81 research outputs found

    Study of the Fracturing Behavior of Thermoset Polymer Nanocomposites via Cohesive Zone Modeling

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    This work proposes an investigation of the fracturing behavior of polymer nanocomposites. Towards this end, the study leverages the analysis of a large bulk of fracture tests from the literature with the goal of critically investigating the effects of the nonlinear Fracture Process Zone (FPZ). It is shown that for most of the fracture tests the effects of the nonlinear FPZ are not negligible, leading to significant deviations from Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) sometimes exceeding 150% depending on the specimen size and nanofiller content. To get a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the FPZ, fracture tests on geometrically-scaled Single Edge Notch Bending (SENB) specimens are analyzed leveraging a cohesive zone model. It is found that the FPZ cannot be neglected and a bi-linear cohesive crack law generally provides the best match of experimental data.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1707.0925

    Enhancing the Electrical and Thermal Conductivities of Polymer Composites via Curvilinear Fibers: An Analytical Study

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    The new generation of manufacturing technologies such as e.g. additive manufacturing and automated fiber placement has enabled the development of material systems with desired functional and mechanical properties via particular designs of inhomogeneities and their mesostructural arrangement. Among these systems, particularly interesting are materials exhibiting \textbf{Curvilinear Transverse Isotropy} (CTI) in which the inhomogeneities take the form of continuous fibers following curvilinear paths designed to e.g. optimize the electric and thermal conductivity, and the mechanical performance of the system. In this context, the present work proposes a general framework for the exact, closed-form solution of electrostatic problems in materials featuring curvilinear transverse isotropy. First, the general equations for the fiber paths that optimize the electric conductivity are derived leveraging a proper conformal coordinate system. Then, the continuity equation for the curvilinear, transversely isotropic system is derived in terms of electrostatic potential. A general exact, closed-form expression for the electrostatic potential and electric field is derived and validated by Finite Element Analysis. Finally, potential avenues for the development of materials with superior electric conductivity and damage sensing capabilities are discussed

    A Study on the Fracturing Behavior of Thermoset Polymer Nanocomposites

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    This work proposes an investigation on the fracturing behavior of polymer nanocomposites. Towards this end, the study leverages on the analysis of a large bulk of fracture tests from the literature with the goal of critically investigating the effects of the nonlinear Fracture Process Zone (FPZ). It is shown that for most of the fracture tests, the effects of the nonlinear FPZ are not negligible, leading to significant deviations from Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM). As the data indicate, this aspect needs to be taken into serious consideration since the use of LEFM to estimate mode I fracture energy, which is common practice in the literature, can lead to an error as high as 157% depending on the specimen size and nanofiller content.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1702.0582

    Spectral Stiffness Microplane Model for Quasibrittle Textile Composites

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    The present contribution proposes a general constitutive model to simulate the orthotropic stiffness, pre-peak nonlinearity, failure envelopes, and the post-peak softening and fracture of textile composites. Following the microplane model framework, the constitutive laws are formulated in terms of stress and strain vectors acting on planes of several orientations within the material meso-structure. The model exploits the spectral decomposition of the orthotropic stiffness tensor to define orthogonal strain modes at the microplane level. These are associated to the various constituents at the mesoscale and to the material response to different types of deformation. Strain-dependent constitutive equations are used to relate the microplane eigenstresses and eigenstrains while a variational principle is applied to relate the microplane stresses at the mesoscale to the continuum tensor at the macroscale. Thanks to these features, the resulting spectral stiffness microplane formulation can easily capture various physical inelastic phenomena typical of fiber and textile composites such as: matrix microcracking, micro-delamination, crack bridging, pullout, and debonding. The application of the model to a twill 2×\times2 shows that it can realistically predict its uniaxial as well as multi-axial behavior. Furthermore, the model shows excellent agreement with experiments on the axial crushing of composite tubes, this capability making it a valuable design tool for crashworthiness applications. The formulation is computationally efficient, easy to calibrate and adaptable to other kinds of composite architectures of great current interest such as 2D and 3D braids or 3D woven textiles

    Fracturing Behavior and Size Effect of Discontinuous Fiber Composite Structures with Different Platelet Sizes

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    This study investigates the mode I intra-laminar fracture and size effect in Discontinuous Fiber Composites (DFCs). Towards this goal, the results of fracture tests on geometrically-scaled Single Edge Notch Tension (SENT) specimens are presented and critically discussed for three platelet sizes. The results clearly show a decrease in nominal strength as the specimen size increases. This effect becomes more important as the structure size increases. It is found that, when the specimen is sufficiently large, the structural strength scales according to Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) and the failure occurs in a very brittle way. In contrast, small specimens exhibit a more pronounced pseudo-ductility with a limited scaling effect and a significant deviation from LEFM. To characterize the fracture energy and the effective length of the fracture process zone, an approach combining equivalent fracture mechanics and stochastic finite element modeling is proposed. The model accounts for the complex random mesostructure of the material by modeling the platelets explicitly. Thanks to this theoretical framework, the mode I fracture energy of DFCs is estimated for the first time and it is shown to depend significantly on the platelet size. In particular, the fracture energy is shown to increase linearly with the platelet size in the range investigated in this work.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figure

    Strength and Cohesive Behavior of Thermoset Polymers at the Microscale: A Size-Effect Study

