230 research outputs found

    Derivation and consistency checking of models in early software product line engineering

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia InformáticaSoftware Product Line Engineering (SPLE) should offer the ability to express the derivation of product-specific assets, while checking for their consistency. The derivation of product-specific assets is possible using general-purpose programming languages in combination with techniques such as conditional compilation and code generation. On the other hand, consistency checking can be achieved through consistency rules in the form of architectural and design guidelines, programming conventions and well-formedness rules. Current approaches present four shortcomings: (1) focus on code derivation only, (2) ignore consistency problems between the variability model and other complementary specification models used in early SPLE, (3) force developers to learn new, difficult to master, languages to encode the derivation of assets, and (4) offer no tool support. This dissertation presents solutions that contribute to tackle these four shortcomings. These solutions are integrated in the approach Derivation and Consistency Checking of models in early SPLE (DCC4SPL) and its corresponding tool support. The two main components of our approach are the Variability Modelling Language for Requirements(VML4RE), a domain-specific language and derivation infrastructure, and the Variability Consistency Checker (VCC), a verification technique and tool. We validate DCC4SPL demonstrating that it is appropriate to find inconsistencies in early SPL model-based specifications and to specify the derivation of product-specific models.European Project AMPLE, contract IST-33710; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - SFRH/BD/46194/2008

    Dispersal of transgenes through maize seed systems in Mexico.

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    ObjectivesCurrent models of transgene dispersal focus on gene flow via pollen while neglecting seed, a vital vehicle for gene flow in centers of crop origin and diversity. We analyze the dispersal of maize transgenes via seeds in Mexico, the crop's cradle.MethodsWe use immunoassays (ELISA) to screen for the activity of recombinant proteins in a nationwide sample of farmer seed stocks. We estimate critical parameters of seed population dynamics using household survey data and combine these estimates with analytical results to examine presumed sources and mechanisms of dispersal.ResultsRecombinant proteins Cry1Ab/Ac and CP4/EPSPS were found in 3.1% and 1.8% of samples, respectively. They are most abundant in southeast Mexico but also present in the west-central region. Diffusion of seed and grain imported from the United States might explain the frequency and distribution of transgenes in west-central Mexico but not in the southeast.ConclusionsUnderstanding the potential for transgene survival and dispersal should help design methods to regulate the diffusion of germplasm into local seed stocks. Further research is needed on the interactions between formal and informal seed systems and grain markets in centers of crop origin and diversification

    Avances en inclusión financiera en Colombia durante el quinquenio 2016 – 2020 una apuesta social

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    Artículo de InvestigaciónInclusión financiera una herramienta contra segregación social, pobreza; trascendente no sólo desde aspecto monetario, sino capaz de mejorar la calidad de vida de los individuos. En Colombia durante los últimos años, esta estrategia ha reflejado mejoras en sus indicadores de cobertura y permanencia activa de los hogares, sin embargo, muestra retos en materia de educación financiera, flexibilización del sistema empresarial.1. RESUMEN 2. INTRODUCCIÓN 3. DESARROLLO 4. CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIASEspecializaciónEspecialista en Análisis y Administración Financier

    Suspension temporal del regimen de visitas al padre investigado por delito de violencia familiar y el interes superior del niño

