22 research outputs found

    How fast and how often: the pharmacokinetics of drug use are decisive in addiction

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    How much, how often and how fast a drug reaches the brain determine the behavioural and neuroplastic changes associated with the addiction process. Despite the critical nature of these variables, the drug addiction field often ignores pharmacokinetic issues, which we argue can lead to false conclusions. First, we review the clinical data demonstrating the importance of the speed of drug onset and of intermittent patterns of drug intake in psychostimulant drug addiction. This is followed by a review of the preclinical literature demonstrating that pharmacokinetic variables play a decisive role in determining behavioural and neurobiological outcomes in animal models of addiction. This literature includes recent data highlighting the importance of intermittent, ‘spiking’ brain levels of drug in producing an increase in the motivation to take drug over time. Rapid drug onset and intermittent drug exposure both appear to push the addiction process forward most effectively. This has significant implications for refining animal models of addiction and for better understanding the neuroadaptations that are critical for the disorder

    Hypofunctional Dopamine Uptake and Antipsychotic Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia

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    Antipsychotic treatment resistance in schizophrenia remains a major issue in psychiatry. Nearly 30% of patients with schizophrenia do not respond to antipsychotic treatment, yet the underlying neurobiological causes are unknown. All effective antipsychotic medications are thought to achieve their efficacy by targeting the dopaminergic system. Here we review early literature describing the fundamental mechanisms of antipsychotic drug efficacy, highlighting mechanistic concepts that have persisted over time. We then reconsider the original framework for understanding antipsychotic efficacy in light of recent advances in our scientific understanding of the dopaminergic effects of antipsychotics. Based on these new insights, we describe a role for the dopamine transporter in the genesis of both antipsychotic therapeutic response and primary resistance. We believe that this discussion will help delineate the dopaminergic nature of antipsychotic treatment-resistant schizophrenia

    Varying the rate of intravenous cocaine infusion influences the temporal dynamics of both drug and dopamine concentrations in the striatum

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    The faster drugs of abuse reach the brain, the greater is the risk of addiction. Even small differences in the rate of drug delivery can influence outcome. Infusing cocaine intravenously over 5 vs. 90â 100 s promotes sensitization to the psychomotor and incentive motivational effects of the drug and preferentially recruits mesocorticolimbic regions. It remains unclear whether these effects are due to differences in how fast and/or how much drug reaches the brain. Here, we predicted that varying the rate of intravenous cocaine infusion between 5 and 90 s produces different rates of rise of brain drug concentrations, while producing similar peak concentrations. Freely moving male Wistar rats received acute intravenous cocaine infusions (2.0 mg/kg/infusion) over 5, 45 and 90 s. We measured cocaine concentrations in the dorsal striatum using rapidâ sampling microdialysis (1 sample/min) and highâ performance liquid chromatographyâ tandem mass spectrometry. We also measured extracellular concentrations of dopamine and other neurochemicals. Regardless of infusion rate, acute cocaine did not change concentrations of nonâ dopaminergic neurochemicals. Infusion rate did not significantly influence peak concentrations of cocaine or dopamine, but concentrations increased faster following 5â s infusions. We also assessed psychomotor activity as a function of cocaine infusion rate. Infusion rate did not significantly influence total locomotion, but locomotion increased earlier following 5â s infusions. Thus, small differences in the rate of cocaine delivery influence both the rate of rise of drug and dopamine concentrations, and psychomotor activity. A faster rate of rise of drug and dopamine concentrations might be an important issue in making rapidly delivered cocaine more addictive.Varying the rate of i.v. cocaine delivery between 5 and 90 s determines the drug’s effects on brain and behaviour. We show that injecting cocaine between 5 and 90 s in rats alters the rates of rise of cocaine and dopamine in the dorsal striatum, without significantly changing peak concentrations. Faster injections also increase locomotor behaviour earlier than slower injections. Thus, beyond achieved dose, differences in the rates of rise of cocaine and dopamine can determine outcome.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151808/1/ejn13941-sup-0002-reviewer-Comments.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151808/2/ejn13941.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151808/3/ejn13941-sup-0001-FigS1-S3.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/151808/4/ejn13941_am.pd

    Cocaïne en

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    Does vendor breeding colony influence sign- and goal-tracking in Pavlovian conditioned approach? A preregistered empirical replication

