204 research outputs found

    The Rand Daily Mail and the 1976 Soweto Riots. An examination of the tradition of Liberal journalism in South Africa as illustrated by The Rand Daily Mail coverage of the Soweto uprising on June 6 1976

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    Student Number: 0216613T Master of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies. Faculty of Humanities and Social SciencesThis research examined the notion of liberal journalism in South Africa during apartheid as practiced at the RDM. It considered whether the paper, facing government scrutiny and restrictive laws, adhered to the principals of liberal journalism and how successfully it did so. The 1976 Soweto Uprising was used to assess the newspaper’s performance and the merits of arguments for and against the notion of it being a successful example of a liberal newspaper. Content analysis and interviews with RDM staff members, was used to assess the paper’s conduct. These primary sources were examined in conjunction with available literature and criticisms against the English press and RDM presented in testimonies at the TRCMH to assess the paper’s reportage and how valid criticisms against it were. The researcher concluded that, due to serious shortcomings, which included its reporting of the uprising, the RDM was not a successful liberal newspaper

    Gait speed characteristics and Its spatiotemporal determinants in nursing home residents: A cross-sectional study

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    Fien, S ORCiD: 0000-0003-0181-5458BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Low and slowing gait speeds among nursing home residents are linked to a higher risk of disability, cognitive impairment, falls, and mortality. A better understanding of the spatiotemporal parameters of gait that influence declining mobility could lead to effective rehabilitation and preventative intervention. The aims of this study were to objectively quantify the spatiotemporal characteristics of gait in the nursing home setting and define the relationship between these parameters and gait speed. METHODS: One hundred nursing home residents were enrolled into the study and completed 3 habitual gait speed trials over a distance of 3.66 m. Trials were performed using an instrumented gait analysis. The manner in which the spatiotemporal parameters predicted gait speed was examined by univariate and multivariable regression modeling. RESULTS: The nursing home residents had a habitual mean (SD) gait speed of 0.63 (0.19) m/s, a stride length of 0.83 (0.15) m, a support base of 0.15 (0.06) m, and step time of 0.66 (0.12) seconds. Multivariable linear regression revealed stride length, support base, and step time predicted gait speed (R = 0.89, P < .05). Step time had the greatest influence on gait speed, with each 0.1-second decrease in step time resulting in a 0.09 m/s (95% confidence interval, 0.08-0.10) increase in habitual gait speed. CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed step time, stride length, and support base are the strongest predictors of gait speed among nursing home residents. Future research should concentrate on developing and evaluating intervention programs that were specifically designed to focus on the strong predictors of gait speed in nursing home residents. We would also suggest that routine assessments of gait speed, and if possible their spatiotemporal characteristics, be done on all nursing home residents in an attempt to identify residents with low or slowing gait speed

    Exploring the feasibility, sustainability and the benefits of the GrACE + GAIT exercise programme in the residential aged care setting

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    Fien, S ORCiD: 0000-0003-0181-5458Background: The feasibility and benefits of a 24-week targeted progressive supervised resistance and weight-bearing exercise programme (Group Aged Care Exercise + GAIT (GrACE + GAIT)) in the residential aged care (RAC) setting was investigated as very little peer-reviewed research has been conducted in relation to exercise programmes of this duration in this cohort. Methods: A quasi-experimental study design consisting of two groups (control and exercise) explored a 24-week targeted progressive supervised resistance and weight-bearing exercise programme (GrACE + GAIT) in two RAC facilities in Northern New South Wales, Australia. A total of 42 adults consented to participate from a total of 68 eligible residents (61.7%). The primary outcome measures were feasibility and sustainability of the exercise programme via intervention uptake, session adherence, attrition, acceptability and adverse events. Secondary measures included gait speed and the spatio-temporal parameters of gait, handgrip muscle strength and sit to stand performance. Results: Twenty-three residents participated in the exercise intervention (mean (SD) 85.4 (8.1) years, 15 females) and 19 in the control group (87.4 (6.6) years 13 females). Exercise adherence was 79.3%, with 65% of exercise participants attending ≄70% of the sessions; 100% of those originally enrolled completed the programme and strongly agreed with the programme acceptability. Zero exercise-related adverse events were reported. ANCOVA results indicated that post-intervention gait speed significantly increased (p < 0.001) with an 18.8% increase in gait speed (m/s). Discussion: The GrACE + GAIT programme was shown to be feasible and significantly improve adults living in RAC facilities gait speed, handgrip strength and sit to stand performance. These results suggest that the GrACE + GAIT programme is suitable for use in the RAC sector and that it has the potential to reduce disability and improve function and quality of life of the residents

