24 research outputs found

    Kliničko-biokemijske promjene u bivola hranjenih samo suhom krmom.

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    The clinical signs of inappetance, poor body condition, pityriasis and decubital skin lesions in 22 stall-fed buffaloes of 18 to 20 months of age warranted the present clinical investigation. The animals were clinically examined and history was collected on feeding and management conditions. The animals had been held on wheat straw based diet supplemented with 0.5 to 0.8 kg concentrate (devoid of vitamin premix) without access to green forage for the last seven months. Six animals had skin sloughing, rough coat, abrasion and two buffaloes were on sternal recumbency and were unable to get up. Blood samples were collected by jugular venepuncture from eight randomly selected from the 22 affected buffaloes, with varying degrees of clinical signs, and from five control buffaloes of a similar age group, who were provided with ad lib green fodder to serve as control. Serum samples were analyzed for blood glucose, total protein, albumin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, calcium, and phosphorous. Aspartate animo-transferase (AST) and alanine amino-transferase (ALT) activities were significantly (P<0.01) lower in serum from affected animals, indicating reduced hepatic function. Alkaline phosphatase activities (AP), along with serum cholesterol level were also significantly (P<0.05) lower in zero-green fed animals compared to the controls. Blood copper and zinc concentrations were statistically comparable in both the groups, but the mean values for cobalt and iron were significantly lower in affected animals. Mean plasma level of vitamin A, ß-carotene and α-tocopherol was significantly (P<0.01) lower in affected animals than in the controls. This is the first report documenting the combined deficiency of vitamin A and its precursor ß- carotene along with α-tocopherol, and the affected animals had reduced hepatic function. The present investigation strongly suggests provision of green fodder or supplementation of vitamins in the diet of buffaloes to avoid poor health and clinical signs associated with deficiency.U 22 stajski hranjena bivola, čija se dob kretala između 18 do 20 mjeseci, zabilježeni su klinički znakovi gubitka apetita, opadanja kondicije, te suhog ljuštenja i dekubitalnih oštećenja kože. Životinje su klinički pregledane i prikupljeni su podatci vezani za hranidbu i uvjete držanja. Osnovu obroka činila je pšenična slama kojoj je dodavano od 0,5 do 0,8 kg koncentrata (bez vitaminskoga premiksa). Bivolima je uskraćena mogućnost pristupa svježoj zelenoj krmi tijekom posljednjih sedam mjeseci. Šest životinja imalo je grubu kožu s pojavama ljuštenja i guljenja, a u dva bivola utvrđeno je ležanje na prsima s nemogućnošću ustajanja. Uzorci krvi iz jugularne vene prikupljeni su od 8 slučajno odabranih bivola zahvaćenih različitim stupnjem kliničkih promjena, te od 5 bivola koji su bili u približno istoj dobi i poslužili su kao kontrolna skupina hranjena svježom zelenom krmom po volji. U uzorcima seruma analizirani su glukoza, ukupni protein, albumin, mokraćevina, mokraćna kiselina, kreatinin, kalcij i fosfor. Aktivnosti aspartat amino-transferaze (AST) i alanin amino-transferaze (ALT) bile su značajno (P<0,01) niže u serumu životinja sa zahvaćenim promjenama što upućuje na smanjenu funkciju jetara. Aktivnost alkalne fosfataze (AP), zajedno s razinom serumskog kolesterola, bila je također značajno (P<0,05) snižena u životinja hranjenih suhom krmom u usporedbi sa životinjama kontrolne skupine. Koncentracije bakra i cinka u krvi bivola obje skupine bile su slične, a srednje vrijednosti za kobalt i željezo bile su značajno snižene u životinja zahvaćenih promjenama. Srednja razina vitamina A, β-karotena i α-tokoferola bila je značajno (P<0,01) niža u životinja zahvaćenih promjenama u odnosu na životinje u kontrolnoj skupini. Ovo je prvo izvješće koje potvrđuje da udruženi nedostatak vitamina A i njegova prekusora β-karotena, zajedno s nedostatkom α-tokoferola, u životinja zahvaćenih promjenama dovode do smanjene funkcije jetara. Kako bi se izbjeglo slabljenje zdravlja i pojave kliničkih znakova povezanih s navedenim deficijencijama, predlaže se u krmni obrok bivola dodavati svježu zelenu krmu ili vitamine

