3 research outputs found
Superplastic behavior of ultrafine-grained Ti−6Al−4V ELI alloy produced by severe plastic deformation
This paper reports the results of investigation of mechanical behavior of the ultrafinegrained (UFG) Ti-6Al-4V alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) and extrusion at temperatures in a range of 500−800°C. The UFG alloy reveals superplastic behavior at relatively low temperatures down to 600°C (elongation 240%). The features of microstructure change of the UFG alloy under superplastic straining conditions that contribute to additional strengthening of the alloy are shown
Microstructural features of failure surfaces and low-temperature mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V ELI ultra-fine grained alloy
Microstructural regularities of failure surfaces and low-temperature mechanical characteristics in quasistatic uniaxial tension and compression have been studied for ultra-fine grained structural states of Ti-6Al-4V ELI alloy processed by equal channel angular pressing. Values of the yield stress and uniform strain at 300, 77, and 4.2 K have been compared for structural states of the Ti-6Al-4V ELI alloy that differ in the average grain size and the morphology of α and β phases. Statistical distributions of dimple sizes on the failure surfaces have been studied for different structural states and temperatures.Исследованы особенности микроструктуры поверхностей излома и низкотемпературные механические свойства сверхмелкозернистого ELI-сплава Ti-6Al-4V, обработанного методом равноканального углового прессования, при квазистатическом одноосном растяжении и сжатии. Проведено сравнение значений предела текучести и однородной деформации, полученных при температурах 300, 77 и 4,2 К для разных структурных состояний ELI-сплава ТІ-6А1-4У с различным средним размером зерна и морфологией α- и β-фаз. Исследовано статистическое распределение размеров ямок на поверхностях излома при различных структурных состояниях и температурах