155 research outputs found

    NDVI Analysis for Monitoring Land-Cover Evolution on Selected Deglaciated Areas in the Gran Paradiso Group (Italian Western Alps)

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    The ongoing climate warming is affecting high-elevation areas, reducing the extent and the duration of glacier and snow covers, driving a widespread greening effect on the Alpine region. The impact assessment requires therefore the integration of the geomorphological context with altitudinal and ecological features of the study areas. The proposed approach introduces chronologically-constrained zones as geomorphological evidence for selecting deglaciated areas in the alpine and non-alpine belts. In the present study, the protected and low-anthropic-impacted areas of the Gran Paradiso Group (Italian Western Alps) were analysed using Landsat NDVI time series (1984–2022 CE). The obtained results highlighted a progressive greening even at a higher altitude, albeit not ubiquitous. The detected NDVI trends showed, moreover, how the local factors trigger the greening in low-elevation areas. Spectral reflectance showed a general decrease over time, evidencing the progressive colonisation of recently deglaciated surfaces. The results improved the discrimination between different greening rates in the deglaciated areas of the Alpine regions. The geomorphological-driven approach showed significant potential to support the comprehension of these processes, especially for fast-changing areas such as the high mountain regions


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    Recently, family farming has become a central element in the public debate over its fundamental role in rural areas. Family farming is an important way to ensure agricultural and forestry production, as well as fishing and grazing, managed and run by a family that mostly depends on unpaid family labour, both women and men. From the 570 million farms in the world, over 500 million are family farms. In Portugal, 96% of the farms are of the family-type, which permanent and predominantly use labour belonging to the family. There are numerous examples in which, through organic farming, family farming can be lead to new heights of success and innovation, with direct impact on the increase in the farm income. The benefits that may accrue from the adoption of organic farming on family holdings in Mediterranean countries such as Portugal, Italy and Spain are analysed, its impact and major constraints, as well as the contribution that new forms of teaching and learning can make to its spread and success, including through project-based technologies and m-learning, as it is the case of the project ECONewFARMERS - Building a future for new farmers in ecological farming through vocational training

    Oxidative stress and gut-derived lipopolysaccharides in children affected by paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections

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    BACKGROUND: Paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections syndrome (PANDAS) identifies patients with acute onset of obsessive-compulsive and tic disorders. The objective of this study was to evaluate serum NOX2 levels, as well as 8-iso-prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2α) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of PANDAS patients. METHODS: In this study we wanted to compare serum levels of soluble NOX2-dp (sNOX-2-dp), iso-PGF2α and LPS in 60 consecutive subjects, including 30 children affected by PANDAS and 30 controls (CT) matched for age and gender. Serum zonulin was used as intestinal permeability assay. RESULTS: Compared with CT, PANDAS children had increased serum levels of sNOX-2-dp, 8-iso-PGF2α and LPS. Bivariate analysis showed that serum sNOX2-dp was significantly correlated with LPS (Rs = 0.359; p = 0.005), zonulin (Rs = 0.444; p < 0.001) and 8-iso-PGF2α (Rs = 0.704; p < 0.001). Serum LPS significantly correlated with zonulin (Rs = 0.610; p < 0.001), and 8-iso-PGF2α (Rs = 0.591; p = 0.001). Finally, a multiple linear regression analysis showed that serum 8-iso-PGF2α and zonulin were the only independent variables associated with sNOX2-dp (R2 = 68%). CONCLUSION: This study shows that children affected by PANDAS have high circulating levels of sNOX2-dp, isoprostanes and of LPS that could be involved in the process of neuroinflammation


