458 research outputs found

    Contribution à l’étude théorique du comportement d’un système hybride (éolien- photovoltaïque- diesel) de production d’électricité sans interruption

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    Actuellement, Le générateur diesel est la technique la plus utilisée pour l’électrification des sites isolés. Néanmoins, l’accès à ces sites étant généralement long et difficile, les coûts de maintenance et d’approvisionnement en carburant sont très élevés. En conséquence, nous avons envisagé de coupler – au sein d’un système hybride - un générateur diesel avec deux sources d’énergies renouvelables (éolien-photovoltaïque) qui représente alors souvent l’option la plus économique. Cependant, notre étude porte sur l’alimentation d’une habitation, qui peut être situe sur différents sites Algériens, par le système hybride avec stockage électrochimique. Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes basés sur la modélisation détaillée des composantes du système, puis sur l’ensemble du système. Ainsi, nous avons appliqué les modèles et dimensionner le système ce qui nous a permis d’aboutir aux meilleures performances.Mots-clés : système éolien, système photovoltaïque, générateur diesel, systèmehybride, système de stockage, la charge, dimensionnement

    Shared decision-making and outcomes in type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease which necessitates the development of a therapeutic alliance between patient and provider. This review systematically examines the association between treatment shared decision-making (SDM) and outcomes in diabetes. A range of bibliographic databases and gray literature sources was searched. Included studies were subjected to dual data extraction and quality assessment. Outcomes were synthesized using meta-analyses where reporting was sufficiently homogenous or alternatively synthesized in narrative fashion. The search retrieved 4592 records, which were screened by title, abstract, and full text to identify 16 studies with a range of study designs and populations. We found evidence of an association between SDM and improved decision quality, patient knowledge and patient risk perception. We found little evidence of an association between SDM and glycemic control, patient satisfaction, quality of life, medication adherence or trust in physician. This work elucidates the potential clinical utility of SDM interventions in the management of Type 2 Diabetes and helps inform future research on the topic. A more complete understanding of the associations between SDM and outcomes will guide and motivate efforts aimed at improving uptake of the SDM paradigm

    Première nidification réussie du Flamant rose Phoenicopterus roseus dans la vallée de l’Oued Righ (Sahara algérien)

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    Après une première tentative échouée en 2009, le Flamant rose a réussi sa reproduction en 2010-2011 dans le Chott Merouane, situé dans le nord–est du Sahara algérien. Cette colonie est installée sur un vaste lac saumâtre situé à une altitude de 41m en dessous du niveau de la Méditerranée. Elle présente notamment la caractéristique d’être construite directement dans l’eau et non pas sur un îlot. Cette colonie est l’une des six découvertes en Algérie depuis 2003. Par son importance (2954 nids en 2011), elle est la deuxième d’Algérie et d’Afrique du nord. Les colonies algériennes accueillent actuellement 12.5% (le huitième) de l’effectif de la métapopulation méditerranéenne de l’espèce. Elles sont notamment menacées en premier lieu par des risques d’assèchement accrus en raison du changement climatique et du développement anarchique de l’agriculture (vergers de dattiers et d’oliviers en particulier).Mots clés: Flamant rose - Phoenicopterus roseus - Reproduction - Zone humide - Chott Merouane - Algérie The Greater Flamingo carried out a successful breeding in Chott Merouane in 2010-2011 after its first failure in 2009. Situated in Northeast Algerian Sahara at 41 m below sea level, this colony is set in a vast brackish Lake. It presents an important feature of being set directly on the water without an apparent islet. This colony is among the six Algerian ones that have yet been discovered since 2003. Considering its size (2.954 nests in 2011), it can be ranked as the second largest colony in Algeria as well as North Africa. Algerian colonies currently host approximately 12.5% (1/8) of the Mediterranean metapopulation size of the Greater Flamingo. These colonies are threatened not only by severe dryness risks due to global climate change but also by an uncontrolled agricultural development (date palm and olive orchards).Keyswords: Greater Flamingo, Phoenicopterus roseus - Breeding, Wetland - Chott Merouane - Algeri