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    La presente tesis se intitula de la siguiente manera: “SUSPENSIÓN TEMPORAL DEL RÉGIMEN DE VISITAS AL PADRE INVESTIGADO POR DELITO DE VIOLENCIA FAMILIAR Y EL INTERÉS SUPERIOR DEL NIÑO”. El problema general de la presente investigación es el siguiente: ¿de qué manera la suspensión temporal del régimen de visitas al padre investigado por el delito de violencia familiar tutelará el interés superior del niño, en el Código Civil Peruano?, siendo elobjetivo principal: determinar de qué manera la suspensión temporal del régimen de visitas al padre investigado por el delito de violencia familiar tutelará el interés superior del niño, en el Código Civil Peruano. Asimismo, como hipótesis de investigación se formuló: la suspensión temporal del régimen de visitas al padre investigado por el delito de violencia familiar tutelará adecuadamente y de forma más tuitiva el interés superior del niño, en el Código Civil Peruano. En un carácter metodológico, se ha podido plantear que la tesis cuenta con una estructura de corte cualitativo, de tipo básico, siendo esencial puntualizar que ha empleado como instrumento la ficha de análisis documental. Comoconclusión ha mencionado se ha señalado que: se ha determinado que la suspensióntemporal del régimen de visitas al padre investigado por el delito de violencia familiar tutelará adecuadamente y de forma más tuitiva el interés superior del niño,en el Código Civil Peruano. Para proteger al menor y así cumplir con el principio del interés superior del menor, el sistema de visitas del padre puede suspenderse temporalmente si se investiga el delito de violencia doméstica, por tratarse de un método más directo

    Relationship Between Aerosol Optical Depth and Particulate Matter Over Singapore: Effects of Aerosol Vertical Distributions

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    As part of the Seven Southeast Asian Studies (7SEAS) program, an Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) sun photometer and a Micro-Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET) instrument have been deployed at Singapore to study the regional aerosol environment of the Maritime Continent (MC). In addition, the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) is used to model aerosol transport over the region. From 24 September 2009 to 31 March 2011, the relationships between ground-, satellite- and model-based aerosol optical depth (AOD) and particulate matter with aerodynamic equivalent diameters less than 2.5 microns (PM2.5) for air quality applications are investigated. When MPLNET-derived aerosol scale heights are applied to normalize AOD for comparison with surface PM2.5 data, the empirical relationships are shown to improve with an increased 11%, 10% and 5% in explained variances, for AERONET, MODIS and NAAPS respectively. The ratios of root mean square errors to standard deviations for the relationships also show corresponding improvements of 8%, 6% and 2%. Aerosol scale heights are observed to be bimodal with a mode below and another above the strongly-capped/deep near-surface layer (SCD; 0-1.35 km). Aerosol extinctions within the SCD layer are well-correlated with surface PM2.5 concentrations, possibly due to strong vertical mixing in the region

    Estresse, estressores ocupacionais e as estratégias de enfrentamento de gestores organizacionais

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    O estudo objetivou identificar a presença do estresse ocupacional e estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por gestores em contexto organizacional público e privado. Sessenta participantes responderam aos questionários e avaliaram aspectos psicossociais de risco à saúde na realização de seu trabalho. No final do questionário estruturado responderam, em questão aberta, sobre que estratégias adotavam para diminuir o estresse ocupacional. Os principais resultados obtidos foram: busca de apoio social fora do trabalho; atividades de autocuidado; planejamentos de trabalho e administração do tempo; estratégias de autocontrole e autodesenvolvimento no trabalho; busca por melhorias no trabalho; incentivo ao trabalho grupal; apoio aos trabalhadores; busca pelo diálogo. Os gestores das organizações públicas manifestaram maior quantidade e qualidade de formas de enfrentamento. Em ambos os setores, ações para prevenção do estresse e de cuidado com a saúde de trabalhadores devem fortalecê-los, preservar suas relações e disseminar as possíveis fontes de força e de enfrentamento do estresse