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    Vendor differences are thought to affect Pavlovian conditioning in rats. After observing possible differences in sign-tracking and goal-tracking behaviour with rats from different breeding colonies, we performed an empirical replication of the effect. 40 male Long-Evans rats from Charles River colonies ‘K72’ and ‘R06’ received 11 Pavlovian conditioned approach training sessions (or “autoshaping”), with a lever as the conditioned stimulus (CS) and 10% sucrose as the unconditioned stimulus (US). Each 58-min session consisted of 12 CS-US trials. Paired rats (n = 15/colony) received the US following lever retraction. Unpaired control rats (n = 5/colony) received sucrose during the inter-trial interval. Next, we evaluated the conditioned reinforcing properties of the CS, by determining whether rats would learn to nose-poke into a new, active (vs. inactive) port to receive CS presentations alone (no sucrose). Preregistered confirmatory analyses showed that during autoshaping sessions, Paired rats made significantly more CS-triggered entries into the sucrose port (i.e., goal-tracking) and lever activations (sign-tracking) than Unpaired rats did, demonstrating acquisition of the CS-US association. Confirmatory analyses showed no effects of breeding colony on autoshaping. During conditioned reinforcement testing, analysis of data from Paired rats alone showed significantly more active vs. inactive nosepokes, suggesting that in these rats, the lever CS acquired incentive motivational properties. Analysing Paired rats alone also showed that K72 rats had higher Pavlovian Conditioned Approach scores than R06 rats did.  Thus, breeding colony can affect outcome in Pavlovian conditioned approach studies, and animal breeding source should be considered as a covariate in such work

    Cues paired with either rapid or slower self-administered cocaine injections acquire similar conditioned rewarding properties.

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    The faster drugs of abuse reach the brain, the more addictive they can be. It is not known why this is. Environmental stimuli associated with drugs can promote the development and persistence of addiction by invigorating and precipitating drug-seeking behaviour. We determined, therefore, whether cues associated with the self-administration of rapidly delivered cocaine (injected intravenously over 5 versus 90 seconds) would acquire greater conditioned rewarding properties, as assessed by the performance of an operant response reinforced solely by the cues. Rats nose-poked for intravenous cocaine infusions delivered either over 5 or 90 seconds. Discrete visual cues accompanied each infusion. The rats could then press a lever to obtain the cues--now a conditioned reward--or an inactive lever. Rats in both the 5- and 90-second groups pressed more on the active versus inactive lever following extensive (24 sessions) but not following limited (3 sessions) self-administration training. There were no group differences in this behaviour. Following withdrawal from cocaine self-administration, lever discrimination progressively abated in both groups and was lost by withdrawal day 30. However, the rewarding properties of the cues were not "forgotten" because on withdrawal days 32-33, amphetamine selectively enhanced active-lever pressing, and did so to a similar extent in both groups. Thus, cues paired with rapid or slower cocaine delivery acquire similar conditioned rewarding properties. We conclude, therefore, that the rapid delivery of cocaine to the brain promotes addiction by mechanisms that might not involve a greater ability of drug cues to control behaviour

    Dopamine “Ups and Downs” in Addiction Revisited

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    Repeated drug use can change dopamine function in ways that promote the development and persistence of addiction. But in what direction? By one view, drug use blunts dopamine neurotransmission, producing a hypodopaminergic state that fosters further drug use to overcome a dopamine deficiency. Another view is that drug use enhances dopamine neurotransmission, producing a sensitized, hyperdopaminergic reaction to drugs and drug cues. According to this second view, continued drug use is motivated by sensitization of drug ‘wanting’. Here we discuss recent evidence supporting the latter view, both from preclinical studies using intermittent cocaine self-administration procedures that mimic human patterns of use, and related human neuroimaging studies. These studies have implications for modeling addiction in the laboratory, and for treatment

    The self-administration of rapidly delivered cocaine promotes increased motivation to take the drug: contributions of prior levels of operant responding and cocaine intake

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    Abstract Rationale Rapid drug delivery to the brain might increase the risk for developing addiction. In rats, increasing the speed of intravenous cocaine delivery (5 vs. 90 s) increases drug intake and the subsequent motivation to self-administer cocaine. Increased motivation for cocaine could result not only from more extensive prior drug intake and operant responding for drug, but also from neuroplasticity evoked by rapid drug uptake. Objective We determined the contributions of prior drug intake and operant responding to the increased motivation for cocaine evoked by rapid delivery. We also investigated the effects of cocaine delivery speed on corticostriatal expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and tropomyosin receptor kinase B (TrkB) mRNA. Methods Rats self-administered cocaine (0.25 mg/kg/infusion) delivered over 5 or 90 s during short-access (1 h/session; ShA) or long-access (6 h; LgA) sessions. Motivation for cocaine was then assessed by measuring responding under a progressive ratio schedule of reinforcement. Next, BDNF and TrkB mRNA levels were measured in 5-and 90-s rats. Results Five-second ShA and 5-s-LgA rats were more motivated for cocaine than their 90-s counterparts. This effect was dissociable from previous levels of drug intake or of operant responding for cocaine. In parallel, only rats selfadministering rapid cocaine injections had altered BDNF and TrkB mRNA levels in corticostriatal regions. Conclusions Rapid drug delivery augments the motivation for cocaine independently of effects on the levels of drug intake or operant responding for drug. We suggest that rapid delivery might increase the motivation for drug by promoting neuroplasticity within reward pathways. This neuroplasticity could involve increased regulation of BDNF/TrkB