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    Objective: The present study was designed to investigate the protective effect of Zileuton and MK-886 against hepatic damage induced by doxorubicin. Methods: A total of 30 healthy adult male albino rats were randomized and rats were divided into five groups, six animals in each: Control negative group, Vehicle group: Rats were given ethanol i.p., Dx group: Doxorubicin (15 mg/kg), Mk group: Mk-886-treated rats given 0.6 mg/kg of Mk-886 i.p, and Z group: Zileuton-treated rats given zileuton 10 mg/kg i.p. Biochemical tests of the serum for ASAT and ALAT level were estimated. Serum glutathione (GSH) concentrations (ÎĽg/ml) were determined using GSH ELISA Kit, while serum malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations (ng/ml) were determined using MDA ELISA Kit. Livers were removed from each rat and fixed in 10% neutral-buffered formalin and embedded in paraffin for histopathological studies. Results: MK- and zileuton-treated groups showed higher GSH levels and lower MDA levels as compared with Dx-treated group. MK-886 associated with significant p<0.05 decreased the liver enzymes in comparison with doxorubicin-treated rats. Zileuton showed insignificant (p>0.05) changes. The liver tissues that treated with Dx only showed several histopathological changes such as moderate sinusoidal dilation, vacuolation, mild-to-moderate hepatocyte necrosis/degeneration and inflammatory cell infiltration, and severe congestion. Liver tissues that treated by zileuton with Dx showed sinusoidal dilation, vacuolation, mild congestion, and inflammatory cell infiltration, while those treated with Mk-886 plus Dx showed nearly normal liver pathophysiology. Conclusion: It has been concluded that Zileuton and MK-886 have protective effects against hepatic damage induced by doxorubicin

    Evaluation of methylation pattern in promoter region of E-cadherin gene and its relation to tumor grade and stage in breast cancer

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    The epithelial cadherin gene (CDH1) has been identified as a tumor suppressor gene located within the 16q22.1 region. The CDH1 gene encodes a transmembrane glycoprotein involved in cell to cell adhesion and loss of CDH1 expression contributes to increased proliferation, invasion and metastasis in breast carcinoma. No mutation in CDH1 have been identified in invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC), suggesting that, other inactivation mechanisms are responsible for IDC oncogenesis. In order to analyze the role of promoter methylation in CDH1 gene inactivation in breast cancer, the CpG methylation status of Ecadherin promoter region by bisulfite sequencing PCR (BSP) was investigated. 10 CpG sites [nucleotide (nt) 863, 865, 873, 879, 887, 892, 901, 918, 920 and 940] in the promoter region were screened for methylation. The CDH1 methylation was detected in 94% (47 to 50) of breast tumors which was associated with higher tumor grade (p = 0.035), tumor stage (p = 0.000) and tumor metastasis (p = 0.000). There was also a significant correlation between tumor stage, grade and metastatic status with sites of methylation (p = 0.000). The data indicate that CDH1 promoter methylation might be a potential mechanism for epigenetic silencing of CDH1 in primary breast cancer suggesting a valuable molecular marker for detection of breast cancer progression.Key words: Breast cancer, E-cadherin, methylation pattern, tumor stage, tumor grade

    Prevalence of dental caries in first and second permanent molars

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    Background:This study was conducted to assess the First and Second molar permanent molar caries in school children of Nalgonda district, Andhrapradesh, India.Methods:We have taken total 1800 school going children as study population age between 12-15 years, who lived in the same place since birth and consumed drinking water form single source.Results:The mean of caries in first and second were 0.12 ± 0.36 and 0.36 ± 0.70 respectively and total was 0.49 ± 0.92.Conclusion:The prevalence of Second molar teeth was found higher than First molar teeth and these caries were untreated

