116 research outputs found

    Pantothenamides Are Potent, On-Target Inhibitors of Plasmodium falciparum Growth When Serum Pantetheinase Is Inactivated

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    Growth of the virulent human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is dependent on an extracellular supply of pantothenate (vitamin B(5)) and is susceptible to inhibition by pantothenate analogues that hinder pantothenate utilization. In this study, on the hunt for pantothenate analogues with increased potency relative to those reported previously, we screened a series of pantothenamides (amide analogues of pantothenate) against P. falciparum and show for the first time that analogues of this type possess antiplasmodial activity. Although the active pantothenamides in this series exhibit only modest potency under standard in vitro culture conditions, we show that the potency of pantothenamides is selectively enhanced when the parasite culture medium is pre-incubated at 37°C for a prolonged period. We present evidence that this finding is linked to the presence in Albumax II (a serum-substitute routinely used for in vitro cultivation of P. falciparum) of pantetheinase activity: the activity of an enzyme that hydrolyzes the pantothenate metabolite pantetheine, for which pantothenamides also serve as substrates. Pantetheinase activity, and thereby pantothenamide degradation, is reduced following incubation of Albumax II-containing culture medium for a prolonged period at 37°C, revealing the true, sub-micromolar potency of pantothenamides. Importantly we show that the potent antiplasmodial effect of pantothenamides is attenuated with pantothenate, consistent with the compounds inhibiting parasite proliferation specifically by inhibiting pantothenate and/or CoA utilization. Additionally, we show that the pantothenamides interact with P. falciparum pantothenate kinase, the first enzyme involved in converting pantothenate to coenzyme A. This is the first demonstration of on-target antiplasmodial pantothenate analogues with sub-micromolar potency, and highlights the potential of pantetheinase-resistant pantothenamides as antimalarial agents.Aspects of this work were supported by grants from the South African Malaria Initiative (SAMI) to ES and KJS and the American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities (ALSAC), St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, to REL. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Structure-activity analysis of CJ-15,801 analogues that interact with Plasmodium falciparum pantothenate kinase and inhibit parasite proliferation

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    Survival of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is dependent on pantothenate (vitamin B5), a precursor of the fundamental enzyme cofactor coenzyme A. CJ-15,801, an enamide analogue of pantothenate isolated from the fungus Seimatosporium sp. CL28611, was previously shown to inhibit P. falciparum proliferation in vitro by targeting pantothenate utilization. To inform the design of next generation analogues, we set out to synthesize and test a series of synthetic enamide-bearing pantothenate analogues. We demonstrate that conservation of the R-pantoyl moiety and the trans-substituted double bond of CJ-15,801 is important for the selective, on-target antiplasmodial effect, while replacement of the carboxyl group is permitted, and, in one case, favored. Additionally, we show that the antiplasmodial potency of CJ-15,801 analogues that retain the R-pantoyl and trans-substituted enamide moieties correlates with inhibition of P. falciparum pantothenate kinase (PfPanK)-catalyzed pantothenate phosphorylation, implicating the interaction with PfPanK as a key determinant of antiplasmodial activity.C.S. was funded by an NHMRC Overseas Biomedical Fellowship (1016357). EPSRC and Syngenta provided postgraduate support (MJV) and a Leadership Fellowship (RM). Additional support was provided by Dr. Ian Sword, the EPSRC (grant EP/H005692/1) and the COST Action CM0801

    Extracorporeal liver assist device to exchange albumin and remove endotoxin in acute liver failure: Results of a pivotal pre-clinical study

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    Background & AimsIn acute liver failure, severity of liver injury and clinical progression of disease are in part consequent upon activation of the innate immune system. Endotoxaemia contributes to innate immune system activation and the detoxifying function of albumin, critical to recovery from liver injury, is irreversibly destroyed in acute liver failure. University College London-Liver Dialysis Device is a novel artificial extracorporeal liver assist device, which is used with albumin infusion, to achieve removal and replacement of dysfunctional albumin and reduction in endotoxaemia. We aimed to test the effect of this device on survival in a pig model of acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure.MethodsPigs were randomised to three groups: Acetaminophen plus University College London-Liver Dialysis Device (n=9); Acetaminophen plus Control Device (n=7); and Control plus Control Device (n=4). Device treatment was initiated two h after onset of irreversible acute liver failure.ResultsThe Liver Dialysis Device resulted in 67% reduced risk of death in acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure compared to Control Device (hazard ratio=0.33, p=0.0439). This was associated with 27% decrease in circulating irreversibly oxidised human non-mercaptalbumin-2 throughout treatment (p=0.046); 54% reduction in overall severity of endotoxaemia (p=0.024); delay in development of vasoplegia and acute lung injury; and delay in systemic activation of the TLR4 signalling pathway. Liver Dialysis Device-associated adverse clinical effects were not seen.ConclusionsThe survival benefit and lack of adverse effects would support clinical trials of University College London-Liver Dialysis Device in acute liver failure patients

