2 research outputs found

    Quality Of Life and Coping Strategies Among Caregivers of Patient with Cardiovascular Diseases

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    Caregivers and family members of patients with long-term cardiovascular diseases often experience varying degrees of depression due to the significant changes in life style and the challenges associated with managing the condition. Adapting and modifying coping strategies as needed is crucial for caregivers to effectively decrease or manage stressful situations. The objectives of this study was to assess the quality of life and coping strategies among caregiver of cardiovascular patient. At IMS & SUM Hospital in Bhubaneswar ,Odisha, a descriptive correlational research design was used. Purposive sampling selected 200 participants who completed a socio-demographic questionnaire. Two standardized scale s were employed: the WHOQOL-BREF scale to measure quality of life and the coping inventory for stressful situations to assess coping strategies. The study findings showed a significant negative correlation ( r = -0.338, p < 0.01) between quality of life and coping strategies, as indicated by Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient. This suggests that as, if the coping strategies is better, the quality of life is also better. Additionally, the study employed ANOVA and t-tests to examine the differences between quality of life and coping strategies. The study findings suggest that the quality of life of young individuals is more impacted by caregiving compared to the elderly. There is a significant negative correlation between quality of life and coping strategies, indicating that higher quality of life scores are associated with lower coping strategy scores. Conversely, better coping strategies are linked to better quality of life. Caregivers employ various coping strategies, and counselling can play a crucial role in providing emotional support, guidance, and practical advice to help caregivers manage challenges and maintain their well-being while caring for cardiovascular patients

    Effect of Establishment Methods and Organic Nutrient Management Practices on Productivity and Profitability of Finger Millet (Eleusine coracana L.) in Lateritic Soils of Odisha

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    A field experiment was carried out during kharif seasons in 2020 and 2021 at Agronomy Main Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar to study effect of crop establishment method and organic nutrient management on finger millet ('Arjuna' variety). The experiment was laid out in a split plot design and replicated thrice. The treatments comprised of 2 methods of crop establishment viz. conventional method of line transplanting (20 cm x 10 cm) and system of finger millet intensification (25 cm X 25 cm ) in main plot with application of 4 organic nutrient sources viz. farm yard manure (FYM) @ 100% recommended nitrogen dose (RDN), FYM @ 50% RDN (basal) + Vermicompost @ 50% RDN (top dressing) and FYM @ 25% RDN (basal) + toria oil cake @ 25% RDN (basal) + Vermicompost @ 50 % RDN (topdressing) allotted to sub plot in finger millet during Kharif season. System of finger millet intensification (SFMI) method of establishment resulted in superior yield attributes, grain yield (2,051 kg ha-1), straw yield (2,901 kg ha-1) and harvest index (41.42%) in finger millet than line transplanting. Yield attributes, grain yield (2,092 kg ha-1), straw yield (2,889 kg ha-1 ) and harvest index (42.00 %) were higher with the application of FYM @ 50% RDN (basal) + Vermicompost @ 50 % RDN (top dressing) in finger millet and was statistically similar with application of FYM @ 25% RDN (basal) + toria oil cake @ 25% RDN (basal) + Vermicompost @ 50 % RDN (top dressing). The benefit cost ratio was higher in SFMI and with the application of FYM @ 50% RDN (basal) + Vermicompost @ 50 % RDN (top dressing) to finger millet