73 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Konjugasi Kata Kerja Bahasa Sepanyol dan Perbandingannya Dengan Bahasa Melayu

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bentuk persamaan dan perbezaan konjugasi kata kerja bahasa Sepanyol dan perbandingannya dengan bahasa Melayu berdasarkan terjemahan lisan dan tulisan. Kajian lepas banyak memfokuskan kata kerja tertentu sahaja iaitu ser dan estar yang membawa makna ‘akan menjadi’. Melalui kajian ini, kata kerja yang dikaji tidak terhad kepada kata kerja ser dan estar sahaja. Oleh yang demikian, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti penggunaan konjugasi kata kerja Bahasa Sepanyol dan menganalisis penggunaan konjugasi kata kerja bahasa Sepanyol berdasarkan terjemahan data bahasa Melayu dalam bentuk tulisan dan lisan. Bagi mencapai objektif tersebut, Teori Relevans (Sperber dan Wilson, 1986) digunakan dalam kajian ini, untuk melihat perkaitan ilmu semantik dan pragmatik dengan konjugasi kata kerja. Hal ini bertujuan agar makna yang hendak disampaikan adalah sama seperti yang terkandung dalam ayat asal. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 30 orang pelajar Universiti Putra Malaysia yang mempelajari bahasa Sepanyol pada tahap asas dan pemilihan sampel ini dilakukan secara rawak. Kajian ini dilakukan kerana didapati pelajar yang bukan penutur asli bahasa Sepanyol menghadapi masalah dalam pembelajaran bahasa Sepanyol, terutama dalam memahami konjugasi kata kerja. Hasil kajian membuktikan bahawa wujud kekeliruan dalam mempelajari kata kerja, terutama kata kerja ser dan estar, yang sama maksudnya dengan kata pemeri ‘ialah’ dan ‘adalah’ dalam bahasa Melayu. Melalui dua aktiviti yang dijalankan iaitu terjemahan lisan dan tulisan, didapati pengaruh bahasa Melayu mempengaruhi corak pemikiran sampel kajian berdasarkan dapatan kajian yang menunjukkan kekeliruan dalam penggunaan kata ganti diri seperti yo, soy dan estoy yang semuanya merujuk kepada kata ganti nama diri pertama. Tidak seperti bahasa Sepanyol, setiap konjugasi kata kerja mempunyai bentuknya yang tersendiri. Perbezaan sebeginilah yang menjadi penghalang kepada pelajar untuk menguasai bahasa Sepanyol dengan baik. Justeru melalui aktiviti terjemahan lisan dan tulisan yang dikaji, kekeliruan tersebut dapat dikesan yang sedikit sebanyak menjadi halangan kepada sampel untuk menguasai kemahiran menulis dan bertutur dalam bahasa Sepanyol. Dapatan ini menunjukkan bahawa sampel perlu diberikan penjelasan tentang persamaan dan perbezaan penggunaan bahasa sasaran dan bahasa sumber, khususnya bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Sepanyol bagi memastikan sampel yang telah menguasai bahasa Melayu dapat menguasai bahasa Sepanyol dengan baik

    Padanan makna kata kerja Ser dan Estar bahasa Sepanyol ke bahasa Melayu: satu panduan penulisan

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    Makalah ini membincangkan tentang penggunaan kata kerja Ser dan Estar yang membawa makna ‘ialah’ dan ‘adalah’ dalam bahasa Melayu. Perbezaan kelas kata iaitu, kata kerja dalam bahasa Sepanyol dan kata pemeri dalam bahasa Melayu, memungkinkan wujudnya kekeliruan dalam penggunaan ayat. Penulis cuba untuk mengenal pasti bentuk kata kerja Ser dan Estar dan padanan maknanya dalam bahasa Melayu. Seterusnya penulis akan menganalisis padanan makna tersebut berdasarkan fungsi ayat dalam bahasa Sepanyol dan bahasa Melayu. Kajian konseptual ini berdasarkan kepada teori Relevans oleh Sperber and Wilson (1986 dan 1995). Perubahan kelas kata yang wujud ini disebabkan perbezaan fungsi ayat dalam penggunaan Bahasa Sepanyol dan bahasa Melayu. Dalam usaha memperkasakan bahasa, kajian ini berperanan memantapkan lagi penggunaan tatabahasa agar penutur bahasa dalam kedua-dua bahasa tersebut dapat meminimumkan kesilapan mereka dalam pertuturan dan penulisan

