64 research outputs found

    Transcatheter Arterial Embolization Using Ethanol in a Dialysis Patient for Contracting Enlarged Polycystic Kidneys

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    The mass effect of nephromegaly in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease may cause pain and symptoms by compressing the alimentary tract, lungs, and heart. Conventional therapies exist to contract enlarged polycystic kidneys including surgical and interventional procedures. A surgical nephrectomy is often difficult to perform in dialysis patients due to the associated risks related to surgery. In contrast, renal transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) with metallic coils, which is a less invasive interventional procedure, can also be utilized to contract enlarged kidneys in dialysis patients as an effective treatment. However, metallic coils present the possibility of recanalization and cost issues. Thus, we used ethanol instead of coils in renal TAE to resolve these issues. We report a dialysis patient with enlarged polycystic kidneys and poor oral intake due to abdominal distention that was successfully treated by TAE with absolute ethanol

    Manufacturing process for high aspect ratio metallic micro parts made by electroplating on partially conductive templates

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    Extended Abstract In supporting structural integrity of a miniature component, or for providing electric conduction of a through-silicon via (TSV) in three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D-IC), micro-or nano-hole filling with metallic material becomes increasing important in various micro-electrical mechanical systems (MEMSs) In this study, an anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template containing numerous high aspect ratio nano-sized holes (an average diameter of 130 nm and an aspect-ratio about 20) was used as the cathode. The hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity of the AAO template was adjusted before Cu electrodeposition. Electrodeposition of Cu was carried out in an emulsified sc-CO2 bath containing cupric sulfate aqueous solution as the precursor. Cu deposition into the nano-holes was performed at an apparent constant current density of 2 A/dm 2 for 5 minutes. After electrodeposition, the cross section morphology and chemical composition of the AAO cathode was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) with the aid of a focused-ion-beam (FIB). The experimental results showed that electrodeposition employing sc-CO2 bath to fill Cu into nano-sized holes was successful and superior to that of conventional process carried out at ambient pressure, in terms of uniformity and deposition rate. The high solubility of hydrogen gas in sc-CO2 fluid is the key factor. Moreover, the advantage of sc-CO2 electrodeposition is more pronounced for the AAO cathode exhibiting hydrophobic nature with respect to aqueous bath. References [1] Z


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    一、わが国における桐材使用製品と物品税高級な総桐タンスのほとんどは材質のすぐれたアメリカ桐を100%使用し、価格も一棹100万円以上のものが多い。またすべての家具、特に和ダンス、整理ダンスなどの内面 (引き出し、側板など) は桐材を使用する。これは衣類の保存に適するとか、軽くて運び易いといった利点に加えて、材料比率で50%以上の桐材を使用すれば20%の物品税を免除するという桐業界保護政策の一環に由るものである。二、以上アメリカ桐原木買付の実態を実情に即して説明したが、最近では港から相当遠隔の山の中-そこでは切っても搬出が難しい-でないと発見されず、おのずから国内輸送費の増大、インフレに伴う Logger への伐採労賃の高騰、ならびに1985年9月のG-5 (先進5ケ国蔵相会議)以降の急激なドル安、円高に基因する供給側の意図的な値上げ攻勢などにより著しく輸入量は減少し、アメリカの桐供給源としての地位が低下するに至った。一方国内需要の面においては、最近の住宅事情による家具のユニット化の影響をうけ、現在以上の需要の伸びを期待することは不可能に近いというのが業界筋の悲観的な観測である。古くより日本人に親しまれてきた桐製品が今後関係業界と消費者との緊密な協力により新しい用途が開発され、再び国内市場に活性化を与える日の近からんことを願うものである

    Transcatheter Arterial Embolization with Absolute Ethanol Injection for Enlarged Polycystic Kidneys after Failed Metallic Coil Embolization

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    Kidney enlargement in autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) may cause symptoms by compressing the alimentary tract, lungs, and heart. The clinical symptoms may be progressive, may markedly decrease quality of life, and may even be life-threatening. Although treatment of this disease is often difficult, transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) with metallic coils has been reported as a renal contraction therapy that is less invasive than surgery. The present report describes a case of ADPKD successfully treated by TAE with absolute ethanol after a previous TAE procedure with metallic coils failed to contract the affected kidneys because of recanalization

    Micromachined detectors for an enzyme-based FIA

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    Percutaneous insertion of hepatic fiducial true-spherical markers for real-time adaptive radiotherapy

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    Purpose: This study evaluated the success rate and complications of percutaneous implantation of hepatic fiducial true-spherical gold markers for real-time adaptive radiotherapy (RAR), which constitutes real-time image-guided radiotherapy with gating. Material and methods: We retrospectively evaluated 100 patients who underwent 116 percutaneous intrahepatic implantations of 2-mm-diameter, spherical, gold fiducial markers before RAR from 1999 to 2016, with Seldinger's method. We defined technical success as marker placement at the intended liver parenchyma, without mispositioning, and clinical success as successful tracking of the gold marker and completion of planned RAR. Complications related to marker placement were assessed. Results: The technical success rate for true-spherical gold marker implantation was 92.2% (107/116). Nine of 116 markers migrated (intra-procedurally in seven patients, delayed in two patients). Migration out of the liver (n = 4) or intrahepatic vessels (n = 5) occurred without complications; these markers were not retrieved. The clinical success rate was 100.0% (115/115). Abdominal pain occurred in 16 patients, fever and hemorrhage in seven patients each, and pneumothorax and nausea in one patient each. No major complications were encountered. Conclusions: Percutaneous transhepatic implantation of true-spherical gold markers for RAR is feasible and can be conducted with a high success rate and low complication rate

    Intranodal lymphangiography with lipiodol as a diagnostic and therapeutic approach for spontaneous cervical chyle leak

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    Key Clinical Message We present a case of spontaneous cervical chyle leak that showed as left‐sided neck swelling. Spontaneous chyle leak is extremely rare. Lymphangiography with lipiodol is useful as a diagnostic and therapeutic approach for chyle leak