28 research outputs found

    Information hiding through variance of the parametric orientation underlying a B-rep face

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    Watermarking technologies have been proposed for many different,types of digital media. However, to this date, no viable watermarking techniques have yet emerged for the high value B-rep (i.e. Boundary Representation) models used in 3D mechanical CAD systems. In this paper, the authors propose a new approach (PO-Watermarking) that subtly changes a model's geometric representation to incorporate a 'transparent' signature. This scheme enables software applications to create fragile, or robust watermarks without changing the size of the file, or shape of the CAD model. Also discussed is the amount of information the proposed method could transparently embed into a B-rep model. The results presented demonstrate the embedding and retrieval of text strings and investigate the robustness of the approach after a variety of transformation and modifications have been carried out on the data

    Automated knowledge capture in 2D and 3D design environments

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    In Life Cycle Engineering, it is vital that the engineering knowledge for the product is captured throughout its life cycle in a formal and structured manner. This will allow the information to be referred to in the future by engineers who did not work on the original design but are wanting to understand the reasons that certain design decisions were made. In the past, attempts were made to try to capture this knowledge by having the engineer record the knowledge manually during a design session. However, this is not only time-consuming but is also disruptive to the creative process. Therefore, the research presented in this paper is concerned with capturing design knowledge automatically using a traditional 2D design environment and also an immersive 3D design environment. The design knowledge is captured by continuously and non-intrusively logging the user during a design session and then storing this output in a structured eXtensible Markup Language (XML) format. Next, the XML data is analysed and the design processes that are involved can be visualised by the automatic generation of IDEF0 diagrams. Using this captured knowledge, it forms the basis of an interactive online assistance system to aid future users who are carrying out a similar design task

    Increasing the Prediction Efficiency of Hansen Solubility Parameters in Supercritical Fluids

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    This work describes a simplified method developed for calculating the Hansen parameters (HSPs) for scCO2-polar modifier solvent mixtures. The method consists in fitting 2nd order equations on the calculated values of HSPs of pure components in function of pressure and temperature. It has been proved that these equations are suitable for the characterization of the above system. The current work also proposes a modified representation method, which eliminates the shortcomings of the original ternary Teas diagram, normally used for the representation of the Hansen parameters. On the one hand, the Teas diagram uses quantities without any physical meaning and, on the other hand, the illustration of the solubility information is distorted because it does not take into account the differences of the Hildebrand parameters of different solvents. The factors we have chosen to represent on the ternary diagram possess physical meaning (cohesion energy density partitions). The distortion was eliminated by extending the Teas diagram to a prismatic three dimensional representation. We proved that the Hansen-ellipsoid from the Cartesian coordinate system (dd = f (δH, dp)) is transformed in an ellipsoid also in the new coordinate system (the transformation is pseudo-isomorphic). Nonetheless, the suggested corrections improve the accuracy of the Hansen method, in some cases the interactions between the solvents and the dissolved materials are still not predicted with sufficient accuracy. Most probably a thermodynamic-based correction of the values of the HSPs of small molecules could lead to a significant improvement of the predictive ability of the newly developed method

    Effect of high hydrostatic pressure at 400 MPa on quality attributes of liquid egg products

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    Samples prepared from liquid egg yolk (LEY), liquid egg white (LEW) and liquid whole egg (LWE) were processed by high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) using different holding times (60, 180, 300, 420 and 600 s). The aim of our experiment was to examine how different holding times influences technofunctional attributes of liquid egg products. The color of samples changed after 60 s HHP treatment, but visible changes were evaluated just after 180­ 300 s. The pH of samples was stable, there were no significant changes caused by HHP (one-way ANOVA, a=0,05). The apparent viscosity was measured by a rotational viscometer as a function of shear rate. The shearthinning behavior of LEY and pseudopastic behavior of LEW and LWE were fitted well into HerschelBulkley model (with a satisfying correlation of R2 > 0.96). For the selected shearing rate, viscosity was measured in relation to shearing time. Thixotropic behavior of samples was increased by longer holding time of HHP treatments