    The key glycolytic enzyme phosphofructokinase is involved in resistance to antiplasmodial glycosides

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    ABSTRACT Plasmodium parasites rely heavily on glycolysis for ATP production and for precursors for essential anabolic pathways, such as the methylerythritol phosphate (MEP) pathway. Here, we show that mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum glycolytic enzyme, phosphofructokinase (PfPFK9), are associated with in vitro resistance to a primary sulfonamide glycoside (PS-3). Flux through the upper glycolysis pathway was significantly reduced in PS-3-resistant parasites, which was associated with reduced ATP levels but increased flux into the pentose phosphate pathway. PS-3 may directly or indirectly target enzymes in these pathways, as PS-3-treated parasites had elevated levels of glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. PS-3 resistance also led to reduced MEP pathway intermediates, and PS-3-resistant parasites were hypersensitive to the MEP pathway inhibitor, fosmidomycin. Overall, this study suggests that PS-3 disrupts core pathways in central carbon metabolism, which is compensated for by mutations in PfPFK9, highlighting a novel metabolic drug resistance mechanism in P. falciparum. IMPORTANCE Malaria, caused by Plasmodium parasites, continues to be a devastating global health issue, causing 405,000 deaths and 228 million cases in 2018. Understanding key metabolic processes in malaria parasites is critical to the development of new drugs to combat this major infectious disease. The Plasmodium glycolytic pathway is essential to the malaria parasite, providing energy for growth and replication and supplying important biomolecules for other essential Plasmodium anabolic pathways. Despite this overreliance on glycolysis, no current drugs target glycolysis, and there is a paucity of information on critical glycolysis targets. Our work addresses this unmet need, providing new mechanistic insights into this key pathway

    Contributions of Muscles and External Forces to Medial Knee Load Reduction Due to Osteoarthritis Braces

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    Background Braces for medial knee osteoarthritis can reduce medial joint loads through a combination of three mechanisms: application of an external brace abduction moment, alteration of gait dynamics, and reduced activation of antagonistic muscles. Although the effect of knee bracing has been reported independently for each of these parameters, no previous study has quantified their relative contributions to reducing medial knee loads. Methods In this study, we used a detailed musculoskeletal model to investigate immediate changes in medial and lateral loads caused by two different knee braces: OA Assist and OA Adjuster 3 (DJO Global). Seventeen osteoarthritis subjects and eighteen healthy controls performed overground gait trials in unbraced and braced conditions. Results Across all subjects, bracing reduced medial loads by 0.1 to 0.3 times bodyweight (BW), or roughly 10%, and increased lateral loads by 0.03 to 0.2 BW. Changes in gait kinematics due to bracing were subtle, and had little effect on medial and lateral joint loads. The knee adduction moment was unaltered unless the brace moment was included in its computation. Only one muscle, biceps femoris, showed a significant change in EMG with bracing, but this did not contribute to altered peak medial contact loads. Conclusions Knee braces reduced medial tibiofemoral loads primarily by applying a direct, and substantial, abduction moment to each subject's knee. To further enhance brace effectiveness, future brace designs should seek to enhance the magnitude of this unloader moment, and possibly exploit additional kinematic or neuromuscular gait modifications

    XIAP Protection of Photoreceptors in Animal Models of Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    BACKGROUND: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a blinding genetic disorder that is caused by the death of photoreceptors in the outer nuclear layer of the retina. To date, 39 different genetic loci have been associated with the disease, and 28 mutated genes have been identified. Despite the complexity of the underlying genetic basis for RP, the final common pathway is photoreceptor cell death via apoptosis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, P23H and S334ter rhodopsin transgenic rat models of RP were used to test the neuroprotective effects of anti-apoptotic gene therapy. Adeno-associated viruses (AAV) carrying the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis (XIAP) or green fluorescent protein (GFP) were delivered subretinally into the eye of transgenic rat pups. Histological and functional measures were used to assess neuroprotection. XIAP is known to block apoptosis by inhibiting the action of caspases-3, -7 and -9. The results show that XIAP gene therapy provides long-term neuroprotection of photoreceptors at both structural and functional levels. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our gene therapy strategy targets the apoptotic cascade, which is the final common pathway in all forms of retinitis pigmentosa. This strategy holds great promise for the treatment of RP, as it allows for the broad protection of photoreceptors, regardless of the initial disease causing mutation


