45 research outputs found

    The mechanisms and dynamics of αvβ3 integrin clustering in living cells

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    During cell migration, the physical link between the extracellular substrate and the actin cytoskeleton mediated by receptors of the integrin family is constantly modified. We analyzed the mechanisms that regulate the clustering and incorporation of activated αvβ3 integrins into focal adhesions. Manganese (Mn2+) or mutational activation of integrins induced the formation of de novo F-actin–independent integrin clusters. These clusters recruited talin, but not other focal adhesion adapters, and overexpression of the integrin-binding head domain of talin increased clustering. Integrin clustering required immobilized ligand and was prevented by the sequestration of phosphoinositole-4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2). Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis of Mn2+-induced integrin clusters revealed increased integrin turnover compared with mature focal contacts, whereas stabilization of the open conformation of the integrin ectodomain by mutagenesis reduced integrin turnover in focal contacts. Thus, integrin clustering requires the formation of the ternary complex consisting of activated integrins, immobilized ligands, talin, and PI(4,5)P2. The dynamic remodeling of this ternary complex controls cell motility

    Mailleur bidimensionnel de Delaunay gouverné par une carte de métriques. Partie I: Algorithmes

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    Dans ce rapport, on propose un algorithme de maillage de type Delaunay gouverné par une carte de métriques. La méthode classique est rappelée puis chacune de ses étapes est généralisée. On montre par ailleurs que la méthode proposée s'étend à la dimension trois. Cette étude est divisée en deux parties. Le présent rapport constitue la partie I et expose la partie algorithmique de la méthode. La partie II, quant à elle, présentera plusieurs applications de type éléments finis

    J Biol Chem

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    The GTPase-activating protein (GAP) p190RhoGAP (p190A) is encoded by ARHGAP35 which is found mutated in cancers. p190A is a negative regulator of the GTPase RhoA in cells and must be targeted to RhoA-dependent actin-based structures to fulfill its roles. We previously identified a functional region of p190A called the PLS (protrusion localization sequence) required for localization of p190A to lamellipodia but also for regulating the GAP activity of p190A. Additional effects of the PLS region on p190A localization and activity need further characterization. Here, we demonstrated that the PLS is required to target p190A to invadosomes. Cellular expression of a p190A construct devoid of the PLS (p190AΔPLS) favored RhoA inactivation in a stronger manner than WT p190A, suggesting that the PLS is an autoinhibitory domain of p190A GAP activity. To decipher this mechanism, we searched for PLS-interacting proteins using a two-hybrid screen. We found that the PLS can interact with p190A itself. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated that the PLS interacts with a region in close proximity to the GAP domain. Furthermore, we demonstrated that this interaction is abolished if the PLS harbors cancer-associated mutations: the S866F point mutation and the Δ865-870 deletion. Our results are in favor of defining PLS as an inhibitory domain responsible for masking the p190A functional GAP domain. Thus, p190A could exist in cells under two forms: an inactive closed conformation with a masked GAP domain and an open conformation allowing p190A GAP function. Altogether, our data unveil a new mechanism of p190A regulation

    Mailleur bidimensionnel de Delaunay gouverné par une carte de métriques. Partie II: Applications

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    Ce papier présente quelques résultats obtenus par une méthode de maillage de type Delaunay dans le cas où cette dernière est gouvernée par une carte de métriques (isotropes ou anisotropes) donnée. Le présent papier constitue la partie~II de l'étude, la partie~I décrivant les aspects algorithmiques de la méthode de maillage. Des exemples académiques sont donnés puis on montre quelques applications en mécanique des fluides

    DDR1 and MT1-MMP Expression Levels Are Determinant for Triggering BIK-Mediated Apoptosis by 3D Type I Collagen Matrix in Invasive Basal-Like Breast Carcinoma Cells

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    Type I collagen is the major adhesive component in breast interstitial stroma, which represents the first barrier against tumor cell invasion after basement-membrane degradation. Among cellular receptors, type I collagen is able to activate discoidin domain receptors DDR1 and DDR2. We have previously shown that in 3D collagen matrix, DDR1 plays a key role as it promotes cell growth suppression and apoptosis through the upregulation of the pro-apoptotic mediator BIK in noninvasive luminal-like breast carcinoma cells. We have also shown that MT1-MMP is able to rescue these cells and protect them against the effects induced by collagen/DDR1/BIK axis. Our data suggested that the protective effect of MT1-MMP might be mediated through the degradation of type I collagen and/or DDR1 cleavage. Decreased DDR1 expression has been associated with the epithelial to mesenchymal transition process in breast cancer, and its overexpression in aggressive basal-like breast cancer cells reduces their invasiveness in 3D cultures and in vivo. In the present work, we propose to study the role of MT1-MMP in the resistance against collagen-induced apoptosis in basal-like breast carcinoma MDA-MB-231 cells. We aimed to investigate whether MT1-MMP depletion is able to restore apoptosis mediated by collagen/DDR1/BIK axis and to verify if such depletion is able to restore full-length DDR1 expression and phosphorylation. ShRNA strategy against MT1-MMP mRNA was able to partially restore full length DDR1 expression and phosphorylation. This was accompanied by a decrease in cell growth and an upregulation of BIK expression. This suggested that MT1-MMP expression in basal-like breast carcinoma cells, in addition to a low basal level of DDR1 expression, protects these cells against collagen-induced apoptosis via DDR1 cleavage. Since DDR1 was moderately expressed in MDA-MB-231 cells, we then investigated whether overexpression of DDR1 could be able to increase its ability to suppress cell growth and to induce apoptosis. Data showed that overexpression of DDR1 induced a decrease in cell growth and an increase in BIK expression, suggesting that moderate expression level of full length DDR1 in basal-like breast carcinoma provides them with a capacity to resist to collagen-induced cell growth suppression and apoptosis. Finally, the combined overexpression of DDR1 and depletion of MT1-MMP in MDA-MB-231 cells synergistically increased collagen-induced cell growth suppression and apoptosis to a level similar to that observed in luminal breast carcinoma. Taken together, our data suggest that during the acquisition of mesenchymal features, the low level of DDR1 expression should be considered as an important biomarker in the prognosis of basal-like breast carcinoma, conferring them a high rate of cell growth and resistance to BIK-mediated apoptosis induced by the stromal collagen


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    Antibody-mediated rejection (ABMR) is the leading cause of allograft failure in kidney transplantation. Its histological hallmark is represented by lesions of glomerulitis i.e., inflammatory cells within glomeruli. Current therapies for ABMR fail to prevent chronic allograft damage i.e., transplant glomerulopathy, leading to allograft loss. We used laser microdissection of glomeruli from formalin-fixed allograft biopsies combined with mass spectrometry-based proteomics to describe the proteome modification of 11 active and 10 chronic active ABMR cases compared to 8 stable graft controls. Of 1335 detected proteins, 77 were deregulated in glomerulitis compared to stable grafts, particularly involved in cellular stress mediated by interferons type I and II, leukocyte activation and microcirculation remodeling. Three proteins extracted from this protein profile, TYMP, WARS1 and GBP1, showed a consistent overexpression by immunohistochemistry in glomerular endothelial cells that may represent relevant markers of endothelial stress during active ABMR. In transplant glomerulopathy, 137 proteins were deregulated, which favor a complement-mediated mechanism, wound healing processes through coagulation activation and ultimately a remodeling of the glomerular extracellular matrix, as observed by light microscopy. This study brings novel information on glomerular proteomics of ABMR in kidney transplantation, and highlights potential targets of diagnostic and therapeutic interest