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    In Brazil, the construction of an inclusive educational system, driven by the dialogue between Human Rights and Education from the 1990s onwards, and consolidated by the National Policy on Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusion in 2008, has fostered the reorientation of pedagogical practices that materialize the assumption of a school for all, in which access, permanence and learning is guaranteed to students with specific educational needs, in particular students with disabilities. Supported in an inclusive perspective, the objective of this work is to narrate how the intersectoral dialogue between education and health, through the sharing of experiences, methodology adopted in the extension internship The Alternative and Augmentative Communication in the mediation of texts for people in the Autism Spectrum, allowed the participants, in a collaborative way, to weave a series of strategies to ensure communication, participation and learning for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) enrolled in regular schools. The course took place between July 15 to September 2, in 2019, with a workload of forty (40) hours, alternating between theoretical study and workshops, with a final public of thirty (30) concluding registrants among undergraduate students, professors and professionals in the health and social assistance area. Alternative and Augmentative Communication, was chosen as theme of the course because even though it is a resource of assistive technology with extensive literature on its potentializing role in the communication of people with ASD, it still emerges timidly in the classroom and in teaching practices, it still emerges timidly in the classroom and in practices, as evidenced the dialogue with the training participants.En Brasil, la construcción de un sistema educativo inclusivo, impulsado por el diálogo entre Derechos Humanos y Educación desde la década de 1990, y consolidado por la Política Nacional de Educación Especial en Perspectiva de Inclusión en 2008, ha fomentado la Prácticas pedagógicas de reorientación que cumplan con el supuesto de una escuela para todos, garantizando el acceso, la permanencia y el aprendizaje a los estudiantes con necesidades educativas específicas, en particular a los estudiantes con discapacidad. Apoyado en una perspectiva inclusiva, el objetivo de este trabajo es narrar cómo el diálogo intersectorial entre educación y salud, a través del intercambio de experiencias, metodología adoptada en la etapa de extensión La Comunicación Alternativa y Ampliada en la mediación de textos para personas en el Autism Spectrum, permitió a los participantes, de forma colaborativa, tejer una serie de estrategias para garantizar la comunicación, participación y aprendizaje de los estudiantes con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), matriculados en la escuela regular. El curso se llevó a cabo entre el quince (15) de julio y el dos (2) de septiembre de 2019, con una carga de trabajo de cuarenta (40) horas, alternándose estudio teórico y talleres, con la participación de treinta (30) participantes inscritos concluyentes entre estudiantes de pregrado, profesores y profesionales del área de salud y asistencia social. Se eligió la Comunicación Alternativa y Ampliada, el tema del curso, porque aunque es un recurso de tecnología asistencial con amplia literatura sobre su papel potencial en la comunicación de personas con TEA, todavía emerge tímidamente en el aula y en las prácticas, como lo demuestra el diálogo con los participantes de la capacitación.No Brasil a construção de um sistema educacional inclusivo, impulsionada pelo diálogo entre Direitos Humanos e Educação a partir da década de 1990, e consolidada pela Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Inclusão em 2008, tem fomentado a reorientação de práticas pedagógicas que concretizem o pressuposto de uma escola em que se garanta acesso, permanência e aprendizagem aos estudantes com necessidades educacionais específicas, em particular os estudantes com deficiência. Amparada na perspectiva inclusiva, o objetivo deste trabalho é narrar como o diálogo intersetorial entre educação e saúde, por meio do compartilhamento de experiências, metodologia adotada no estágio de extensão A Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada na mediação de textos para pessoas no Espectro do Autismo, permitiu aos participantes, de modo colaborativo, tecer uma série de estratégias para garantir comunicação, participação e aprendizagem de estudantes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), matriculados na escola regular. O curso foi realizado entre quinze (15) de julho a dois (2) de setembro de 2019, com carga horária de quarenta (40) horas, alternando estudo teóricos e oficinas, contando com a participação de trinta (30) inscritos concluintes entre estudantes de graduação, professores e profissionais da área da saúde e da assistência social. A Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada, tema do curso, foi escolhida, pois mesmo sendo recurso de tecnologia assistiva com extensa literatura sobre seu papel potencializador da comunicação de pessoas com TEA, ainda emerge timidamente na sala de aula e nas práticas, como comprova o diálogo com os participantes da formação


