74 research outputs found

    A robust wavelet-based approach for dominant frequency analysis of atrial fibrillation in body surface signals

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited versíon of an article published in Physiological Measurement. IOP Publishing Ltd is not responsíble for any errors or omissíons in this versíon of the manuscript or any versíon derived from it. The Versíon of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/ab97c1.[EN] Objective: Atrial dominant frequency (DF) maps undergoing atrial fibrillation (AF) presented good spatial correlation with those obtained with the non-invasive body surface potential mapping (BSPM). In this study, a robust BSPM-DF calculation method based on wavelet analysis is proposed. Approach: Continuous wavelet transform along 40 scales in the pseudo-frequency range of 3¿30 Hz is performed in each BSPM signal using a Gaussian mother wavelet. DFs are estimated from the intervals between the peaks, representing the activation times, in the maximum energy scale. The results are compared with the traditionally widely applied Welch periodogram and the robustness was tested on different protocols: increasing levels of white Gaussian noise, artificial DF harmonics presence and reduction in the number of leads. A total of 11 AF simulations and 12 AF patients are considered in the analysis. For each patient, intracardiac electrograms were acquired in 15 locations from both atria. The accuracy of both methods was assessed by calculating the absolute errors of the highest DFBSPM (HDFBSPM) with respect to the atrial HDF, either simulated or intracardially measured, and assumed correct if ¿1 Hz. The spatial distribution of the errors between torso DFs and atrial HDFs were compared with atria driving mechanism locations. Torso HDF regions, defined as portions of the maps with |DF ¿ HDFBSPM| ¿ 0.5 Hz were identified and the percentage of the torso occuping these regions was compared between methods. The robustness of both methods to white Gaussian noise, ventricular influence and harmonics, and to lower spatial resolution BSPM lead layouts was analyzed: computer AF models (567 leads vs 256 leads down to 16 leads) and patient data (67 leads vs 32 and 16 leads). Main results: The proposed method allowed an improvement in non-invasive estimation of the atria HDF. For the models the median relative errors were 7.14% for the wavelet-based algorithm vs 60.00% for the Welch method; in patients, the errors were 10.03% vs 12.66%, respectively. The wavelet method outperformed the Welch approach in correct estimations of atrial HDFs in models (81.82% vs 45.45%, respectively) and patients (66.67% vs 41.67%). A low positive BSPM-DF map correlation was seen between the techniques (0.47 for models and 0.63 for patients), highlighting the overall differences in DF distributions. The wavelet-based algorithm was more robust to white Gaussian noise, residual ventricular activity and harmonics, and presented more consistent results in lead layouts with low spatial resolution. Significance: Estimation of atrial HDFs using BSPM is improved by the proposed wavelet-based algorithm, helping to increase the non-invasive diagnostic ability in AF.This study was supported in part by grants from Sao Paulo Research Foundation (2017/19775-3), Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional PI17/01106) and Generalitat Valenciana Grants (AICO/2018/267).Marques, V.; Rodrigo Bort, M.; Guillem Sánchez, MS.; Salinet, J. (2020). A robust wavelet-based approach for dominant frequency analysis of atrial fibrillation in body surface signals. Physiological Measurement. 41(7):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/ab97c1S11441

    Non-invasive Mechanism Classification and Localization in Supraventricular Cardiac Arrhythmias

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    [EN] In this study, we investigated the most relevant biomarkers for noninvasive classification and mechanism location in atrial tachycardia (AT), flutter (AFL) and fibrillation (AF). Biomarkers were calculated using noninvasive body surface (BSPM) dominant frequency and phase maps. We used 19 simulations of 567 to 64-lead BSPMs, from which were extracted 32 biomarkers. Biomarker ranking was performed with ANOVA, Kendall and Lasso techniques. The best four biomarkers were identified and used to classify the arrhythmias in all combinations, and the best two used for noninvasive driver localization. Arrhythmia classification accuracy was 94.74%. The feature combination which best distinguish AF from non-AF were mean filament displacement and mean OI, while those that best distinguish AFL from AT were mean and SD of SP distribution. There was good agreement across ranking techniques. Mechanism location accuracy was 78.95%, with the most important biomarkers being percentage SPs within each torso division, and SD of filament histogram cluster area. This study highlights that organization related features well identifies AF and spatial SP distribution discriminate AT from AFL and also it¿s localization.VGM is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 860974. IS, JAS and JS are supported by grant #2018/25606-2, Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP).Sandoval, I.; Marques, VG.; Sims, JA.; Rodrigo, M.; Guillem Sánchez, MS.; Salinet, J. (2021). Non-invasive Mechanism Classification and Localization in Supraventricular Cardiac Arrhythmias. 1-4. https://doi.org/10.22489/CinC.2021.2261

    Efeito residual de rochas brasileiras como fertilizantes e corretivos da acidez do solo.

