1,990 research outputs found

    Distribution of abo blood group, rhesus factor and haemoglobin genotype in Maiduguri Metropolis, North-eastern Nigeria

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    To establish the frequency distribution of ABO, Rhesus (Rh) blood groups and haemoglobin genotype in Maiduguri metropolis. Methods: A total of four hundred and seventy subjects consisting of males and females were enrolled into the study. The subjects enrolled were university students and patients coming to the haematology department of the university of Maiduguri teaching hospital they were randomly selected and their ABO blood groups, Rhesus D antigen and genotype were determined. Results: The distribution of the blood groups antigen evaluated by our study are as follows; Blood group O were found to be231 (49.1%), blood group B categorized as 104 (22.1%),blood group A91 (19.3%), and blood group AB had the least 46 (9.3%).The Rhesus (Rh D) factor positivity was 399 (85%), and that (Rh D) negativity were71 (15%). The haemoglobin genotype were expressed as HbAA, AS, SS, AC and SC and the study revealed frequencies of AA, 297 (63.2%), AS, 122 (26%), SS,32 (6.8%),AC 12 (2.5%) and SC 07 (1.4%). Conclusion: This study showed that blood group O is predominant than the other blood groups and that blood group AB had the least. Rhesus (D) positivity was 85% as compared to Rhesus (D) negativity of 15%. The haemoglobin genotype showed HbAA had the highest occurrence, while SC had the least

    Effect of ingestion of ethanol extract of garcinia kola seed on erythrocytes in wistar rats

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    The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of ingestion of crude ethanol extract of Garcinia Kola seed on erythrocytes. Fifty male Wistar rats with average weight of 200g were divided into 5 treatment groups of 10 rats per group. Group A, served as the control and was fed with standard animal feed only while groups B, C, D and E which were the treatment groups, in addition were force-fed 2g/kg/rat/day of the Ethanol extract of Garcinia Kola seed for 1,2,3 and 4 weeks respectively by means of an endogastric tube and syringe. At the end of the experimental period for each group the animals were sacrificed and the erythrocyte number, park cell volume (PCV), and heamogloin concentration values were determined. The result on analysis showed that erythrocyte-count, PCV and haemoglobin concentration values showed significantly decreased values (p0.05) when compared with Group A. None of the values fell below the normal physiological range of the experimental animals. This shows that Garcinia Kola seed which has flavonoids as its active constituent has no long term significant toxicological implication with respect to the concentration given on the erythrocytes of mammals. Keywords: garcinia kola, erythrocytes, wistar rats, flavonoid Nigerian Journal of Physiological Sciences Vol. 20(1&2) 2005: 30-3

    Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Di Kelas IX MTs Negeri 2 Jepara Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021

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    The implementation of learning Arabic is a process of interaction between students and teachers and learning resources in the form of Arabic subjects which are directed to encourage, guide, develop and foster skills and foster a positive attitude towards Arabic. The purpose of this study was to find out how the implementation of learning Arabic and the obstacles experienced in implementing learning Arabic in class IX MTs Negeri 2 Jepara. This research is a type of field research, data sources were obtained from Arabic teachers and students. Collecting data using observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done by reducing data, presenting data, and making conclusions. Test the validity of the data using source triangulation and technique triangulation. From the results of the study it can be concluded that: the implementation of learning Arabic in class IX MTs Negeri 2 Jepara is carried out in 3 stages, namely: initial activities, core activities, and final activities. The initial activity is an activity to create a learning atmosphere. The initial activity contains greetings, attendance, asking about past material, and giving a little description of the material to be studied. The core activity is the activity of delivering material. And the final activity is the closing activity to evaluate learning. In the implementation of learning there are several obstacles faced by teachers, namely: lack of preparation for teaching, lack of learning resources, and diverse student behavior. While the obstacles faced by students are: unclear explanations due to the age of the teacher and feeling bored quickly because of the method use

    Strategi Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam dalam Membentuk Karakter Islami Peserta Didik di SMPN 1 Kedawung Sragen Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023

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    This study aims to describe the Islamic Religious Education Teacher's Strategy in Forming Students' Islamic Character, the supporting and inhibiting factors in forming the Islamic character of students at SMPN 1 Kedawung Sragen. This type of research is field research with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects were Islamic Religious Education teachers, school principals and students. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using an interactive method which has three components, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The data validity technique in this study uses triangulation techniques which are divided into two types, namely source triangulation and technical triangulation. The results of this study indicate that 1) The strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in shaping students' Islamic character is carried out by providing exemplary students, giving advice to students, practicing habituation, telling stories, giving punishments and gifts, monitoring midday prayers, discuss with parents or guardians of students. 2) Supporting factors in shaping the Islamic character of students are adequate facilities and infrastructure to support the learning process, as well as the cohesiveness of the spiritual team at SMPN 1 Kedawung. 3) The inhibiting factors in forming the Islamic character of students are the lack of personal awareness, parents, community and social environment, social media, lack of teacher cohesiveness, and inadequate mosques

    A negatively charged region of the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor is involved in Ca2+-dependent regulation of the Ca2+ release channel

