7 research outputs found

    Frequency and Causes of Pediatric Ovarian Torsion: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: The aim of my study was to determine the frequency and causes of pediatric ovarian torsion. Background: The condition in which an ovary twist along the ligament which hold it in place is known as Ovarian Torsion. The blood flow to ovary and fallopian tube could be cut off because of this twisting. ovarian torsion cab be a cause of unbearable pain due to lack of sufficient blood that should be received by ovary. On behalf of this systematic review, I wanted to dictate the frequency and causes of pediatric ovarian torsion. On the basis of past studies, I reviewed ovarian torsion can be happen at any paediatric age (infant to eighteen years). Around fifty-two % of the cases in children happen between nine years to fourteen years of age, with a median of age 11. Method: An electric database search was performed (google scholar, PubMed and science direct) with time limit until January 2020. All studies, fully available in English, assessing the frequency and causes of pediatric ovarian torsion. Study design: Systematic review-based design is used for this study. Results: 16 articles were reviewed, I found that frequency of pediatric ovarian torsion were rare and happened at any pediatric age. Ovarian torsion was caused by benign lesion, malignancy or by normal ovary. Purpose: The aim of my study was to determine the frequency and causes of pediatric ovarian torsion. Keywords: Ovarian torsion, oophorectomy, neoplasm, malignancy. DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/90-15 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Relationship of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome: A Systematic Review

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    Objective: The purpose of my study was to determine the relationship of Type 2  diabetes mellitus in women with PCOS. Background: PCOS is a hormonal disorder affecting millions of women around the world. 1 in every 10 women have PCOS but many women go years before receiving the diagnosis. In fact it is estimated that 70% of PCOS cases have a root cause is insulin resistance, A major risk factor for Type 2 diabetes mellitus. More than half of women with PCOS develop type 2 diabetes. PCOS is linked with higher levels of circulating insulin, which is characteristic in type 2 diabetes. IR is the typical condition of subjects with T2D. Women with PCOS share with people with T2D the same impaired glucose pattern consisting of a prevalent disturbance of fasting blood glucose. Higher levels of IR stress the pancreatic beta cell function, resulting in earlier functional depletion of insulin secretion capacity and higher risk of developing T2D. In this Systematic review I wanted to determine the incidence of type 2 diabetes in women with PCOS. According to the studies that I reviewed women with PCOS have a markedly increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes then women without PCOS and there is a higher prevalence of PCOS in those women who have Type 2 diabetes mellitus rather than non-diabetic. Method:An electric database search was performed (google scholar, PubMed and science direct)  without time limit until january 2020. All studies, fully available in English, assessing the incidence Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Women with PCOS.  Study design: Systematic review.  Results:I reviewed 22 articles and found that there were high risk of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in PCOS females then other one. Middle aged women with PCOS were having elevated risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, So therefore it propped up the needs of PCOS for routine screening of diabetes. The information or data from articles likewise gave furthur clinical bits of knowledge on the side of focusing on BMI (Body Mass Index), glucose (fasting glucose and after glucose ingestion) and in risk stratification and intervention for glucose homeostasis maintenance. Keywords: Polycystic Ovarian Disease, Type II Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin Resistance DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/90-13 Publication date:June 30th 202

    A strong construction of S-box using Mandelbrot set an image encryption scheme

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    The substitution box (S-box) plays a vital role in creating confusion during the encryption process of digital data. The quality of encryption schemes depends upon the S-box. There have been several attempts to enhance the quality of the S-box by using fractal chaotic mechanisms. However, there is still weakness in the robustness against cryptanalysis of fractal-based S-boxes. Due to their chaotic behavior, fractals are frequently employed to achieve randomness by confusion and diffusion process. A complex number-based S-box and a chaotic map diffusion are proposed to achieve high nonlinearity and low correlation. This study proposed a Mandelbrot set S-box construction based on the complex number and Chen chaotic map for resisting cryptanalytic attacks by creating diffusion in our proposed algorithm. The cryptosystem was built on the idea of substitution permutation networks (SPN). The complex nature of the proposed S-box makes it more random than other chaotic maps. The robustness of the proposed system was analyzed by different analysis properties of the S-box, such as nonlinearity, strict avalanche criterion, Bit independent criterion, and differential and linear probability. Moreover, to check the strength of the proposed S-box against differential and brute force attacks, we performed image encryption with the proposed S-box. The security analysis was performed, including statistical attack analysis and NIST analysis. The analysis results show that the proposed system achieves high-security standards than existing schemes

    An Islamic Conception of Conflict Transformation for the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan-Through An Examination of the Historical Discourses of West-Islam Relations and the Framework of Peace Pathways

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    A fundamental problem in the analysis of the 'war on terror' is a general predisposition in the West towards reflecting on violence as cause and violence as solution. In other words, a militant version of political Islam is treated as the problem, and a war to eliminate it is viewed as the appropriate response. My approach, which suggests a different way, breaks down the problem into two parts. Firstly, I investigate the history of West-Islam relations in order to gauge the impact of Western discourses on the development of political Islam and its causal impact on the 'war on terror'. Secondly, I extend this approach to examine the conflict in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan for an indepth analysis of the intractable and protracted nature of this conflict in that setting and a new way to deal with it. The thesis argues that the construction of 'otherness' in the Christian-Western discourses played a critical part in the defining of Muslim identity, and resulted in a dehumanising and demonising tradition of viewing Muslims down the ages and reacting to them. It further argues that Muslim responses to these discourses produced movements and organisations whose worldviews were influenced by the West itself. The emergence of reformists, revivalists, fundamentalists, Islamists, radicals, extremists and Jihadists all, in varying degrees, took note not only of the long history of encounter between the West and Islam but also the way that those encounters were framed

    Prioritization of Exigency Services in Multi-Agent Transportation Systems

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    Multi-agent system helps in achieving a single global goal by working on different tasks in a distributed environment. This research presents a new framework for handling the prioritization of exigency services in an urban transportation system. Prioritization in exigency services needs to be handled for vehicles like Ambulance, Police Mobile, Fire Brigade, Bomb Disposal Squads, Search and Rescue vehicles, Turntable Ladder, and other similar vehicles. In the proposed framework a single ARTIS agent with four In-agents is deployed at each signal node. In-Agents at different nodes share information about the exigency with the ARTIS Agent that analyses the input data and determines the types of conflict that might cause delays in emergency services provision. We operate the signal based on their priorities for exigency vehicles with different priorities. In case they have the same priorities then we use the lane congestion and vehicle wait time to operate a signal. We demonstrate the application of our proposed approach using different cases of a traffic case study.