140 research outputs found

    Development and Present Status of Organic Superconductors

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    Progress in Paramagnetic Ionic Liquids

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    Progress in Paramagnetic Ionic Liquids

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    Quasi-Stationary States in Ionic Liquid-Liquid Crystal Mixtures at the Nematic-Isotropic Phase Transition

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    An open system is a system driven away from equilibrium by a source that supplies an inflow of energy and a sink to maintain an outflow. A typical example of an open system is a system close to its phase transition temperature under irradiation by a laser. This provides a steady flow of energy through a photon flux. The sink in that case is the environment to which energy is lost in the form of heat dissipation. Creation of such a thermodynamically open state suggests that we can expect generation of exotic spatio-temporal structures length-scale independent correlation maintained under the global dissipative forces provided by the surroundings. Internal long-range forces can bring in additional spatio-temporal correlations, giving rise to states with a very long lifetime, the ``quasistationary states'' (QSS). In this communication, we report evolution of quasistationary states, in a mixture of the well-known liquid crystal (N-(4-methoxybenzylidene)-4-butylaniline, MBBA) and an iron-based room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL), namely, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrachloroferrate (EMIF) at the Nematic-Isotropic phase transition, when focused radiation with 532 nm wavelength from a Nd:YAG laser (200-300 mW optical power) is incident on the sample. We explain the QSS by invoking a sharp negative thermal gradient due to the laser photon flux and dipolar interactions. In our model, the dipoles are the charge transfer complexes (CTCs) formed in the RTIL by resonant laser pumping, which create an orientational ordering and balance the fluctuating force of the thermal gradient to create the QSS. In the absence of such CTCs in a mixture of MBBA and a Gallium-based RTIL (1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrachlorogallate, EMIG), the QSS was not observed

    Spin frustration in antiperovskite systems: (TTF˙+or TSF˙+)3[(Mo6X14)2−Y−]

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    Two novel antiperovskite charge-transfer (CT) solids composed of a tetraselenafulvalene radical cation (TSF˙+), a dianionic molybdenum cluster unit [Mo6X14]2−, and a halogen anion (Y−) (X, Y = Cl, Br) were prepared by electrocrystallization. Their crystal structures and magnetic properties with regard to spin frustration are discussed together with those of isostructural tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) CT solids previously reported. Both TSF and TTF salts have an apex sharing distorted octahedral spin lattice with a rhombohedral R[3 with combining macron] space group. The calculated overlap integrals based on the crystal structures and insulating nature of the TSF salts indicate that they are Mott insulators. Their spin susceptibilities obeyed the Curie–Weiss law and exhibited an antiferromagnetic ordering at lower temperatures for the TSF salts (Néel temperature, TN = 3.0 K for X = Y = Cl and 5.5 K for X = Y = Br) than the TTF salts. The Curie–Weiss temperatures (|ΘCW| ∼ 1.6–6.3 K) for the TSF salts are lower than those of the TTF salts. For the TSF salts, spin-flop behavior was detected at 3.2 T for X = Y = Cl and 1.5 T for X = Y = Br at 1.9 K. Due to both the distortion of the octahedral geometry of the spin lattice and the anisotropic molecular orientation, the geometrical spin frustrations in TSF and TTF systems are weakened

    Peraturan Bersama Menteri Agama dan Menteri dalam Negeri Nomor 08 dan 09 Tahun 2006 Tentang Pendirian Rumah Ibadat (Kajian dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia )

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    Pundamental 1945 Constitution as the rule has been set explicitly for religious freedom in the run by followers, who belong to one human rights has, but in reality the persecution of religious life and often inevitable. Between religious persecution can come from various directions such as harassing each other, mutual intimidate(violence) and that most often occurs between religious persecution that is prihal establishment synagogue. Therefore, in terms of the establishment of the synagogue there must be government intervention to regulate it, if in this case given the freedom and without any clear rules, the sectarian conflict will not be able to avoid. One step from the government to avoid conflict in the establishment of the synagogue is to be issued the Joint Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs and the Minister of Home Affairs Number 08 and Number 09 Year 2006 About the Construction of Houses of Worship that aims to create harmony and peace between religious and have certainty Strong law