11 research outputs found

    Absceso recidivante por Nocardia asteroides en una paciente portadora de poliglobulia primaria Recurrent brain abscess caused by Nocardia asteroides in a patient with primary polycythaemia

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    La nocardiosis del sistema nervioso central (SNC) es una enfermedad poco común, cuya frecuencia ha aumentado con el crecimiento de los tratamientos inmunosupresores. El hombre se infecta por inhalación, inoculación traumática cutánea directa y tras una infección periodontal ingiriendo alimentos contaminados. La localización pulmonar es la más frecuente, siendo la fuente inicial de diseminación hemática, con predominio en piel, tejido celular subcutáneo y SNC. Es conocida la predilección de Nocardia por el SNC. Estos abscesos, asociados a altos índices de mortalidad, especialmente en pacientes inmunocomprometidos, siguen constituyendo un desafío diagnóstico y terapéutico, permaneciendo no aclarado su manejo terapéutico óptimo. A pesar de la controversia en cuanto al manejo quirúrgico de estas lesiones, el diagnóstico precoz, por aspiración esterotáxica, y la iniciación de una terapia antimicrobiana son esenciales para la buena evolución del paciente. Se presenta una paciente portadora de una poliglobulia primaria, con absceso cerebral recidivante por Nocardia asteroides de posible origen dentario.<br>Nocardiosis of the central nervous system (CNS) is an uncommon disease, but its frequency has increased due to the high number of immunosuppressive treatments. People become infected by inhalation, direct traumatic cutaneous inoculation and eating contaminated food after a periodontal abscess. Lung localization is the most frequent one, being the origin of haematic dissemination, with a high incidence in skin, subcutaneous tissue and the CNS. The preference of Nocardia for the CNS is well-known. These abscesses are a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, since they are associated to high mortality rates, specially in immunocompromised patients; the best therapeutic management remains unclear. In spite of the existing controversy with regard to the surgical management of these lesions, an early diagnosis through stereotactic aspiration and the beginning of an antimicrobial therapy are essential to the patient’s good evolution. This paper presents a patient with a primary polycythaemia and a recurrent brain abscess by Nocardia asteroides, probably of dental origin

    Las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA y su vínculo con los antirretrovirales provistos por el Programa Nacional en Argentina People living with HIV/AIDS and their link with the antiretrovirals provided by the National Programme in Argentina

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    El Estado argentino se compromete, mediante la Ley Nacional de SIDA, a suministrar gratuitamente los ARV. Reconociendo la complejidad que envuelve el proceso de gestión de ARV desde Programa Nacional y dando por sentado que las PVVS son el fin último del mismo, se piensa que es fundamental indagar en sus opiniones. El objetivo es explorar el suministro de ARV desde la perspectiva de las PVVS, en un hospital público de Rosario, respecto a: 1) valoración del Programa y de la información recibida, 2) tiempos de espera, 3) la provisión en relación con la disponibilidad de ARV para sostener el tratamiento. Estudio de abordaje cualitativo, con entrevistas durante enero y febrero de 2007, se realizan en presencia de una psicóloga. Se definen criterios de selección de los entrevistados y ejes para las entrevistas. Las PVVS entrevistadas son 15 y opinan con autoridad respecto al Programa, señalando problemas en el suministro de ARV. Reconocen dificultades del sostenimiento en el tiempo en la toma de ARV y sus consecuencias en relación a la muerte y a la calidad de vida. El Programa se caracteriza por convivencia de rasgos que responden a políticas garantizadas por el Estado y a programas que responden a la emergencia. Aparece la necesidad de repensar el Programa como política de salud genuina, considerando a los ARV como medicamentos esenciales.<br>In accordance with the National AIDS Law, the Argentinian State is committed to supply antiretroviral medication (ARV) free of charge. Due to the complexity of the National ARV Program management process, and the fact that people with HIV/AIDS (PLHA) are the beneficiaries of the Program, it is considered relevant to ascertain their opinion. The aim of this work is to examine the supply of ARV by the National HIV/AIDS Program, from the perspective of PLHA, in a public hospital of the city of Rosario, in relation to: 1) value of the Program and the information received from it; 2) waiting times; 3) availability of ARV to continue the treatment. It is a qualitative study with interviews during January and February 2007 consisting of structured questions and patient criteria selection, in the presence of a psychologist. 15 PLHA were interviewed and gave their considered opinion about the Program and its background. They acknowledge difficulties in the continuity of ARV treatment and the consequences with respect to death and quality of life. The Program shows the coexistence between characteristics of a policy guaranteed by the state and others from programs that respond to emergencies. It shows the need to rethink the Program as a genuine health policy, considering ARV as essential medicine

    Assessment of the meat quality of lamb M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum and M. triceps brachii following three different Halal slaughter procedures

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    A total of fifteen male and fifteen female lambs were allocated to three groups of ten animals and subjected to: traditional Halal slaughter without stunning (TNS); slaughter following electric head-only stunning (EHOS) or; post-cut electric head-only stun (PCEHOS) and their meat quality was determined. Instrumental and sensory analyses were carried out on two muscles; M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) and M. triceps brachii (TB). Additionally, the effects of sex and muscle type were also assessed. No differences were found among slaughter methods for pH, drip loss and shear force.TB had a higher pHu and was more tender than LTL. Muscles from EHOS and PCEHOS lambs discoloured more quickly than TNS muscles. There were no differences in the measured sensory attributes, with the exception of EHOS meat being tougher than PCEHOS and TNS meat. This study showed that the three slaughter methods had no substantial effect on lamb meat quality