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    Ġabra ta’ poeżiji u proża li tinkludi: L-iben il-ħali ta’ David Agius Muscat – Kaptan ta’ Kit Azzopardi – Il-lanterna ta’ Charles Bezzina – Li kelli mmur lura ta’ Ġorġ Borg – Firda ta’ Ġorġ Borg – Garden fairy ta’ Charles Briffa – Sejf jinfidlek ruħek ta’ Charles Briffa – Waqt ta’ Joseph Buttigieg – Vjaġġ ta’ John Caruana – Ċaqlembuta ta’ Antoine Cassar – Ħaġa tqila ta’ Carmel G. Cauchi – F’tarf il-blat ta’ Leanne Ellul – Int ta’ Victor Fenech – Pippin u l-bojja ta’ Charles Flores – L-arloġġ ta’ Joe Friggieri – Il-fjur tal-ġakaranda ta’ Joe Friggieri – Fjur tal-kaktus ta’ Joel Galea – Biss is-skiet ta’ Joel Galea – Għalissa ta’ Maria Grech Ganado – Ilsna ta’ Maria Grech Ganado – Is-sried ixoqqna fin fin ta’ Adrian Grima – Ħsieb ħalliel... ta’ Patrick Sammut – Lament lil ommi ta’ Salv Sammut – Hekk kif tinħass ġol-arja x-xitwa ta’ Lillian Sciberras – F’għajnejha, il-ħarsa siekta ta’ Clare Azzopardi – Għad jagħdab l-irdum ta’ Paul P. Borg – Forsi...xi darba ta’ Charles Casha – Faxxa ngħas ta’ Sergio Grech – Il-mejda tal-mogħdija ta’ Pierre J. Mejlak – Min jaf bi Stojan Kurepa? ta’ Immanuel Mifsud – L-eħrex jum tal-gwerra ta’ Maurice Mifsud Bonnici – Il-vażett tal-bewsiet ta’ Rita Saliba – Pjanu ta’ Trevor Żahra – Il-ħalliel ta’ Guy de Maupassant, traduzzjoni ta’ Toni Aquilina – Salvu tal-pasturi ta’ Francis Ebejer, traduzzjoni ta’ Steve Borg – Sunetti ta’ William Shakespeare, traduzzjoni ta’ Oliver Friggieri – Nikteb... ta’ Nizar Qabbani, traduzzjoni ta’ Kevin Saliba.peer-reviewe

    Coenzyme A and Its Derivatives in Cellular Metabolism and Disease Exploiting the coenzyme A biosynthesis pathway for the identification of new antimalarial agents: the case for pantothenamides

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    Abstract Malaria kills more than half a million people each year. There is no vaccine, and recent reports suggest that resistance is developing to the antimalarial regimes currently recommended by the World Health Organization. New drugs are therefore needed to ensure malaria treatment options continue to be available. The intra-erythrocytic stage of the malaria parasite's life cycle is dependent on an extracellular supply of pantothenate (vitamin B 5 ), the precursor of CoA (coenzyme A). It has been known for many years that proliferation of the parasite during this stage of its life cycle can be inhibited with pantothenate analogues. We have shown recently that pantothenamides, a class of pantothenate analogues with antibacterial activity, inhibit parasite proliferation at submicromolar concentrations and do so competitively with pantothenate. These compounds, however, are degraded, and therefore rendered inactive, by the enzyme pantetheinase (vanin), which is present in serum. In the present mini-review, we discuss the two strategies that have been put forward to overcome pantetheinase-mediated degradation of pantothenamides. The strategies effectively provide an opportunity for pantothenamides to be tested in vivo. We also put forward our 'blueprint' for the further development of pantothenamides (and other pantothenate analogues) as potential antimalarials

    Mutations in pfmdr1 Modulate the Sensitivity of Plasmodium falciparum to the Intrinsic Antiplasmodial Activity of Verapamil

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    As well as having the ability to reverse chloroquine resistance in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum, verapamil has itself an innate antiplasmodial activity. We show here that mutations in Pgh1, the product of the malaria parasite's pfmdr1 gene, influence the parasite's susceptibility to the toxic effects of verapamil
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