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    In Brazil, the construction of an inclusive educational system, driven by the dialogue between Human Rights and Education from the 1990s onwards, and consolidated by the National Policy on Special Education in the Perspective of Inclusion in 2008, has fostered the reorientation of pedagogical practices that materialize the assumption of a school for all, in which access, permanence and learning is guaranteed to students with specific educational needs, in particular students with disabilities. Supported in an inclusive perspective, the objective of this work is to narrate how the intersectoral dialogue between education and health, through the sharing of experiences, methodology adopted in the extension internship The Alternative and Augmentative Communication in the mediation of texts for people in the Autism Spectrum, allowed the participants, in a collaborative way, to weave a series of strategies to ensure communication, participation and learning for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) enrolled in regular schools. The course took place between July 15 to September 2, in 2019, with a workload of forty (40) hours, alternating between theoretical study and workshops, with a final public of thirty (30) concluding registrants among undergraduate students, professors and professionals in the health and social assistance area. Alternative and Augmentative Communication, was chosen as theme of the course because even though it is a resource of assistive technology with extensive literature on its potentializing role in the communication of people with ASD, it still emerges timidly in the classroom and in teaching practices, it still emerges timidly in the classroom and in practices, as evidenced the dialogue with the training participants.En Brasil, la construcción de un sistema educativo inclusivo, impulsado por el diálogo entre Derechos Humanos y Educación desde la década de 1990, y consolidado por la Política Nacional de Educación Especial en Perspectiva de Inclusión en 2008, ha fomentado la Prácticas pedagógicas de reorientación que cumplan con el supuesto de una escuela para todos, garantizando el acceso, la permanencia y el aprendizaje a los estudiantes con necesidades educativas específicas, en particular a los estudiantes con discapacidad. Apoyado en una perspectiva inclusiva, el objetivo de este trabajo es narrar cómo el diálogo intersectorial entre educación y salud, a través del intercambio de experiencias, metodología adoptada en la etapa de extensión La Comunicación Alternativa y Ampliada en la mediación de textos para personas en el Autism Spectrum, permitió a los participantes, de forma colaborativa, tejer una serie de estrategias para garantizar la comunicación, participación y aprendizaje de los estudiantes con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), matriculados en la escuela regular. El curso se llevó a cabo entre el quince (15) de julio y el dos (2) de septiembre de 2019, con una carga de trabajo de cuarenta (40) horas, alternándose estudio teórico y talleres, con la participación de treinta (30) participantes inscritos concluyentes entre estudiantes de pregrado, profesores y profesionales del área de salud y asistencia social. Se eligió la Comunicación Alternativa y Ampliada, el tema del curso, porque aunque es un recurso de tecnología asistencial con amplia literatura sobre su papel potencial en la comunicación de personas con TEA, todavía emerge tímidamente en el aula y en las prácticas, como lo demuestra el diálogo con los participantes de la capacitación.No Brasil a construção de um sistema educacional inclusivo, impulsionada pelo diálogo entre Direitos Humanos e Educação a partir da década de 1990, e consolidada pela Política Nacional de Educação Especial na Perspectiva da Inclusão em 2008, tem fomentado a reorientação de práticas pedagógicas que concretizem o pressuposto de uma escola em que se garanta acesso, permanência e aprendizagem aos estudantes com necessidades educacionais específicas, em particular os estudantes com deficiência. Amparada na perspectiva inclusiva, o objetivo deste trabalho é narrar como o diálogo intersetorial entre educação e saúde, por meio do compartilhamento de experiências, metodologia adotada no estágio de extensão A Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada na mediação de textos para pessoas no Espectro do Autismo, permitiu aos participantes, de modo colaborativo, tecer uma série de estratégias para garantir comunicação, participação e aprendizagem de estudantes com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA), matriculados na escola regular. O curso foi realizado entre quinze (15) de julho a dois (2) de setembro de 2019, com carga horária de quarenta (40) horas, alternando estudo teóricos e oficinas, contando com a participação de trinta (30) inscritos concluintes entre estudantes de graduação, professores e profissionais da área da saúde e da assistência social. A Comunicação Alternativa e Ampliada, tema do curso, foi escolhida, pois mesmo sendo recurso de tecnologia assistiva com extensa literatura sobre seu papel potencializador da comunicação de pessoas com TEA, ainda emerge timidamente na sala de aula e nas práticas, como comprova o diálogo com os participantes da formação

