155 research outputs found

    Le document technologique original dans le droit de la preuve au Québec

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    L’adoption de la Loi concernant le cadre juridique des technologies de l’information en 2001 a permis de mettre en place un cadre juridique favorisant l’intĂ©gration des technologies de l’information dans le droit. Plus particuliĂšrement en droit de la preuve, cela a confĂ©rĂ© au document technologique la qualitĂ© d’élĂ©ment de preuve. Dans ce contexte il a Ă©tĂ© nĂ©cessaire d’adapter certains articles du Code civil du QuĂ©bec et du mĂȘme fait certaines rĂšgles dont la rĂšgle de la meilleure preuve, telle que prĂ©vue Ă  l’article 2860 C.c.Q.. Cette rĂšgle s’appuyait jusqu’à prĂ©sent sur la notion d’original, notion propre au support papier dont il a fallu trouver un Ă©quivalent pour le document technologique. C’est ce qu’a fait la Loi en prĂ©voyant Ă  son article 12 les caractĂ©ristiques de l’original technologique. Nous nous penchons sur cette notion en regardant quelles sont ses origines et ses justifications, puis nous avons analysĂ© l’article 12 de la Loi qui traite de l’original sous forme technologique. Enfin nous nous sommes interrogĂ© sur la place des reproductions dans le contexte technologique et nous avons vu que celles-ci ont pris de plus en plus d’importance Ă  cĂŽtĂ© du document original, au fur et Ă  mesure du perfectionnement des moyens de reproduction.The adoption, in 2001, of the Act to Establish a Legal Framework for Information Technology (the Act) allowed the establishment of a legal framework facilitating the integration of Information Technology in law. More specifically in law of evidence, this allowed for the recognition of the technology-based document as evidence. In this context, it was necessary to adapt certain sections of the Civil Code of QuĂ©bec and, thus, certain rules, among which the best evidence rule, set forth in Section 2860 C.C.Q. Until the Act, this rule relied on the original, a concept specific to the paper medium; consequently, it became necessary to find an equivalent for the technology-based document. This was done by Section 12 of the Act, which sets out the technology-based original’s characteristics. We will look into this concept’s origins and rationale, before analysing Section 12 of the Act, which addresses the original in a technological form. We will then examine the reproductions’ place in the technological context, and ascertain their growing importance beside that of the original document’s, as the means of reproduction continuoulsy improved

    Interactive 4-D Visualization of Stereographic Images From the Double Orthogonal Projection

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    The double orthogonal projection of the 4-space onto two mutually perpendicular 3-spaces is a method of visualization of four-dimensional objects in a three-dimensional space. We present an interactive animation of the stereographic projection of a hyperspherical hexahedron on a 3-sphere embedded in the 4-space. Described are synthetic constructions of stereographic images of a point, hyperspherical tetrahedron, and 2-sphere on a 3-sphere from their double orthogonal projections. Consequently, the double-orthogonal projection of a freehand curve on a 3-sphere is created inversely from its stereographic image. Furthermore, we show an application to a synthetic construction of a spherical inversion and visualizations of double orthogonal projections and stereographic images of Hopf tori on a 3-sphere generated from Clelia curves on a 2-sphere.Comment: ICGG 2020 submissio

    Visualism and technification—the patient behind the screen

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    At stake in this study is the patient's credibility. The Cartesian philosophical standpoint, which holds sway in western thinking, questions with scepticism whether the reported symptoms are “real.” Do they reside in the body, or are they mentally concocted. However, from the caring perspective any symptom must be both listened and attended to in its own right, not just scrutinized as evidence for an accurate diagnosis

    On the design of a didactic proposal for the popularization of law within rural communities

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    RESUMEN: En este artĂ­culo de investigaciĂłn, pensar en recrear la enseñanza, nos ubicĂł como profesores investigadores en la pregunta: ÂżCĂłmo popularizar el derecho desde la educaciĂłn superior en entornos rurales? De ahĂ­ que, el objetivo de la investigaciĂłn fue fundamentar una propuesta didĂĄctica para la popularizaciĂłn del derecho en entornos rurales. En ese sentido, se partiĂł de los postulados de la didĂĄctica universitaria y de la pedagogĂ­a crĂ­tica, los cuales se enfocan hacia una formaciĂłn ligada a las realidades sociales, donde se incluye a la comunidad, como otro participante del proceso docente educativo y en la generaciĂłn de conocimiento Ăștil a la sociedad. De la misma manera, se conceptualizĂł y fundamentĂł una propuesta didĂĄctica para la popularizaciĂłn del derecho, concebida desde la educaciĂłn superior. AsĂ­, desde una investigaciĂłn cualitativa con enfoque hermenĂ©utico, se develĂł la importancia de formar al estudiante para que popularice el saber jurĂ­dico, desarrolle un proceso intencional y motivador, asuma su rol en la sociedad y concrete el papel que el saber jurĂ­dico tiene en relaciĂłn con la soluciĂłn de problemas reales y sentidos de las comunidades rurales.ABSTRACT: In this research article, thinking of recreating teaching, placed us as research professors in the question: How to popularize law from higher education in rural settings? Hence, the objective of the research was to base a didactic proposal for the popularization of law in rural environments. In that sense it was based on the postulates of university didactics and critical pedagogy, which focus on a formation linked to social realities, where the community is included as another participant in the educational process and in the generation of useful knowledge to the community. In the same way, it was conceptualized and based around the design of a didactic proposal for the popularization of law, conceived from higher education. Thus, from qualitative research with a hermeneutical approach, the importance of training the student to popularize legal knowledge, develop an intentional and motivational process, assume his role in society and concretize the role that legal knowledge has in relation to the solution of real and urgent problems the rural communities face, was reveale

    Wall-Crossing in Coupled 2d-4d Systems

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    We introduce a new wall-crossing formula which combines and generalizes the Cecotti-Vafa and Kontsevich-Soibelman formulas for supersymmetric 2d and 4d systems respectively. This 2d-4d wall-crossing formula governs the wall-crossing of BPS states in an N=2 supersymmetric 4d gauge theory coupled to a supersymmetric surface defect. When the theory and defect are compactified on a circle, we get a 3d theory with a supersymmetric line operator, corresponding to a hyperholomorphic connection on a vector bundle over a hyperkahler space. The 2d-4d wall-crossing formula can be interpreted as a smoothness condition for this hyperholomorphic connection. We explain how the 2d-4d BPS spectrum can be determined for 4d theories of class S, that is, for those theories obtained by compactifying the six-dimensional (0,2) theory with a partial topological twist on a punctured Riemann surface C. For such theories there are canonical surface defects. We illustrate with several examples in the case of A_1 theories of class S. Finally, we indicate how our results can be used to produce solutions to the A_1 Hitchin equations on the Riemann surface C.Comment: 170 pages, 45 figure

    Picture-Book Professors:Academia and Children's Literature

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