8 research outputs found


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    Presenting uncouth proposal for the design of investigating ways to use extraction feature from biometric user,rather than memorable password or passphrase as an attempt to produce a new and randomly cipher keys. Human users find itdifficult to remember long cipher keys. Therefore, the proposed work takes the eye and ear as a multi-biometrics feature extraction forgenerating the cryptography keys. Meerkat Clan Key Generation Algorithm (MCKGA) is used in this work for key generation, firstlywe generate keys with 128-bits, then we enhance our method by generating 256-bits, and finally we mix the keys produced from (eyeand ear) and get robust key with 512-bits length, these keys are tested by NIST statically test to generate random keys used in encryptionprocess. Our approach generates unique keys used in cryptographic system by using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm

    Review Article: Effect Anticancer Drug of Histological Alteration and Improvement their Effects by Natural Antioxidants

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    Usually, Cancer and anticancer drugs can produce harmful side effects, side effects which occur in tissues or organs and produce adverse histopathological change. Cancer treatment by radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and chemotherapy treatments is more mostly used all over the world. Generally, chemotherapy drugs cusses the damage by free radicals and produce cytotoxicity. Natural antioxidant compounds of daily diet are more effective to scavenge or neutralize the free radicals which create by chemotherapy drugs and finally, improvement histopathological change

    Key Generation from Multibiometric System Using Meerkat Algorithm

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    Biometrics are short of revocability and privacy while cryptography cannot adjust the user’s identity. By obtaining cryptographic keys using biometrics, one can obtain the features such as revocability, assurance about user’s identity, and privacy. Multi-biometrical based cryptographic key generation approach has been proposed, subsequently, left and right eye and ear of a person are uncorrelated from one to other, and they are treated as two independent biometrics and combine them in our system. None-the-less, the encryption keys are produced with the use of an approach of swarm intelligence. Emergent collective intelligence in groups of simple autonomous agents is collectively termed as a swarm intelligence. The Meerkat Clan Key Generation Algorithm (MCKGA) is a method for the generation of a key stream for the encryption of the plaintext. This method will reduce and distribute the number of keys. Testing of system, it was found that the keys produced by the characteristics of the eye are better than the keys produced by the characteristics of the ear. The advantages of our approach comprise generation of strong and unique keys from users’ biometric data using MCKGA and it is faster and accurate in terms of key generation

    Bridging the diagnostic gap: liver function tests and IL-6 as potential early predictors of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in psoriasis

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    Background: Psoriasis goes beyond skin, intertwining with body systems, notably connecting to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). This study aims to explore the predictive potential: liver function tests and IL-6 as early markers for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in psoriasis patients.  Methods: From March to November 2023, a case-control study was performed at the dermatological outpatient clinic of Baquba Teaching Hospital, Iraq. Individuals with confirmed psoriasis and those without underwent comprehensive clinical history and overall health examinations. The diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) was established using the Fatty Liver Index (FLI). Results: Among the 290 participants in this study, 103 with confirmed psoriasis displayed a Fatty Liver Index (FLI) score >60, indicative of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The control group, comprising 101 individuals without psoriasis or NAFLD, provided a baseline for comparison. The mean ages were 32.5 ± 16.2 and 31.5 ± 14.3 years for the case and control groups, respectively. Notably, the case group exhibited significantly higher mean ± SD levels of ALT and AST (61 ± 29 vs. 33 ± 17 U/L, p < 0.0001) and (55 ± 27 vs. 25 ± 15 U/L, p < 0.0001), respectively. Moreover, FLI criteria were markedly elevated in the case group (p = 0.0007, p = 0.0005, p < 0.0001, and p < 0.0001, respectively), and IL-6 levels were significantly higher (p = 0.0003). Conclusion: The results proposed that liver function tests and IL-6 could act as early predictors for the detection of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among individuals grappling with psoriasis

    Association between Serum Vitamin B12 Concentration and Obesity Among Adults in The Ksa