    Impacts of air pollution on human and ecosystem health, and implications for the National Emission Ceilings Directive. Insights from Italy

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    Across the 28 EU member states there were nearly half a million premature deaths in 2015 as a result of exposure to PM2.5, O3 and NO2. To set the target for air quality levels and avoid negative impacts for human and ecosystems health, the National Emission Ceilings Directive (NECD, 2016/2284/EU) sets objectives for emission reduction for SO2, NOx, NMVOCs, NH3 and PM2.5 for each Member State as percentages of reduction to be reached in 2020 and 2030 compared to the emission levels into 2005. One of the innovations of NECD is Article 9, that mentions the issue of “monitoring air pollution impacts” on ecosystems. We provide a clear picture of what is available in term of monitoring network for air pollution impacts on Italian ecosystems, summarizing what has been done to control air pollution and its effects on different ecosystems in Italy. We provide an overview of the impacts of air pollution on health of the Italian population and evaluate opportunities and implementation of Article 9 in the Italian context, as a case study beneficial for all Member States. The results showed that SO42− deposition strongly decreased in all monitoring sites in Italy over the period 1999–2017, while NO3− and NH4+ decreased more slightly. As a consequence, most of the acid-sensitive sites which underwent acidification in the 1980s partially recovered. The O3 concentration at forest sites showed a decreasing trend. Consequently, AOT40 (the metric identified to protect vegetation from ozone pollution) showed a decrease, even if values were still above the limit for forest protection (5000 ppb h−1), while PODy (flux-based metric under discussion as new European legislative standard for forest protection) showed an increase. National scale studies pointed out that PM10 and NO2 induced about 58,000 premature deaths (year 2005), due to cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. The network identified for Italy contains a good number of monitoring sites (6 for terrestrial ecosystem monitoring, 4 for water bodies monitoring and 11 for ozone impact monitoring) distributed over the territory and will produce a high number of monitored parameters for the implementation of the NECD

    Subsistema de Saúde Suplementar: Ensino em Cursos de Graduação na Área da Saúde

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    O subsistema de saúde suplementar brasileiro é pouco explorado nos cursos de graduação na área da saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar se tal temática está presente nos currículos dos cursos de graduação na área da saúde da USP/Ribeirão Preto. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a análise documental, realizada por meio do exame dos currículos dos nove cursos de graduação na área da saúde da USP/Ribeirão Preto, por meio do sistema Jupiterweb. Foram coletadas 61 ementas dentre as 1218 existentes nas bases do sistema. As ementas de todas as disciplinas dos referidos cursos foram identificadas com as palavras-chave relacionadas à temática. Verificou-se que a grade curricular da maioria dos cursos não oferece conteúdo teórico aos alunos em relação ao subsistema de saúde suplementar. A revisão das ementas das disciplinas mostrou que o assunto não está sendo contemplado. Entende-se que existe uma necessidade de se repensar o currículo, com a introdução dessa temática, visto que é fundamental que o aluno de um curso da saúde, futuro profissional nessa área, conheça as características do sistema para que possa operar corretamente o direito à saúde.The brazilian supplementary health subsystem is not well explored in undergraduate courses in the health area. The objective of this study was to identify if the supplementary health subsystem theme is present in the curriculum of undergraduate courses in the health area of USP/Ribeirão Preto. For the data collection, the documentary analysis was carried out by means of the analysis of the curriculum of the nine undergraduate courses in the health area of USP/Ribeirão Preto, through the Jupiterweb system. A total of 61 menus were collected from among the 1,218 existing in the database. The menus of all disciplines of these courses were identified with the keywords related to the subject. The review of the disciplines’ menus showed that the teaching of the supplementary health subsystem is not being considered. It is understood that there is a need to rethink the curriculum, with the introduction of this subject, since it is fundamental that the student of a course of the health area, future professional in this area, knows the characteristics of the system so that he/she can correctly operate the right to health