42 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la competencia interdisciplinaria del profesorado en ejercicio desde la Naturaleza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

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    En el marco del proyecto de investigación sobre la Enseñanza de la Naturaleza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología y el desarrollo del Pensamiento Crítico, se evaluó el conocimiento metadisciplinar del profesorado en ejercicio, de 1° y 2° año de la escuela secundaria (Patagonia Argentina) que enseña Fisicoquímica y Biología. El estudio longitudinal fortuito de cohorte se desarrolló contrastando dos intervenciones didácticas: una disciplinar y otra interdisciplinar. Las diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el grupo experimental muestran conflictos en la concepción modelo teórica interdisciplinaria sobre la definición de ciencia, paradigmas y razonamiento lógico, lo que implica una construcción compleja del conocimiento sobre la NdCyT

    Interdisciplinary learning analytics with d-learning modality in the context of COVID-19

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    El presente artículo muestra los resultados de una investigación cuantitativa y cualitativa aplicada a un grupo único experimental de estudiantes de cuarto año de la escuela secundaria (N=51). El estudio se justifica por el inédito contexto generado por la pandemia de Coronavirus ocasionando el distanciamiento socioeducativo y que exigió cambiar la educación presencial por la formación de emergencia y remota. El objetivo se basa en evaluar los resultados del aprendizaje de la ciencia escolar con enfoque interdisciplinar y modalidad d-learning. Para ello se utilizó técnicas de la analítica del aprendizaje y la evaluación de las actitudes con enfoque Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad. Los resultados obtenidos verifican que la modalidad d-learning implementada funciona como un entorno de interacción conversacional e instrumental. Dicho entorno favorece las actitudes Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad con fundamentos en la ciencia erudita dado que los participantes dialogan entre sí y con los recursos del aula virtual.This article shows the results of a quantitative and qualitative investigation applied to a unique experimental group of fourth-year high school students (N = 51). The study is justified by the unprecedented context generated by the Coronavirus pandemic causing socio-educational distancing and which required changing face-to-face education for emergency and remote training. The objective is based on evaluating the learning outcomes of school science with an interdisciplinary approach and d-learning modality. For this, techniques of learning analytics and the evaluation of attitudes with a Science-Technology-Society approach were used. The results obtained verify that the implemented d-learning modality works as a conversational and instrumental interaction environment. This environment favors Science-Technology-Society attitudes based on erudite science since the participants dialogue with each other and with the resources of the virtual classroom.Facultad de Informátic

    Incidencia y problemática socioeconómica de la osteoporosis en el mundo

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    Learning analytics of mobile learning (m-learning) in secondary education

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    La integración de la tecnología móvil en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, conocido como aprendizaje electrónico móvil (m-learning) encuentra resistencia de parte de los docentes de la educación secundaria. Esta situación lleva a que las investigaciones en el tema resulten escasas, generando en la comunidad de docentes actitudes ingenuas y poco informadas acerca del m-learning. Específicamente, el m-learning es una de las áreas menos investigadas, por su propia naturaleza móvil, portable y ubicua, que genera comportamientos e interacciones tecno-sociales complejos y no deterministas. Es por ello que esta investigación utiliza el learning analytic para evaluar los datos que se obtienen de las interacciones tecnológicas y pedagógicas del m-learning. El estudio de caso se realizó con dos cohortes: 2018 (N = 16) y 2019 (N = 12). Para el análisis se utilizaron los datos obtenidos de logs de interacciones que se descarga de la aplicación disponible en el smartphone. Como resultado, se encuentra que el m-learning, es un sistema de aprendizaje binario b-learning que promueven un perfil de usuarios con la capacidad de gestionar los tiempos de aprendizaje ubicuo y potencia la gestión de los metaespacios de aprendizaje electrónico distribuido.The integration of mobile technology into teaching and learning processes, known as mobile e-learning (m-learning), meets resistance from secondary school teachers. This situation leads to scarce research on the subject, generating naive and poorly informed attitudes about m-learning in the community of teachers. Specifically, m-learning is one of the least investigated areas, due to its own mobile, portable and ubiquitous nature, which generates complex and non-deterministic techno-social behaviors and interactions. That is why this research uses learning analytic to evaluate the data obtained from the technological and pedagogical interactions of m-learning. The case study was carried out with two cohorts: 2018 (N = 16) and 2019 (N = 12). For the analysis, the data obtained from interaction logs that is downloaded from the application available on the smartphone were used. As a result, m-learning is found to be a binary-learning binary learning system that promotes a user profile with the ability to manage ubiquitous learning times and empowers the management of distributed e-learning meta-spaces.Facultad de Informátic

    Evaluación de la competencia interdisciplinaria del profesorado en ejercicio desde la Naturaleza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

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    En el marco del proyecto de investigación sobre la Enseñanza de la Naturaleza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología y el desarrollo del Pensamiento Crítico, se evaluó el conocimiento metadisciplinar del profesorado en ejercicio, de 1° y 2° año de la escuela secundaria (Patagonia Argentina) que enseña Fisicoquímica y Biología. El estudio longitudinal fortuito de cohorte se desarrolló contrastando dos intervenciones didácticas: una disciplinar y otra interdisciplinar. Las diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el grupo experimental muestran conflictos en la concepción modelo teórica interdisciplinaria sobre la definición de ciencia, paradigmas y razonamiento lógico, lo que implica una construcción compleja del conocimiento sobre la NdCyT

