2,286 research outputs found

    The ‘Undue Burden’ of restrictions on abortion: A feminist bioethics analysis

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    This paper examines the ethical issues of abortion from a framework of undue burden. The definition of undue burden of abortion is taken from Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey (1992) supreme court decision and states: “its purpose or effect is to place a substantial obstacle in the path of the woman seeking an abortion before the fetus attains viability.” Specifically, this paper argues that abortion restrictions waiting periods and parental involvement do in fact place an undue burden on individuals seeking abortion. This paper utilizes a feminist ethics lens by addressing issues that disproportionately impact women and considering the institutionalized systems that surround abortion restrictions. Feminist ethics viewpoint accounts for power structures that disproportionately impact groups with less power in society. The paper concludes by discussing counterarguments and discussing the unconstitutional nature of waiting periods and parental consent

    Predicting Children\u27s Emotional And Behavioral Functioning: An Examination Of Coparenting And Parental Satisfaction

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    To examine the interplay among shared parenting, coparent support, parental satisfaction, and child behavior problems, the current study examines the responses of mothers and fathers who have children between the ages of 3- and 6-years. As part of this study, 107 parents (i.e., 80 mothers and 27 fathers) completed a questionnaire packet including measures of coparenting, parental satisfaction, and child behavior problems. Results are examined using correlational and hierarchical regression analyses. Correlational analyses suggest that coparent support and parental satisfaction are related positively and that coparent support and parental satisfaction are related negatively with children\u27s behavior problems. Unique relationships are found in this study when examining overt supportive behaviors versus perceptions of coparent support, suggesting the importance of examining these constructs separately in relation to parental satisfaction and children\u27s behavior. Hierarchical regression analyses reveal that, when coparent support measures are examined as different constructs, coparent support and parental satisfaction contribute uniquely to the prediction of children\u27s emotional and behavioral functioning. These findings highlight the connection between coparent support and parental satisfaction as well as the importance of each in predicting outcomes for children, regardless of how evenly two parents divide childcare responsibilities. These findings also contribute to the literature by suggesting the importance of examining perceptions of support and overt supportive behavior separately. It is hoped that the findings of this study will provide valuable information for potential targets of parenting interventions provided to mothers and fathers in mental health facilities

    La gouvernance et les sociĂ©tĂ©s d’État

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    Le 14 dĂ©cembre 2006, a Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ©e la Loi sur la gouvernance des sociĂ©tĂ©s d’État et modifiant certaines dispositions lĂ©gislatives (L.Q., c. 59), qui est venue prĂ©ciser un cadre de contrĂŽle renforcĂ© du gouvernement et redĂ©finir les responsabilitĂ©s dĂ©volues aux hautes instances de ces institutions Ă  l’échelle quĂ©bĂ©coise, le tout s’inscrivant dans un contexte plus global de rĂ©Ă©valuation et de modernisation de l’État.La note qui suit dĂ©finit le concept de sociĂ©tĂ©s d’État, analyse la portĂ©e de la rĂ©forme quĂ©bĂ©coise et met en parallĂšle ce rĂ©gime et celui qui existait dĂ©jĂ  au fĂ©dĂ©ral par l’entremise de la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques (L.R.C., c. F-11), ce qui permet de faire la lumiĂšre sur les solutions retenues (ou non) par le lĂ©gislateur fĂ©dĂ©ral et son homologue quĂ©bĂ©cois Ă  diffĂ©rents Ă©gards. Enfin, les auteures tentent d’apporter des justifications aux divergences ainsi constatĂ©es.On December 14th, 2006, the Act respecting the governance of state-owned enterprises and amending various legislative provisions (S.Q., c. 59) was adopted. The bill proposes to set forth an enhanced governance framework and redefine responsibilities entrusted to upper echelons of such institutions in QuĂ©bec, all within a wider view of re-evaluating and modernizing government.The ensuing paper defines the concept of State-owned enterprises, analyzes the QuĂ©bec reform and draws a parallel between this initiative and the one already in operation on the federal level via the Financial Administration Act (R.S.C., c. F-11). This in turn makes it possible to shed light on solutions that were or were not implemented by federal or QuĂ©bec legislators for various considerations. Finally, the authors attempt to provide justifications for divergences noted between the two approaches to this issue

    The physicality of mindsports through elite bridge players’ sensorial experiences:presence, confidence and bodies

