5 research outputs found

    Salt harvesting

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    Saltworks (other terms: salterns, saltponds, solar ponds) are man-made hypersaline systems where table salt or halite (NaCl, sodium chloride) is harvested. Salt production in the Guadiana River estuary is based on solar evaporation of sea water. In other areas, salt is obtained from solid state or brine mining. Saltworks using sea water are usually located in low coastal areas, allowing gravitational filling of ponds during the high tides. Evaporative salt production is restricted to geographical areas where this process is favoured by combined action of wind, solar radiation, low rain rates, and high temperatures. Hence, the Mediterranean and part of the European Atlantic coastal areas fulfil these conditions, particularly during the summer months where the evaporation greatly exceeds precipitation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudio para la mejora de la calidad del grado en Trabajo Social en atenci贸n a las necesidades de nuestros egresados y sus empleadores

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    Mediante este proyecto la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la UCM pretende conocer cu谩les son las necesidades formativas de nuestros alumnos con el principal objetivo de hacer una modificaci贸n en la titulaci贸n que pueda dar respuesta a las necesidades de conocimiento de nuestros profesionales as铆 como conocer las condiciones esenciales en las que nuestros egresado acceden al mercado laboral

    Fleur de sel composition and production: analysis and numerical simulation in an artisanal saltern

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    This study is a first approach to modelling of fleur de sel production, aimed at increasing its efficiency and contributing to the scarce literature on the topic. Quantitative forecasting of daily production of fleur de sel was applied to an artisanal solar pond unit in the environmentally protected area of Castro Marim, SE Portugal. The numerical model was based on simulations of the evaporation process, taking into account the effect of reduced vapour pressure of the brine solution. The controlling variables chosen as input parameters to the forecast model were brine temperature, brine concentration, harvesting efficiency, albedo, incoming solar radiation, precipitation, air relative humidity, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, day of the year, wind direction, and wind speed. Production predicted by the model was tested against actual production in two crystallisers in the years 2015 and 2017. The statistically evaluated match between the estimated and actual production was highly significant with a mean R-2 of 0.8 and overall error of estimation was 14.5%. The chemical composition of nine samples of fleur de sel was analysed, showing the temporal evolution of several components during the harvesting period. A decrease of NaCl content from 96% to 87% and an increase by one order of magnitude of Mg, S, K, Br, and As were observed. The range of Ca, Si, Al, and Sr contents was 0.12-0.65%, 0.1-0.85%, 0.08- 0.3%, and 0.009-0.013%, respectively. Ba, Fe, Mn, Mo, Pb, and Sn contents had the following ranges: 0.051-0.145, 1.2-5.5, 0.44-1.66, 0.03-0.05, <0.05-0.55, and <0.05-0.1 mg/kg, respectively. The following elements were below the detection limit and below the limits of the Codex Alimentarius: Cd, Th, U, Cu, Cr, Co, Ni, V, Bi, Zn, Rb, and Hg.Erasmusthorn (European Commission)Banco Santander IberoamericaUniversity of Cadizinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio