2,606 research outputs found

    Role of Endomucin in Hypoxia-Induced Retinopathy of Prematurity

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    Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a major cause of blindness among premature, low birth weight infants as a result of pathological angiogenesis. Angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels from preexisting vessels, occurs in the veins and capillaries of the body. The process is highly regulated during early development and maturation. However, under abnormal conditions such as a decrease in oxygen levels or hypoxia, angiogenesis can become dysregulated and pathogenic. Currently, the best treatment for ROP is laser therapy, which does not significantly improve vision. Alternatively, glycoproteins are believed to play an important role in angiogenesis. Endomucin (EMCN), a glycoprotein, has been shown to be expressed by the venous and capillary endothelium. EMCN is believed to be associated with angiogenesis and could be a potential target for treatment of ROP. Thus, we hypothesize that EMCN is regulated by hypoxia and plays an important role in pathological angiogenesis. Human retinal endothelial cells (HRECs), representative of endothelial cells involved in retinal angiogenesis, were deprived of oxygen using a hypoxia chamber. We established the optimal oxygen dosage, determined the optimal cell density, and monitored EMCN expression at different time points after exposure to hypoxia. Changes in gene expression in response to hypoxia were compared to control cells. Our preliminary data indicates that EMCN is regulated by hypoxia. Currently, we are investigating whether EMCN has similar effects in regulating revascularization in vivo. Taken together, our study indicates a novel role for EMCN during hypoxia-induced angiogenesis which may serve as a therapeutic target

    Uso de la plataforma virtual para el aprendizaje del curso Pensamiento Orrego en los estudiantes de Ingeniería del Programa Carreras para Gente que Trabaja de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego en el semestre académico 2015 - 39

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    Se presenta la investigación donde se desarrolla el problema ¿En qué medida el uso de la plataforma virtual permite el desarrollo, control y seguimiento del curso Antenor Orrego del programa Carreras para Gente que Trabaja de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego en el semestre académico 2015-39? En los últimos años se ha venido dando auge al uso de plataformas virtuales para la educación superior. Se ha podido observar que no sólo se ofertan cursos en línea, sino toda una carrera de licenciatura e incluso de posgrado a través de la modalidad virtual. En ese sentido, la tesis presenta una propuesta de arquitectura de software para plataformas virtuales en la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego, haciendo análisis del proceso, desarrollo, control y seguimiento del curso Antenor Orrego. Adicionalmente, el estudio muestra una comparación sutil entre la modalidad presencial y virtual brindada en el curso en cuestión en el semestre 2015-39.The research is presented where the problem develops. To what extent does the use of the virtual platform allow the development, control and follow-up of the Antenor Orrego course of the Careers for People Working Program of the Private University Antenor Orrego in the academic semester 2015-39? In recent years, the use of virtual platforms for higher education has been booming. It has been observed that not only online courses are offered, but an entire bachelor's degree and even postgraduate degree through the virtual modality. In this sense, the thesis presents a software architecture proposal for virtual platforms in the Private University Antenor Orrego, analyzing the process, development, control and follow-up of the Antenor Orrego course. Additionally, the study shows a subtle comparison between the classroom and virtual modality offered in the course in question in the semester 2015-39.Tesi

    Fatty Acids from Microalgae: Targeting the Accumulation of Triacylglycerides

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    Microalgae were originally considered as sources of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), mainly for aquaculture purposes. However, based on the fact that their fatty acids (FA), stored as triacylglycerides (TAG), can be converted into biodiesel via a transesterification reaction, several microalgal species have emerged over the last decade as promising feedstocks for biofuel production. Elucidation of microalgae FA and TAG metabolic pathways is therefore becoming a cutting-edge field for developing transgenic algal strains with improved lipid accumulation ability. Furthermore, many of the biomolecules produced by microalgae can also be exploited. In this chapter, we describe recent advances in the field of FA and TAG pathways in microalgae, focusing in particular on the enzymes involved in FA and TAG synthesis, their accumulation in lipid droplets, and their degradation. Mention is made of potentially high-value products that can be obtained from microalgae, and possible molecular targets for enhancing FA and TAG production are outlined. A summary is provided of transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics of the above-mentioned pathways in microalgae. Understanding the relation between anabolic and catabolic lipid enzyme pathways will provide new insights into biodiesel production and other valuable biomolecules obtained from microalgae