    An Empirical Study of Reported Bugs in Server Software with Implications for Automated Bug Diagnosis

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    Reproducing bug symptoms is a prerequisite for performing automatic bug diagnosis. Do bugs have characteristics that ease or hinder automatic bug diagnosis? In this paper, we conduct a thorough empirical study of several key characteristics of bugs that affect reproducibility at the production site. We examine randomly selected bug reports of six server applications and consider their implications on automatic bug diagnosis tools. Our results are promising. From the study, we find that nearly 82% of bug symptoms can be reproduced deterministically by re-running with the same set of inputs at the production site. We further find that very few input requests are needed to reproduce most failures; in fact, just one input request after session establishment suffices to reproduce the failure in nearly 77% of the cases. We describe the implications of the results on reproducing software failures and designing automated diagnosis tools for production runs.published or accepted for publicatio

    A novel invariants-based approach for automated software fault localization

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    Software bugs are everywhere. Not only do they infest software during development, but they escape our extermination efforts and enter production code. In addition to severe frustration to customers, software failures result in billions of dollars of lost revenue to service providers. The most important steps for debugging and eliminating a software failure are reproducing the failure and finding its root cause, either during development time or during production run. Currently, debugging is a costly, time-consuming and manual process. Automating some of these steps will greatly help developers, reduce costs, increase productivity and software reliability. In this thesis proposal, I propose a novel way of doing automated software bug diagnosis. Reproducing bug symptoms is a prerequisite for performing automatic bug diagnosis. Do bugs have characteristics that ease or hinder automatic bug diagnosis? As a first step, we conducted a thorough empirical study of several key characteristics of bugs that affect reproducibility at the production site [1]. We manually examined 266 randomly selected bug reports of six server applications and consider their implications on automatic bug diagnosis tools. Our results were promising. From the study, we found that nearly 82% of bug symptoms can be reproduced deterministically by re-running with the same set of inputs at the production site. We further found that very few input requests are needed to reproduce most failures; in fact, just one input request after session establishment suffices to reproduce the failure in nearly 77% of the cases. We describe the implications of the results on reproducing software failures and designing automated diagnosis tools for production runs. We also propose an automatic diagnosis technique for isolating the root cause(s) of soft- ware failures after it is reproduced [2]. We use likely program invariants, constructed using automatically generated good inputs that are close to the fault-triggering input, to select a set of candidate program locations which are possible root causes. We then trim the set of candidate root causes using software-implemented dynamic backwards slicing, plus two new filtering heuristics: dependence filtering, and filtering via multiple failing inputs that are also close to original failing input. Experimental results on 13 reported software bugs of three large open-source servers MySQL, Squid, Apache web server and LLVM C/C++ clang compiler show that we are able to narrow down the number of candidate bug locations to between 5 and 28 locations for 12 out of 13 software bugs, even in programs that are hundreds of thousands of lines long. In our earlier work, we also showed invariants based techniques can be leveraged to effectively detect permanent hardware faults [3]

    How Successful Is Data Structure Analysis in Isolating and Analyzing Linked Data Structures?

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    This report describes a set of experiments to evaluate qualitatively the effectiveness of Data Structure Analysis (DSA) in identifying properties of a program's data structures. We manually inspected several benchmarks to identify linked data structures and their properties, and compared these against the results produced by DSA. The properties we considered are those that were the primary goals of DSA: distinguishing different kinds of data structures, distinct instances of a particular kind, type information for objects within an LDS, and information about the lifetime of such objects (particularly, those local to a function rather than global). We define a set of metrics for the DS graphs computed by DSA that we use to summarize our results concisely for each benchmark. The results of the study are summarized in the last section

