62 research outputs found

    Journalists in Mexico

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    Development of antigen-specific ELISA for circulating autoantibodies to extracellular matrix protein 1 in lichen sclerosus

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    Lichen sclerosus is a common, acquired chronic inflammatory skin disease of unknown etiology, although circulating autoantibodies to the glycoprotein extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) have been detected in most patients’ sera. We have examined the nature of ECM1 epitopes in lichen sclerosus sera, developed an ELISA system for serologic diagnosis, and assessed clinicopathological correlation between ELISA titer and disease. Epitope-mapping studies revealed that lichen sclerosus sera most frequently recognized the distal second tandem repeat domain and carboxyl-terminus of ECM1. We analyzed serum autoantibody reactivity against this immunodominant epitope in 413 individuals (95 subjects with lichen sclerosus, 161 normal control subjects, and 157 subjects with other autoimmune basement membrane or sclerosing diseases). The ELISA assay was highly sensitive; 76 of 95 lichen sclerosus patients (80.0%) exhibited IgG reactivity. It was also highly specific (93.7%) in discriminating between lichen sclerosus and other disease/control sera. Higher anti-ECM1 titers also correlated with more longstanding and refractory disease and cases complicated by squamous cell carcinoma. Furthermore, passive transfer of affinity-purified patient IgG reproduced some histologic and immunopathologic features of lichen sclerosus skin. This new ELISA is valuable for the accurate detection and quantification of anti-ECM1 autoantibodies. Moreover, the values may have clinical significance in patients with lichen sclerosus

    Association between long-term use of calcium channel blockers (CCB) and the risk of breast cancer:a retrospective longitudinal observational study protocol

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    Introduction Calcium channel blockers (CCB), a commonly prescribed antihypertensive (AHT) medicine, may be associated with increased risk of breast cancer. The proposed study aims to examine whether long-term CCB use is associated with the development of breast cancer and to characterise the dose-response nature of any identified association, to inform future hypertension management. Methods and analysis The study will use data from 2 of Australia's largest cohort studies; the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health, and the 45 and Up Study, combined with the Rotterdam Study. Eligible women will be those with diagnosed hypertension, no history of breast cancer and no prior CCB use at start of follow-up (2004-2009). Cumulative dose-duration exposure to CCB and other AHT medicines will be captured at the earliest date of: the outcome (a diagnosis of invasive breast cancer); a competing risk event (eg, bilateral mastectomy without a diagnosis of breast cancer, death prior to any diagnosis of breast cancer) or end of follow-up (censoring event). Fine and Gray competing risks regression will be used to assess the association between CCB use and development of breast cancer using a generalised propensity score to adjust for baseline covariates. Time-varying covariates related to interaction with health services will also be included in the model. Data will be harmonised across cohorts to achieve identical protocols and a two-step random effects individual patient-level meta-analysis will be used. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval was obtained from the following Human research Ethics Committees: Curtin University (ref No. HRE2022-0335), NSW Population and Health Services Research Ethics Committee (2022/ETH01392/2022.31), ACT Research Ethics and Governance Office approval under National Mutual Acceptance for multijurisdictional data linkage research (2022.STE.00208). Results of the proposed study will be published in high-impact journals and presented at key scientific meetings.</p

    Preparando o cenário: dos obstáculos aos riscos e resiliência no jornalismo latino-americano

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    O propósito desta edição especial da Lumina é dar visibilidade às conexões estabelecidas entre pesquisadores da América Latina e pesquisadores especialistas em América Latina que integram a equipe regional constituída para trabalhar questões e temas específicos voltados a estudos regionais e para inclusão no questionário da terceira etapa da pesquisa comparativa internacional Worlds of Journalism Study (2020-2022)

    Democracy in the Newsroom: The Evolution of Journalism and the News Media

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    This article discusses the development of journalism and the news media, as well as their roles in governance, policy, and politics. It demonstrates how an ideal-type media system producing journalism that helps improve the opportunity for effective journalism might look. It then assesses the changing structures, functions, and norms of news media and journalism in Mexico across three different political periods. The article also distinguishes between the subfields of journalism and presents a model on how the most politically powerful media in the country have helped form the possibilities for democratic deepening. Suggestions for encouraging pro-public journalism in Mexico are also provided
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