    New research on I.V. catheters overturns 40 years of practice

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    New evidence from NCREN researchers suggests the millions of peripheral intravenous catheters used each year can be safely changed only when clinically necessary, overturning 40 years of accepted practice involving routine replacement every three days

    Long‐term outcomes after paediatric sepsis (LOTUS)–A protocol for an Australian cohort study

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    Background: Globally, sepsis has been identified as one of the leading causes of preventable childhood mortality and morbidity. Previous studies on intensive care patients estimated that approximately 30% of children with sepsis experience some form of disability at discharge. Development of care has seen growing numbers of children treated for sepsis not requiring a PICU admission; however, outcomes in this population are yet to be understood. Further focus is required to understand sepsis survivorship across the wider population to address knowledge gaps and morbidity burden in the broader surviving population. Aims: To assess the cognitive, physical, emotional and social health of children surviving sepsis 2 years after hospital discharge. Study design: A prospective, observational cohort study. Results: Two hundred and thirty-two children will be screened, 2 years after their hospital admission, and approached for participation in this study. Children who are <18 years of age at follow-up, treated for sepsis-related organ dysfunction or septic shock in Queensland between October 2018 and December 2019, will be included. Children who are deceased at follow-up, under care of the state, or require English interpreters will be excluded from participation. Data will be collected through an online follow-up survey comprising validated caregiver-reported questionnaires covering the four Post Intensive Care Syndrome-paediatrics (PICS-p) domains (cognitive, physical, emotional and social health; Manning et al. Pediatr Crit Care Med, 2018, 19, 298-300). The primary outcome is an adaptive behaviour of the participants assessed using the Vinelands-3 tool. Secondary outcomes will include neurodevelopment, quality of life, child distress, overall function, executive function, caregiver's distress and caregiver's stress. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Kruskal-Wallis and Fisher's exact test/chi-squared tests will be used for statistical analyses. No adjustments will be made for multiple comparisons but it is acknowledged that comparisons made in this study are exploratory. Relevance to clinical practice: With more children surviving sepsis, there is a need for a more comprehensive assessment of patient and family outcomes to allow support structures for families leaving the hospital after sepsis. This study is expected to inform clinicians and stakeholders of patient and family well-being after sepsis survivorship

    Perceptions of gendered and ungendered pain relief norms and stereotypes using Q-methodology

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    Pain is ubiquitous, but effective pain relief eludes many. Research has shown that some pain behaviours are perceived as gendered, and this may influence the way men and women express and cope with pain, but such enquiries have not extended to specific methods of pain relief. Our aim was to explore perceptions of the most socially acceptable ways for men and women to relieve pain. Across 2 studies, 60 participants (50% men) aged 18 to 78 years completed a Q-sort task, sorting different pain relief strategies by the social acceptability for either women (study 1; N = 30) or men (study 2; N = 30). Analyses revealed 2 stereotypes for each sex. The overarching stereotype for women suggested it is most acceptable for them to use pain relief strategies considered conventional and effective. However, a second stereotype suggested it is most acceptable for women to use strategies that generally conform to feminine gender norms and stereotypes. The overarching male stereotype suggested it is most acceptable for men to use pain relief aligned with stereotypical masculinity; however, a second stereotype also emerged, characterised by conventional and effective responses to pain, much like the overarching stereotype for women. These differing viewpoints seem to depend on whether gender norm conformity or perceived analgesic efficacy is believed to determine social acceptability. These studies provide initial evidence of both a gendered and ungendered lens through which pain relief can be viewed, which may influence how men and women use pain relief.</p

    Dietary Patterns Associated with Alzheimer\u27s Disease and Related Chronic Disease Risk: A Review