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    The classification of mindsports such as the card game of bridge within sport and society continues to be keenly debated. The concept of ‘physicality’ is often cited as being a prerequisite for an activity to be classed as a ‘sport’, a characteristic typically seen as lacking in mindsports. However, by drawing upon monist conceptualisations of the mind, body and world being intertwined, it is possible to problematise such arguments by highlighting the interconnected sensations experienced when participating in bridge. This article explores such a notion through phenomenologically-inspired analysis of 52 interviews with elite-level bridge players. The findings detail the importance players placed upon aspects of kinaesthesia, physical presence within the competitive environment, and the role of other social actors within their own understandings of their competition experience. These sensorial, emotional and embodied accounts of elite-level bridge shed light on the physical negotiations and socio-cultural influences involved in mindsport, which allude to a greater degree of ‘physicality’ than has previously been discussed

    Situational Complexity and the Perception of Credible Evidence

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    Situational complexity is the distinction between simple, technically complicated, socially complicated, and complex situations. Programs that operate in simple situations are usually able to follow a prescribed course of action, or recipe, while programs operating in more complicated or complex situations must be flexible and responsive. In this article, the authors present findings from an exploratory, multiple-case study of the credibility of evidence in four distinct program situations ranging from simple to complex. Key informant interviews were conducted with 16 key informants, both internal and external to Extension. The findings were generally that the more complex the situation, the more likely that flexible or mixed-methods approaches were employed to strengthen program credibility. Across all the cases, the relationships that Extension educators have built with stakeholders played a pivotal role in building credibility of evidence. We conclude that sometimes situational complexity matters, sometimes methods matter, sometimes reporting style matters, but what always matters is the trusting relationship between the delivery organization and the stakeholder

    Six conseils pour bien réussir votre premiÚre expérience de leadership en éducation médicale

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    Entering into health education leadership with clear intentions can help guide a new career.  While being asked, or simply considering, an educational leadership position, is exciting, it is important to consider your motivation for this position, how this position will mesh with your life and what you want to achieve in this position.  In addition, it is important to look to mentors for advice and consider other avenues of professional development.  Our six tips provide insight into the consideration, negotiation and selection of a health education leadership career that can yield numerous rewards both personally and professionally.Pour mieux s'orienter dans une nouvelle carriĂšre, il est utile d'ĂȘtre lucide sur ses intentions lorsqu’on assume pour la premiĂšre fois un rĂŽle de leadership en Ă©ducation mĂ©dicale. Bien qu'envisager ou se faire proposer un poste de leadership dans le domaine de l’éducation soit en soi palpitant, il est nĂ©anmoins essentiel de s'interroger sur sa motivation pour le poste, sur la maniĂšre de l'intĂ©grer dans sa vie et sur ce qu’on souhaite rĂ©aliser dans cette fonction. En outre, il est important de se faire conseiller par des mentors et d'explorer d’autres possibilitĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement professionnel. Les six conseils qu’on propose touchent Ă  l’examen, Ă  la nĂ©gociation et au choix d’une carriĂšre de leadership en Ă©ducation mĂ©dicale, qui peut apporter de nombreuses rĂ©compenses tant sur le plan personnel que sur le plan professionnel

    Mrub_2874 is homologous to b3386 and Mrub_1349 is homologous to b2914, but Mrub_1349 is not homologous to b4090

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    ABSTRACT. This project is part of the Meiothermus ruber genome analysis project, which uses the bioinformatics tools associated with the Guiding Education through Novel Investigation – Annotation Collaboration Toolkit (GENI-ACT) to predict gene function. We investigated the biological function of the genes Mrub_2874 and Mrub_1349. We predict that Mrub_2874 encodes the enzyme ribulose-5-phosphate 3-epimerase (DNA coordinates 2912530..2913204 on the reverse strand), which is the first step of the pentose phosphate pathway (KEGG map number 00030). It catalyzes the conversion of D-ribulose 5-phosphate to D-xylulose 5-phosphate. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b3386, which has the gene identifier rpe. We predict that Mrub_1349 encodes the enzyme ribose-5-phosphate isomerase (DNA coordinates 1381292..1381978 on the reverse strand), which is also the first step of the pentose phosphate pathway (KEGG map number 00030). It catalyzes the conversion of D-ribulose 5-phosphate to D-ribose 5-phosphate. The E. coli K12 MG1655 ortholog is predicted to be b2914 and b4090, which have the gene identifiers rpiA and rpiB respectively. The comparison of Mrub_2875 to b3386 and the comparison of Mrub_1349 to b2914 were conclusive, but the data was inconclusive when comparing Mrub_1349 to b4090
