5 research outputs found

    Determinants of Entrepreneurial Attractiveness of MSMEs Café and Coffee Stalls

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    This study aims to explain and analyze the effect of facilities on attractiveness through purchase intention as a bridging gap. The population in this study were customers of MSMEs café and coffee shop entrepreneurs totaling 5,990 customer/consumer respondents of MSMES café and coffee shop entrepreneurs in Makassar city, including real café, losari beach café, akkarena beach café, zodiac café, boegiz café, warkop azzahra, warkop Dg sija, warkop dottoro, warkop kopitiam and warkop bundu. The sample used in this study was 215 respondents, using probability sampling techniques or by random sampling based on area (Cluster Random Sampling), one of the sampling methods used were the population does not consist of individuals, but consists of groups of individuals or clusters. The analytical technique used for hypothesis testing is structural equation modeling Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) Amos program. The results showed that facilities have a significant indirect effect on purchase intention. Facilities have a significant direct effect on attractiveness. Purchase interest has a significant direct effect on attractiveness. Some of the recommendations given are in terms of facilities by having to implement well the indicators that increase buying interest and attractiveness so that MSMEs café and coffee shop entrepreneurship can run sustainably. In terms of buying interest and attractiveness, it must be maintained and further improved in terms of indicators so that MSMEs café and coffee shop entrepreneurs in Makassar city can survive in the midst of the current global competition in the industry. Keywords: Facilities, Purchase Interest and Attractivenes

    Quantifying primaquine effectiveness and improving adherence: a round table discussion of the APMEN Vivax Working Group.

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    The goal to eliminate malaria from the Asia-Pacific by 2030 will require the safe and widespread delivery of effective radical cure of malaria. In October 2017, the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network Vivax Working Group met to discuss the impediments to primaquine (PQ) radical cure, how these can be overcome and the methodological difficulties in assessing clinical effectiveness of radical cure. The salient discussions of this meeting which involved 110 representatives from 18 partner countries and 21 institutional partner organizations are reported. Context specific strategies to improve adherence are needed to increase understanding and awareness of PQ within affected communities; these must include education and health promotion programs. Lessons learned from other disease programs highlight that a package of approaches has the greatest potential to change patient and prescriber habits, however optimizing the components of this approach and quantifying their effectiveness is challenging. In a trial setting, the reactivity of participants results in patients altering their behaviour and creates inherent bias. Although bias can be reduced by integrating data collection into the routine health care and surveillance systems, this comes at a cost of decreasing the detection of clinical outcomes. Measuring adherence and the factors that relate to it, also requires an in-depth understanding of the context and the underlying sociocultural logic that supports it. Reaching the elimination goal will require innovative approaches to improve radical cure for vivax malaria, as well as the methods to evaluate its effectiveness


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    Background: Clinical symptoms of the Japanese encephalitis disease are difficult to distinguish from other encephalitis diseases, clinical diagnosis to be supported by the examination of isolation or serology. There are several technique to support the diagnosis of JE examination but still have limited. Based on this reasoning need for a rapid test with good accuracy that can be used in primary care health centers, especially in highly endemic areas. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate diagnostic validity of JE IgM rapid methods in serum of patients with encephalitis. Method: This study use cross-sectional design, for diagnose test with 176 serum samples, independen and blind, JE IgM rapid method compared to methods (ELISA IgM). Serum samples are stored in the BLK of Bali 2002-2007. Results: The results of the diagnostic test using a 2x2 table, the results is sensitivity of 23% (CI :12-35%), specificity 99% (CI: 98-100%), Positive Predictive Value 92% (CI: 78-100% ), Accuracy 76.7%, Negative Predictive Value of 75% (CI :69-82%), Positive Likelihood Ratio 28.62 (:3,82 CI-214, 46), Negative Likelihood Ratio 0.78 (CI: 0 0.67-0, 90 Conclusion: These result show that JE IgM rapid method for patients with encephalitis were compared to the ELISA IgM method have gives results specificity value of 99% (CI: 98-100%

    Challenges for achieving safe and effective radical cure of Plasmodium vivax: a round table discussion of the APMEN Vivax Working Group

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    Abstract The delivery of safe and effective radical cure for Plasmodium vivax is one of the greatest challenges for achieving malaria elimination from the Asia–Pacific by 2030. During the annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Malaria Elimination Network Vivax Working Group in October 2016, a round table discussion was held to discuss the programmatic issues hindering the widespread use of primaquine (PQ) radical cure. Participants included 73 representatives from 16 partner countries and 33 institutional partners and other research institutes. In this meeting report, the key discussion points are presented and grouped into five themes: (i) current barriers for glucose-6-phosphate deficiency (G6PD) testing prior to PQ radical cure, (ii) necessary properties of G6PD tests for wide scale deployment, (iii) the promotion of G6PD testing, (iv) improving adherence to PQ regimens and (v) the challenges for future tafenoquine (TQ) roll out. Robust point of care (PoC) G6PD tests are needed, which are suitable and cost-effective for clinical settings with limited infrastructure. An affordable and competitive test price is needed, accompanied by sustainable funding for the product with appropriate training of healthcare staff, and robust quality control and assurance processes. In the absence of quantitative PoC G6PD tests, G6PD status can be gauged with qualitative diagnostics, however none of the available tests is currently sensitive enough to guide TQ treatment. TQ introduction will require overcoming additional challenges including the management of severely and intermediately G6PD deficient individuals. Robust strategies are needed to ensure that effective treatment practices can be deployed widely, and these should ensure that the caveats are outweighed by  the benefits of radical cure for both the patients and the community. Widespread access to quality controlled G6PD testing will be critical

    Buku Abstrak Seminar Nasional Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Humaniora Universitas Indonesia Timur 2019

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    Buku Abstrak ini merupakan kumpulan abstrak dari artikel ilmiah yang telah dipresentasikan oleh para pemakalah dalam Seminar Nasional Sains, Teknologi, dan Sosial Humaniora Universitas Indonesia Timur 2019 yang diselengarakan pada tanggal 23 Desember 2019 di Hotel Horison Ultima Makassa