949 research outputs found

    Circular Futures: How can design nurture more sustainable production and delivery systems for social micro enterprises?

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    In the face of environmental degradation, increasing economic volatility, and societal inequalities, transitioning to a more sustainable future—environmentally and socially—is a pressing demand. European Union policy aims to be at the forefront of this transition, placing the circular economy and social innovation at the center of policymaking. While the need for social micro-SMEs to uptake environmental measures arises, institutions still struggle in providing direction and tools for a systemic transition that considers both environmental and social innovation. This paper presents an ongoing framework to investigate how designers can inspire product, process, and business model changes in micro-enterprises to sensitively intervene in local urban production and consumption systems. The framework emphasizes the use of designerly thinking and crafting to promote practices that create social and environmental value alongside the economic one. Specifically, the paper reflects on the framework's first application in a studio course of the Master in Product-Service System Design at the Politecnico di Milano. The studio partnered with La Scuola dei Quartieri (SdQ), a social innovation program from Milan’s Municipality, prompting students to twin the challenges of some of its projects in a parallel innovation journey. The in-progress framework is a starting point for understanding how design for social innovation can help social micro-SMEs consider their environmental impact and create environmental value alongside the social one. Here, designers become activists, sharing and cultivating visions while strategizing how to weave initiatives together to favor the consideration and possible introduction of these new business practices

    The genetic basis of some adverse effects. The eudragene project

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    Alcuni dei miei progetti, un libro inédito de Aldo Rossi

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    El presente artículo da cuenta del hallazgo de un libro inédito de Aldo Rossi, cuyo original se conserva en el archivo del MAXXI en Roma. Ese texto, escrito en los años setenta, corresponde al esperado libro sobre la arquitectura análoga, del que el arquitecto milanés habló en numerosas ocasiones durante esos años y que, con la ayuda de Mario Gandelsonas, intentó publicar en Buenos Aires bajo el título Algunos de mis proyectos. Tras presentar una síntesis del contenido del libro, el artículo expone su complejo iter redaccional y lo sitúa en relación con los otros dos libros publicados por Rossi; finalmente, propone una interpretación de los motivos por los que su autor pudo renunciar a que viera la luz

    Scattering polarization of hydrogen lines in the presence of turbulent electric fields

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    We study the broadband polarization of hydrogen lines produced by scattering of radiation, in the presence of isotropic electric fields. In this paper, we focus on two distinct problems: a) the possibility of detecting the presence of turbulent electric fields by polarimetric methods, and b) the influence of such fields on the polarization due to a macroscopic, deterministic magnetic field. We found that isotropic electric fields decrease the degree of linear polarization in the scattered radiation, with respect to the zero-field case. On the other hand, a distribution of isotropic electric fields superimposed onto a deterministic magnetic field can generate a significant increase of the degree of magnetic-induced, net circular polarization. This phenomenon has important implications for the diagnostics of magnetic fields in plasmas using hydrogen lines, because of the ubiquitous presence of the Holtsmark, microscopic electric field from neighbouring ions. In particular, previous solar magnetographic studies of the Balmer lines of hydrogen may need to be revised because they neglected the effect of turbulent electric fields on the polarization signals. In this work, we give explicit results for the Lyman-alpha and Balmer-alpha lines.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Growing monitoring in sea cages: TS measurements issues

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    Hydroacoustic monitoring of fish growing in sea cages needs of an accurate relationship between fish size and target strength (TS) for every species of commercial interest. We discuss the conditions for TS measurement in near range conditions in sea cages for the case of the dorsal and ventral aspects of gilthead sea bream and bluefin tuna. Gilthead sea bream dorsal and ventral TS distributions, obtained with a split beam echosounder, are unimodal and the same results are derived for single beam data analysis when specific processing threshold criteria are applied. The expected linear relationship between the average TS and the logarithm of fish length is only found for the ventral case, being more accurate the uncompensated TS single beam analysis, probably due to near range errors. Bluefin tuna dorsal measurements performed in a fattening farm from February to July did not show a significant variation of TS distributions, and we propose a synchronized system of echosounder and video recordings, in order to relate target strength and orientation and size of specific tuna in the acoustic beam. Preliminary results indicate that only ventral TS values correlate properly with tuna size

    Enfermedad inflamatoria crónica intestinal con hipoproteinemia y ascitis en el perro: 14 casos clínicos

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    The main causes of protein losing enteropathy in dogs are intestinal lymphangiectasia, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and intestinal lymphoma. The aim of this research is to clinically characterize inflammatory bowel disease causing hypoproteinemia and ascitis in the dog. For this purpose clinical histories of 14 dogs were revised retrospectively. The results of the current study show that this disease is most common in adult dogs with mean ages around 5 years, and more frequently diagnosed in Yorkshire Terrier and Rottweiler breeds. Clinical signs included mainly chronic diarrhea with small intestine characteristics (100%), weight loss (64%), vomiting (39%) and decreased appetite (21%). All 14 cases presented total serum protein under 3,5g/dl (mean value 2,83±0,44 g/dl), albumin under 1,7 g/dl (mean value 1,45±0,17 g/dl), and albumin/globulin fraction around 1.Las causas principales de enteropatía con pérdida de proteínas en perros son la linfangiectasia intestinal, la enfermedad inflamatoria crónica intestinal (EII) y el linfosarcoma intestinal. El objetivo fundamental de este trabajo es la caracterización clínica de la enfermedad inflamatoria crónica intestinal con hipoproteinemia y ascitis en el perro. Para ello se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo en el que se han revisado las historias clínicas de 14 perros. Los resultados de nuestro estudio demuestran que esta enfermedad es característica de perros adultos con edades medias en torno a los 5 años, y aparece con mayor frecuencia en las razas Yorkshire Terrier y Rottweiler. Los signos clínicos más frecuentes fueron: diarrea crónica de intestino delgado (100%), pérdida de peso (64%), vómitos (29%) y disminución del apetito (21%). Todos los pacientes del estudio presentaron unas proteínas séricas por debajo de 3,5 g/dl (valor medio de 2,83±0,44 g/dl), con una albúmina inferior a 1,7 g/dl (valor medio de 1,45±0,17 g/dl), con cociente albúmina/globulina en torno a 1