17 research outputs found

    Antimycobacterial potential of green synthesized silver nano particles from selected Himalayan flora

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is a persistent threat to human life and a challenge to global public health. The pathogen’s antibioticresistance has become a serious problem, prompting the development of nanotechnology-based medicines to prevent multidrug resistance in microorganisms. The present study aimed to synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), using leaves extracts of Achillea millefolium, Artemisia campestris and Hedera nepalensis to analyze their antimycobacterial potential. The biosynthesized silver nanoparticlesnwere harvested and characterized through UV visible spectroscopy,nField Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The FESEM analysis showed, that selected plant-based silver nanoparticles were spherical in shape with a diameter ranging from 50 nm to 80 nm. Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy revealed that constitute elements of silver nanoparticles are Ag, C, O, Cl and Ca. The biosynthesized AgNPs exhibited significant antibacterial potential against Mycobacterium tuberculosis. At a concentration of 50 μL Hedera nepalensis exhibited the highest growth inhibition at 97.33%, followed by Artemisia at 95%, whereas the percentage growth inhibition of Achillea millefolium at 50 μL concentration was 72.33% as compared to the Rifampicin (RIF) i.e., 40%. Fluorescence microscopy confirmed visible growth inhibition in both experimental and controlled cultures. Hedra nepalensis and Artemisia campestris showed promising potential to inhibit the growth of mycobacteria populations, indicating their potential for the development of novel nanomedicine to treat tuberculosis effectively

    Isolation of filter passing bacteria from a range of dental clinic surfaces

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    Filter passing bacteria have been isolated from a variety of natural environments, appearing as a mixture of Gram-positive and Gram-negative, as well as nano-forms and wall-free species. In this study, filter passing bacteria were isolated from surfaces located in various dental departments at the College of Dentistry, King Saud University Hospital. Surface samples were obtained by using Q-tip swabs, with ten different surfaces being sampled in each clinic during pre-patient and post-patient visits. Filterable bacteria (using 0.4 and 0.2 micron filters, but not 0.1 micron filter) were isolated, being mainly Gram-positive cocci. Isolation results of filterable bacteria were compared before and after patient treatment in the clinic. More frequently, filter passing bacteria were isolated on clinic surfaces after patient treatment. The results show that dental settings are contaminated with filterable bacteria which may act as a reservoir for the wider contamination of hospital environments

    Effects of lignite-based sulphur fertilizer levels on soil properties and growth of Brassica napus

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    Lignite and sulphur are instrumental in enhancing the growth and yield-related traits of Brassica napus, commonly known as rapeseed. This study aimed to explore the effects of lignite-based sulphur fertilizers on Brassica napus production. Spanning two consecutive seasons, the experiment included treatments with a control group, three levels of elemental sulphur (30, 40, and 50 kg ha-1), and three levels of lignite-based sulphur fertilizer (30, 40, and 50 kg ha-1). Employing a randomized complete block design with four replications, the study revealed that applying lignite-based sulphur fertilizer at a rate of 50 kg ha-1 led to significant improvements in various growth parameters, such as plant height, primary and secondary branches per plant, pods per plant, pod length, seeds per pod, biological yield, seed yield, thousand seed weight, and oil yield. Notably, substantially higher seed and oil yields were achieved with the application of 50 kg ha-1 of lignite-based sulphur fertilizer. In semi-arid climates, to maximize rapeseed yield, yield components, and quality, it is advisable to utilize lignite-based sulphur fertilizer at a rate of 50 kg ha-1

    Evaluation of effect of high frequency electromagnetic field on growth and antibiotic sensitivity of bacteria

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the impact of high frequency electromagnetic fields (HF-EMF at 900 and 1800 MHz) on DNA, growth rate and antibiotic susceptibility of S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and P. aeruginosa. In this study, bacteria were exposed to 900 and 1800 MHz for 2 h and then inoculated to new medium when their growth rate and antibiotic susceptibility were evaluated. Results for the study of bacterial DNA unsuccessful to appearance any difference exposed and non-exposed S. aureus and S. epidermidis. Exposure of S. epidermidis and S. aureus to electromagnetic fields mostly produced no statistically significant decrease in bacterial growth, except for S. aureus when exposure to 900 MHz at 12 h. Exposure of P. aeruginosa to electromagnetic fields at 900 MHz however, lead to a significant reduction in growth rate, while 1800 MHz had insignificant effect. With the exception of S. aureus, treated with amoxicillin (30 µg) and exposed to electromagnetic fields, radiation treatment had no significant effect on bacterial sensitivity to antibiotics