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    The world’s population is growing older due to improved healthcare and nutrition. As a result, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) prevalence is rapidly increasing. The focus of the current research climate is shifting from understanding AD pathology and diagnosis to primary prevention and intervention strategies. Diet represents one potential intervention strategy accessible to all. Accumulating evidence suggests diet plays a major role in risk and development of AD and AD-related chronic diseases of the periphery like cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes. This paper reviews studies that have explored the relationship between “a priori” dietary patterns, AD and AD-related chronic disease risk. The dietary patterns we will review are the healthy eating index, healthy diet indicator, recommended food score, and the Mediterranean diet (MeDi). Our review of the literature suggests a generally positive association between healthy diet patterns, AD and AD-related chronic disease risk; however the magnitude of the protective effect is modest in many studies. Consequently, we can only confidently conclude that the MeDi is associated with reduced AD risk, and further studies on the remaining indices need to be carried out. It is our opinion that a combination of dietary scores could predict overall dietary quality and chronic disease risk to a greater extent than one score individually. Analysis in multi-ethnic cohorts, investigating combinations of scores must be completed before firm conclusions can be reached on the ideal combination of scores. Obtaining further insight into the association between dietary patterns, AD and AD-related chronic disease risk may help in prioritizing public health efforts and provide a stronger basis for recommendations to improve dietary patterns

    Medication administration evaluation tool design: an expert panel review

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    Background: Tools currently available to evaluate nurse medication administration practices have limitations and are either not validated or have poor reliability. Aim: To identify criteria and content for inclusion in a tool to evaluate medication administration by nurses in the clinical setting, using an expert panel. Methods: A peer review process using an expert multidisciplinary panel rated the relevance of the content on three tools; Medication Administration Safety Assessment Tool, Medication with Respect Tool and Clinical Skills Assessment Tool, using a four-point rating scale. Expert opinion was provided on relevance of content, rating scales and frequency of nurse evaluation. The level of agreement was analysed by item content validity index, mean item content validity index, mean expert proportion, scale content validity index with universal agreement, probability of chance agreement and a modified kappa rating. Qualitative themes were also reviewed. Findings: The item and scale content validity index and the kappa index both rated the Medication Administration Safety Assessment Tool and Clinical Skills Assessment Tool as excellent. For the Medication with Respect Tool less than half of the item content validity index ratings rated as good and the kappa index rated as excellent, therefore the scale content validity did not achieve a good rating. Conclusions: The expert panel review identified items of high level of agreement for relevance and determined that content needed to be clear, concise, observable, generic and practical to be useful for all nurses. Self-evaluation, feedback and a developmental plan were also key criteria

    A scoping review of nurse-led randomised controlled trials

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    Background: Nurses comprise the largest portion of the healthcare workforce worldwide. However, nurse representation in the leadership of clinical research and research funding is largely unknown. The Australasian Nursing and Midwifery Clinical Trials Network was established to provide a coordinated network, focussed on building research capacity in nursing and midwifery. To support this work, this scoping review of nurse-led randomised controlled trials was conducted to summarise research activity, as well as highlight future research directions, gaps and resources. Midwife-led trials will be reported elsewhere. Aim: To quantify number, type and quality of nurse-led randomised controlled trials registered between 2000–2021. Design: A scoping review of RCTs. Data Sources: Medline, Emcare and Scopus were searched from 2000 to August 2021. ANZCTR, NHMRC, MRFF and HRC (NZ) registries were searched from inception to July 2021. Review Methods: This review was informed by the JBI scoping review framework using the PRISMA-ScR. Results: Our search yielded 186 nurse-led publications and 279 registered randomised controlled trials. Multiple trials had the same nurse leaders. There were more registrations than publications. Publications were predominantly of high methodological quality; however, there was a reliance on active controls and blinding low. Trial registrations indicate that universities and hospital/healthcare organisations were the major sources of funding, while publications indicate that Governments and the National Health and Medical Research Council were the main funding bodies. Conclusion: A small number of high-quality, large-scale, nationally funded randomised controlled trials were identified, with a larger number of locally funded small trials. There was a disparity between the number of registered trials and those published. Additional infrastructure, funding and career frameworks are needed to enable nurses to design, conduct and publish clinical trials that inform the health system and improve health outcomes. Relevance to Clinical Practice: Research initiated and led by nurses has the potential to improve the health and well-being of individuals and communities, and current nurse-led research is of high methodological quality; however, there were very few nurse-led RCTs, conducted by a small pool of nurse researchers. This gap highlights the need for support in the design, conduct and publishing of nurse-led RCTs. Patient or Public Contribution: This is a scoping review; therefore, patient or public contribution is not applicable