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    RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito residual de rochas brasileiras aplicadas como fertilizantes e corretivos do solo. O experimento foi conduzido em Neossolo Quartarênico cultivado com soja em sucessão ao girassol sob condições de casa de vegetação, em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de cinco rochas (brecha alcalina, arenito vulcânico, carbonatito, biotita xisto e ultramáfica alcalina) aplicadas em doses correspondentes ao fornecimento de 150 mg kg-1 de K2O e tendo como referência, a fonte cloreto de potássio considerada como padrão, além de uma testemunha sem K. Os resultados mostraram que exceto a biotita xisto e a brecha alcalina, as rochas apresentaram poder alcalinizante do solo. O arenito vulcânico corrigiu a acidez do solo, mas não é indicado como fonte de K. A aplicação de altas quantidades de rochas ocasiona desbalanço dos nutrientes no solo. ABSTRACT: The objective this work was to evaluate de effect of rocks as fertilizers and soil acidity amendments. The experiment was carried out in an Ustoxic (Neossolo Quartzarênico) cultivated with soybean in succession with sunflower under greenhouse conditions, in an experimental randomized design with four replicates. The treatments consisted of five sources of rocks (alkaline breccia, volcanic sandstone, carbonatite, biotite schist and ultramaphic alkaline). The application of standard potassium closes of 150 mg kg-1 of K2O and the control without treatment. The results showed that rocks displayed soil alkalinizing capacity, except for biotite schist and alkaline breccia. Volcanic sandstone corrected the soil acidity but it is not indicated as source of K, while the application of high amounts of rocks caused unbalance of soil nutrients

    Circle Method for Robust Estimation of Local Conduction Velocity High-Density Maps From Optical Mapping Data: Characterization of Radiofrequency Ablation Sites

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    Conduction velocity (CV) slowing is associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) and reentrant ventricular tachycardia (VT). Clinical electroanatomical mapping systems used to localize AF or VT sources as ablation targets remain limited by the number of measuring electrodes and signal processing methods to generate high-density local activation time (LAT) and CV maps of heterogeneous atrial or trabeculated ventricular endocardium. The morphology and amplitude of bipolar electrograms depend on the direction of propagating electrical wavefront, making identification of low-amplitude signal sources commonly associated with fibrotic area difficulty. In comparison, unipolar electrograms are not sensitive to wavefront direction, but measurements are susceptible to distal activity. This study proposes a method for local CV calculation from optical mapping measurements, termed the circle method (CM). The local CV is obtained as a weighted sum of CV values calculated along different chords spanning a circle of predefined radius centered at a CV measurement location. As a distinct maximum in LAT differences is along the chord normal to the propagating wavefront, the method is adaptive to the propagating wavefront direction changes, suitable for electrical conductivity characterization of heterogeneous myocardium. In numerical simulations, CM was validated characterizing modeled ablated areas as zones of distinct CV slowing. Experimentally, CM was used to characterize lesions created by radiofrequency ablation (RFA) on isolated hearts of rats, guinea pig, and explanted human hearts. To infer the depth of RFA-created lesions, excitation light bands of different penetration depths were used, and a beat-to-beat CV difference analysis was performed to identify CV alternans. Despite being limited to laboratory research, studies based on CM with optical mapping may lead to new translational insights into better-guided ablation therapies

    An Analysis of Resting-State Functional Transcranial Doppler Recordings from Middle Cerebral Arteries

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    Functional transcrannial Doppler (fTCD) is used for monitoring the hemodynamics characteristics of major cerebral arteries. Its resting-state characteristics are known only when considering the maximal velocity corresponding to the highest Doppler shift (so called the envelope signals). Significantly more information about the resting-state fTCD can be gained when considering the raw cerebral blood flow velocity (CBFV) recordings. In this paper, we considered simultaneously acquired envelope and raw CBFV signals. Specifically, we collected bilateral CBFV recordings from left and right middle cerebral arteries using 20 healthy subjects (10 females). The data collection lasted for 15 minutes. The subjects were asked to remain awake, stay silent, and try to remain thought-free during the data collection. Time, frequency and time-frequency features were extracted from both the raw and the envelope CBFV signals. The effects of age, sex and body-mass index were examined on the extracted features. The results showed that the raw CBFV signals had a higher frequency content, and its temporal structures were almost uncorrelated. The information-theoretic features showed that the raw recordings from left and right middle cerebral arteries had higher content of mutual information than the envelope signals. Age and body-mass index did not have statistically significant effects on the extracted features. Sex-based differences were observed in all three domains and for both, the envelope signals and the raw CBFV signals. These findings indicate that the raw CBFV signals provide valuable information about the cerebral blood flow which can be utilized in further validation of fTCD as a clinical tool. © 2013 Sejdić et al

