71 research outputs found

    Green Edge ice camp campaigns : understanding the processes controlling the under-ice Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom

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    The Green Edge initiative was developed to investigate the processes controlling the primary productivity and fate of organic matter produced during the Arctic phytoplankton spring bloom (PSB) and to determine its role in the ecosystem. Two field campaigns were conducted in 2015 and 2016 at an ice camp located on landfast sea ice southeast of Qikiqtarjuaq Island in Baffin Bay (67.4797∘ N, 63.7895∘ W). During both expeditions, a large suite of physical, chemical and biological variables was measured beneath a consolidated sea-ice cover from the surface to the bottom (at 360 m depth) to better understand the factors driving the PSB. Key variables, such as conservative temperature, absolute salinity, radiance, irradiance, nutrient concentrations, chlorophyll a concentration, bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton abundance and taxonomy, and carbon stocks and fluxes were routinely measured at the ice camp. Meteorological and snow-relevant variables were also monitored. Here, we present the results of a joint effort to tidy and standardize the collected datasets, which will facilitate their reuse in other Arctic studies

    Jules Romains' Vision of a United Europe in Interwar France: Legacy and Ambiguities

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    The interwar period in Europe was characterised by a multi-faceted movement in favour of European integration. After the slaughter of the First World War, many intellectuals, writers, industrialists and politicians brought the idea of European unity to the fore and engaged in various actions, from setting up organisations to lobbying governments, to promote the unification of Europe. Much research has been carried out on the leading figures of these pro-European activities but amongst the wealth of this period other actors have tended to be forgotten. Such is the case with the French writer Jules Romains, who not only coined “Europeanism”, the word that would define the whole movement in favour of Europe, but who also actively participated in promoting a united Europe. This article seeks to introduce and discuss Romains’ ideas on Europe. It will demonstrate that his vision was very coherent within the framework of his Unanimist philosophy but was undermined by serious ambiguities. It will also demonstrate that his ideas are of great interest for what they reveal about the interwar period in France and Europe, what they bring to the genealogy of the European project, as set up after the Second World War, and for the ambiguities at the core of his concept of Europe, which are still very much at the heart of many of today’s debates about the European Union

    Passa-se uma engenhoca: ou como se faziam transaçÔes com terras, engenhos e crédito em mercados locais e imperfeitos (freguesia de Campo Grande, Rio de Janeiro, séculos XVIII e XIX)

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    Embolization biomaterial reinforced with nanotechnology for an in-situ release of anti-angiogenic agent in the treatment of hyper-vascularized tumors and arteriovenous malformations

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    International audienceA polymer based material was developed to act as an embolic agent and drug reservoir for the treatment of arteriovenous malformations (AVM) and hyper vascularized solid tumors. The aim was to combine the blocking of blood supply to the target region and the inhibition of the embolization-stimulated angiogenesis. The material is composed of an ethanolic solution of a linear acrylate based copolymer and acrylate calibrated microparticles containing nanospheres loaded with sunitinib, an anti-angiogenic agent. The precipitation of the linear copolymer in aqueous environment after injection through microcatheter results in the formation of an in-situ embolization gel whereas the microparticles serve to increase the cohesive properties of the embolization agent and to form a reservoir from which the sunitinib-loaded nanospheres are released post-embolization. The swollen state or the microparticles in contact with aqueous medium results in the release of the nanospheres out of microparticles macromolecular structure. After the synthesis, the formulation and the characterization of the different components of the material, anti-angiogenic activity was evaluated in vitro using endothelial cells and in vivo using corneal neovascularization model in rabbit. The efficiency of the arterial embolization was tested in vivo in a sheep model. Results proved the feasibility of this new system for vascular embolization in association with an in situ delivery of anti-angiogenic drug. This combination is a promising strategy for the management of arteriovenous malformations and solid tumors

    Rabbit VX2 Liver Tumor Model: A Review of Clinical, Biology, Histology, and Tumor Microenvironment Characteristics

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    CERVOXY CLINInternational audienceThe rabbit VX2 is a large animal model of cancer used for decades by interventional radiologists to demonstrate the efficacy of various locoregional treatments against liver tumors. What do we know about this tumor in the new era of targeted therapy and immune-oncology? The present paper describes the current knowledge on the clinics, biology, histopathology, and tumor microenvironment of VX2 based on a literature review of 741 publications in the liver and in other organs. It reveals the resemblance with human cancer (anatomy, vascularity, angiogenic profile, drug sensitivity, immune microenvironment), the differences (etiology, growth rate, histology), and the questions still poorly explored (serum and tissue biomarkers, genomic alterations, immune checkpoint inhibitors efficacy)

    Écritures franco-allemandes de la Grande Guerre

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    Les aspects politiques, militaires, Ă©conomiques et gĂ©ographiques de la PremiĂšre Guerre mondiale sont Ă  prĂ©sent bien connus ; mais la rupture qu’a signifiĂ©e le dĂ©clenchement des hostilitĂ©s en 1914 atteint Ă©galement les domaines de la pensĂ©e, de la littĂ©rature et de la conscience des peuples engagĂ©s dans le conflit. DĂ» Ă  une douzaine de chercheurs, germanistes ou historiens, cet ouvrage est consacrĂ© aux composantes philosophiques de ce qu’on a appelĂ©, non sans raison, la "guerre des esprits" et Ă  la mise en forme littĂ©raire des diverses images de la guerre. Dans la premiĂšre partie, six Ă©tudes novatrices, Ă©tayĂ©es par des documents inĂ©dits ou non encore Ă©tudiĂ©s, rendent compte de l’attitude des Ă©crivains et des intellectuels allemands et français qu’elles replacent dans le contexte des grands dĂ©bats idĂ©ologiques de l’époque. Contraints d’intĂ©grer le thĂšme de la guerre dans leur Ɠuvre, romanciers et poĂštes ont tentĂ© d’opposer Ă  l’horreur du champ de bataille un traitement esthĂ©tique de ce thĂšme lorsqu’ils n’ont pas magnifiĂ© le combat. La seconde moitiĂ© de l’ouvrage montre, Ă  partir d’analyses de textes fondamentaux, comment s’est opĂ©rĂ©e la rencontre entre l’histoire littĂ©raire et l’actualitĂ© guerriĂšre et apporte des rĂ©ponses inĂ©dites Ă  l’épineuse question de sa fĂ©conditĂ©
