65 research outputs found


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    Halep, İslam hakimiyetine geçtiği dönemden itibaren Yahudi, Hıristiyan ve Müslümanların yaşadrğı·bir şehir olmuştur. XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yansmda, Halep'in dini ve etnik durumuna bakıldığında, değişik din ve milliyete mensup topluluklann oluşturduğu bir kültür yapısı görülmektedir. Bu yapıya göre Halep şehrindeki nüfusun büyük kısmını Müslümanlar teşkil etmekteydi. Yahudi ve Hıristiyanlar ise pek çoğu Müslümanlarla aynı mahallelerde birlikte yaşamaktaydılar. Osmanlı hakimiyet döneminin bütününde olduğu gibi, XIX. yüzyılın ikinci yansından itibaren de ister Müslirn, ister Gayrimüslim olsun tüm yöre halkının dilediği gibi dinini öğrendiği ve yaşadığında şüphe bulunmamaktadır. O dönemde Halep şehrinde mevcut olan dini ve . sosyal yapıların bolluğu, değişik dini ve etnik yapılara mensup toplulukların kültürlerini koruduğunu gösterdiği gibi, şehirdeki kültür zenginliğini de yansıtması açısından önem arz etmektedir. Türkler kendi kültür değerlerine önem vermekle birlikte, idareleri altında bulunan toplumların kültürlerine de değer vermişlerdir. Bu durum Halep şehrinde somut olarak görülmüş ve Halep bir kültür merkezi olarak tarihteki yerini almıştır

    Syrian refugees and cultural intimacy in Istanbul : "I feel safe here!"

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    This paper derives from the findings of a recent qualitative and quantitative study conducted by the Support to Life Association among Syrian refugees in Istanbul to make their vulnerability assessment with a particular focus on their strong attachment to this city. The research question to be answered in this paper is to what extent Istanbul provides Syrian refugees with a space of cultural intimacy, where they feel safe and secure despite the difficulties of everyday life. The main premise of the paper is that historical, cultural and religious forms of affinity are likely to particularly attach the Sunni-Muslim-Arab-Syrians originating from Aleppo province to Istanbul. However, this sense of safety is not free from various sources of exploitation. This paper is expected to contribute to the discipline of Refugee Studies by shedding light on the historical elements and the agency that are often neglected in such analysis

    The Pontic Armenian Communities in the Nineteenth Century

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    The Pontic Armenian communities of the nineteenth century were distinguished from those of previous centuries in that they were exposed to major social, economic, and political transformations. Social transformation entailed enlightenment of an emerging middle class and revival of Armenian national consciousness; economic transformation was characterized by advancement in the standard of living and growing prosperity; and political transformation entailed participation in the local administration, the adoption in Constantinople of an Armenian National Constitution, which broadened the administration of the confessional-based Armenian millet to include the middle class, and in the latter part of the century the emergence of Armenian political parties calling for self-defense and national emancipation. By the Ottoman provincial reform act of 1864, Trebizond, as other provinces, was divided into administrative units and subunits: vilayet (province), sanjak (county), kaza (district), and nahiye (village cluster). The Trebizond vilayet was made up of 4 sanjaks, 22 kazas, and 24 nahiyes. Based on Ottoman, European, and Armenian sources, this survey focuses on the changing demographics of these communities and the impact of those changes viewed in a broader context. Such an analysis raises questions about the role and position of the Armenians as historical agents in the economic

    Osmanische Herrschaft und Modernisierung im Irak. Die Provinz Bagdad, 1817-1917

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    Der Irak galt gemeinhin als „imperial backwater“ des Osmanischen Reiches. Nichtsdestotrotz betrachtete ihn die osmanische Verwaltung als integralen Bestandteil des osmanischen Staates und die dort im 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert ins Werk gesetzten Modernisierungsprozesse entschieden mit über Gelingen und Mißlingen des gesamtosmanischen Reformprojekts. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht Aspekte der osmanische Herrschaft in der Provinz Bagdad vom Amtsantritt des letzten sogenannten Mamlukengouverneurs Davud Paşa bis zur Eroberung der Provinz im Ersten Weltkrieg durch Großbritannien. Anhand von Archivmaterial, zeitgenössischer Presse und Reiseberichten versucht sie, neue Einblicke sowohl in die Geschichte des Iraks als auch der osmanischen Reformpolitik zu geben.The book offers a historical overview over the province of Baghdad under Ottoman rule in the age of modernization, 1817-1917