    Essential oil extraction from herbs and their use in the food industry

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    Essential oil extraction of wild caraway and thyme was performed using a classical (HD) and microwave hydro-distillation (MWHD) and a laboratory supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) with a carbon dioxide as solvent. Our experiments demonstrated that the extraction yield of the essential oil performed in same conditions was influenced by the location of growth area; the maximum extraction yield of 10 ml 100 g-1 caraway was obtained from dried seeds collected from Csíkmadaras. This quantity far exceeded the yield of the Újtusnád samples. In the case of wild caraway (Carum carvi L.), the extraction method influenced thecomposition of the essential oil (carvone/limonene ratio), the highest limonene content being achieved by classical hydro-distillation. In the case of thyme, this effect was not detected, the thymol/carvacrol ratio was independent from the given extraction method. The obtained thyme essential oil possesses high antimicrobial activity demonstrated by agar diffusion test. The thyme extract provides a good protection against microorganisms collected on the surface of fresh vegetables following bacterial stains: Citrobacter portucalensis, Pseudomonas hunanensis, Pseudomonas baetica, Pseudomonas parafulva, Bacillus mojavensis and Enterobacter cloacae. Protective effect was also detected on the vegetable surface of by chitosan-based edible film coating during a 6-day-long storage period at a temperature of 4 °C. The caraway essential oil used as soft cheese seasoning with a direct, dilution-free method, proved to be unsuitable because the uneven distribution and confer a strong, unpleasant taste to the product in comparison with the ground wild caraway seed-dressed cheese

    A D-vitamin-pótlás jelentősége a gyakoribb, időskori poroticus törésekben

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    Effect of high hydrostatic pressure at 400 MPa on quality attributes of liquid egg products

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    Samples prepared from liquid egg yolk (LEY), liquid egg white (LEW) and liquid whole egg (LWE) were processed by high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) using different holding times (60, 180, 300, 420 and 600 s). The aim of our experiment was to examine how different holding times influences technofunctional attributes of liquid egg products. The color of samples changed after 60 s HHP treatment, but visible changes were evaluated just after 180­ 300 s. The pH of samples was stable, there were no significant changes caused by HHP (one-way ANOVA, a=0,05). The apparent viscosity was measured by a rotational viscometer as a function of shear rate. The shearthinning behavior of LEY and pseudopastic behavior of LEW and LWE were fitted well into HerschelBulkley model (with a satisfying correlation of R2 > 0.96). For the selected shearing rate, viscosity was measured in relation to shearing time. Thixotropic behavior of samples was increased by longer holding time of HHP treatments

    A kinyerési módszer befolyása a vadkömény-illóolaj kihozatalára és főkomponenseire: The Effect of Extraction Methods on Caraway Essential Oil Yield and Composition / Influenţa metodelor de extracţie asupra gradului de extracţie şi a componenţilor majori din uleiul volatil de chimen sălbatic

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    The wild cumin (Carum carvi L.) samples were collected from a little meadow situated in Harghita Mountain (Csíkmadaras, Hargitafürdő), and the harvested was obtained from the market. The essential oil was obtained with Clevenger-type laboratory steam distillation equipment (both, electrically and microwave heated) and with CO2 in supercritical state, using laboratory scale SFT 100 apparatus. The variation in time of the essential oil yield directly, and the main component contents was determined by GC-FID. The highest yield was obtained by hydro-distillation, but the fastest was microwave technique. The microwave pre-treatment and supercritical extraction involves some loss of the essential oils, which influence the ratio of carvone/limonene of the extract.  In case of supercritical extraction the tapping moments and parameters affect both the yield of essential oil and the carvone/limonene ratio, which grow in time. Kivonat A vadkömény (Carum carvi L.) mintákat a Hargita hegység hegyi kaszálóiról (Csíkmadaras, Hargitafürdő) gyűjtöttük, míg a termesztett mintákat a kereskedelemből szereztük be. Az illóolaj kivonást elektromos, valamint mikrohullámú fűtésű Clevenger-típusú laboratóriumi vízgőz-desztillációs berendezéssel, valamint a szuperkritikus állapotú szén-dioxiddal végeztük az SFT 100 készülékben. Az illóolaj hozamot közvetlenül, a fő összetevő tartalmat gáz-kromatográffal határoztuk meg. Legnagyobb hozamot a hidrodesztilláció, a leggyorsabbat a mikrohullámú technika biztosítja. A mikrohullámú előkezelés és szuperkritikus extrakció némi veszteséggel jár az illóolaj kihozatal és a kivonat karvon/limonén arányát illetően. Sszuperkritikus extrakció esetében a lecsapolási paraméter és az idő befolyásolja a hozamot, valamint az illóolaj karvon/limonén arányát, amely növekszik az idő múlásával