    Aplikasi penggunaan kad imbas (flash card) dalam pembelajaran bahasa Sepanyol

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    Makalah ini bertujuan untuk melihat kemampuan pelajar menghasilkan satu bentuk penulisan dalam bahasa Sepanyol sebagai satu kaedah memantapkan lagi kemahiran menulis. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 3 pelajar di Universiti Putra Malaysia yang mengambil subjek bahasa Sepanyol sebagai bahasa asing pada tahap 2. Metodologi yang digunakan adalah dengan memilih beberapa kad imbas yang mengandungi perkataan dalam bahasa Sepanyol. Berdasarkan kad yang dipilih, sampel perlu menghasilkan satu cerita ringkas dan menterjemahkan semula cerita tersebut dalam bentuk gambar. Dengan menggunakan Teori Taksonomi Bloom (1956) oleh Benjamin Bloom, kajian ini terarah kepada domain kognitif yang melibatkan enam tahap iaitu tahap pengetahuan, pemahaman, aplikasi, analisis, sintesis dan penilaian. Dapatan menunjukkan bahawa sampel berjaya mempraktikkan pemahaman mereka berkaitan dengan cerita yang dihasilkan melalui perkataan yang dipilih. Objektif kajian ini bertujuan untuk menggunakan kaedah kad imbas dalam pembelajaran bahasa Sepanyol sebagai satu cara memantapkan pemahaman pelajar serta mengaplikasikan bentuk pemahaman pelajar melalui kaedah penulisan. Hasil daripada pemantauan dibuat dapat dijelaskan bahawa terdapat sampel yang berjaya menguasai kemahiran menulis dalam bahasa Sepanyol dengan baik melalui ayat-ayat yang dibina

    Trend pembinaan blog dalam pembelajaran bahasa Sepanyol

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    Penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran bahasa asing pada masa sekarang menjadi satu keperluan yang sangat penting. Hal ini kerana teknologi akan sentiasa berubah seiring dengan peredaran masa. Oleh yang demikian, kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan penggunaan blog sebagai satu kaedah baharu dalam mencapai proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran bahasa Sepanyol sebagai bahasa asing. Penulis akan melihat trend pelajar mengaplikasikan bahan-bahan berkaitan, berdasarkan tahap kognitif pelajar dalam membina blog bahasa Sepanyol berdasarkan pendekatan Teori Kognitif oleh Piaget (1952). Sebanyak enam blog akan dikaji dalam kajian ini dengan menumpukan kepada kepelbagaian gaya pelajar membina dan mengolah blog berdasarkan pengetahuan yang dipelajari dalam bilik kuliah. Secara rumusan dapatan kajian ini memperlihatkan penggunaan tiga jenis trend dalam penulisan blog iaitu trend fokus, pemikiran dan bahasa yang digunakan. Oleh yang demikian kajian ini akan dapat memberi satu dimensi baharu dalam mempelbagaikan kaedah pengajaran bahasa Sepanyol, dan memberi idea kepada kajian pada masa hadapan untuk mempelbagaikan lagi kajian berkaitan blog dalam bahasa Sepanyol

    Endoscopic septomucoplasty in telangiectasia using buccal mucosa graft : an alternative technique

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    Epistaxis is one of the common presenting symptoms of patients with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). Majority of patients required blood transfusion due to intractable nasal bleeding. Septodermoplasty is an effective treatment for HHT, however it gives rise to persistent nasal crusting and foul smelling nasal discharge post surgery. We present an endoscopic septomucoplasty using buccal mucosa graft as an alternative technique to septodermoplasty

    The application of the Spanish 'Tener verb' among Malay language speakers

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    This study focuses on the use of the Tener verb in teaching Spanish classes. The Tener verb is equivalent to has, have or, own. Because the verb has equivalent meaning in Malay, students are often confused to use this verb when it is used in different situations. The confusion occurs when students are unable to distinguish the form of the verb in Spanish compared to the Malay equivalent. Observations made on 30 respondents found that this confusion arises because students are not able to master certain forms of conjugating verbs in Spanish very well when translated from Malay language. Thus in accordance with the theory of Relevance (Sperber and Wilson, 1986 and 1995), where the authors try to compare the meaning of the verbs in search for answers to the confusion that exists. The findings demonstrate that despite having the same meaning, the functions of the verbs are different when translated into the target language. This study employs the translation methodology in the form of verb conjugation. The study is to see the similarities or differences of verb conjugation form- either they remain unchanged or have changed shape when translated from Malay to Spanish. Thus, the objective of this study is to identify students’ ability in applying Tener verb, and analyze the comparative verb form from the source language to the target language which is Spanish