    Effect of Common Medications on the Expression of SARS-CoV-2 Entry Receptors in Kidney Tissue

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    Besides the respiratory system, severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection was shown to affect other essential organs such as the kidneys. Early kidney involvement during the course of infection was associated with worse outcomes, which could be attributed to the direct SARS-CoV-2 infection of kidney cells. In this study, the effect of commonly used medications on the expression of SARS-CoV-2 receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)2, and TMPRSS2 protein in kidney tissues was evaluated. This was done by in silico analyses of publicly available transcriptomic databases of kidney tissues of rats treated with multiple doses of commonly used medications. Of 59 tested medications, 56% modified ACE2 expression, whereas 24% modified TMPRSS2 expression. ACE2 was increased with only a few of the tested medication groups, namely the renin-angiotensin inhibitors, such as enalapril, antibacterial agents, such as nitrofurantoin, and the proton pump inhibitor, omeprazole. The majority of the other medications decreased ACE2 expression to variable degrees with allopurinol and cisplatin causing the most noticeable downregulation. The expression level of TMPRSS2 was increased with a number of medications, such as diclofenac, furosemide, and dexamethasone, whereas other medications, such as allopurinol, suppressed the expression of this gene. The prolonged exposure to combinations of these medications could regulate the expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 in a way that may affect kidney susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Data presented here suggest that we should be vigilant about the potential effects of commonly used medications on kidney tissue expression of ACE2 and TMPRSS2

    Upregulation of interleukin-19 in severe asthma: a potential saliva biomarker for asthma severity

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    Interleukin (IL)-19, a designated IL-20 subfamily cytokine, has been implicated in inflammatory disorders including rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and, lately, asthma. Here, through the analysis of transcriptomic datasets of lung tissue of large asthma cohorts, we report that IL-19 expression is upregulated in asthma and correlates with disease severity. The gene expression of IL-19 was significantly higher in lung tissue from patients with severe and mild/moderate asthma compared to healthy controls. IL-19 protein level, however, was significantly higher in the blood and saliva of patients with severe asthma compared to mild/ moderate subgroups as measured by ELISA assay. IL-19 protein level was not affected by corticosteroid treatment in plasma. Our data provide insights into the potential use of IL-19 as a saliva marker for asthma severity and a potential therapeutic target


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    Cement mortar without fibers might crack due to shrinkage or volume changes. Cracking in cement mortar leads to elastic deformation. The development of these cracks causes elastic deformation of cement mortar. This study examined the influence of two steel fibers' geometrical forms (crimped and hooked with just one end) in different amounts by volume (Volume fraction = 0.25%, 0.5%, and 0.75%) on the cement mortar's mechanical features. Among the characteristics were splitting, compressive as well as flexural strength. The samples were prepared, poured into cubic molds for compressive strength testing cylindrical molds used for splitting strength testing, and prismatic molds for flexural strength testing, and processed at various times 3, 14, and 28 days before the tests. According to the findings, the highest increase was obtained after adding 0.75% of crimped fibers, the compressive strength increased by 13.3 %21.29%, and 44.8%, for 3,14.28 days respectively, and split tensile strength increased by 66.17%,68.9%, and 79.48% for 3.14 and 28 days respectively and flexural strength increased by 72 %,91% and 92% for 3.14 and 28 days, respectively

    Rethinking the nexus of TV series/movies and destination image: changing perceptions through sensorial cues and authentic identity of a city

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    Learning outcomes At the end of this chapter, readers should be able to: - Assess the opportunities for positive destination image formation - Identify opportunities arising from TV series/movies for destination-marketing organizations (DMOs) and policy-makers - Evaluate alternative strategic approaches for destination image formation by implementing TV series/movies, and authentic identity of a city - Identify different stages needed to create a positive destination image leading tourist and potential tourist on positive behavioral outcome
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