    The issue of Ottoman centralisation and local reactions: political and ideological transformation of mount lebanon between 1858 and 1900

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    The reasons of the political, economical and ideological transformation in Mount Lebanon which began in the 19th century cannot be explained without taking into consideration the changes in the Ottoman centre. Although the 1858 Lebanese Civil War is seen as a breaking point in the political history of the Mountain, in essence it is only a byproduct of the political developments emerged in the region throughout the 19th century. The occupation of Mount Lebanon by the governor of Egypt Muhmammad Ali Pasha constituted the real beginning point of all the political transformation process in Mount Lebanon. Muhammad Ali Pasha and his son Ibrahim Pasha had certain centralization attempts during their reign in the Mountain. However this situation caused the emergence and the rise of tension between Druzes and Maronites. This social tension even could not be moderated by the reform attempts of the Sublime Porte and by the Double Qaimaqamate system established by the center. The Mutasarrifiyat regime in the Mountain which established in 1861 immediately after the end of the Civil War increased the autonomy of the Mountain and in addition to this it ended the feudal structure of the region. The emergence of the Ottomanist policies as the ideology of the Porte's centralization attempts caused the emergence of certain reactions in the Mountain. This study will try to explain the political and the ideological transformation in Mount Lebanon during the Hamidian era in context of the centralization and Ottomanism policies of the Sublime Porte

    ‘Open for Business? The Stylistic Choices and Symbolic Vocabulary of Post-Reform Armenian Mansions in Mardin and Bitlis.’

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    This article takes a comparative approach, looking to two small cities in the Ottoman East- Mardin and Bitlis- and a group of mansions constructed by a new Armenian bourgeoisie in the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Mardin and Bitlis were similar because of the important position that Armenian merchants held in prosperous local markets that were booming in the period following the Tanzimat reforms. This Armenian bourgeoisie were committed to their locality and showed this by playing an active role in new councils. However, they also displayed this commitment through the stylistic choices and symbolic vocabulary of their homes. This article argues how in both cities a boom in mansion-building took place in the aftermath of social turmoil and was a way for these wealthy Armenians to reaffirm their presence. In Bitlis, this was in the wake of the Russo-Turkish War and problematic relations with missionaries and Russian-Armenian incursions in the 1880s. In Mardin, it was in the 1890s to 1900s following the (averted) Hamidian Massacres. At these crucial junctures, local decorative traditions were used as a show of support for authority and to reinforce a social alliance

    To Whom Belong the Streets?

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    Avec en toile de fond les différentes formes de contestations qui se produisirent à Damas au printemps et à l’été 1878, cet article étudie la façon dont les femmes, les groupes de jeunes, les auteurs et placardeurs d’affiches de l’opposition au pouvoir, les membres des élites locales et les autorités ont produit des formes particulières de lieux et d’espaces publics dans la ville. En élaborant la production de l’espace à un moment de transition entre l’« Ancien Régime » et le paradigme de la modernité, cet article apporte une contribution à l’histoire sociale de Damas et l’historicisation du concept d’espace public.In the perspective of different forms of spatial contestations in spring and summer 1878, this article investigates how protests produced the particular public places and public spaces of the urban society. It pays a particular attention to women, fighting youths, authors and posters of oppositional placards, members of local elites, and the authorities. By elaborating the production of space at the transition from an urban “ancien régime” to the paradigm of modernity, it contributes to the social history of Damascus and to the historicization of the concept of public space.في سياق الأشكال المختلفة للاحتجاجات التي حدثت في دمشق في ربيع وصيف عام ١٨٧٨، تتناول هذه المقالة دراسة الطريقة التي قام بها النساء ومجموعات الشباب والذين ألفوا وألصقوا إعلانات المعارضة وعناصر النخب المحلية والسلطات، لإنتاج أشكال خاصة من الأماكن والفضاءات العامة في المدينة. وبتشكيل إنتاج الفضاء العام في الفترة الانتقالية ما بين «النظام العمراني القديم» ونموذج الحداثة، تجلب هذه المقالة مساهمة في تاريخ دمشق الاجتماعي وفي تاريخ مفهوم الفضاء العام