26 research outputs found

    The pandemic within the pandemic: the surge of neuropsychological disorders in Italian children during the COVID-19 era

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    Background: Quarantine and isolation measures during COVID-19 pandemic may have caused additional stress and challenged the mental health of the youth. Aim of the study is to investigate the COVID-19 pandemic impact on neuropsychological disorders (NPD) of Italian children and adolescents to provide general pediatric recommendations. Material and methods: A retrospective multicenter observational study was planned by the Italian Pediatric Society (SIP) to explore the impact of COVID-19 on the access of children to pediatric Emergency Departments (pED) for the evaluation of neuropsychological symptoms, collecting the classification codes of diagnoses between March 1, 2019 and March 2, 2021. The period study was split into two sub-periods: a pre COVID-19 period (from March 1 2019 to March 1, 2020) and a COVID-19 period (from March 2, 2020 to March 2, 2021). As additional information, data on NPD hospitalizations in any pediatric department of the involved centers were recorded. Results: During the study period, a total of 533,318 children were admitted to the pED involved in the study. Despite a 48.2% decline of pED admissions, there was a significant increase (83.1%) in patient admissions for NPD. The most frequent NPD conditions which increased during the COVID-19 pandemic were suicidal ideation (+ 147%), depression (+ 115%), eating disorder (+ 78.4%), and psychosis (+ 17.2%). During the pandemic period, a 39.5% increase in NPD hospitalizations was observed as well. The NPD disorders that mostly required hospitalizations were suicidal ideation (+ 134%), depression (+ 41.4%), eating disorder (+ 31.4%), and drug abuse (+ 26.7%). COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on children's health, mainly on their NPD development. Neuropsychological assessment should be required at the primary level, in the pediatrician's office, to facilitate early capture of the sign of impairment and provide an adequate treatment. Conclusion: SIP underlines the psychological consequences of COVID 19 pandemic on the youngest and recommends an early identification of NPD in the pediatric population to avoid other serious consequences for children's physical and mental health

    Caractérisation des périodes de sécheresse sur le domaine de l'Afrique simulée par le Modèle Régional Canadien du Climat (MRCC5)

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    Les conséquences des changements climatiques sur la fréquence ainsi que sur l'intensité des précipitations auront un impact direct sur les périodes de sécheresse et par conséquent sur différents secteurs économiques tels que le secteur de l'agriculture. Ainsi, dans cette étude, l'habilité du Modèle Régional Canadien du Climat (MRCC5) à simuler les différentes caractéristiques des périodes de sécheresse est évaluée pour 4 seuils de précipitation soit 0.5 mm, 1 mm, 2 mm et 3 mm. Ces caractéristiques incluent le nombre de jours secs, le nombre de périodes de sécheresse ainsi que le maximum de jours consécutifs sans précipitation associé à une récurrence de 5 ans. Les résultats sont présentés pour des moyennes annuelles et saisonnières. L'erreur de performance est évaluée en comparant le MRCC5 piloté par ERA-Interim aux données d'analyses du GPCP pour le climat présent (1997-2008). L'erreur due aux conditions aux frontières c'est-à-dire les erreurs de pilotage du MRCC5, soit par CanESM2 et par ERA-Interim ainsi que l'évaluation de la valeur ajoutée du MRCC5 face au CanESM2 sont également analysées. L'analyse de ces caractéristiques est également faite dans un contexte de climat changeant pour deux périodes futures, soit 2041-2070 et 2071-2100 à l'aide du MRCC5 piloté par le modèle de circulation générale CanESM2 de même que par le modèle CanESM2 sous le scénario RCP 4.5. Les résultats suggèrent que le MRCC5 piloté par ERA-Interim a tendance à surestimer la moyenne annuelle du nombre de jours secs ainsi que le maximum de jours consécutifs sans précipitation associé à une récurrence de 5 ans dans la plupart des régions de l'Afrique et une tendance à sous-estimer le nombre de périodes de sécheresse. En général, l'erreur de performance est plus importante que l'erreur due aux conditions aux frontières pour les différentes caractéristiques de périodes de sécheresse. Pour les régions équatoriales, les changements appréhendés par le MRCC5 piloté par CanESM2 pour les différentes caractéristiques de périodes de sécheresse et pour deux périodes futures (2041-2070 et 2071-2100), suggèrent une augmentation significatives du nombre de jours secs ainsi que du maximum de jours consécutifs sans précipitation associé à une récurrence de 5 ans. Une diminution significative du nombre de périodes de sécheresse est aussi prévue.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Modèle Régional du Climat, Changement climatique, Jours secs, Nombre de périodes de sécheresse, Événement de faible récurrence, Afriqu