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    AbstractThe ryanodine receptor/Ca2+ release channels from skeletal (RyR1) and cardiac (RyR2) muscle cells exhibit different inactivation profiles by cytosolic Ca2+. D3 is one of the divergent regions between RyR1 (amino acids (aa) 1872–1923) and RyR2 (aa 1852–1890) and may contain putative binding site(s) for Ca2+-dependent inactivation of RyR. To test this possibility, we have deleted the D3 region from RyR1 (ΔD3-RyR1), residues 1038–3355 from RyR2 (Δ(1038–3355)-RyR2) and inserted the skeletal D3 into Δ(1038–3355)-RyR2 to generate sD3-RyR2. The channels formed by ΔD3-RyR1 and Δ(1038–3355)-RyR2 are resistant to inactivation by mM [Ca2+], whereas the chimeric sD3-RyR2 channel exhibits significant inactivation at mM [Ca2+]. The ΔD3-RyR1 channel retains its sensitivity to activation by caffeine, but is resistant to inactivation by Mg2+. The data suggest that the skeletal D3 region is involved in the Ca2+-dependent regulation of the RyR1 channel

    Analisis Rekonstruksi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam melalui Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila (P5) di SMK Negeri 4 Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023

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    The aims of this study is to describe an Analysis of Islamic Education Learning through the Strengthening Pancasila Student Profile Project at Vocational High School 4 of Surakarta. The type of this research is field research which used phenomenological qualitative approach. The data collection of this study using observation, interview and documentation. The result of this study are obtained by direct observation in the field, the first is the role of the Islamic Education teacher in the learning reconstruction and the second is learning reconstruction result through P5 in the form of reports. The role of the Islamic Education teacher in the learning reconstruction on Independent Curriculum is carried out in accordance with the role of the teacher a facilitator, motivator, learning resource, demonstrator, mentor and accessor. The Islamic Education teacher also implementing active, innovative, effective, creative and fun learning through several models and methods such as Problem Based Leaning (PBL), Project Based Learning (PJBL), Inquiry Learning, and Belnded Learning. Therefore, the role of the Islamic Education teacher at Vocational High School 4 of Surakarta has achieved the goal of learning reconstruction. Curricular learning is not well enough to encourage the development of students’ character, but through co-curricular in P5, teachers and parents collaborate in character forming as matches in Pancasila Student Profile which includes 6 dimensions, namely Faith and Taqwa to God Almighty, Global Diversity, Mutual Cooperation, Independent, Creative, Critical Reasoning. Therefore, Islamic Education teachers participate in the character building which does not only process intra-curricular learning, but will make it easier for Islamic Education teachers to improve character through co-curricular learning, so that in this lesson it produces quality students according to the Pancasila Student Profile

    The Concept Of Megalomania Therapy According To Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah

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    Megalomania is a condition in which a person has excessive confidence in his own abilities and strengths, and feels very superior towards others. Ibn Qayyim, a 14th-century Muslim scholar, wrote about heart disease in his works, therefore in this study the author compares liver disease with megalomania. In this study, we used library research with a psychological approach. This research technique uses documentation techniques and uses data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis techniques This study aims to describe the meaning, indicators, characteristics and causes of megalomania disorder, describe Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah's psychotherapy method, explain how the implementation of Ibn Qayyim AlJauziyyah's concept in megalomania therapy. Megalomania is a heart disease that can cause a person to fall into evil and impossibility. Megalomania can cause a person to feel less subject to laws and rules, and feel that they can do whatever they want regardless of the negative consequences that may be faced. To overcome megalomania, Ibn Qayyim suggested that one should improve their attitudes and views towards oneself and others. A person must be able to accept their shortcomings and weaknesses, and not feel too satisfied with himself. In addition, a person must also be able to understand and appreciate the existence of others, and not feel superior to others. Thus, one can avoid falling into megalomania and become a better person. With this, in the future, we can apply the concept of Ibn Qayyim's therapy so that in the future psychiatric problems can be overcome by religion

    Implementasi Program Amaliyah Tadris (Praktik Mengajar) Di Pondok Pesantren Darul Amanah Sukorejo Kendal

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    Teachers are responsible for the quality of education, to achieve an increase in the quality of education, therefore teachers are required to develop themselves with the knowledge and skills needed in learning. But the fact shows that not all teachers have a good performance in carrying out their duties, shown by the fact that there are still many students who complain that the teacher teaches in an unattractive way. The Darul Amanah Islamic Boarding School has a program to train students to master learning methods, then practice them in an activity, namely Amaliyah Tadris. This study aims to describe the implementation of the amaliyah tadris program (teaching practice) at the Darul Amanah Islamic Boarding School Sukorejo Kendal and to identify problems in the implementation of the amaliyah tadris program at the Darul Amanah Islamic Boarding School Sukorejo Kendal. This type of research is field research or field research. The research approach uses a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that amaliyah tadris is an annual program that must be followed by all students of class VI TMI Darul Amanah Islamic Boarding School as a graduation requirement. The program provides the basics of teaching, making learning tools and mental training of students to speak in front of the class. The steps in the implementation of the amaliyah tadris program include technical provision of teaching practice, planning: making-correction-approval of i'dad (RPP), pilot teaching practice, simulation before D-day, implementation: teaching practice in classrooms assessed by peers group mates and tutors, evaluation: delivery (assessment and criticism). The problems of amaliyah tadris include the lack of knowledge of students in making lesson plans, the lack of mastery of the material is only focused on the material in the textbooks, there are still students who lack confidence (groggy) so they are not optimal in performing
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