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    Objective: To investigate the relationship between serum vitamin B12 levels and weight among the adult population in KSA. Methods: This research will employ a cross-sectional study design to investigate the association between serum vitamin B12 concentration and obesity among adults in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Cross-sectional studies are suitable for examining relationships between variables within a specific population at a single point in time. The target population for this study includes all adult residents of the KSA aged 18 years and older. Results: The study included 869 participants. The most frequent weight among them was 51-65 kg (n= 255, 29.3%), followed by 66 -75 kg (n= 214, 24.6%). The most frequent height among study participants was 161-170 cm (n= 324, 37.3%) followed by 151-160 cm (n= 266, 30.6%). The most frequent body mass index (BMI) value among study participants was Normal 18.5-24.9 kg/m2 (n= 344, 39.6%), followed by overweight 25-29.9 kg/m2 (n= 281, 32.3%).  Vitamin B12 varied among study participants, with most of them having a normal range (n= 319, 36.7%) followed by a low range (n= 117, 13.5%) and the least common high range (n= 23, 2.6%). On the other hand, among 410 participants, 47.2% did not know their vitamin B12 value. Wech may indicate a lack of knowledge about the topic. Figure 4 shows the vitamin B12 levels among study participants. Conclusion: Study results showed that most of the study participants do not know their vitamin B12 level and need to increase awareness, followed by those who have a normal vitamin B12 level. The most common BMI was the normal level. There was a relationship between vitamin B12 levels and obesity.

    Spatial assessment and planning of the rights of people with disabilities in accessible primary education: Baghdad Governorate as a model

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    The study discusses the image of the spatial variation of the dimensions of the rights of the population with disabilities to the right of  accessible primary education in the province of Baghdad, and the disclosure of the nature of the demographic and spatial variables that contributed to the existence of this variation, and the evaluation of the nature of educational policies adopted by governments during many years regarding this population segment. The results showed a spatial variation (quantitative and qualitative) for the rights of this group that contributed to spatial inequality events according to district , as the results recorded a large dropout rate for enrollment in primary education for several reasons explained by the study, and deprivation according to the environmental gap (Rural and Urban), and quality between (males and females). , according to the type of disability and the districts of the study area. The study recommended the necessity of finding the appropriate legislative environment for the success of the education policy in Iraq and activating the role of institutions concerned with enforcing the rights of people with disabilities and eliminating gender disparity and equal and comprehensive access to all levels of education without discrimination, while adopting the global movement for liberation from private institutions that are characterized by their insufficiency and insufficient geographical distribution , And speeding up the implementation of the national document for the comprehensive integration of people with disabilities in regular schools and overcoming the challenges that stand in the way of achieving this.    &nbsp

    Histopathological and Biochemical Toxic Alterations in Heart Tissue of Rats Exposed to Conventional Cigarette

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    The present experimental study was carried out to identify histopathological and biochemical alterations in the hearts of rats exposed to conventional cigarette vapour. The methods included the use of 50 well-acclimated (25 treated and 25 control) rats for the personnel and laboratory procedures. The rats were subjected for 40 days (twice a day) to conventional cigarette vapour. After the end of the experimental exposure, the rats were sacrificed to prepare myocardial tissue-based microscopic slides. The blood albumin and cholesterol levels of the rats exposed to cigarette smoke were found to be significantly lower (p˂ 0.05) than those of the control animals. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and aspartate aminotransferase concentrations increased significantly (p˂0.05) in the smoking-treated group's liver enzyme profile (AST). When compared to that from the control animals, the level of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), a marker of tissue damage, substantially (p˂0.05) increased in the cigarette-smoke-exposed rats. The histopathological outcome demonstrated the presence of swelling of the myocardial fibres. The indications revealed the occurrence of some vacuoles within the heart tissues. In addition, there was an increase in the oedema-originated spaces between the myocardial fibres. Moreover, unambiguous evidence of blood vessel-related light congestion. Furthermore, the light microscopy displayed the clear presence of myocardial fibres with an irregular pattern. The results, unveiled here, may indicate some dangerous effects of the vapour produced by conventional smoking on the myocardial tissues of Lab rats as indicated by the changes in the biochemical parameters and histopathological features