    Propagation of meandering rotors surrounded by areas of high dominant frequency in persistent atrial fibrillation

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    Background: Identification of arrhythmogenic regions remains a challenge in persistent atrial fibrillation (persAF). Frequency and phase analysis allows identification of potential ablation targets. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the spatiotemporal association between dominant frequency (DF) and reentrant phase activation areas. Methods: A total of 8 persAF patients undergoing first-time catheter ablation procedure were enrolled. A noncontact array catheter was deployed into the left atrium (LA) and 2048 atrial fibrillation electrograms (AEGs) were acquired for 15 seconds following ventricular far-field cancellation. DF and phase singularity (PS) points were identified from the AEGs and tracked over consecutive frames. The spatiotemporal correlation of high DF areas and PS points was investigated, and the organization index at the core of high-DF areas was compared with that of their periphery. Results: The phase maps presented multiple simultaneous PS points that drift over the LA, with preferential locations. Regions displaying higher PS concentration showed a degree of colocalization with DF sites, with PS and DF regions being neighbors in 61.8% and with PS and DF regions overlapping in 36.8% of the time windows. Sites with highest DF showed a greater degree of organization at their core compared with their periphery. After ablation, the PS incidence reduced over the entire LA (36.2% ± 23.2%, P < .05), but especially at the pulmonary veins (78.6% ± 22.2%, P < .05). Conclusion: Multiple PS points drifting over the LA were identified with their clusters correlating spatially with the DF regions. After pulmonary vein isolation, the PS’s complexity was reduced, which supports the notion that PS sites represent areas of relevance to the atrial substrate

    Persistent atrial fibrillation hierarchical activation: from highest DF sites to wave fractionation at the boundaries

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    Preclinical studies showed a relationship between high dominant frequency areas (HDFA) and wave fractionation, but evidence in patient who atrial fibrillation (AF) persists for long-term periods (persAF) it is not well defined. This study aims to assess the spatiotemporal organization characteristics at HDFAs is persAF and its impact after per standard pulmonary vein isolation (PVI). Eight persAF patients had a non-contact array catheter deployed into the left atrium to collect up to 2048 AF electrograms (AEG) for 15 s. AEGs were band-pass filtered (3-30 Hz) followed by ventricular farfield cancellation. DF between 4-10 Hz and its respective organization index (OI) were calculated (4 s with 50% overlap) to produce 3D DF and OI maps. HDFA defined as the regions within a 0.25 Hz drop from the highest DF were determined and their centre of gravity (CG) calculated. Highest DF sites showed a higher OI at their core when compared to the periphery (0.422±0.101 vs. 0.386±0.126, p=0.02) and increased again organization at sites distant from the HDFAs. Similarly, after PVI, OI remained higher as compared to their periphery (0.372±0.026 vs. 0.332±0.036, p=0.22), but with significant lower values when compared with baseline (p<0.0001). PersAF patients showed higher organization in the HDFAs core when compared with its periphery

    An interactive platform to guide catheter ablation in human persistent atrial fibrillation using dominant frequency, organization and phase mapping

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    Background and Objective: Optimal targets for persistent atrial fibrillation (persAF) ablation are still debated. Atrial regions hosting high dominant frequency (HDF) are believed to participate in the initiation and maintenance of persAF and hence are potential targets for ablation, while rotor ablation has shown promising initial results. Currently, no commercially available system offers the capability to automatically identify both these phenomena. This paper describes an integrated 3D software platform combining the mapping of both frequency spectrum and phase from atrial electrograms (AEGs) to help guide persAF ablation in clinical cardiac electrophysiological studies. Methods: 30 s of 2048 non-contact AEGs (EnSite Array, St. Jude Medical) were collected and analyzed per patient. After QRST removal, the AEGs were divided into 4 s windows with a 50% overlap. Fast Fourier transform was used for DF identification. HDF areas were identified as the maximum DF to 0.25 Hz below that, and their centers of gravity (CGs) were used to track their spatiotemporal movement. Spectral organization measurements were estimated. Hilbert transform was used to calculate instantaneous phase. Results: The system was successfully used to guide catheter ablation for 10 persAF patients. The mean processing time was 10.4 ± 1.5 min, which is adequate comparing to the normal electrophysiological (EP) procedure time (120∼180 min). Conclusions: A customized software platform capable of measuring different forms of spatiotemporal AEG analysis was implemented and used in clinical environment to guide persAF ablation. The modular nature of the platform will help electrophysiological studies in understanding of the underlying AF mechanisms