    A Cost-Efficient-Based Cooperative Allocation of Mining Devices and Renewable Resources Enhancing Blockchain Architecture

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    The impressive furtherance of communication technologies has exhorted industrial companies to link-up these developments with their own abilities with the target of efficiency enhancement through smart supervision and control. With this in mind, the blockchain platform is a prospective solution for merging communication technologies and industrial infrastructures, but there are several challenges. Such obstacles should be addressed to effectively adopt this technology. One of the most recent challenges relative to adopting blockchain technology is the energy consumption of miners. Thus, providing an accurate approach that addresses the underlying cause of the problem will carry weight in the future. This work addresses managing the energy consumption of miners by using the advantage of distributed generation resources (DGRs). Along the same vein, it appears that achieving the optimal solution requires executing the modified reconfirmation of DGRs and miners (indeed, mining pool systems) in the smart grid. In order to perform this task, this article utilizes the Intelligent Priority Selection (IPS) method since this method is up to snuff for corporative allocation. In order to find practical solutions for this problem, the uncertainty is also modeled as a credible index highly correlated with the load and generation. All in all, it can be said that the outcome of this research study can help researchers in the field of enhancement of social welfare by using the proposed technology

    Effect of silicon nanoparticle-based biochar on wheat growth, antioxidants and nutrients concentration under salinity stress

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    Abstract Globally, salinity is an important abiotic stress in agriculture. It induced oxidative stress and nutritional imbalance in plants, resulting in poor crop productivity. Applying silicon (Si) can improve the uptake of macronutrients. On the other hand, using biochar as a soil amendment can also decrease salinity stress due to its high porosity, cation exchange capacity, and water-holding capacity. That’s why the current experiment was conducted with novelty to explore the impact of silicon nanoparticle-based biochar (Si-BC) on wheat cultivated on salt-affected soil. There were 3 levels of Si-BC, i.e., control (0), 1% Si-BC1, and 2.5% Si-BC2 applied in 3 replicates under 0 and 200 mM NaCl following a completely randomized design. Results showed that treatment 2.5% Si-BC2 performed significantly better for the enhancement in shoot and root length, shoot and root fresh weight, shoot and root dry weight, number of leaves, number of tillers, number of spikelets, spike length, spike fresh and dry weight compared to control under no stress and salinity stress (200 mM NaCl). A significant enhancement in chlorophyll a (~ 18%), chlorophyll b (~ 22%), total chlorophyll (~ 20%), carotenoid (~ 60%), relative water contents (~ 58%) also signified the effectiveness of treatment 2.5% Si-BC2 than control under 200 mM NaCl. In conclusion, treatment 2.5% Si-BC2 can potentially mitigate the salinity stress in wheat by regulating antioxidants and improving N, K concentration, and gas exchange attributes while decreasing Na and Cl concentration and electrolyte leakage. More investigations at the field level are recommended for the declaration of treatment 2.5% Si-BC2 as the best amendment for alleviating salinity stress in different crops under variable climatic conditions

    A Multi-Layer Security Scheme for Mitigating Smart Grid Vulnerability against Faults and Cyber-Attacks

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    To comply with electric power grid automation strategies, new cyber-security protocols and protection are required. What we now experience is a new type of protection against new disturbances namely cyber-attacks. In the same vein, the impact of disturbances arising from faults or cyber-attacks should be surveyed by network vulnerability criteria alone. It is clear that the diagnosis of vulnerable points protects the power grid against disturbances that would inhibit outages such as blackouts. So, the first step is determining the network vulnerable points, and then proposing a support method to deal with these outages. This research proposes a comprehensive approach to deal with outages by determining network vulnerable points due to physical faults and cyber-attacks. The first point, the network vulnerable points against network faults are covered by microgrids. As the second one, a new cyber-security protocol named multi-layer security is proposed in order to prevent targeted cyber-attacks. The first layer is a cyber-security-based blockchain method that plays a general role. The second layer is a cyber-security-based reinforcement-learning method, which supports the vulnerable points by monitoring data. On the other hand, the trend of solving problems becomes routine when no ambiguity arises in different sections of the smart grid, while it is far from a big network’s realities. Hence, the impact of uncertainty parameters on the proposed framework needs to be considered. Accordingly, the unscented transform method is modeled in this research. The simulation results illustrate that applying such a comprehensive approach can greatly pull down the probability of blackouts

    Enhancing maize resilience to drought stress: the synergistic impact of deashed biochar and carboxymethyl cellulose amendment