    La localidad y el entorno de Carrión de los Condes en un proyecto para la Educación Primaria

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    Los aprendizajes han de conectarse con el entorno. Con este proyecto se pretende ofrecer un banco de actividades relacionadas con la localidad de Carrión de los Condes para poderlas utilizar en la Etapa de Primaria en el colegio de dicha localidad.Grado en Educación Primari

    Análise do desempenho absoluto e relativo de uma agência bancária na visão dos acadêmicos formandos da UNESC localizada em Criciúma, SC

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    Monografia apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Bacharel, no curso de Administração, da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense UNESC.Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar qual participação de mercado e qual o desempenho de uma agência bancária de Criciúma SC, na visão dos acadêmicos formandos da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC. Foram abordados assuntos como, a qualidade como função gerencial, a importância dos dados levantados, a expectativa dos clientes com relação aos produtos e serviços e a satisfação gerada nos clientes, a intenção dos clientes comprarem novamente, pois o estudo tem a finalidade de avaliar os atributos ligados à satisfação do cliente da agência bancária pesquisada, e dos principais concorrentes. A pesquisa utilizada foi à exploratória, para se identificar os atributos relevantes a serem avaliados, e em seguida, foi usada a pesquisa descritiva. Nesta pesquisa os acadêmicos formandos foram questionados sobre aos atributos relevantes dos produtos e serviços prestados pelas agências, onde eles possuem conta corrente. Dessa forma, avaliou-se o desempenho da agência bancária e dos principais concorrentes, na visão dos universitários, identificando o nível de satisfação dos mesmos. Por último, por meio do modelo Kano, questionou-se sobre os produtos e serviços existentes e prestados pela agência bancária pesquisada e possíveis inovações

    El poeta y su obra

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    Primeros registros de tersina (Tersina viridis) para la ecoregión chaqueña de Argentina

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    El Tersina (Tersina viridis) se distribuye desde Panamá hasta la provincia de Misiones en Argentina (Schaefer 1953, Short 1975, Ridgely & Tudor 2009). Sin embargo,el comportamiento errático que muestra a menudo esta especie hace esperable registros en lugares lejanos a su área de distribución regular (Olrog 1959, Short 1975,Hilty 2011).Sumando mérito a su fama de errante, en este trabajo presentamos los primeros registros del Tersina para la Ecoregión del Chaco Seco, cinco para Córdoba y uno para Formosa. Estos nuevos registros suman ejemplos al consenso general que existe en favor de los hábitos erráticos de esta especie (Di Giacomo et al. 1995, Hilty 2011) dando a entender por consiguiente que se tratan de individuos transitorios o accidentales.Fil: Zelaya, Patricia Viviana. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Instituto de Ecología Regional; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Salvador, Sergio A..Fil: Giraudo, Hugo.Fil: Klavins, Juan

    Spatial point process modeling applied to the assessment of risk factors associated to forest wildfires incidence in Castellón, Spain

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    During the last decades the Mediterranean zone in Europe has experienced an increment in the incidence of forest wildfires. This increase is partly explained by higher mean temperature and lower relative humidity, while socioeconomic change has lead to the abandonment of farms, resulting in an increase in an unusual accumulation of forest fuels, increasing the risk of wildfires. Mapping wildfire risk is highly important because wildfires are known to potentially lead to landscape changes and to modify fire regime by inducing potential changes in vegetation composition. Also, they pose a hazard to human property and life. Maps of wildfire risk based on statistical models provide a measure of uncertainty for the inferences derived from such risk maps, leaving a quantitative error margin for managers and decision takers. Further, some of the model parameters often have a physical or a biological interpretation which can give ecologists and forest engineers answers about scientific questions of interest. In this paper, we analyze the incidence of wildfires in the province of Castellón in Spain in order to identify risk factors associated with wildfire incidences during the years 2001–2006. We used the discrete nature of wildfire events to build such models using point process theory and methods and included information about elevation, slope, aspect, land use and distance to nearest road as covariates in our modeling process. Our results show that wildfire risk in Castellón is associated with all the covariates considered and that three land-use categories have the highest risk of wildfire incidence. Also, wildfire incidences are not independent and some degree of interaction exists, which indicates that the commonly used Poisson point process models are not applicable in this case, but instead area-interaction models should be considered