    Surgical anatomy of the aortic valve and root-implications for valve repair

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    The aortic root is an important anatomical structure positioned at the center of the heart, making it critical to the functioning of the major cardiac chambers. Deep knowledge of the anatomical "surroundings" of the aortic root is crucial for surgeon attempting to spare or repair a leaking aortic valve. In fact, root dissection is a necessary step to "skeletonize" the aortic valve, allowing the surgeon to work on the critical components of its structure, namely the aorto-ventricular junction, the virtual basal ring (VBR) and the sino-tubular junction (STJ). These three components, along with the insertion of the leaflet to the aortic wall, form the skeleton of the aortic valve that is essential in guaranteeing valve competence. A good anatomical proportion between the various component of the skeleton of the aortic valve need to be verified, or re-established in order to set the basis for an optimal aortic valve repair. Once the skeleton of the heart has been correctly addressed, the condition of the valve leaflets need to be considered. Excess of leaflet tissue is treated by leaflet plication or resection and lack of leaflet tissue is addressed by tissue extension with autologous or heterologous materials. In the present manuscript, we highlight the principal structure of the aortic root and describe in detail each anatomical component. This basic anatomical knowledge is also important for a through understanding of the normal function of the valve and root structure during the cardiac cycle. The close boundaries existing between the left ventricular cavity and the aorta are important in explaining the sophisticated function of opening and closing of the aortic valve. Similarly, the role played by the sinuses of Valsalva in regulating the blood flow exiting the ventricle underline the concept that "form follows function" and emphasizes the importance of a good anatomical reconstruction for an optimal and long-lasting valve function

    Evaluación de la competencia interdisciplinaria del profesorado en ejercicio desde la Naturaleza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología

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    En el marco del proyecto de investigación sobre la Enseñanza de la Naturaleza de la Ciencia y la Tecnología y el desarrollo del Pensamiento Crítico, se evaluó el conocimiento metadisciplinar del profesorado en ejercicio, de 1° y 2° año de la escuela secundaria (Patagonia Argentina) que enseña Fisicoquímica y Biología. El estudio longitudinal fortuito de cohorte se desarrolló contrastando dos intervenciones didácticas: una disciplinar y otra interdisciplinar. Las diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el grupo experimental muestran conflictos en la concepción modelo teórica interdisciplinaria sobre la definición de ciencia, paradigmas y razonamiento lógico, lo que implica una construcción compleja del conocimiento sobre la NdCyT

    Mimicking mother nature: the Valsalva graft

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    Respiratory dysfunction after coronary artery bypass grafting employing bilateral internal mammary arteries: The influence of intact pleura

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    Objective: To evaluate the role of intact pleurae regarding the postoperative respiratory functional status in patients undergoing coronary revascularization employing both internal mammary arteries (IMAs), according to the pedunculated or skeletonized technique (SKT) with opened or intact pleurae. Materials and methods: Using both IMAs, 299 patients underwent elective coronary revascularization. They were randomized and divided into group I (n=82, undergoing IMA harvesting according to the SKT without opening the pleurae); group II (n=186, undergoing IMA harvesting according the pedunculated technique with open pleurae); and group III (n=31, undergoing IMA harvesting according the SKT with incidentally opened pleurae). There were no differences regarding the preoperative patient characteristics and the anaesthetic and surgical management. Results: There were two deaths in group I versus seven in group II and one in group III (P=ns). The number of total arterial myocardial revascularization and arterial composite grafts was significantly higher in groups I and III than in group II, (P<0.001 and P<0.005, respectively). The incidence of postoperative complications was similar between groups. Blood loss of >1000 ml was significantly higher in group II than group I (P<0.028); but the incidence of re-thoracotomy and blood transfusion was similar between groups. The mechanical ventilation time was significantly higher in groups II and III versus group I (P<0.018 and P<0.02, respectively). The incidence of prolonged ventilation (>24 h), pleural effusion, thoracocentesis and atelectasis, resulted in being significantly higher in group II than group I. The incidence of thoracocentesis was significantly higher in group III than group I. The pain score and analgesic requirements at 1-12 h after awakening were significantly higher in groups II and III versus group I, becoming similar after the chest tubes were removed. PaO2 was significantly higher, and PaCO2 and FiO2 were significantly lower in group I than groups II and III at 1 and 4 h before extubation and at 1 and 4 h after extubation. PaO2 and PaCO2 became similar between groups at the 5th postoperative day. Conclusions: According to our results, we may conclude that pleural integrity has beneficial effects on the respiratory functional status after coronary revascularization using both IMAs. A meticulous and more careful IMA harvesting approach significantly reduces the postoperative morbidity regarding the pulmonary functional status, and as a consequence, reduces the hospital costs. Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V

    Negative pressure wound treatment improves Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II score in mediastinitis allowing a successful elective pectoralis muscle flap closure: Six-year experience of a single protocol

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    Optimal management of poststernotomy mediastinitis is controversial. Negative pressure wound treatment improves wound environment and sternal stability with low surgical invasiveness. Our protocol was based on negative pressure followed by delayed surgical closure. The aim of this study was to provide the results at early follow-up and to identify the risk factors for adverse outcome