13 research outputs found

    Reliability Analysis of PV Inverters Considering Locational Impact

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    The inverter system is an important piece of equipment for efficiently absorbing the electricity generated from renewable sources and ensuring reliable grid connections. As power electronics advance, inverter conversion efficiency is improving and photovoltaic (PV) energy is becoming a major contributor to the global supply of renewable energy. However, a key consideration is how reliable the PV inverters are. The dependability performance of PV inverters can be influenced by various environmental parameters, such as solar radiation and temperature (collectively referred to as Mission Profile). Given that these conditions vary by location, it is necessary to take them into account when evaluating the dependability performance of a PV inverter. The Mission Profile, including the local solar radiation and surrounding temperature, are important factors determining the lifespan of a PV inverter. This research examines how environmental variables and geographic position affect the dependability performance of PV converters and finds that these elements have a significant bearing on that performance


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    The exponential growth of the Web has turned it into a huge repository of information. Learning and extracting relevant information satisfying the consumers (User) needs is the ongoing research areas in Information retrieval. It is identified from the information retrieval study that stipulated focuses have been initiated for storing users data. Peoples mainly fail to look at ground level details, i.e., Retrieval of relevant data mainly depends on how efficiency a Data Management Scheme is applied. Data management plays an important role in effective and responsive handling of data. This paper shows the method for incorporating preferences in traditional Data Management schemes and how queries can be remodelled for confident data extraction; in this paper a prototype “Preference Data Management System” has been developed and implemented with proposed query optimization Algorithm Group Bottom Up. The experimental results show that the newly execution plan generated using both the greedy algorithm and by dynamic programming performs quite well compared to the optimal plan

    A novel algorithm for reducing energy-consumption in cloud computing environment: Web service computing approach

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    Cloud computing slowly gained an important role in scientific application, on-demand facility of virtualized resources is provided as a service with the help of virtualization without any additional waiting time. Energy consumption is reduced for job scheduling problems based on makespan constraint which in turn leads to significant decrease in the energy cost. Additionally, there is an increase in complexity for scheduling problems mainly because the application is not based on makespan constraint. In this paper we propose a new Hybrid algorithm combining the benefits of ACO and cuckoo search algorithm. It is focused on the voltage scaling factor for reduction of energy consumption. Performance of the Hybrid algorithm is considerably increased from 45 tasks onward when compared to ACO. Energy consumed by Hybrid algorithm is measured and energy improvement is evaluated up to 35 tasks. Energy consumption is the same as ACO algorithm because as the number of tasks increases (45 to 70) there is a considerable decrease in the energy consumption rate. Makespan of Hybrid algorithm based on number of tasks is compared with ACO algorithm. Further we have analyzed the energy consumption for a number of processors and its improvement rate – up to 6 processors, energy consumption is considerably reduced and the energy consumption tends to be in steady state with further increase in the number of processors

    Appraisal and analysis on various web service composition approaches based on QoS factors

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    Web services are the internet enabled applications for performing business needs, considered as the platform-independent and loosely coupled. Web service compositions build new services by organizing a set of existing services by providing reusability and interoperability. The research problem in web service composition is to obtain best effective services with the composition of services based on maximum quality of services (QoS) and satisfy the user’s requirements. This study reveals various challenges in the QoS parameter for Web service composition because it is difficult to recognize. We have illustrated the related technology by analyzing QoS parameters based on existing algorithms with composition patterns and compared the results