    Planeamiento estratégico de la palma aceitera del Perú

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    La palma aceitera es uno de los principales productos industriales para la producción de insumos como la cosmética, alimentaria y combustibles. Por ello, la Palma aceitera producida en el Perú, hoy en día tiene un gran potencial por la diversidad de microclimas y espacios territoriales, los cuales se necesitan para poder cultivar y expandir este producto. Además, la industria de palma aceitera es beneficiada por diversos Acuerdos Comerciales y por ello también el gobierno ha puesto énfasis en la producción de palma aceitera en el Perú, considerandola en el Plan Estratégico Nacional hasta el año 2026. Actualmente la palma aceitera en el Perú presenta nuevos retos para lograr un desarrollo sostenible sin impactar el medio ambiente y el presente Plan Estratégico de la palma aceitera del Perú, hace hincapié en cuatro objetivos a largo plazo para lograr este desarrollo sostenible como son: a) incrementar el área sembrada de la palma aceitera en el país de forma sostenible, b) generar el mejor rendimiento de fruto por hectárea sembrada, c) tener el mejor costo competitivo a nivel mundial, d) ampliar el horizonte de mercado y las ventas para nuestra producción. Del mismo modo, ha evaluado y encontrado seis estrategias principales tales como (a) la penetración de mercados tanto interno como externo con estándares internacionales, (b) la aplicación de nuevas tecnologías para el mejor rendimiento del cultivo, (c) el desarrollo de nuevos productos con valor agregado, (d) la formalización de territorios deforestados, (e) asociar a pequeñas empresas informales, y (f) establecer alianzas con otros países para el desarrollo de mercados. Finalmente, por todo lo mencionado, todas estas directrices deben generar un mayor beneficio para todas las regiones productoras de palma aceitera, generando una mayor calidad de vida siempre con un manejo socialmente responsable y generando el menor impacto ambiental a nuestro territorio.Oil palm is one of the main industrial products for the production of inputs such as cosmetics, food and fuels. Therefore, the palm has been produced in Peru, today has great potential for the diversity of microclimates and territorial spaces, which are necessary to grow and expand this product. In addition, the oil palm industry is benefited by the various Trade Agreements and by the government has also put in oil palm production in Peru, considering it in the National Strategic Plan until 2026. Currently oil palm in Peru presents new challenges to achieve sustainable development without impacting the environment and the present Strategic Plan of the oil palm of Peru, emphasizes four long-term objectives to achieve this sustainable development as: a) increase the area sown oil palm in the country in a sustainable way, b) generate the best fruit yield per hectare planted, c) have the best competitive cost worldwide, d) expand the market horizon and sales for our production. Likewise, it has evaluated and found six main strategies such as (a) the penetration of both internal and external markets with international standards, (b) the application of new technologies for better crop yield, (c) the development of new value-added products, (d) formalizing deforested territories, (e) associating small informal enterprises, and (f) establishing partnerships with other countries for the development of markets. Finally, for all of the aforementioned, all these guidelines should generate a greater benefit for all oil palm producing regions, generating a higher quality of life always with socially responsible management and generating the least environmental impact to our territory.Tesi

    Fluorogenic Granzyme A Substrates Enable Real‐Time Imaging of Adaptive Immune Cell Activity

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    6 figures.Cytotoxic immune cells, including T lymphocytes (CTLs) and natural killer (NK) cells, are essential components of the host response against tumors. CTLs and NK cells secrete granzyme A (GzmA) upon recognition of cancer cells; however, there are very few tools that can detect physiological levels of active GzmA with high spatiotemporal resolution. Herein, we report the rational design of the near-infrared fluorogenic substrates for human GzmA and mouse GzmA. These activity-based probes display very high catalytic efficiency and selectivity over other granzymes, as shown in tissue lysates from wild-type and GzmA knock-out mice. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the probes can image how adaptive immune cells respond to antigen-driven recognition of cancer cells in real time.A. S. acknowledges a PhD fellowship from the Aragon Government. M. A. A. acknowledges funds from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain (IJC2019- 039192-I). This research was supported by CIBER (CB 2021), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Unión Europea-NextGenerationEU, FEDER (Group B29_20R), Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Spain (SAF2017-83120-C2-1-R and PID2020-113963RB-I00). T. K. acknowledges funding from an MRC Career Development Award (MR/S006982/1) and an MRC Centre Grant (MR/N022556/1). E. W. R. acknowledges a Cancer Research UK grant (A_BICR_1920_Roberts). M. V. acknowledges funds from an ERC Consolidator Grant (DYNAFLUORS, 771443) and an ERC PoC Grant (IBDIMAGE, 957535). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement (859908).Peer reviewe

