at Farm B, while in the youngest age was the most common occurrence of this form of behaviour. Also, during the examined period on both farms there was a phenomenon of mutual calves sucking, 2.35% of calves at farm A, most often at the age of 22 days and 3.32% of calves at farm B, most often at the age of 8 and 22 days. The occurrence of the behavioral disorders in calves was the most frequent during the winter period, and the least frequent during autumn. The observed behavioural disorders indicate poor welfare quality. It is thought to have been caused by failures in the technology of keeping and accommodation, as well as early separation of calves from mothers. They are caused by disabling calves to satisfy basic physiological needs in behaviour and contact with other animals or as a result of exposure to pain, fear and stress

    Uticaj odgajivačkog područja i godine na osobine mlečnosti bikovskih majki simentalske rase

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    Cows which represent top of the genetic value of the population in regard to their traits are chosen for bull dams. Selection is based on origin, production performance (quantity of milk, milk fat and protein content), milking/dairy traits, reproductive indicators, exterior and linear type scores. This study included 292 cows of Simmental breed selected for bull dams on the territory of Republic of Serbia during one year. Selection of cows for herd of bull dams was done after finalized first and subsequent lactation. In this study, the effect of region and year of calving on milk traits is presented. Applying the method of least squares average value of milk production was obtained - 5.754,49 kg, milk fat content - 3,98% and quantity of milk fat - 230,24 kg. Regions had statistically highly significant effect (P (lt) 0,01) on all investigated milk traits. Year of calving showed no statistically significant effect on milk yield, yield of milk fat and content of milk fat (P>0,05).Za bikovske majke se odabiraju krave koje prema osobinama predstavljaju vrh genetske vrednosti populacije. Izbor se vrši na osnovu porekla, proizvodnih osobina (količina mleka, sadržaj mlečne masti i proteina), muznih osobina, reproduktivnih pokazatelja, eksterijera i linearnih ocena tipa. Ovim istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 292 krave simentalske rase odabrane za bikovske majke na području Republike Srbije u toku godine. Odabiranje krava u zapat bikovskih majki izvršeno je posle završene prve, odnosno na osnovu sledećih laktacija. U radu je ispitan uticaj odgajivačkog područja i godine telenja na osobine mlečnosti. Koristeći metod najmanjih kvadrata dobijene su prosečne vrednosti proizvodnje mleka 5.754,49 kg, sadržaja mlečne masti 3,98% i količine mlečne masti 230,24 kg. Regioni su imali statistički visoko značajan uticaj (P (lt) 0,01) na sve ispitivane osobine mlečnosti. Na osobine prinosa mleka, mlečne masti i sadržaja mlečne masti, godina telenja nije ispoljila statistički značajan uticaj (P>0,05)

    Heritability of type traits in first calving Black and White cows

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    Group of secondary traits such as health, longevity, type and milkability represents some of very important factors for successful milk production. These traits have been given great importance in recent years. In order to realize productive life of dairy cows as long and successful as possible, special attention should be directed to traits of type and body constitution. Objective of the research was to establish heritability coefficients for 14 type traits of first calving Black and White cows, effect of genetic and paragenetic factors (bull sires, farm, year and season of calving, age at scoring and share of Holstein-Friesian [HF] genes) on type traits, so that these scores could be included in calculation of breeding value of the animal. Also, average values of milk traits have been established: milk yield and yield of 4% fat corrected milk (FCM), content and quantity of milk fat. Evaluation was performed on a sample of 2 976 first calving Black and White cows. Evaluated cows were reared on 7 farms of the Agricultural Corporation Belgrade in Serbia. Analysis of discontinuous and continuous influences was done using the method of least squares. Investigation indicated that the value of linear type evaluation should be included in the total evaluation of the breeding value and in this way complete insight into genetic supremacy, especially of breeding bulls, would be obtained. Use of bull semen of proven supremacy in transmission of genes desirable from the aspect of body constitution, in the process of artificial insemination, would lead faster to production herds with animals which are uniform in type, of good conformation and longevity, which is of special significance in conditions of intensive rearing of dairy cattle

    Colostrum Management in Calves’ Welfare Risk Assessment

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    Successful milk production is based on proper calf rearing, especially the youngest categories. However, the intensive production can result in oversights that can have very negative effects on the survival of calves and their further growth. In order to reduce mortality and to improve rearing conditions for calves, different welfare assessment systems have been offered. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has developed a risk analysis approach to analysis of calf welfare. In this paper, data on young calves’ mortality, morbidity and elements regarding colostrum management risk assessment at three Serbian large dairy farms were considered. The study was carried out during one year and data were collected from the farm records and by survey of employees. According to the results, calves mortality in the first 7 days of life ranged from 1.57% to 3.79% at the year level, and the most frequent causes of death were enteritis and bronchopneumonia. Risk related to colostrum management in all three farms was present, and may affect the quantity and quality of colostrum that calves received were not adequate. As the major failures at most of the farms the follows can be highlighted: lack of monitoring of ingested colostrum quantity and assessment of colostrum quality with a colostrometer and lack of routine supply of adequate stocks of frozen colostrum. The results pointed on procedures of colostrum management in which changes should be made, in aim to improve health and welfare of calves and production results as well

    Genetic trend of functional productive life in the population of black and white cattle in Serbia

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    This research was conducted with the aim of estimating genetic trend for a functional length of productive life (FLPL) in the population of Black and White cattle in Serbia. Research and bulls genetic evaluation for functional longevity were performed on a set of data provided by Agricultural Corporation Belgrade AD (PKB) which contained data on longevity and origin of 22109 cows out of which 26% records were right-censored. Functional length of productive life (FPLP) represents a time period from the first calving to culling or censoring corrected for milk production. Breeding values were estimated using Weibull method of proportional risks within survival analysis a genetic trend for FLPL was calculated using of a regression analysis. The cows included in the analysis were on average first calved in the age of 809 days and had an average share of 81.9% genes of Holstein Friesian breed. An average length of productive life was 1267 days (41.6 months). Distribution of bull standardised breeding values did not statistically significantly differ from normal distribution. An average standardised breeding value was 99. A slightly positive genetic trend was determined, that is, the length of functional productive life was by selection increased by 0.021 day at an annual level while a reliability of estimated breeding values showed a negative trend