    Power to liquid through waste as a carbon source. A technical and economic assessment

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    The combination of a power to methanol process with the use of waste for carbon supply turns out to be a cleaver solution for sustainable chemical production and waste management as well as long-term energy storage. In the current work, an innovative scheme which integrates waste and energy conversion to produce methanol is addressed. Within the proposed configuration syngas is produced from waste gasification and enriched with hydrogen produced through water electrolysis, in order to accomplish methanol synthesis requirements. A techno-economic and environmental analysis of the hybrid scheme is proposed together with its comparison with waste to methanol and direct power to methanol technologies. Direct waste conversion into methanol is today the most attractive solution. In a near future, however, considering the increase of the renewable share of power and reduction of power cost, the hybrid scheme may become a quite attractive solution

    Simultaneous decarbonisation of steel and Oil&Gas industry by MSW gasification. Economic and environmental analysis

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    The aim of this study is to provide a complete energy, economic and environmental analysis of a waste to chemical process that treats a feed mixture composed of Refused Derived Fuel and Plasmix, transforming it into syngas. The process was implemented in the Aspen Plus® simulation environment, where also a sensitivity analysis returning the maximum value of humidity allowable in three different scenarios of waste mixture has been carried out. Moreover, an economic analysis has been performed in which, on the basis of capital expenditure, operating costs and revenues of the plant, Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) has been assessed, finding a value of 599 M€ and 28% respectively. Finally, environmental analysis has been performed; a comparison between the carbon dioxide emissions of the case “as it is now” versus “how it could be” with the waste to chemical process implemented has been carried out in which it was calculated a saving of around 581 kt/y of CO2 emitted in the atmosphere

    Skin reactions due to anti-epileptic drugs: several case-reports with long-term follow-up.

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    In this study, the clinical findings and management of allergic skin reactions induced by the most used antiepileptic drugs, Lamotrigine (LMT) and Carbamazepine (CBZ), were evaluated. Lamotrigine is an antiepileptic drug recently released in several countries; it is effective for a variety of seizure types in adults and children, both as an add-on agent and in monotherapy, and it is generally well tolerated. Clinical and epidemiologic evidence suggest serious cutaneous reactions to antiepileptic drugs are more likely to occur during the first 8 weeks and they appear to increase when drugs are administered with other anticonvulsants, such as Valproate (VPA). We selected 10 patients who presented an idiosyncratic skin rash when treated with carbamazepine (8 patients) and lamotrigine (2 patients) administered as monotherapy, and we followed up on these patients for several years. Seven reactions were mild/severe cutaneous eruptions; one Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, a case of Stevens-Johnson and a case of Hypersensitivity Syndrome. All severe skin drug reactions were induced by Carbamazepine. In five patients the AEDs were ceased abruptly (sometimes with the administration of a different molecule), tapered in four and continued unchanged in one. We conclude that the discontinuation of the drug with substitution with another is the most effective treatment and that corticosteroids are helpful in mild cutaneous reactions, while in severe skin reactions, such as Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, corticosteroids are only a complementary therapy since intravenous immunoglobulins are the first choice treatment

    The electrification of conventional industrial processes. The use of mechanical vapor compression in an EtOH–water distillation tower

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the exergetic, environmental, and economic impact of the electrification of a bio-refinery plant, considering the application of Mechanical Vapor Compression (MVC) to a conventional water–ethanol distillation column in the context of bioethanol production. The process was implemented in AspenPlus® and Aspen Exchange Design and Rating (EDR) simulation environments, where a sensitivity analysis was also carried out, considering four scenarios characterized by different compressions’ operative conditions, and including a Coefficient of Performance (CoP) analysis of the proposed solution with MVC. Exergetic and economic analyses were performed, and the relevant impacts on Operative Expenditure (OpEx) and Capital Expenditure (CapEx) were analyzed. Comparing the base case scenario with the proposed solution, a reduction of operative costs of around 63% was achieved. Finally, an environmental analysis was carried out, showing a remarkable reduction in the carbon footprint of the unit, with a carbon dioxide emission reduction of almost 80% for the MVC solution, in line with RED target requirements

    Multi-fuelled Solar Steam Reforming for Pure Hydrogen Production Using Solar Salts as Heat Transfer Fluid

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    This paper presents a project named CoMETHy (Compact Multifuel-Energy to Hydrogen converter) co-funded by the European Commission under the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU). The project is developing an innovative steam reformer for pure hydrogen production to be powered by Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants using molten salts as heat transfer fluid. Due to the limitations in the molten salts maximum operating temperature of 550°C, the reformer should operate at lower temperatures than conventional steam reforming processes. This implies the development of an innovative system, involving different R&D topics presented in this paper