    Mispronunciation of High Front and Low Hausa Vowels among the Yorùbá Speakers

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    Pronunciation in second language learning is sometimes challenging, especially the vowels. Vowels such as [i] and [a] are found both in Hausa and Yorùbá but [i:] and [a:] are peculiar to Hausa alone. While Hausa has short and long vowels, Yorùbá has only oral and nasal vowels in their vowel inventories. Such phonemic differences constitute learning challenges, especially for the Yorùbá native speakers. This is a cross-sectional study design using mixed methods to examines the production of high front vowels: [i], and [i:], as well as low: [a], and [a:] Hausa vowels by the Yorùbá speakers to identify which group perform better between group 1 (Yorùbá native speakers who learned Hausa in the secondary school before going to the college of education), and group 2 (Yorùbá native speakers who learned Hausa informally before going to the college of education). The study also seeks to find out vowel substitutions that occur in the pronunciation tasks using 80 participants from 18 years old and above from the College of Education system in Nigeria who were selected based on purposive sampling. The findings were discussed in line with Flege & Bohn’s (2020) ‘Revised Speech Learning Model’. 8 stimuli were audio-recorded, transcribed, and rated by two independent raters, in addition to participant observation techniques adapted. The results of the Mann-Whitney test revealed that group 2 performed better than group 1. The study discovered also that the short [a] in the first and second syllables had the highest frequency of substitution compared to [i], [i:] and [a:] vowels. Such problems have pedagogical implications for learning Hausa as a second language

    A cross-sectional study on Sinonasal inverted Papilloma: does human Papilloma virus play a role in its etiology?

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    Aims: To correlate the HPV genotypes with recurrence of disease and malignant transformation. Methods: A prevalence cross-sectional study. The tumour tissue was isolated from the paraffin-embedded tissue (PET). The DNA was extracted from the tissue using the QiAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany). Gel electrophoresis was performed to determine the presence of genomic DNA. HPV detection and genotyping were carried out using SACACE HPV High Risk and Low Risk Typing Real-TM kit (SACACE, Italy). Two different types of kits were used, that is HPV 6,11 Real-TM and HPV 16,18 Real-TM kits. Results: A total of 44 patients, 36 were male and 8 were female with a ratio of 5:1. 61.4% was Malay, 22.7% was Chinese, 11.4% Indian 4.5% other races. 15 out of 44 patients had HPV positive (34%). The recurrence rate of positive HPV infection compared to negative HPV was not statistically significant (p>0.05). There was a significant correlation of HPV 16 and 18 infection with malignant transformation (p<0.05). A high detection rate of a high-risk HPV type (67%) was observed in patients with inverted papilloma with malignant transformation. Conclusion: The prevalence of HPV in inverted papilloma is 34%. Our result supports that HPV infection is an aetiological factor in sinonasal inverted papilloma. A high-risk HPV plays a role in the oncogenesis of sinonasal inverted papilloma. Further studies should be conducted to further elaborate this relationship

    The consistency between writing self-efficacy and writing performance

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    This study aimed to evaluate the consistency between tertiary learners’ writing self-efficacy and writing performance evaluation in academic writing in order to understand the tertiary students’ self-efficacy phenomena in learning to write. Two measurements were analysed and compared namely the learners’ writing self-efficacy scales and learners’ writing performance. Basically, it is a case study where 33 UPM students participated in the research for four months. In this study, the learners’ writing self-efficacy was assessed based on the writing self-efficacy (WSE) scale adapted from Bottomley, Henk & Melnick (1997), while, the document analysis was based on the students’ writing performance throughout the four months. Overall, this study did not mainly based on the score of WSE scales only but also looked from the angle of the students’ writing performance by looking at writing skills in detail namely content, organization, grammar, vocabulary and mechanic of writing. Here, the analysis of the essay and rating was done from the perspective of Jacobs, Zinkgraf, Wormuth, Hartfiel, & Hughey (1981) and adapted by Hedgcock and Lefkowitz (1992). In order to plot the consistency and trend of the two measurements (WSE and writing skills), ratio and Chi-square analysis were carried out using SPSS program. Findings showed that the distribution of writing skills performance vary depending on the self-efficacy level (i.e. high, average and low self-efficacy level)

    Effects of EFL vocabulary instruction on Arab learners usage of lexical collocations in speaking performance

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    For many decades, the role of the learner's mother tongue in foreign and second language classrooms has been a topic of debate. EFL teachers may present and explain vocabulary in students native language, they may do so in the target language, or they may keep switching between the two. The aim of the current study is to investigate how EFL vocabulary instruction affects EFL Arab learners' usage of English lexical collocations in their speaking performance through implementing several working memory strategies. A quasi-experimental, mixed method design was adopted comparing teacher code-switching and L2 explanations in teaching lexical collocations. Within twenty-six sessions of teaching intervention to teach lexical collocations to EFL learners, the study measured learners' responses to vocabulary instruction in the two experimental groups. The study also explored how working memory strategies used by learners in response to vocabulary instruction may enhance learning lexical collocations by EFL learners. For this purpose, 45 Arab elementary EFL learners in the English language centre in Kuala Lumpur were divided into three groups (code-switching, L2 explanation group, and control group); they completed three speaking tests, pre, and post-test and delayed post-test. The results indicated that both the code-switching group and the L2 explanation group were improving their vocabulary; however, the study showed an important role of L1 in learning lexical collocation. The findings revealed that working memory strategies assisted learners to retain collocations effectively. The study included several pedagogical suggestions and implications for future research to improve the standard for teaching, learning, and retention of lexical collocations in speaking performance