    WOK: Statistical Program Slicing in Production

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    Dynamic program slicing can significantly reduce the amount of code developers need to inspect by focusing only on program statements relevant to their investigation. However, this technique is still not ready for production-level use either in terms of runtime or storage efficiency.We propose statistical program slicing, a novel hybrid dynamic-static slicing approach which explores the tradeoffs between runtime overhead, accuracy, and storage costs. Our technique relies on modern hardware support for control-flow tracing and selective heap memory instrumentation distributed across multiple executions, combined with static program analysis for data-flow tracking

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableThe clinical signs of inappetance, poor body condition, pityriasis and decubital skin lesions in 22 stall-fed buffaloes of 18 to 20 months of age warranted the present clinical investigation. The animals were clinically examined and history was collected on feeding and management conditions. The animals had been held on wheat straw based diet supplemented with 0.5 to 0.8 kg concentrate (devoid of vitamin premix) without access to green forage for the last seven months. Six animals had skin sloughing, rough coat, abrasion and two buffaloes were on sternal recumbency and were unable to get up. Blood samples were collected by jugular venepuncture from eight randomly selected from the 22 affected buffaloes, with varying degrees of clinical signs, and from fi ve control buffaloes of a similar age group, who were provided with ad lib green fodder to serve as control. Serum samples were analyzed for blood glucose, total protein, albumin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, calcium, and phosphorous. Aspartate animo-transferase (AST) and alanine amino-transferase (ALT) activities were significantly (P<0.01) lower in serum from affected animals, indicating reduced hepatic function. Alkaline phosphatase activities (AP), along with serum cholesterol level were also significantly (P<0.05) lower in zero-green fed animals compared to the controls. Blood copper and zinc concentrations were statistically comparable in both the groups, but the mean values for cobalt and iron were significantly lower in affected animals. Mean plasma level of vitamin A, ß-carotene and α-tocopherol was significantly (P<0.01) lower in affected animals than in the controls. This is the fi rst report documenting the combined deficiency of vitamin A and its precursor ß- carotene along with α-tocopherol, and the affected animals had reduced hepatic function. The present investigation strongly suggests provision of green fodder or supplementation of vitamins in the diet of buffaloes to avoid poor health and clinical signs associated with deficiency.Not Availabl

    Not Available

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    Not AvailableThe clinical signs of inappetance, poor body condition, pityriasis and decubital skin lesions in 22 stall-fed buffaloes of 18 to 20 months of age warranted the present clinical investigation. The animals were clinically examined and history was collected on feeding and management conditions. The animals had been held on wheat straw based diet supplemented with 0.5 to 0.8 kg concentrate (devoid of vitamin premix) without access to green forage for the last seven months. Six animals had skin sloughing, rough coat, abrasion and two buffaloes were on sternal recumbency and were unable to get up. Blood samples were collected by jugular venepuncture from eight randomly selected from the 22 affected buffaloes, with varying degrees of clinical signs, and from fi ve control buffaloes of a similar age group, who were provided with ad lib green fodder to serve as control. Serum samples were analyzed for blood glucose, total protein, albumin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, calcium, and phosphorous. Aspartate animo-transferase (AST) and alanine amino-transferase (ALT) activities were signifi cantly (P<0.01) lower in serum from affected animals, indicating reduced hepatic function. Alkaline phosphatase activities (AP), along with serum cholesterol level were also signifi cantly (P<0.05) lower in zero-green fed animals compared to the controls. Blood copper and zinc concentrations were statistically comparable in both the groups, but the mean values for cobalt and iron were signifi cantly lower in affected animals. Mean plasma level of vitamin A, ß-carotene and α-tocopherol was signifi cantly (P<0.01) lower in affected animals than in the controls. This is the fi rst report documenting the combined defi ciency of vitamin A and its precursor ß- carotene along with α-tocopherol, and the affected animals had reduced hepatic function. The present investigation strongly suggests provision of green fodder or supplementation of vitamins in the diet of buffaloes to avoid poor health and clinical signs associated with defi ciency.Not Availabl