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    Abstract Drought stress poses a significant challenge to maize production, leading to substantial harm to crop growth and yield due to the induction of oxidative stress. Deashed biochar (DAB) in combination with carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) presents an effective approach for addressing this problem. DAB improves soil structure by increasing porosity and water retention and enhancing plant nutrient utilization efficiency. The CMC provides advantages to plants by enhancing soil water retention, improving soil structure, and increasing moisture availability to the plant roots. The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of DAB and CMC amendments on maize under field capacity (70 FC) and drought stress. Six different treatments were implemented in this study, namely 0 DAB + 0CMC, 25 CMC, 0.5 DAB, 0.5 DAB + 25 CMC, 1 DAB, and 1 DAB + 25 CMC, each with six replications, and they were arranged according to a completely randomized design. Results showed that 1 DAB + 25 CMC caused significant enhancement in maize shoot fresh weight (24.53%), shoot dry weight (38.47%), shoot length (32.23%), root fresh weight (19.03%), root dry weight (87.50%) and root length (69.80%) over control under drought stress. A substantial increase in maize chlorophyll a (40.26%), chlorophyll b (26.92%), total chlorophyll (30.56%), photosynthetic rate (21.35%), transpiration rate (32.61%), and stomatal conductance (91.57%) under drought stress showed the efficiency of 1 DAB + 25 CMC treatment compared to the control. The enhancement in N, P, and K concentrations in both the root and shoot validated the effectiveness of the performance of the 1 DAB + 25 CMC treatment when compared to the control group under drought stress. In conclusion, it is recommended that the application of 1 DAB + 25 CMC serves as a beneficial amendment for alleviating drought stress in maize

    The role of strigolactone in alleviating salinity stress in chili pepper

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    Abstract Salinity stress can significantly delay plant growth. It can disrupt water and nutrient uptake, reducing crop yields and poor plant health. The use of strigolactone can be an effective technique to overcome this issue. Strigolactone enhances plant growth by promoting root development and improvement in physiological attributes. The current pot study used strigolactone to amend chili under no salinity and salinity stress environments. There were four treatments, i.e., 0, 10µM strigolactone, 20µM strigolactone and 30µM strigolactone. All treatments were applied in four replications following a completely randomized design (CRD). Results showed that 20µM strigolactone caused a significant increase in chili plant height (21.07%), dry weight (33.60%), fruit length (19.24%), fruit girth (35.37%), and fruit yield (60.74%) compared to control under salinity stress. Significant enhancement in chili chlorophyll a (18.65%), chlorophyll b (43.52%), and total chlorophyll (25.09%) under salinity stress validated the effectiveness of 20µM strigolactone application as treatment over control. Furthermore, improvement in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium concentration in leaves confirmed the efficient functioning of 20µM strigolactone compared to other concentrations under salinity stress. The study concluded that 20µM strigolactone is recommended for mitigating salinity stress in chili plants. Growers are advised to apply 20µM strigolactone to enhance their chili production under salinity stress

    Effect of carboxymethyl cellulose and gibberellic acid-enriched biochar on osmotic stress tolerance in cotton

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    Abstract The deleterious impact of osmotic stress, induced by water deficit in arid and semi-arid regions, poses a formidable challenge to cotton production. To protect cotton farming in dry areas, it’s crucial to create strong plans to increase soil water and reduce stress on plants. The carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), gibberellic acid (GA3) and biochar (BC) are individually found effective in mitigating osmotic stress. However, combine effect of CMC and GA3 with biochar on drought mitigation is still not studied in depth. The present study was carried out using a combination of GA3 and CMC with BC as amendments on cotton plants subjected to osmotic stress levels of 70 (70 OS) and 40 (40 OS). There were five treatment groups, namely: control (0% CMC-BC and 0% GA3-BC), 0.4%CMC-BC, 0.4%GA3-BC, 0.8%CMC-BC, and 0.8%GA3-BC. Each treatment was replicated five times with a completely randomized design (CRD). The results revealed that 0.8 GA3-BC led to increase in cotton shoot fresh weight (99.95%), shoot dry weight (95.70%), root fresh weight (73.13%), and root dry weight (95.74%) compared to the control group under osmotic stress. There was a significant enhancement in cotton chlorophyll a (23.77%), chlorophyll b (70.44%), and total chlorophyll (35.44%), the photosynthetic rate (90.77%), transpiration rate (174.44%), and internal CO2 concentration (57.99%) compared to the control group under the 40 OS stress. Thus 0.8GA3-BC can be potential amendment for reducing osmotic stress in cotton cultivation, enhancing agricultural resilience and productivity