    Aerosol meteorology of Maritime Continent for the 2012 7SEAS southwest monsoon intensive study - Part 2: Philippine receptor observations of fine-scale aerosol behavior

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    Abstract. The largest 7 Southeast Asian Studies (7SEAS) operations period within the Maritime Continent (MC) occurred in the August–September 2012 biomass burning season. Data included were observations aboard the M/Y Vasco, dispatched to the Palawan Archipelago and Sulu Sea of the Philippines for September 2012. At these locations, the Vasco observed MC smoke and pollution entering the southwest monsoon (SWM) monsoonal trough. Here we describe the research cruise findings and the finer-scale aerosol meteorology of this convectively active region. This 2012 cruise complemented a 2-week cruise in 2011 and was generally consistent with previous findings in terms of how smoke emission and transport related to monsoonal flows, tropical cyclones (TC), and the covariance between smoke transport events and the atmosphere's thermodynamic structure. Biomass burning plumes were usually mixed with significant amounts of anthropogenic pollution. Also key to aerosol behavior were squall lines and cold pools propagating across the South China Sea (SCS) and scavenging aerosol particles in their path. However, the 2012 cruise showed much higher modulation in aerosol frequency than its 2011 counterpart. Whereas in 2011 large synoptic-scale aerosol events transported high concentrations of smoke into the Philippines over days, in 2012 measured aerosol events exhibited a much shorter-term variation, sometimes only 3–12 h. Strong monsoonal flow reversals were also experienced in 2012. Nucleation events in cleaner and polluted conditions, as well as in urban plumes, were observed. Perhaps most interestingly, several cases of squall lines preceding major aerosol events were observed, as opposed to 2011 observations where these lines largely scavenged aerosol particles from the marine boundary layer. Combined, these observations indicate pockets of high and low particle counts that are not uncommon in the region. These perturbations are difficult to observe by satellite and very difficult to model. Indeed, the Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) simulations captured longer period aerosol events quite well but largely failed to capture the timing of high-frequency phenomena. Ultimately, the research findings of these cruises demonstrate the real world challenges of satellite-based missions, significant aerosol life cycle questions such as those the future Aerosol/Clouds/Ecosystems (ACE) will investigate, and the importance of small-scale phenomena such as sea breezes, squall lines, and nucleation events embedded within SWM patterns in dominating aerosol life cycle and potential relationships to clouds

    Applying Advanced Ground-Based Remote Sensing in the Southeast Asian Maritime Continent to Characterize Regional Proficiencies in Smoke Transport Modeling

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    This work describes some of the most extensive ground-based observations of the aerosol profile collected in Southeast Asia to date, highlighting the challenges in simulating these observations with amesoscale perspective. An 84-hWRFModel coupled with chemistry (WRF-Chem)mesoscale simulation of smoke particle transport at Kuching, Malaysia, in the southern Maritime Continent of Southeast Asia is evaluated relative to a unique collection of continuous ground-based lidar, sun photometer, and 4-h radiosonde profiling. The period was marked by relatively dry conditions, allowing smoke layers transported to the site unperturbed by wet deposition to be common regionally. The model depiction is reasonable overall. Core thermodynamics, including land/seabreeze structure, are well resolved. Total model smoke extinction and, by proxy, mass concentration are low relative to observation. Smoke emissions source products are likely low because of undersampling of fires in infrared sun-synchronous satellite products, which is exacerbated regionally by endemic low-level cloud cover. Differences are identified between the model mass profile and the lidar profile, particularly during periods of afternoon convective mixing. A static smoke mass injection height parameterized for this study potentially influences this result. The model does not resolve the convective mixing of aerosol particles into the lower free troposphere or the enhancement of near-surface extinction from nighttime cooling and hygroscopic effects