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    This study investigated, experimentally and numerically, the fracturing behavior of thermoset polymer structures featuring cracks and sharp u-notches. It is shown that, even for cases in which the sharpness of the notch would suggest otherwise, the failure behavior of cracked and pre-notched specimens is substantially different, the failure loads of the former configuration being about three times lower than the latter one. To capture this interesting behavior a two-scale cohesive model is proposed. The model is in excellent agreement with the experimental data and its predictions allow to conclude that (a) residual plastic stresses cannot explain the very high failure loads of notched structures; (b) the strength of the polymer at the microscale can be from six to ten times larger than the values measured from conventional tests whereas the fracture energy at the microscale can be about forty times lower; (c) the pre-notched specimens investigated in this work failed when the stress at the tip reached the microscale strength whereas the cracked specimens failed when the energy release rate reached the total fracture energy of the material. The foregoing considerations are of utmost importance for the design of microelectronic devices or polymer matrix composites for which the main damage mechanisms are governed by the strength and cohesive behavior at the microscale.Comment: 35 pages, 12 figures, 2 table

    Micro-Computed Tomography Analysis of Damage in Notched Composite Laminates Under Multi-Axial Fatigue

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    The broad application of polymer composites in engineering demands the deep understanding of the main damage mechanisms under realistic loading conditions and the development of proper physics-based models. Towards this goal, this study presents a comprehensive characterization of the main damage mechanisms in a selection of notched composite structures under multiaxial fatigue loading. Thanks to a synergistic combination of X-ray micro-computed tomography (μ\mu-CT) and Digital Image Correlation (DIC), the main failure modes are identified while the crack volume associated to each mechanism is characterized. This study provides unprecedented quantitative data for the development and validation of computational models to capture the fatigue behavior of polymer composite structures.Comment: 21 pages including cover page, 15 figure

    Mode I and II Interlaminar Fracture in Laminated Composites: A Size Effect Study

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    This work investigates the mode I and II interlaminar fracturing behavior of laminated composites and the related size effects. Fracture tests on geometrically scaled Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) and End Notch Flexure (ENF) specimens were conducted to understand the nonlinear effects of the cohesive stresses in the Fracture Process Zone (FPZ). The results show a significant difference between the mode I and mode II fracturing behaviors. It is shown that, while the strength of the DCB specimens scales according to the Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM), this is not the case for the ENF specimens. Small specimens exhibit a pronounced pseudo-ductility with limited size effect and a significant deviation from LEFM, whereas larger specimens behave in a more brittle way, with the size effect on nominal strength closer to that predicted by LEFM. This behavior, due to the significant size of the Fracture Process Zone (FPZ) compared to the specimen size, needs to be taken into serious consideration. It is shown that, for the specimen sizes investigated in this work, neglecting the non-linear effects of the FPZ can lead to an underestimation of the fracture energy by as much as 55%, with an error decreasing for increasing specimen sizes. Both the mode I and II test data can be captured very accurately by Ba\v{z}ant's type II Size Effect Law (SEL)

    Direct Testing of Gradual PostPeak Softening of Notched Specimens of Fiber Composites Stabilized by Enhanced Stiffness and Mass

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    Static and dynamic analysis of the fracture tests of fiber composites in hydraulically servo-controlled testing machines currently in use shows that their grips are much too soft and light for observing the postpeak softening. Based on static and dynamic analysis of the test setup, far stiffer and heavier grips are proposed. Tests of compact-tension fracture specimens of woven carbon-epoxy laminates prove this theoretical conclusion. Sufficiently stiff grips allow observation of a stable postpeak, even under load-point displacement control. Dynamic stability analysis further indicates that stable postpeak can be observed under CMOD control provided that a large mass is rigidly attached to the current soft grips. The fracture energy deduced from the area under the measured complete load-deflection curve with stable postpeak agrees closely with the fracture energy deduced from the size effect tests of the same composite. Previous suspicions of dynamic snapback in the testing of composites are dispelled. So is the previous view that fracture mechanics was inapplicable to the fiber-polymer composites

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Intra-Laminar Energy Dissipation and Size Effect in Two-Dimensional Textile Composites

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    Design of large composite structures requires understanding the scaling of their mechanical properties, an aspect often overlooked in the literature on composites. This contribution analyzes, experimentally and numerically, the intra-laminar size effect of textile composite structures. Test results of geometrically similar Single Edge Notched specimens made of 8 layers of 0 degree epoxy/carbon twill 2 by 2 laminates are reported. Results show that the nominal strength decreases with increasing specimen size and that the experimental data can be fitted well by Bazant's size effect law, allowing an accurate identification of the intra-laminar fracture energy of the material. The importance of an accurate estimation of Gf in situations where intra-laminar fracturing is the main energy dissipation mechanism is clarified by studying numerically its effect on crashworthiness of composite tubes. Simulations demonstrate that, for the analyzed geometry, a decrease of the fracture energy to 50% of the measured value corresponds to an almost 42% decrease in plateau crushing load. Further, assuming a vertical stress drop after the peak, a typical assumption of strength-based constitutive laws implemented in most commercial Finite Element codes, results in an strength underestimation of the order of 70%. The main conclusion of this study is that measuring accurately fracture energy and modeling correctly the fracturing behavior of textile composites, including their quasi-brittleness, is key. This can be accomplished neither by strength- or strain-based approaches, which neglect size effect, nor by LEFM which does not account for the finiteness of the Fracture Process Zone
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